Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance

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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance Page 32

by Tia Siren

  He hadn’t yet agreed to give me a child.

  I simply had to wait it out a little bit longer. Or maybe I just had to ask again. Either way, I was having him tonight. Someway. Somehow.

  After all, I didn’t need his body thrusting deep into mine in order to come anyway.

  Chapter 16


  I spent the entire party trying to keep my eyes off Hanna. She looked absolutely gorgeous in that dress, and she knew it. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it looked new and that she had bought it just to rile me up during this cocktail party.

  As much as I wished it wasn’t, it was working.

  I talked to everyone who showed up, and it didn’t shock me one bit when Hanna’s mom pulled mine off into a corner. The two of them gossiped like little old women, but their friendship made them both happy, so the rest of us were forced to put up with it. They held their drinks to their chests while they giggled and laughed over the whos and whats of the town. Every time I rounded a corner, it felt like Hanna was there. She would eyeball me and I’d catch her stare, and then she would sashay her hips a little deeper than usual.

  The dress fit her perfectly. It showed off those luscious tits I wanted in my mouth, and it tapered in at the waist I wanted to sink my fingers into. The fabric lightly fell around the hips I wanted to bury my throbbing dick deep between. She was an absolute vision, and it was only accentuated by the fact that I now knew what was underneath that dress. I was familiar with every inch of her skin. I could still hear the sounds she had whispered and squealed echoing off the corners of my room, and for a little while, I had to excuse myself to the bathroom.

  I went upstairs and shoved my pants down. I leaned my back against the wall while I wrapped my hand around my throbbing dick. I thought about how tight Hanna’s pussy had been around my cock. I thought about how silky smooth her skin was and how luscious her juices had tasted pouring onto my tongue. I thought about how her curves had jumped for me and how fiery hot her kisses were. I thought about pushing my thick cock into that tight little asshole of hers while shoving her pussy full of a vibrating toy. I would have bet a woman like her would love being filled to the brim like that.

  I pumped my cock and released myself into a handful of tissues, Hanna’s name getting stuck in the back of my throat just as my balls pulled into my body.

  I knew it was only a temporary fix. Ever since Hanna had made her intentions clear, she had been the sweet, forbidden fruit I couldn’t taste. Then I’d convinced her to let me taste her just once without the risk of ruining her life, and now I was hooked. I was hooked on the chase as her scent wafted up my nostrils. I was hooked on wooing her while my eyes scanned her thick curves. I was hooked on the feeling of pounding her into the mattress while she kept denying me what I truly wanted.

  Again, I found myself caving a bit more to her whims just so I could have another taste of her forbidden pleasures.

  I cleaned myself up and stuffed my dick back inside my pants before I washed my hands and checked my appearance. It would be nice not to walk around the cocktail party with a throbbing dick, but I knew the moment Hanna gave me one of her sly little grins, I’d be done for again. I ran my hands through my hair and took a few deep breaths, but when I swung the door open, Marcus was standing right there.

  “Dude, you have no personal boundaries, do you?” I asked.

  “Not really. So, listen. Our mothers were talking, and I sort of overheard their conversation.”

  “You know that means you’re just as bad as your mom, right?”

  “I mean, if they aren’t talking about anything interesting.” Marcus shrugged.

  I sighed. “All right, you’ve got me. What were they talking about?”

  He smirked. “Your mother knows you’ve got someone special in your life.”

  My body froze. Blood rushed through my ears and I shoved my hands into my pockets. In order to counteract the feeling of being backed in a corner, I rolled my shoulders back and drew in a deep breath.

  “Well, you know how women gossip,” I said.

  “Come on, Kason, I’m your best friend,” Marcus said, his eyes boring into mine.

  “Look, if there was something to tell, I would.”

  “Dude, you haven’t randomly hooked up with a chick in days. Something’s going on and people are starting to notice. Are you going to talk to me or are you gonna let them postulate?”

  I grinned. “That’s a big word for a guy who likes gossip.”

  “Look, your mother was talking about how you’re backing out last minute from some of these parties and how you’re getting random hotel rooms for the night. I’d say you were getting them for random chicks, but I saw how that little bunny hit on you at the speakeasy a few nights ago. You didn’t even bite! What gives, dude? When you first got here, you had no issues letting her suck you off in the back room.”

  “Could you keep your voice down?” I murmured.

  “See?! There’s another thing! Usually you don’t give a shit about what I say about your sex life,” Marcus pointed out.

  “Look, I get it. People want the playboy to settle down. You’re getting serious with some chick and you think I should, too. Everyone does. Sure, there might be a girl who’s caught my attention. It’s not like I sleep with other women while I’m sleeping with one. She’s my thing right now and then I’ll move on to the next one. Not a big deal.”

  “Didn’t sound that way when we last talked,” Marcus said.

  “Dude, back off. I’m not telling you anything. She wants to keep it private, and I don’t blame her.”

  “Who the hell would be ashamed of sleeping with a billionaire?” Marcus asked incredulously.

  “Someone with a nosy-ass family who can’t keep their shit to themselves,” I snapped.

