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Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil

Page 12

by Tell the Truth

  The first Zionist leader, Theodor Herzl, described Madagascar as a possible land of emigration (“Altneuland,” novel, 1902), based perhaps on an 1885 suggestion by German scholar Paul de Lagarde. The so-called “Madagascar Plan” was also a Polish proposal which the Germans considered. Herzl had supported a plan in the early 1900s to give a portion of British East Africa (Uganda) to the Jewish people as a homeland.

  While he was theorizing about which vast portions of other people’s land would best suit the Jews, Herzl had also envisioned Patagonia as a potential homeland. “Which shall we choose, Palestine or Argentine? Argentina is, by its nature, one of the richest countries in Earth, with an immense territory, scarce population and moderate climate. The Argentine Republic would have the greatest interest to cede to us a part of its territory (Herzl, “Palestine or Argentine,” The Jewish State, 1896). There are reports these days, of Israeli soldiers prospecting the land.

  Spearheaded by the International Zionist Movement, this quiet take-over of Patagonia has progressed dramatically in recent years; not through war and invasion, but through territorial acquisitions, economic infiltration, Israeli military fifth columns, global media support and geopolitical positioning.For decades, young Israeli military officers camouflaged as hikers and backpackers have been surveying, mapping, and snooping around this vast, rich and under-populated region; plotting, planning... preparing their future? ... there is no doubt that there are Israelis all over Patagonia. They move around in groups, they are young, speak in Hebrew amongst themselves, a good number of them come from the military. They have just taken off their Israeli Army uniform; they are twenty-something year old youths taking their vacations after leaving the Israeli Army... (Adrian Salbuchi, July 1, 2011)

  The “Falklands War” has always been explained away firstly, as Britain coming to the defence of its distant but patriotic citizens, threatened by a powerful mainland enemy; secondly, as a vital geographic marker in Britain’s territorial claims to Subantarctic islands and a section of Antarctica and local minerals. If a third factor is added in the shape of Zionist colonial aims in Patagonia, Argentina and its national debt come into sharper historical focus.

  The Slattery Report (US Department of the Interior, 1938) concerned a proposal to settle Jewish refugees in parts of Alaska. Polish ambassador Lipski assured Hitler (20 September, 1938) that a memorial would be erected to him in Warsaw if he succeeded in solving the Jewish problem. (S. Zerko “Stosunki polsko-niemieckie 1938-1939” Instytut Zachodni Poznan, 1998).

  On December 9, 1938, French Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet informed German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop that in order to rid France of 10,000 Jewish refugees it would be necessary to ship them elsewhere. At that time, the Nazi regime considered mass emigration to be the “Final Solution” to the “Jewish problem.” They thought of the French island of Madagascar. (Jewish Virtual Library)

  The Jews might have had Uganda, Madagascar, and other places for the establishment of a Jewish Fatherland, but they wanted absolutely nothing except Palestine, not because the Dead Sea water by evaporation can produce five trillion dollars of metalloids and powdered metals; not because the subsoil of Palestine contains twenty times more petroleum than all the combined reserves of the two Americas; but because Palestine is the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, because Palestine constitutes the veritable centre of world political power, the strategic centre for world control. (Nahum Goldman, President, World Jewish Congress)

  On May 13, 1939, a boat (St. Louis) belonging to the “Kraft-Durch-Freude” organization carried about 900 Jews to New York, where they were refused entry to the U.S. Neither were they welcome in Cuba or Canada. They eventually returned to Europe and disembarked at Antwerp.

  For those who claim that National Socialism was a racist belief, it is worth mentioning, as a side-issue, that 19th century scientific racism was common throughout the western world and a number of popular authors discussed what was then a fashionable doctrine. Besides the Comte de Gobineau (“De Gobineau is credited as being the father of modern racial demography, and his works are today considered very early examples of scientific racism“-- Wikipedia), Disraeli himself expounded in two novels as follows:

  All is race; there is no other truth, and every race must fall which carelessly suffers its blood to become mixed. (Tancred, Frederick Warne, London, 1868, p. 106.)

