Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance

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Christmas Daddy Next Door: A Single Dad and Baby Romance Page 44

by Tia Siren

  “Look in the mirror,” he said.

  I opened my eyes and looked at us in the mirror. The primal look on Kason’s face caused my walls to pulse around his dick.

  “You like that? Watching me take you?”

  “Yes, Kason,” I said.

  “You like watching me take what’s mine while you willingly give it to me?” he asked.

  I moaned. “Hell, yes.”

  My eyes fluttered closed again, and he cracked his hand against my ass. I yelped just before he sank his dick back into me, and my yelp quickly turned into a groan before he bent down to my ear.

  “Keep your eyes open, Hanna. I want you to see what you do to me.”

  I knew keeping my eyes open was going to be hard, but when I did, I couldn't take my eyes off him. I felt my orgasm slowly approach again, and when my pussy started massaging his dick, he released my hair.

  “Keep your eyes on me,” he commanded.

  His hands gripped my hips and hoisted me up into the air. Soon my legs were merely dangling in the air while he pounded into my body. I could no longer hold back my moans and groans, and as I watched him in the mirror, my nipples grew harder and harder. He looked absolutely crazy while he watched my ass bounce in the air. When my orgasm got closer and closer, I couldn’t keep my head elevated any longer.

  “Kason, please. Shit. Oh…fuck!”

  I dipped my head into the mirror and finally released my body to him. He slammed into me so hard, I could hear my fluids splattering against his skin. My pussy fluttered around his cock and my breathing became erratic, and when my pleasure crashed over me, he sank as deep as he could get into my body.

  “Yes, Hanna. Fuck, you’re incredible.”

  He whispered my name through his orgasm while pump after pump of his sweet cum made its way inside me. He continued to fill me with his seed before it began dumping out onto my thighs. When he was finally done, he planted his hands beside my body on the counter and placed light kisses up my spine.

  “I’m so glad I’m taking you home,” he whispered into my skin.

  All I could answer him with was a grunt.

  “Come here,” he said. His arms slowly pulled me from the sink while his dick slid out of my body. He sat me down on the closed toilet seat, and then he looked around before he found a washcloth. I heard water running before I felt a warm sensation between my legs, and when I opened my eyes and looked down, I saw Kason cleaning me up.

  “Just relax,” he said.

  I felt beautiful. I felt beautiful and pampered and wanted. My body was still shaking from the aftershocks of my orgasms, and when Kason was done, he helped me back into my panties and shorts.

  “Would you like to lie down?” he asked.

  “Is there anywhere to lie down?”

  “Of course.”

  He gathered my tired body into his arms and carried me out of the bathroom. I hadn’t even realized we had crossed a bedroom in order to get in there during our heated session, so when my back hit a soft, plush bed, I couldn’t hide my shock.

  “You’ll love it at my house if you like it here.” His smile was intoxicating, and when he lay down beside me, I promptly rolled over to face him.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” he said.

  “Where did you go yesterday?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Yesterday when I was packing. You gave me a kiss and then left me to pack. I figured you’d probably stay to help. Where did you go?”

  “I’m sorry if you thought I would stay. I just felt I needed to go talk to someone,” he said.

  “Did you talk to you parents?” I asked.

  “Yes.” He smiled. “But that wasn’t who I went to see.”

  “Oh. Well, who was it?”

  A bit of hesitation rolled over his features, and I found myself getting nervous. Had something gone wrong? Had he gone back to Marcus to face him alone? Had someone upset him or made him angry?

  “Your father,” he said.

  “Oh. Well…why did you go talk to him?” I asked.

  “I talked to him about forgiving you. I ran down my plan for us to him to try to ease his mind a little about the situation.”


  “Did he say anything to you?” Kason asked.

  I shook my head and sighed while I tried to hide the tears that gathered in my eyes. If Kason had talked to my father yesterday, that meant he didn’t forgive me. He hadn’t shown up to see me off or anything, and I figured it was because he didn’t want to talk. He had every reason not to speak to me right now, but I hadn’t realized forgiveness was on the table until now.

  My father was angry at me and he couldn’t forgive me.

  “Please don’t cry, Hanna,” Kason said. He drew me into his body and I pressed my tears into his shirt. All at once, I felt my entire world crash down around me. All I wanted was for Kason’s strong arms to shield me from all of it. He pulled the covers over us and cradled me close to his body. I slipped my leg between his to try to pull in as much of his comforting warmth as I could.

  “He’ll come around, Hanna,” Kason murmured. “I promise.”

  Chapter 36


  Hanna stayed asleep for the rest of the trip, and when I woke her up so we could buckle in for the descent, she seemed relieved. I could only imagine the type of stress she had been under, and I was ready to get her home. I could help her get settled into her own room and then give her some privacy to take a nap, which she obviously needed.

  “Almost there,” she said.

  The plane landed, and I helped her get her suitcase off. When we exited, my Lamborghini was ready and waiting like I had asked. Hanna was stunned at the sight of the ca,r and I placed my hand at the small of her back, hoping to rip her from her trance before we started for her new home.

