Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil

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by Tell the Truth

  Regarding the British attack on neutral Norway, undertook to impede Germany’s access to Swedish iron ore (Britain also feared losing its shipments of aluminium and bauxite):

  No technical infringement of international law... can deprive us of the good wishes of neutral countries. Acting in the name of the Covenant, and as virtual mandatories of the League and all it stands for, we have a right, and indeed are bound in duty, to abrogate for a space some of the conventions of the very laws we seek to consolidate and reaffirm. Small nations must not tie our hands when we are fighting for their rights and freedom. The letter of the law must not in supreme emergency obstruct those who are charged with its protection and enforcement. ...Humanity, rather than legality, must be our guide. (Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, December 16, 1939, The Gathering Storm, p. 547)

  We must deduce from the moral prerogative claimed above that the Second World War was conducted, at least from the Allied point of view, for the sake of humanity. Yet, if we consider, based on all the evidence, that Hitler did not desire war, it seems unfortunate that continued “technical infringements of international law” compelled Britain to precipitate a conflict by which humanity was finally not well served by the loss of 60 million humans.

  The eight months of “phoney war” in between were filled with attempts to make peace. “There were so many amateur and professional contacts between the protagonists in the various neutral countries that one is left with the impression that it must have been hard to get to the bar in any Swiss café during the Phoney War for all the spies discussing peace terms with one another” (Anthony Roberts, The Holy Fox: The Life of Lord Halifax).

  Britain was keen to gain time to rearm. “With air rearmament at a critical stage and all hope of a two-front war lost, it was common sense to try to gain time.” Halifax “Cabinet 6 May 40. Exchange of notes with Winston C after I had suggested that one way to gain time was to delude the Germans by peace talk!.”..Churchill had accused Halifax of high treason. (ibid.)

  Soviet Russia invaded Poland only on September 17, without a formal declaration of war. As agreed, Britain and France did not oppose this aggression, neither did the U.S.

  Propaganda mostly in hands of Jews, who control almost 100 percent radio, film, daily and periodical press. Although this propaganda extremely coarse and presenting Germany as black as possible, nevertheless extremely effective since public here completely ignorant and knows nothing of situation in Europe...Situation here excellent platform for public speakers of all kinds, for emigrants from Germany and Czechoslovakia, who with great many words inciting public, with most various calumnies. They are praising American liberty which contrasts with totalitarian states. It is interesting to note that in this extremely well-planned campaign which conducted above all against National Socialism. Soviet Russia almost completely eliminated. Soviet Russia if mentioned at all mentioned in friendly manner and things presented in such way as if Soviet Union co-operating with block democratic states. Thanks to clever propaganda sympathies of American public completely on side of Red Spain. This propaganda war psychosis being artificially created.... In this action participated Jewish intellectuals, for instance Bernard Baruch, Governor of New York, Lehman...judge of Supreme Court Felix Frankfurter, Secretary of Treasury Morgenthau and others who are close personal friends of President Roosevelt. They want President to become champion of human rights, freedom of religion and speech, who in future shall punish trouble mongers. This group, people who want to pose as representatives of “Americanism” and “defenders of democracy” in last analysis are connected by unbreakable ties with international Jewry. For this Jewish international, which above all is concerned with interest in its race, was putting of President of United States at this “ideal” post of champion of human rights was clever move. In this manner they created dangerous hotbed for hatred and hostility in this hemisphere and divided world into two hostile camps. Entire issue is worked out in mysterious manner. Roosevelt has been forcing fountain for vitalizing American foreign policy and procure enormous stocks for coming war for which Jews are striving fully consciously... (Jerzy Potocki, Polish Ambassador in Washington, January 12, 1939)


  When, in 1939, the predicament of different ethnicities in the Polish state of the time became ever more unbearable, I tried at first to remove the intolerable conditions by means of a fair exchange. For a while it appeared that the Polish government itself had seriously considered agreeing to a sensible solution. I may add here that in all these German proposals nothing was claimed that had not earlier belonged to Germany, in fact, we renounced a great deal of that which had been Germany’s before the World War. (...) After all, the campaign in the east cost the entire German army until then about 160,000 dead, when over 62,000 ethnic Germans alone suffered the most gruesome martyrdom in a few months during the depths of peace in Poland. That the German Empire had a right to object to such conditions on its borders and to urge their removal, actually to consider its security, could surely not be contested at a time in which other countries were occupied with their security even on distant continents. The problems which needed to be corrected were, in terms of territory, insignificant. Essentially it concerned Danzig and the connection of the torn off province of East Prussia with the rest of the empire. (Hitler speech before the Grossdeutsche Reichstag 11. 12. 1941)

  A serious and relentless problem with which the National Socialist regime was faced was treason among some higher officers in the armed forces and public servants, including most importantly Lieutenant Dr. Wilhelm Scheidt, Major-General Scherff’s adjutant and Hitler’s special representative for military history (probably the inner-circle spy “Werther”), Admiral Canaris (head of the Abwehr or military counter-intelligence), Ludwig Beck (Chief of the Army General Staff), Carl Goerdeler, ex-mayor of Leipzig, Ernst v. Weizsäcker (State Secretary in the Foreign Office and father of the former German president mentioned above), clergymen (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) and several employees of the foreign ministry. Even Hjalmar Schacht, a dubious character and reportedly a Freemason (Wilhelm Landig, former SS-adherent and post-war author), initially appointed president of the Reichsbank and responsible for the first years of prosperity, sat on the fence and consistently informed his colleague Montagu Norman, governor of the Bank of England, of the state of Germany’s finances.