  No man will treat with indifference the principle of race. It is the key to history, and why history is often so confused is that it has been written by men who are ignorant of this principle and all the knowledge it involves. . . Language and religion do not make a race--there is only one thing which makes a race, and that is blood. (Endymion, Longmans & Green, 1880, pp. 249-250.)


  Furthermore, racism is itself a central doctrine in traditional Judaism and Jewish cultural history. The Hebrew Bible is blatantly racist, with all the talk about the seed of Abraham, the chosen people, and Israel as the light to the other nations. Orthodox Jews in their morning prayers still thank God daily that he did not make Jews “like other peoples of the earth.” If this isn’t racism, it is hard to envisage what is. That highly regarded medieval book, Judah Halevi’s Kuzari, is blatantly racist. Halevi will not even allow that a convert to Judaism is the equal of a natural-born Jew. (Norman Cantor - from his book The Sacred Chain - A History of the Jews)

  So much for “racism.”

  As for the charge of the practice of eugenics or euthanasia, Wikipedia contains the following entry under “Influence on Nazi Germany”:

  After the eugenics movement was well established in the United States, it spread to Germany. California eugenicists began producing literature promoting eugenics and sterilization and sending it overseas to German scientists and medical professionals. By 1933, California had subjected more people to forceful sterilization than all other U.S. states combined. The forced sterilization program engineered by the Nazis was partly inspired by California’s. The Rockefeller Foundation helped develop and fund various German eugenics programs, including the one that Josef Mengele worked in before he went to Auschwitz. After 1945, however, historians began to attempt to portray the US eugenics movement as distinct and distant from Nazi eugenics. Euthanasia advocacy in the U.S. peaked again during the 1930s and diminished significantly during and after World War II. (Wikipedia)

  Were recalcitrant members of the political opposition put into concentration camps? Certainly; emergencies require extreme solutions .

  Here, I must speak about the societal change in Germany, brought about by the NSDAP-Regime: after the unloved Weimar Republic, experienced by most Germans as a difficult and bleak time, in which every man was for himself, the NSDAP placed the principle of the “national community,” its most important political goal, at the core. “Common good goes before personal good” or “One for all, all for one” were the watchwords then, which introduced the “Führerstaat.” In practice, it meant that all previous organizations were transformed without asking the existing members. Whoever actively and openly opposed this was sent for “education” to a concentration camp. There, he stayed for a week, a month, a year or longer, until he had grasped the “spirit of the national community.” Many former communists and members of the political opposition shifted very quickly to the new system without experiencing drawbacks from their earlier allegiance. (Döring-Ernst von Gottberg, Eine Jugend in Hitlers Reich, S. 17)


  Although it may have been tough in the concentration camps at the time, I doubt that people were beaten or tortured, as one wanted to gain these people too for the “national community.” They worked eight hours daily on a project for the national community and in the evenings were educated in settling into the “new time.” As far as I know that was the daily routine. At his release, every prisoner had to declare in writing that he would not relate anything about his stay in the concentration camp. Thus, the occasional contemporary returned to his workplace tanned and with calluses on
his hands, ostensibly from some “education.” He knew how to fit in! That’s what my father told me later. (ibid.)


  The system of the”national community” reached every German. The “Blockwart” was the lowest grade among the so-called “political leaders.” He was assigned a residential quarter of several hundred inhabitants, in which he had to ensure order and social conditions. If, for example, old people found it hard to fetch coal from the cellar, he would inform the local Hitler Youth, who would make it the duty of a few Hitler boys to help these old people (“Every day a good deed”). If older people needed help to do the shopping, then the “League of German Girls” would be notified to help here. Then there were the NS-Women’s League and the NS-Social Services who were inserted over adult misconduct. The majority of the population perceived this “new time” as positive and were content with their personal development. (ibid.)


  A member of the Jungmädel or 10-14 year-old League of German Girls, National Socialist female organization.