  “Ready to go see your room?” I asked.

  “Ready to eat is more like it,” she said.

  “Well, that can be arranged, too.”

  I pulled out my phone and dialed the best Italian restaurant in town. I told them to deliver some food to my home. Hanna looked up at me with mesmerized eyes, and it made me feel in control and powerful. She was new to all this—this entire lifestyle—and I was the one who would have the pleasure of opening her eyes to it. She’d have the best of everything and she would want for nothing. She’d graduate college without any debt to her name and she’d have her own car that didn’t require you to constantly put oil in it because it leaked from the bottom. She’d be able to get whatever she wanted for our child and she’d have no shortage of clothes. I couldn’t wait to give all this to her.

  Just for the look in her eyes right this very second.

  “Come on. Food will be there in half an hour.”

  “How did you do that?” she asked while we climbed into the car.


  She giggled while we drove off and took my hand when we hit the main stretch. I was so glad she had agreed to stay at my home because there was no other place I’d rather she be. I wanted to keep an eye on her as much as I could, and if something were to go wrong with her pregnancy, I wanted to be right there to help. She needed someone who could keep her feet firmly planted on the ground, and her entire family had essentially abandoned her. Sure, her mother was still there, but she wasn’t what anyone would call the poster image of someone who was rooted in reality.

  But I did find it a bit strange that I felt this way. I mean, it was only a few weeks ago that Hanna and I had started all this, and now she was living with me? Sure, we were having a kid, and yeah, she could’ve technically lived on campus, but god only knew I had the money to get her a place of her own so she could have space. In the span of a few weeks, I’d gone from getting blowjobs from women who threw themselves at me to an expectant father who was moving in with the mother of his child.

  Her hand reflexively tightened around mine when a car honked its horn, and just that small touch se
nt ricocheting electricity through my veins. At least when she was still at home and I was here, I could have brushed off my incessant need for her body as just lustful want. Her pussy was tight and tasted like salted honey, and she was scandalous at that. She was my best friend’s sister, who I’d sworn off of, and I had shrugged off that idea of forbidden territory as part of her lure.

  But now she was here holding my hand and I still couldn't stop thinking about fucking her on and against every surface of my home. Just her simple touch set my mind on fire, and that was when I realized what was happening.

  I was actually having true, unadulterated feelings for Hanna.

  And I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

  We pulled into my driveway and her jaw dropped to the ground. I saw the delivery guy with food standing at the door, and Hanna practically jumped out of my car in order to get to him. She grabbed the food and signed for it. I couldn’t help but think about how natural it felt to have her there. All she was doing was signing for food, but she looked like she had been doing it here at my home for years.

  I grabbed her suitcase out of the trunk while she stood on the porch and waited. When I got to her and unlocked the door, she threw it open and stood there in awe.

  “My word, Kason,” she said. “Your home is beautiful.”

  “Want to see your room?”


  I walked her up the stairs and pulled her suitcase behind me, and it startled me how light it was. For a woman, she really hadn’t packed much, and I made a mental note to take her shopping for things on my next day off.

  We walked down a long corridor and I showed her where a few things were, and when we came to the first door on the right, I threw it open so she could see. I had decorated it with oranges, yellows, and browns, and she seemed absolutely taken by it. She walked into the middle of the sprawling room before she fell back onto the king-sized bed, and it warmed my heart to see her there. I sat her suitcase in the corner and walked over to another door. When I threw it open, I held out my arm to usher her inside.

  “Your closet,” I said.

  She scrambled off the bed and ran into the massive expanse I had set aside for her, and she was utterly speechless. There were mirrors and places to sit and shelves to store shoes and racks upon racks to hang up clothes. There was a place for her to store all the fine jewelry I wanted to buy her and a specialized area for her to store the nicer fabrics and dresses I wanted to see her in for all the parties and functions I had to attend. The look of surprise and shock on her face was absolutely worth it, but I felt this nagging sensation in the back of my head.

  What the hell was I doing?

  “Kason!” she shrieked. She threw her arms around me and held me close, and when I wrapped my arms around her, I drank in her smell. Her body was so tight and petite in my arms, and soon she would be so round with my child that I wouldn’t be able to hug her like this anymore. I soaked up the moment and closed my eyes, but then I decided to let her go and show her the bathroom. I knew she would enjoy the jet tub and the walk-in shower, especially once she got bigger and her legs started to hurt, so I wanted her to see the bath salts and bubbles I had in stock just for her.

  She immediately started to run a bath and poured half a bottle of rose bubbles into the tub. I laughed at her excitement, and she promptly started taking off her clothes, so I took that as my cue to turn and leave.

  I had to do some thinking before I got myself so deep I couldn’t climb out.

  “You aren’t staying for bath time?” Hanna asked. I could hear the sultry tones in her voice and knew she would be insatiable during this pregnancy. My dick twitched at the idea of having her again while she was wet and covered in popping bubbles, but I knew I couldn’t do that.

