Ruthless: Sins of Seven Series

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Ruthless: Sins of Seven Series Page 5

by Dani René

  It’s dangerous.

  Knife-play is something not every Dominant or Master will do. But I’ve found solace in it. My mind shuts out the everyday stresses, and I focus solely on the curved, supple body before me. At thirty-seven, I’ve practiced it for almost ten years. My hand is steady. I trust myself, and I ensure the woman trusts me.

  Celine has been coming here every few weeks, and she’s used to this scene with me. It took her time before she trusted me, and she’s the only one I do it with. For now. I picture Madison when she’s laid out before me. I see her pretty eyes and long, chestnut waves. But Celine, who’s sitting at the bar when I enter the club, took a month before she ever allowed my knife near her.

  “Callan,” she purrs. Her hair is the same color as Madison's, and her eyes the same reddish-brown hue. “I thought you wouldn’t make it.”

  “I told you I’d be here, darling.” I plant a chaste kiss on her cheek.

  Tonight, I need this. I want my mind to go there, to dip into the darkness of the kink with her. To see her back arch, and the slope of her breasts rise and fall. Those rosy nipples harden at my cool touch. I’ll revel in her keening cries which will make me hard enough to fuck her.

  And all the while, I’ll picture another woman.

  The one I’ve become addicted to seeing, to wanting, to craving.

  “Are you ready?” she asks, her lips purse into a full pout.

  “I need a drink first. Do you want to stay here or go to my place?”

  She shrugs, smiling at me as she sips her pink drink. “Doesn’t matter where you take me; we’ll still have fun.”

  Nodding, I order my drink from Dylan and settle on the stool. My muscles are tense. I need a release, and Celine will be just that.

  “Want to play a little game?” I question, glancing at her. There’s a look in her eye that tells me she’s ready to do anything I ask.


  “Meet me in the leather room in ten minutes.” I rise, downing the drink and heading to the back of the club. It’s busy, so I must slip through the crowd to get to the doorway for the one place I know I can let loose.

  I pull off my jacket and unbutton my shirt. The thick leather belt I’m wearing is tugged from the loops as I drop it on the bed. When the whoosh of the door sounds behind me, I don’t turn, but the scent of her perfume assaults me.

  Spinning on my heel, I don’t find the familiar eyes of Celine, but instead, Madison Parker is standing in the doorway dressed in a flowing, knee-length dress.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, shocked at the fact that she’s come to the back rooms, somewhere she’s never ventured with anyone else before.

  “You wanted me in the club—”

  “Tomorrow. I can’t do this with you now,” I inform her.

  She steps closer, shutting the door behind her, and I wonder if she even realizes she’s just stepped into the lion’s den. “Why?” Her question is slight, almost shy, but there’s a fire dancing in her gaze that tells me she’s not scared of me at all.

  She is beautiful and I do want her, but Oliver warned me to be careful.

  His warning echoes in my mind once more, reminding me to be on my guard around her. “Do you like playing with fire?” I question, causing her to slide her gaze up to mine.

  “I’m not afraid of getting burned,” she says. “Sometimes it’s the only way to feel something.” Her words, the way she smiles sadly, make me step backward. There’s so much more to this woman than meets the eye.

  “You should leave.”

  “Why?” She slowly slips the straps of her dress over her shoulders. It pools to the floor in a heap at her feet. Her legs are encased in black stockings, the thick bands swirl around her upper thighs. The charcoal lingerie, a soft silk camisole she’s wearing, is almost see-through, offering me a glimpse of her pink, rosy nipples and that mound that’s got dark hair trimmed to perfection. She’s all fucking woman, and my dick is ready to play.

  It’s too soon.

  She steps out of the dress and stalks toward me. As soon as our bodies are aligned, she looks up into my eyes then slowly drops to her knees before me.

  “Why don’t you show me?” Her plump lips move, and the earth fucking tilts on its axis. She’s a seductress. A tease.

  I reach for her, fisting her long, brown hair in my hand, and yank her head backward. I will never be topped from the bottom. Not by anyone.