  Salary and income adjustments were fixed by the German Labour Front on behalf of the government without strikes and thus without general financial loss for the companies and without disturbance for the population. What in an individual case could not be satifactorily regulated by the generally issued laws and ordinances often found a comfortable solution through the Party...We sang the songs of the erstwhile Bündischer Jugend after 1918 and the Boy Scout movement before 1914. Just as in those days, we erected tent encampments, made campfires, read aloud, played outdoor activities, sport and games, and then there was the “Every Day a Good Deed.” It may sound “banal” today, but that was our world then. It felt good, as young people, to be recognized and to be part of this “new era of the National Socialist Movement.” We grew up in a time in which profession, marriage and family were self-evidently desirable goals in life for us young people...the youth had also come away from frustration and hanging around in the street or in backyards, away from drugs or alcohol, from smoking or criminal acts. They were aggregated in a community of contemporaries. Much sport was played, there was much outside exercise, handicrafts in our free time, we helped each other over schoolwork and if the homework was too hard, we asked an older Hitler Youth leader for advice. One might critize this today or denounce it as “political influence,” but there were few young people who wanted to be outsiders and who did not participate with their friends and school comrades. (ibid. p. 20)


  “The criminal courts have never had so little to do and the prisons have never had so few occupants. It is a pleasure to observe the physical aptitude of the German youth...” (Sir Arnold Wilson M.P.)

  Hitler’s distrust of Jews was not monolithic but comprehensive. He valued Emil Maurice, his driver, and Dr. Bloch, the family doctor in Linz, but he understood the alien, demonic force which seeks to dominate the world. Dr. Bloch had kept a postcard, on which Hitler had thanked him for caring for his ailing mother, commenting, as an old man, that he considered it a beautiful sign from a devoted son-- “Now this young student has become one of the most significant personalities in history.” (W. Bräuninger, Feldherrnhalle, p.93)

  On the subject of Dr. Bloch, I hope I may be forgiven for citing a favourable quote from an internet blog:

  Gerard Menuhin is that which the Führer described as “noble Jew,” Dr. Bloch, his family doctor was one, for instance. He said about him “If all Jews were like him, there would be no Jewish question.” I not only accept the concept of noble Jew but also apply this quote to Menuhin (and his blessed father). If all Jews were like the Menuhins, there would be no Jewish question and NO ANTI-JUDAISM! Unfortunately neither 2 nor 1000 of the righteous suffice to atone for the damage caused daily by millions of Jews in the world of international finance. So one cannot exculpate Jewry but at least these few noble Jews.” (“Leseratte,” 03.03.2015, 07:30, 28.2.2015)

  Hitler’s goals were to establish a stable and competent government that could not be overturned at every parliamentary session; to achieve full employment and secure sufficient food, shelter and clothing for the entire population; to create a people with a sense of national identity, while rejecting enemies of the fatherland and those with perfidious tendencies; to free Germany from all the declarations of the Versailles Treaty, which limited the sovereignty of the people and state; to educate youth to be free and self-confident, and responsible towards the whole people; to secure Germany’s existence and statehood through treaties of trade and friendship with neighbouring states, and through a pact of friendship and common interests with Britain.

  The assumption and preservation of ethnic and cultural homogeneity was the foundation upon which he based his ambitions. Self-sufficiency for a diverse population threatened from within and without by predatory Capitalism and despotic Communism, the twin pseudo-ideological facets of Jewish subversion, was impossible.

  The two Internationales of Finance and Revolution work with ardour, they are the two fronts of the Jewish Internationale. There is a Jewish conspiracy against all nations.” (Rene Groos, Le Nouveau Mercure, Paris, May, 1927)

  His ambitions could be achieved by moving east, to retake the territory confiscated from Germany and incorporated into Poland and Czechoslovakia, after the First World War. He trusted that he would be allowed full discretion, in return for protecting all those nations at risk from Communism.