  I had to stop thinking with my dick and think with my brain for a second.

  I shook my head lightly and left without a word, and I was relieved when Hanna didn’t follow. I honestly didn’t know what to say to her, but I figured if she questioned me about it later, I could just tell her I was preoccupied with work. Telling her no right now would be harsh considering what her family was doing to her, but I had to think.

  And I had to do it while she wasn’t naked and covered in bubbles.

  I wished I had someone to talk to about what was going on. Usually, this was when I’d call Marcus. He’d tease me for a while and then tell me to get my ass back in there and fuck that woman in the tub while her tits were soaped up, but obviously that wasn’t a choice right now. Without Marcus, I began to realize how few friends I had who I actually trusted. So, when the jets in the bathtub kicked on and I heard Hanna slosh herself in, I barricaded myself in my home office and sat on the couch by the window.

  I needed to think and sort through some things.

  The only issue was, how long was it going to take for Hanna to notice?

  Chapter 37


  I took a bath by myself and was painfully aware of how Kason avoided me the rest of the day. On the plane ride over, he had told me he wanted me badly…as much as I did him. But the moment he left me in that bathroom by myself, I knew something was wrong. I tried to find him in his sprawling home, but he was nowhere to be found. I could hear his footsteps and see his shadows, but every damn time I turned the corner, he wasn’t there. I figured that when we got back he would take a nap with me or crawl into the bath with me, or at least stick around and talk to me. I could’ve understood if he had to go to work or set shit up with something or check on that prototype he had mentioned that had dragged him home the first time, but there was nothing.

  He had just dumped me in this strange room and left.

  Granted, it was a beautiful room. The sheer yellow curtains went well with the orange and brown bedspread he’d put on the bed for me, and the bathroom was coated in yellows and pinks. I figured he had probably brought an interior designer in to do it because this definitely didn’t strike me as something Kason could pull off. I wandered the house aimlessly and raided his fridge when I got hungry, but I didn’t see him again until the next morning.

  “Ready to go see your desk?” he asked me first thing in the morning.

  I rolled out of bed and dragged myself to the shower. I tried to convince Kason to come in with me, and I even provided a little strip tease to get him going, but he simply ducked around the corner and left me to get ready. Something wasn’t right, and all of a sudden, I felt like a stranger in a home I should’ve felt safe in. I no longer felt comforted around Kason. Instead, I felt worried. I was sinking back into the same types of stressors I had just left, and I felt myself getting sick.

  So sick, in fact, that I doubled over in the shower and heaved.

  “Ugh,” I said. I really was going to be one of those sick women during this first trimester, and I wasn’t excited about the prospect.

  They were all right. I hadn’t actually weighed all the things that went into this decision.

  I got out and got dressed, and we silently drove to his work. I gawked at all the buildings we passed by and sometimes asked him what they were, but that was the only talking we did. I figured something had made Kason uncomfortable with the arrangement he had thrust us into, which meant I had more to talk to Stanford about than I had realized.

  I probably needed to talk to them about their policy when it came to pregnant women living in the dorms on campus.

  “Here we are,” Kason said. “Let’s get you up to the top floor so you can get acquainted with everything.”

  “Sounds good.”

  As we rode the elevator all the way to the top, we were practically standing on opposite ends. My heart sank to my feet, and with every jerk of the elevator, I thought I was going to barf on my shoes. Kason was staring intensely at the elevator door in front of him, and I didn’t dare move any closer. There was nowhere else for him to go, and I didn’t think I could handle it if he pushed me away.

  Just like everyone else had.

  The elevator door
s opened and I watched Kason step out, so I simply followed him. I kept my head down while we rounded a few corners, and when he stopped, I almost slammed into his backside.

  “Sorry,” I murmured.

  “This is your desk,” he said, smiling. “What do you think?”

  I took in the mahogany desk. It was filled with everything I could’ve needed. There were pens and pencils for taking notes and sticky pads for writing down messages, a massive calendar to keep his schedule and a high-tech computer to enter everything into. There were notebooks and planners and requisite sheets for products the company regularly used, and there was even a phone and a headset that was probably tied to the rest of the building.

  “Your line is what I give as my direct line. All calls are fielded through you. If you need to transfer a call to me, you simply hit the green button in the top right-hand corner. Otherwise, just take a message and I’ll call them back.”

  “Got it,” I said.

  “This computer is synced to mine, so whatever you put into the calendar shows up on my end. I didn’t know if you would want to technologically sync schedules or write it down on a physical calendar, so I just got you both.”

  “The former sounds more convenient, especially if I have to make notes about school. You can see those then, too,” I said.

  “Perfect. Now, the requisite sheets are for you to fill out, and at the end of every month there will be a lot. We order everything on a monthly basis, and every department is required to email you what they need along with the product numbers. All you do is transfer the information exactly as it is in the emails onto the requisite sheets and then send them down to purchasing. The entire process of writing all this down will take about three days, so during those three days you won’t attend any meetings with me and take minutes. I’ll cover that myself.”

  “Got it,” I said.


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