  “Listen to me very carefully, Madison,” I hiss in her face. “When and how I fuck you will be up to me. Not you. If you so much as try to force my hand, I’ll make sure that you never get what you so desperately want.”

  “And what is that?” she whimpers as I feel the strands of her silky hair between my fingers.

  “You want me to fuck you so hard, so fucking deep that all the hidden agony you hold inside will disappear.”

  Her lips part in shock. I can see right through her. I can see her soul crying out for it.

  “Remember, sweetheart, I’m in charge. And when I want you, that’s when I’ll have you. Now go run back to Daddy and your boyfriend. We’ll play tomorrow.”

  I release my hold on her and saunter into the attached bathroom and shut the door behind me with a smirk on my face. Everything is falling into place. She’s at my beck and call, and soon, I’ll shatter her.


  The door shuts with a resounding click behind him. My body is still trembling when I rise to my feet. My scalp stings from his harsh treatment, but he hasn’t scared me. He’s only made me want to taunt him more, to see just how far he’ll go.

  I’ve spent my life around men like him. The danger that seems to emanate from him is the same menace I see in the eyes of the men my father has working for him. They’ve seen things that would make most cringe. They’ve also probably done things that would scare away even the bravest of souls.

  The only difference between them and Callan is that he wants me. Even in the anger-filled words he spewed at me, there was an inflection of want in his voice that made my heart thud against my ribs.

  I pull the black dress up and over my shoulders, allowing my gaze to drink in the room where he was waiting on the brunette I saw with him at the bar. My choice to come here was my own, to see if he’d be here. When I walked in and ordered my drink, I found a table in the corner where I could watch everyone who walked in. I was about to leave when he sauntered into the club.

  As I make my way by the bar toward the exit, I notice the woman he sat with earlier is still there, reaching for her pink drink. I’m tempted to talk to her, to ask about him, but I don’t. Instead, I focus on leaving the club and going back home.

  “He wants you.” Her voice comes from behind me as I pass by, causing me to whip my head toward her.


  “Callan.” She says his name as if she’s far too familiar with him, which has jealousy trickling through me. “He has this thing for you. He let it slip one night while he was fucking me.” Her words slice through me, and I wonder just how much she’s learned about me.

  “He let it slip?”

  “Your name. He said your name, and I knew exactly who you were. He’s been in here for six long months, and you’re the only woman he looks at.”

  I’ve never been one of those girls whom others were jealous of. I was also never one of the popular girls, so for this woman to look at me with envy in her gaze, I can’t help but feel like I have the upper hand.

  It’s no secret I want Callan. I want to knock him down to earth. I want him to feel. He’s cold, closed off from everything around him, and I have a feeling the only love he’s ever offered is to his family.

  “Thank you.” I smile at her, noting the way she regards me. Warily. As if I’m a threat to her. Granted, I could be. She would be easy to take down. Even though she looks far older than I am, I know I’m stronger physically. But deep down, I’m unsure if I can handle an emotional fight.

  I turn and leave her at the bar, mulling the word
s she uttered in my mind. There’s a chilly breeze when I step out of the club. The night is only lit by the business sign and the full moon in the sky.

  “Madison Parker.” A voice, low and gravelly, comes from behind me causing me to spin on my heel.

  “Who are you?” I question, trying to swallow past the lump in my throat.

  He doesn’t answer. Instead, he gestures to me to head to my car, which is parked in the far corner of the lot, and he follows me there. I should’ve parked closer to the door where the security guards could see me, but I didn’t want Callan to see me if I’d have arrived the same time he did. When I pull open the driver’s door, the man who I’ve only seen once before places his large meaty hand on the window.

  “Don’t underestimate my boss's reach, girl,” he hisses. “Daddy is not safe on his perch.” His threat is clear.

  “What do you want?”