  “I’m gonna pretend that wasn’t a dig at me,” Marcus said. “So, when can you talk about her?”

  “Look, she is special. She’s not like all the other bang-em-and-leave-em women I’ve done in the past. I’ll talk about it when I’m ready,” I said.

  I brushed past Marcus and walked down the stairs. I was pissed that he felt he could corner me and assault me like that. Did he not realize I was his fucking boss? I was going to have to start drawing some boundaries with him. With all of them, to be honest. This speculation about my love life and what the fuck I was doing wasn’t just some gossip they could theorize about while stuffing their bodies full of alcohol. By the time this night was finally over, I could be dating the Duchess of Cambridge for all they knew!

  This was why I hated the media and why I really hated coming home sometimes. I loved my family and I’d take bullets for them, but shit, they had some fat mouths.

  I was so worked up, in fact, that I didn’t see Hanna when I first rounded the corner. When I bumped into her, that beautiful tit of hers grazed my arm and I lost it.

  “Come here,” I growled. I yanked her arm and pulled her into the guest bedroom in the back before anyone could come around the corner and see us. I slammed my lips against hers and swallowed her moans with my mouth, but she soon caved to me when her hands came up to cup my cheeks. My tongue slid into the warmth and safety of her mouth, and I couldn’t help but taste every inch of her while her sweet, tight body pressed firmly against mine. Her dress had me so worked up that I’d had to beat off in the bathroom. And after Marcus had cornered me, I still had some steam to blow off.

  And I knew just how to do it.

  I backed Hanna into a corner while my lips assaulted her neck. When I felt her body jar against the wall, I sank to my knees. I gathered the loose fabric of her dress and tossed it over my head. Before she could move any further, I tossed one of her legs over my shoulder. Her thigh felt so good pressed against my cheek, and I turned my head to sink my teeth into the meat of her. She bit back her groan and thrust that sweet, dripping pussy into my face. All I did was slide the fabric over before I lapped up the drippings she had for me.

  “Shit,” she mut

  I wasted no time in plunging my tongue into her silky pussy. When she started grinding down on my face, I pinned her tightly to the wall. I wanted her to bend to my will and shut up with those fucking demands she had about getting pregnant. I knew that barreling her body with an orgasm only I could give her would shut that pretty little mouth of hers. I raked my tongue up to her swollen clit and sucked it between my teeth. When I squeezed down on it lightly, an audible groan peeled from her lips. I slapped her thigh, punishing her for a sound I needed her to keep to herself, and she sighed in ecstasy before my tongue resumed its assault.

  She mumbled my name and held back her nasty thoughts. Her juices dripped down my chin and her hips desperately tried to come unpinned. Her body trembled and her legs grew weak. I could feel her clit swelling between my lips as my tongue continued its flickering assault.

  Her thigh clenched beside my cheek, and suddenly her body began to tremble against the wall. She gathered the fabric of her dress aside and found my hair, clamping her hands into it as she pulled me in deeper. I flattened my tongue over her clit, throwing her over the edge again in a breathless attempt to steady myself. When her body finally released its pleasure and collapsed to the floor, I caught her in my arms and held her until she could steady herself on her knees.

  “Oh. My. God,” she said between pants.

  I held her up with one arm while my free hand flew to my belt buckle. The moment she heard it clatter, her eyes widened. She whipped her face, red and covered in a beautiful orgasmic sheen, up to mine, and that determined woman I knew all too well finally rose up behind her eyes.


  “Have you considered my offer?” she asked, still breathing heavily.

  “No,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “Then,” she said as she got to her feet, “no more sex.”

  I watched her get up and adjust herself in the mirror before she made her way out of the room. The only thing I could do was lean my head against the wall and pull out my throbbing cock.

  The moment I heard the door click behind her, I was back to picturing her beautiful body.

  Chapter 17


  God, it had felt so good to tell him no. The last time we had been together, my body had yearned for his so badly, I’d tossed all my plans aside. I knew I couldn’t do that again. He looked so incredible in his outfit for the cocktail party, and I knew he was just as excited as I was, but I was the one who had the demands. The expectations. The control. If he wanted me, he’d have to give me what I wanted.

  I wanted a child. I wanted to be a mother. I wanted to be strong and energetic and full of life so I could take on all the responsibilities that came with that child, and I was ready to take that on. I knew I was. I was ready for the long nights and the tantrums and the diapers and the bottles. I was ready for the growing up and the milestones and the beginnings of making my own family. I was ready to hear my child tell me they loved me for the first time. I was ready for his or her first words. I was ready for the nights when my child couldn’t sleep and wanted to crawl into my bed because they felt safe with me.

  With Mom.

  But what I wanted was more specific than that. I wanted Kason’s baby. I wanted him to be the father of my child. I wanted my child to have his eyes and his smile. I wanted my child to have his ingenuity and his determination. The child we created would be beautiful and have all the best traits of each of us. I trusted him. I trusted him with my body and I trusted him with my plans. My future. It wouldn’t get any better than this. There wasn’t any other man I’d ever come across who I would trust enough and find attractive enough to father my child.

