Cocked And Loaded (Lucas Brothers Book 4)

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Cocked And Loaded (Lucas Brothers Book 4) Page 6

by Jordan Marie

  He pulls me up close, inserting one of his legs in between mine, bunching my dress up to my thighs. His leg slides against my center and my breath stalls in my chest. I’m so wet. Can he feel that through his jeans? I tremble, but at the same time I can’t stop myself from tightening my thighs on his leg, rocking on him. The hard fabric of his jeans rakes against my thin panties and I can’t stop the moan of need that spills from my lips.

  “I’d get on my knees for you, Addie. Get on my knees and beg you to give me more,” he growls. His fingers bite into my thighs as he moves my body back and forth on his leg. I whimper, knowing I should call a halt to this, but it feels so good. My head goes back as I feel his teeth bite into my neck, gently but with a sting of pain that makes my hips thrust forward. He pushes his leg even harder into my pussy and I swear I can feel the fabric slide against my clit.

  “Black,” I moan, quickly losing control. One of his hands comes up and holds my breast, squeezing it almost in time with the way he moves me against his leg. He licks my neck until I feel his hot breath at my ear. His tongue darts out and he sucks the lobe into his mouth. It releases with a wet popping noise and my eyes close as I envision that same noise happening as his fingers slide in and out of me.

  “I’d get on my knees and slide my head between your legs,” he declares wickedly, teasing me as he whispers in my ear. His hand continues to knead my breast. “I’ll make you feel good, Addie. If you let me,” he whispers. As he’s talking, his tongue slides into the shell of my ear. It darts around, and I bite my lip at the sensation his actions and words are combining to make inside of me. “I’ll slide it along the inside of your thighs, tasting your skin and then further up,” he adds as he rolls my nipple between his fingers.

  “Oh God,” I whimper, all the sensations becoming too much.

  I’m riding his leg now. There’s no other way to say it. I’m riding it hard and he has me wishing it was his face. I can feel it building inside of me. It wouldn’t take much and I’d come for him… maybe harder than I’ve ever come in my life.

  “I’ll pull the lips of that pretty little pussy you’re hiding apart and push my tongue inside of you. Would you like that, Addie?” he asks, his hands biting into my breast harder, his thumb pushing against my nipple which is so hard it’s painful.

  “I would,” I answer. There’s no point in lying. He knows the truth and I don’t want to pretend with him. Besides, I’m about one minute away from shattering into a million pieces—just by riding his leg.

  “Let me come home with you, Addie. Let me make you feel good. Let me eat out that pretty little pussy and make you beg for more.”

  Jesus. Never has a guy spoken to me like this before. I wouldn’t have dreamed any of them talked like this in real life. Maybe I’ve just been too damn sheltered. All I know, is that I like it. I like it and I definitely want more of it.

  “I’ll go home with you,” I tell him, deciding that I’ll worry about confessing to Black tomorrow. His body goes stiff, for a second. He pulls away slightly and I want to scream no. I was right there! I just need a few more seconds and…

  “Let’s make it your place,” he says.

  “I have a roommate and they’ve kind of claimed the place tonight,” I tell him. It’s not really a lie….

  “Shit. I have the same problem,” he growls rubbing the back of his neck as he steps away from me.

  Disappointment fills me. My pussy is throbbing, my breasts are sore and I just want to cry. I try to calm my traitorous body, but it takes everything in me not to scream for him to finish what he started. I have a small warning bell going off in my head. I ignore it—probably because I need laid at this point—plain and simple. Still, he seems awfully old to still be living with roommates. I just imagined he had a home of his own.

  “Then I guess tonight is off,” I sigh, hoping he tells me I’m wrong. Praying he finishes this tidal wave of need he’s set off inside of me.

  “Well, we could get a hotel room, but…”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to say yes, but then I think of my father and his position. Just because Black doesn’t know who I am, it doesn’t mean other people don’t. The last thing I need is for the gossip mill to start talking about the Mayor’s daughter being a slut. In his position, I’m sure he doesn’t need that kind of gossip either.