  Many people in Asia believed the real enemy in the fight was communism and the Soviet Union. For this reason many Asians from different countries went to Europe to join the military of the Third Reich. Battalion 43 of the Wehrmacht consisted exclusively of East Asians from China, Japan, Korea and Mongolia. Also a minor part consisted of troops from Thailand and Indonesia. (Metapedia)

  Soldiers of the OstBatallion, 1943.

  Soldiers from the Turkistan Legion playing chess in France

  All told “about 25 different European nationalities were members of the Waffen-SS: Albanians, Armenians, Belgians, Bulgarians, Bosnians, Croatians, Czechoslovaks, Danish, Estonians, Finnish, French, Greek, Hungarians, Netherlands, English, Estonians, Italians, Latvians, Lithuanians, Norwegians, Romanians, Russians, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainians. Six out of ten members of the Waffen-SS were composed of foreigners. However, the Wehrmacht had volunteers from other non-European races such as African, Indian (which included Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and even Buddists), Arab, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkmen, etc. There were also Jewish troops who voluntarily served the German army. Some had served in the Judenrat or Jewish Police, who helped the German commanders to control the ghettos in the beginning, later they were guards at concentration camps.” (Metapedia)

  Units from the following nations joined the regular army or Wehrmacht:

  Italy (until the fall of Mussolini); afterwards Italian Waffen-SS until 1945

  Finland (until February 1944), among them 350 Americans of Finnish descent

  Romania (until August 23, 1944, volunteer legionaires in the Iron Guard.

  Hungary (until end 1944, until February 1945 in the battle of Ofen-Pest)

  Slovakia (until the beginning of 1945)

  Bulgaria (until September 1944)

  Croatia (until the beginning of 1945)

  Soviet Union, about 4 to 600,000 in, among other units, the Free Russia Army, the Eastern Legion, the police and other special groups (seconded to the Wehrmacht in operational matters)

  Spain (volunteers; after the battle for Leningrad in 1942, the Blue Division)

  Ethnic Germans, about 600,000 auxiliaries, among others soldiers of the Red Army and ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union

  India (“Free India” Legion)

  Near East (“Free Arabia” Legion)

  Sweden, alone during the winter of 1941/42 8,760 volunteers from the “Svenska Friviligenkaren” and at least 900 volunteers of the Battalion “Svenska Fr
ivilligbataljonen” joined the Wehrmacht, thereafter came Danes, Norwegian and Estonians. (Metapedia)

  Others joined the Kriegsmarine or the Luftwaffe.

  Thus, it came as an unwelcome surprise to most NSDAP members when the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact of August 23, 1939, with its secret protocol for the partition of Poland, was signed. But, in the minds of both dictators, it was only a preliminary step to gain time. Germany hoped to secure peace with Britain, allowing it to move east, while Russia kept its options open, in the hope that war with Britain would weaken Germany and facilitate its own plans to move west. By 1941, time had run out. Germany was faced with Russian military intensification on its borders and undertook a preventive strike on 22 June.

  The Soviet Union had planned to attack Germany on July 6, under the code-name “Operation Thunder.”

  “The Nazi command succeeded in forestalling our troops literally two weeks before the war began.” (General S. P. Ivanov, Chief of the General Staff Academy of the Armed Forces of the USSR, 1974).

  In his new book “The Day M” (Klett-Cotta 1995) Victor Suworow writes about the consequences of August 19: “It was a secret mobilisation. The Soviet leadership readied the Red Army and the entire nation for the conquest of Germany and all of Western Europe. The conquest of Western Europe was the main reason why the Soviet Union unleashed the Second World War. Stalin took the final decision to start the war on August 19, 1939.” So Russia never fought a “Great Patriotic War.” (Staatsbriefe: Wolfgang Strauß: Der zweite Weltkrieg begann am 19. August 1939)


  American engineer John Scott, who was himself working in the Soviet Union, described the Russian militarisation before the war as follows: “The Russian defence budget was doubled almost every year. Endless reserves of war materiel, machines, fuels, food and supplies were amassed. The Red Army was enlarged from two million men in 1939 to 6.5 million by spring 1941.” (Metapedia)


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