  Plus, the sex was incredible. I’d had sex a few times before him, but my partners had all been so selfish. They wanted in as fast as they could get in before they got theirs and got out. It hadn’t taken them more than a few minutes to get what they needed, and then they’d rolled off me and fall asleep. They were boys compared to Kason. The multiple orgasms and the electricity that flowed through my body and the fire he set in my pelvis…I’d never felt anything remotely like that before, and I knew that meant we were compatible. I knew that meant my body had chosen who it wanted to father a child with.

  I trusted my gut.

  I had walked out of that room with my head held high while Kason had fallen to his knees. I’d crumbled the sexiest, most intelligent man on this planet, and there was something satisfying about that. Every time I turned on a television or talked to Marcus, Kason had some new flavor of the week on his arm. To think that I could bring such a playboy to his knees was nothing short of empowering. I chatted with people during the rest of the cocktail party, wondering exactly what Kason had done in that room. The mere thought of him having to relieve himself before being presentable was enough to make me shiver.

  I had brought the billionaire to his knees for my own pleasure. I had something he wanted desperately, and I could use that as leverage to get what I wanted.

  It had been close, though. The moment I’d heard his buckle come undone, there had been a part of me that had wanted to do it. A part of me had wanted to cave again. Men like Kason always carried condoms, and I knew if I caved, he would have one ready so he could take my body again. The idea of his raging cock filling me time after time was enough to make my nipples pucker beneath the beautiful dress my mother had bought me. The idea of him pinning me to the wall and snapping his hips into mine until I orgasmed around his dick made the insides of my thighs warm. He would’ve pressed his hand against my mouth to muffle my sounds. He would’ve sank his teeth into the meat of my breast, marking me as his own before he covered it up with my dress.

  God, if I didn’t stop thinking about him, I’d have to excuse myself to the bathroom.

  The cocktail party was boring, and Kason did everything he could to avoid my presence. It became a little game of cat and mouse. I’d find him in one room and smirk when he left. Then I’d conveniently find him in another room and he would make an excuse to leave. He couldn’t fool me. I knew he wanted me as badly as I wanted him.

  Once the cocktail party was over and everyone had dispersed, I got my answer.

  I’d walked back home after helping Mrs. Marx break down everything. When I got to my bedroom, my phone was vibrating on my nightstand.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Hello, Hanna.”

  His voice sent shivers down my spine, and I closed my eyes before I took in a deep breath.

  “Hey there, Kason.”

  “I’ve been thinking about your offer,” he said.

  My body came alive and my soul took flight. My ears perked up and tears of happiness lined the rims of my eyes. Was this it? Had I found the perfect man who would agree to give me a child? Had Kason Marx—the boy I’d crushed on since middle school—finally decided that having a child with me wasn’t as bad as it sounded?

  “Yes?” I asked.

  “I was wondering if you had some time to talk about it over dinner. We could tell your parents that we’re going to iron out the details of your internship.”

  “Couldn’t we do that anyway?” I asked.

  “I can place calls to HR and my accountant and have the details ready to be talked about, yes.”

  “Then I don’t see why we couldn’t have dinner and talk about both of our respective offers.” I grinned. I felt like a kid on Christmas. The hottie from high school was asking me out for dinner, and we both had things we needed to iron out. We were approaching this like a business deal, and it made the blood in my veins boil with anticipation. The idea of having Kason’s perfect child growing inside me was enough to force tears of happiness down my cheeks.

  “When would you like to go to dinner?” I asked.

  “How about in 20 minutes? You can keep your dress on if you’d like.”

  Wait, what? He wanted to do dinner now?!

  “I thought you said you had some calls to place,” I said.

  “I own the comp
any. Really, all I’m doing is informing them of the change. I’d come with the employer paperwork in hand, ready for you to fill out and designate a start date. We can negotiate wages and everything while we’re there.”

  “I can be ready in 20 minutes,” I said.

  “I’ll come over in a few.”

  I hung up the phone and squealed in delight. I rushed to the bathroom and freshened myself up a little bit before running downstairs and telling my mother that I was going to dinner with Kason. My mother hugged me and my father asked what was going on. I told him Kason finally had the details of my internship and that he was willing to make it a paying job.

  “I’m so proud of you, honey. So very proud,” my father said.

  Twenty minutes later, I was in the car with Kason and we were driving into town. We didn’t talk too much—I could tell he was deep in thought—but everything inside me told me I was mere minutes away from getting everything I’d ever dreamed of.

  And all with the perfect man.

  He was an absolute gentleman. He opened my car door and ushered me calmly into the restaurant with his hand on my lower back. He pulled out my chair and even ordered what he thought I would love off the menu. Everything was absolutely stunning. A man would only do this for a woman he was about to make happy, and I was about to burst with joy.

  “Which topic would you like to broach first: the internship or your offer?” Kason asked.

  I grabbed my drink and brought the straw to my lips before I leaned back in my chair. I felt like a business mogul brokering the biggest deal of my life. My legs began to tremble with nerves.

  “My offer,” I said.

  “Then I’ll get straight to the point.”


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