  “You know exactly what the man who pays my wages wants, Ms. Parker. Boss man is adamant to get exactly what your daddy has. A position on the senate. We need you to tell us about where your father is going, who he’s meeting with, and we will make sure you don’t come to any harm. If you don’t help us, well . . .” His smirk is evil, almost demented. “I’ll have to take it violently. And make no mistake, I’d enjoy it. There’s a folder in your father’s office that my boss needs. It contains information about Mr. Brockovich. It needs to be in my hands when I see you again. You have forty-eight hours.”

  He spins on his heel, and I watch him disappear into the darkness. When I reach for the car door, I notice my hand shaking violently. I should call my dad and tell him about this, but if I do, he could get hurt.

  Blackmail is not what I’d envisioned my father to be involved in. If I can find out who this boss man is, perhaps I can talk to him, make him see reason. But even as I think it, I know it’s a lie. Men like that don’t believe in reason. I can’t tell anyone. He’ll hurt me and my dad. As much as he isn’t the perfect parent, I still love him. Doesn’t every daughter love their dad no matter what?

  I slip into the driver’s seat and start the engine. I’m still shaking, my body trembling with fear of what the man wants. After the experience inside the club, and the one only moments ago, I feel drained. Exhausted with emotion racing through me at a million miles a second.

  Sighing, I turn on the radio, hoping the music will take my mind off the evening's events. I make my way home slowly as shadows dance along the road. The large gates of our property slide open with a creak of metal, beckoning me into the safety of the mansion. Two security men sit on either side of the fence, offering me a nod in greeting as I inch my way up the long driveway.

  I don’t know how I’m going to get into my father’s study. He’s always kept it locked. Off limits. With the time limit, I know I have to try something to get in there. He leaves in a few days on his trip, so I’ll need to get in there while he’s in the house, and that in itself is not easy.

  I exit the car and make my way to the door, opening it gently then stepping over the threshold. Silence greets me, but I know he’s somewhere. I toe off my shoes in the foyer and pad silently toward his office, which sits at the back of the house. Hidden in the murky depths of the large mansion.

  As soon as I reach the door, I notice it’s ajar, but there’s a light on inside, which means he’s working.

  “Yes.” His deep voice barrels through me, startling me. “He’ll never fucking get it,” my father snarls angrily. “That asshole will die before he even thinks about getting his hands on the information. I’ll make sure of it. I’m interviewing a prospective bodyguard for her tomorrow. Someone I know will keep her safe.”

  He’s silent for a long while, and I know I shouldn't eavesdrop, but I can’t help it.

  “Yes, he’s dangerous, but with the right amount of money, he will do anything to keep my daughter safe. And if he doesn’t, he’ll join the last asshole in a grave.”

  Racing from the door, I speed up the stairs and into my room. My lungs are pulling in air painfully. I knew my father could be cold and heartless, but this is new. Killing people? It’s as if I don’t know the man who raised me.

  My mind is awash with vivid images of my father having people killed as I slip under the covers of my bed moments later. My phone vibrates on the pillow beside me, lighting up the bedroom in a golden glow.

  When I unlock the device, I find a message from Callan.

  * * *

  Tomorrow you will scream. I hope you’re ready for it.

  * * *

  I don’t respond. His words only elicit a flurry of want in my stomach. I close my eyes and smile as I focus on him rather than my father being a killer.


  The early morning sky is light gray, the sun hidden from sight as I race down the pier. My legs carrying me closer to home. I love running, always have. My mind is clear, and my body is ready for her.

  The tension from last night held my muscles tight in its grip, and when I woke this morning, I knew I’d not be able to be near her without fucking her until she’s broken beneath me. Cool air swirls around me as I head into the building.

  The elevator is waiting when I reach it and step inside. Pressing the button for the fourth floor, I watch the numbers light up. When the doors open, I make my way to my one-bedroom apartment.

  Moments later, I’m in the shower with my mind on her again. Madison has been running through my thoughts since I first saw her, and I know it won’t change, even after I’ve gotten a taste.

  I make quick work of getting dressed, and I’m out the door in no time. Smiling as I slide a leg over my bike, I get the engine purring and humming beneath me. It’s not far to my destination, and I can’t wait to lay my eyes on her again.