  “I’ve not been in Mason long, but even I know how things spread through small towns. That wouldn’t do either one of us any good,” I tell him.

  “So I guess we have to say goodbye here,” he grumbles and hearing how unhappy he is at least makes me feel a little better—not much. I’m going to have to dig out my vibrator when I get home. I hadn’t unpacked it yet, but I’m definitely going to need it tonight.

  “I guess so,” I agree, sounding as miserable as he does, but I can’t help it.

  “I have to go out of town tomorrow to Dallas, but I’ll be back the next night. How about I call you tomorrow and if you can’t ditch your roommate we’ll plan a night out in Carson?”

  It seems weird he’d be willing to go all the way to Carson. Why go all the way to Carson? Can’t he get his roommate to leave for the night? Is he just looking to get laid?

  Do I care about any of it at this point?

  That might be the most important question, because I want Black enough right now to bargain with the devil if it meant having him.

  “Sounds good,” I murmur, letting my questions and concerns fade away when Black kisses me again.

  Chapter Thirteen


  “What’s got you all bent out of shape?” Blue asks and I look up from the table to watch my brother. He’s changed a little over the last few months. There’s something going on with him and I feel guilty that I haven’t taken the time to ask him. Still, I know there’s something. Being twins we have this sixth sense about each other. But life has been such shit that I haven’t taken the time to talk to him in months—at least not about anything substantial.

  “Woman trouble,” I respond, pushing my cereal bowl away. Food is the last thing on my mind.

  “That crazy chick back at it?” he asks, concern on his face as he sits down across from me.

  “No… at least I don’t think so. It’s been quiet since she succeeded in getting me fired.”

  “That was some shady shit there. I still say you should have fought it,” Blue says taking a drink of water from the bottle he just got out of the fridge. He’s got a water and a banana. That’s his breakfast every morning. If I did that, I’d be eating everything that wasn’t nailed down an hour later. Blue is regimented in everything he does. I’ve always been the complete opposite. I never regretted it until Linda. Maybe if I had been more like my brother I never would have gotten into the mess I did.

  “There was no fighting it. She was sleeping with my Captain. Hell, even if I had gone to IAB or filed something against him, they would have still found a way to make my life miserable. You don’t turn on one of your own, it’s more than just an unspoken code,” I grumble.

  “I don’t see it that way. Fuck, every single one of those assholes turned their backs on you.”

  “It’s fine. It worked out fine. I just have to go back today to pick up Kong and then it will finally be done.”

  “Yeah, well, I think that situation is shitty too. I mean you had that dog before she was in the picture. How she can keep it away from you for over a year—”

  “She claimed Kong was hers, at least the judge ruled in my favor,” I grumble. I really don’t like discussing this stuff. The mention of Linda tends to make my skin feel as if it’s crawling.

  “She’s had you in limbo for two years and you had to get a court order to settle it. That shit is whacked.”

  “Whoa, this hell hasn’t been two years, let’s not go crazy,” I argue, not wanting to feel like I’ve wasted that much of my time on this woman. It has been over a year, almost a year and a half, and that sucks more than I could even express. I don’t need him adding
time to it—I already feel stupid as hell for dealing with her. If not for Kong, I wouldn’t fool with her at all anymore.

  “Close enough,” Blue grumbles, and the way he’s going on you would think Linda ruined his life, not mine.

  “Today is it. I’ll go to Dallas, get Kong, along with what little of my stuff is still there, and it will be over. The court ordered Linda to be gone, so I won’t even have to deal with her. A neighbor will be there as a witness. I get it and go. That’s it.”

  “You really think it will be that easy with Linda involved? We are talking about the same woman who took a baseball bat to a girl’s car because she thought you were cheating—and all because you changed the woman’s flat when her and her infant son were stranded beside the road,” Blue grumbles still not happy about the whole situation. He knew the girl from high school and I get the feeling he was sweet on her. Not sure what happened between them, but he won’t even discuss her now.

  “It’s been long enough. I’m sure she has another pigeon in her sites by now. Whatever happened to that girl? Shoot what was her name again… Patty? No, that’s not it… hmm…”

  “Meadow,” Blue responds, avoiding my eyes. It’s not like I don’t know her name. I do. I also know that Meadow is moving back to Mason and is divorced now. I’ve not told Blue that yet.

  “Oh yeah, Meadow. Mom would love that name.”

  “What name is that?” Mom enters right on cue. It’s like the woman has a sixth sense or something.

  “Meadow,” I answer and I swear for a minute there, I can see panic in Blue’s eyes.

  Interesting… Very interesting.

  “I do love that name! Leddie named her daughter that, bless her soul. I hate that she’s so sick,” Mom says, having no idea what can of worms she has opened—or hell maybe she does—this is Mom I’m talking about.

  “Leddie’s sick?” Blue asks, and maybe he’s trying to act like he doesn’t care, but I hear something in his voice and I’m sure my mom does too.

  “Doctors say it’s only a matter of time. She had a heart attack and it done way too much damage.”

  “Damn,” I mumble. I hate to hear that. “Leddie is a good person, she’d give you the shirt off her back if you needed it.”

  “She is,” Mom responds. “Hard to understand why things happen the way they do. Not that I want to question the good Lord, but I sure don’t always agree with his choices,” she mutters. “Anyway are we ready to roll?”

  “Ready to… What?” I ask, fear hitting me all at once when I see the intent written all over her face.

  “To head to Dallas. I’m going with you!”

  “Mom, that’s not necessary—”

  “Nonsense. If you think I’m going to leave my son at the mercy of that she-cat.”

  “She-cat?” Blue asks and I pinch the bridge of my nose and hold my head down. It was already going to be a long day; I have a feeling it’s about to get a lot longer.


  “What does that even mean, Mom?” Blue asks and I covertly flip him off, because he’s just helping to get her pissed off—and he knows it.

  “An alley cat always in heat, always wanting petted and always—but always—packing in fleas.”

  I’d like to deny her assessment, but I can’t really. So, I wisely remain silent. Mom, however, is not done.

  “I swear I know the good Lord gave my son’s brains. They were smart until they moved out on their own and now it’s like every dang one of you have mush in your head. Thank the good Lord above that CC and Kayla came along to yank Gray and White’s heads out of their asses. Who knows what would have happened to Orange if Petal hadn’t saved him. Poor boy might have ended up just like his daddy and that would have been a damn shame.”

  I shake my head at the mention of Orange—the honorary name that Mom gave Luka when he and Petal remarried. My mom is one hell of a woman, but she is definitely special at times.

  “Fine, let’s go. But try to contain yourself if you can,” I mumble, suddenly anxious to get on the road and get back home.

  “Why do my kids always tell me that? It would serve everyone right if I just started saying exactly what’s on my mind whenever I felt like it,” she complains—but, she does it walking toward the front door so I call it a win.

  “You’re right, Mom. I’m sorry,” I tell her, thinking that’s exactly what she does anyway. I’m not about to argue with her though. I try and pacify her instead, trying to make my trip easier.

  “Good to hear you admit it, son. Now, while we’re traveling you can tell me all about this girl you went out with last night. Blue tells me she’s a good girl. Are you sure she’s prepared for you? You’re not known for being sweet,” Mom rattles and I hear Blue laughing in the background.

  I look him dead in the eye and then I do something that I don’t regret one bit.

  “Hey Mom? Did I ever tell you about the time Blue and I stopped to help Meadow when her car broke down?”

  “Motherfucker,” I hear Blue mutter behind me and as I close the door it’s me who is laughing this time.

  Paybacks are a bitch brother. Paybacks are a bitch.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “And that is how you roll a gutter ball,” I giggle as Dad turns around looking dejected.

  “I swear this was easier when you were younger,” he mutters and that makes me giggle again.

  “Don’t look now, Dad, but I’m whippin’ your butt!” I brag and I really am—and I don’t even like bowling.

  “I love hearing you laugh, Princess.”