  I don’t have much to do today, but I had to tell her that because if I spent the day around her, there’d be nothing left by the time the sun set this evening. When I finally park the bike, I swing my leg over it, tug off my helmet, and head toward the store.

  I pull out my phone and hit dial on her number. After a few rings, her sweet, melodic voice comes through the line, and my cock awakens, hard and ready. “Hello?” She sounds tentative.

  “Blossom,” I say quietly as if I’m whispering in her ear. I stand there waiting for her to say something, but all I hear is her soft breaths, which stir the need in my gut. The craving to have her near me, bent over, splayed wide, or just bowing to my every order.

  My plan is easy.

  Lure her with safety, when in fact, she’ll never be safe with me.

  I want all of her. To take everything she has to give and walk away.

  “Are you with your friends?”

  “Yes,” she whispers, and I hear the giggling in the background. The thing about Madison is she’s not like them. I’ve watched her. Observed who she really is, and it’s not those prissy, rich girls who want to wear the latest name brands. No, she’s reserved. Quiet and shy. Just the way I like my girls.

  “I want to make you all wet for me right now. Would you like that?”

  “I-I can’t—”

  “Madison, I don’t like when you deny me what you and I both know you want. You’ll listen and obey my orders soon enough because that’s what you crave. Isn’t it?”

  She’s silent for so long I wonder if she will actually back out, but then I hear her sigh of resignation. My gruff commands are what she enjoys. “Yes, it is.”

  “I know. When I finally get to see you later, I look forward to inhaling your sweet arousal like a perfume,” I tell her as I make my way toward the coffee shop I saw on Google Maps last night. She doesn’t see me pass by the window where she’s shopping with her friend, Amber, but she’s not meant to.

  For years I’ve perfected my skills at blending in. Most call me a stalker, but I like to think of myself as thorough. I make sure I know my target better than they know themselves.

  “And what did you have in mind?” she whispers over the line. I hear a door shutting from her side, and
I realize she’s alone in a dressing room.

  “That’s for me to know and you not to find out until it’s happening. I like to play games, Blossom. Very naughty games.” Once again, she sighs. It’s a sound that seems to be linked directly to my cock. Hardening it further behind the zipper of my jeans.

  “And what if I don’t like your games?”

  “You will. That’s why you wanted a ride on my bike that night. Good girls want to do bad things with dangerous men. You’re a good girl and I’m a very dangerous man,” I tell her easily. It’s true.

  I have my plan for the pretty little Madison Parker.

  “I look forward to our meeting, Blossom,” I tell her. I hang up, knowing I’ll soon be in the Parker house. When Oliver told me about the interview, I knew it was the perfect opportunity. And soon I’ll be with her all day, every day.

  I know this will be a walk in the park. Working security for someone like him will be easier than the shit I did back home for my father. I pay for the coffee and slowly make my way through the crowd. They’re leaving the store with bags of clothes, and I watch her from the shadows. She doesn’t even look my way as she follows the blonde she calls a friend down the road.

  I savor the coffee while my gaze drinks her in.

  She’s exquisite in every way. Too perfect for me. But I’ve learned a long time ago that perfection is merely a smokescreen. There’s always imperfections beneath a shiny surface.

  Once I’m back where I parked, I’m on my Ducati starting the engine with a loud roar. The streets are busy, but being without a car, it’s easy for me to zip through the traffic. There’s nothing I love more than feeling the power between my legs. Actually, scratch that. There is one more thing I’d prefer between my legs, and her name is Madison Parker.

  Last night, she was a temptation. Something I couldn’t touch, because I knew today I’d be meeting with her daddy dearest, and soon, I’ll know exactly who her pussy-ass boyfriend is. Once I’ve weaseled my way into her house, into her life, she’ll soon be rid of him, and I’ll be the one making her moan. But most of all, I’ll be the one keeping her safe, until I crack the pedestal and watch her father fall from grace.


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