  “I’m having a good time, Dad. I’m glad we did this.”

  “Me too. How about we take a break from bowling and go get a dipped cone at the concession?”

  “They have dipped cones?” I ask and I know my ass will hate me tomorrow, but I just don’t care.

  “They even have the cherry topping instead of the chocolate,” he says, knowing just how to tempt me.

  “What are we waiting for then?” I ask grinning. Dad stands up and pulls me until I’m standing too and then we walk toward the concession/restaurant area. It’s actually in another room. For a small town this is a huge complex which has movies, bowling, roller skating and the restaurant all housed in it. It’s always crowded too—probably because Mason is small and doesn’t have a lot to choose from.

  We order our cones and I can’t help but look at my silent phone. I haven’t heard from Black all day. I mean, after last night I thought he would at least text through the day. It’s been radio silence, so to speak. I thought about texting him, but I feel weird. I mean I basically agreed to go home with him last night after one date.

  Does that make me a whore?

  I didn’t think so, but then I also thought I’d hear from him today. Did he give up because I didn’t go to a hotel with him? Has he already moved on? Shit, I’m going crazy. I’m not this person. I’m not someone who obsesses over a man and is unsure of herself—at least I never have been. Then again, I’ve never reacted to a man the way I do with Black.

  “Oh there’s Petal.”


  “She’s Luka’s wife. You’ll like her. She works at the local hair salon in town.”

  “Luka?” I ask, my heart skipping in my chest. It feels like cold water has been dashed over all of my nerve endings.

  “The sheriff. Remember you told me about him on the phone the other night? How he brought some papers over?”

  I hear dad, but I feel like I’m about to throw up.

  Oh I know who he’s talking about…

  “Petal! I’d like to introduce you to my daughter,” Dad calls out motioning the woman over to us.

  “Hey, Mayor Harrington. It’s great to see you again,” the woman says and her voice is sweet—sickeningly so. It irritates the hell out of me that she sounds like someone I would like.

  Damn it.

  She’s shorter than me, though not by a lot and she’s curvy, totally feminine and the
type of woman that I could see Black with. She’s got golden honey hair that’s pulled up high on her head and there’s a cute little boy that looks like her standing beside her and she’s holding a little girl… a little girl that kind of reminds me of Black.

  Son of a bitch.

  “You too. I wanted to introduce you to my daughter, Adelle. She’s just moved here after studying abroad.”

  “Hi, Adelle. That sounds like such fun!” Petal says and I know I should say something here, but I can’t for the life of me, so instead I give her a tight smile. At least I tried to smile, I’m not sure I truly did.

  “How’s Luka doing? I haven’t got to check in with him since I’ve been back in town.”

  “He took today off because we haven’t got a lot of time together lately.”

  “I told him he needed to take a vacation. He’s got men to step in. It’s not like Mason is the crime capital of Texas, thank God,” Dad says.

  “He’s planning on it soon. Today though he mowed the grass and got a migraine. I figured he’d better be alone. So, the kids and I decided to meet up with CC. She has William and Violet alone tonight while Gray’s traveling for business.”

  “Sounds like a fun evening,” I whisper, just to try and appear normal. I shouldn’t have bothered. I don’t feel normal and I’m sure I don’t act normal. All I can do is look at Petal and wonder if Black thinks it is okay to label his wife and kids as roommates!

  “You would think that wouldn’t you? But nothing is ever just simple with children,” she laughs, apparently not catching onto the fact I feel sick to my stomach, I want to scream, cry, scratch her eyes out and then cut off Black’s balls. I’m not even sure in what order I want to do all of it. Everything is coming at me too quick and all at once.

  “Mommy! I got to piss!”

  “River, I’ve told you a hundred times not to say that word.”

  “It’s what Daddy says!”

  “God, save me. I better get. Mayor it was great seeing you again. Adelle, you too,” Petal says with a strained smile on her lips. The little girl in her arms seems to be snuggled in and has fallen asleep. She’s a beautiful child and for some reason my heart hurts.


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