  Like the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England, the Reichsbank was not an autonomous national bank, but an incorporated company. “The officials of the bank were nominated and paid by government, but the board was composed exclusively of the representatives of the large banks and of world Jewry – both belonged to the same category of people. Already at the time of its founding in 1873, the first board recorded among a total of 15 members the following names: Baron Rothschild, Privy Councillor Bleichröder, Privy Councillor Mendelsohn, Theodor Plaut, Privy Concillor Oppenheimer, Privy Councillor Warschauer and Privy Councillor Zwicker, Councillor Stern, Councillor Gelpke; so eleven purebred Jews and, for decoration, four gentlemen with German names.” (Gottfried Feder, Der Deutsche Staat auf nationaler und sozialer Grundlage/”The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation,” 1923, 1933 edition p. 95. Author’s translation)

  Again, another cunning move which Bismarck’s consultant banker, Bleichröder, recommended to the old Reich’s chancellor, was not to develop the Reichsbank as a purely state institution, because, as such in case of war, it could not be seized by the enemy on the grounds of internationally recognized security of private property, whereas it would, as an outright state bank, readily be open to seizure by the enemy. (ibid.)


  In truth, for the cunning Jew, it was naturally only a matter, with the rest of the financiers, of drawing the most important financial institution of the Reich into his sphere of influence. The gentlemen also succeeded in this, and the Reich thus renounced in all forms one of the most important fields of its prerogative of coinage – the right of issuing bank notes. (ibid.) />
  Schacht was dismissed on January 19, 1939. On June 15, 1939, a new Reichsbank law subordinated the bank unconditionally to the sovereignty of the state.

  The German Reichbank as German central bank is subordinate to the unrestricted sovereignty of the Reich. It services the implementation of the goals decided by the National Socialist leadership, within the framework of the duty entrusted to it, in particular the securing of the value of the German currency. The German Reichsbank is directly under the control of the Führer and Reichschancellor.

  This final break with organized usury in the form of the international banking cartel probably sealed Germany’s fate and made war inevitable.

  One drawback of a dictatorship, however patriotic and inclusive, is the inevitable emergence of hidden resistance, due to the lack of a legitimate, loyal opposition-- of a safety valve necessary for doubters to let off steam. The critical difference between Hitler’s dictatorship and most regimes with few exceptions (e.g. Peron, ousted by a US/UK-backed military coup in 1956) of whatever tendency before (and after) his was that his background, motivations and patriotic ambitions for Germany rested on policies which did not exclude the people. This genuine inclusiveness was also an alienating factor among the ruling class. Whether their motivation was political frustration at the direction of their government, or mere elitist prejudice against a leadership outside the hereditary caste of German officialdom, the damage these traitors did to their country by relaying incessant lies to the British government about the German economy, the military, Hitler’s ambitions, and the support he had among the German people, in the hope of encouraging Britain to go to war and thus enable a coup against the National Socialists, was so great that their actions alone could be said to have led to Germany’s defeat. They had even assigned themselves positions in a new government, in the event their plotting was successful. It is possible that they believed they were acting out of higher, patriotic motives, but as soon as they collaborated with the enemy – an enemy that made no secret of its demand for Germany’s unconditional surrender—they were guilty of high treason against their country and fellow-citizens. (Even Sir Robert Vansittart, one of Germany’s most intransigent foes, told Goerdeler that he was nothing but a traitor, when he attempted, in 1934, to collude against his government –Klemens Klemperer Die Verlassenen Verschwörer, Berlin, 1994).

  This betrayal had begun almost as soon as the National Socialists came to power and, by 1937, had evolved into a cancerous growth that culminated in the abortive coup of 20 July 1944. (42 assassination attempts were allegedly made on Hitler-- Will Berthold: Die 42 Attentate auf Adolf Hitler, Blanvalet, München 1981).

  Regarding the dilettantish assassination attempt of July, 1944, General Jodl (Chief of the Operations Staff of the Armed Forces High Command) stated in this exchange with his lawyer, at Nüremberg, on June 3, 1946:

  At this time, nobody hoped for victory in the true meaning of the word. However, not one soldier, not one weapon, not one worker stood up during this putsch, this outrage. The would-be assassins and putschists were all alone. To overthrow his system would have required a revolution more powerful, more violent than that of the National Socialists. Behind this revolution would have to have stood essentially the entire armed forces and not only the commandant of the Potsdam garrison, of whom the witness spoke. However, how one could fight a war over life or death and simultaneously carry out a revolution, in order to achieve something positive for the German people, that I do not know. That, only geniuses who lived in Switzerland can figure out.

  Probably referring to Hans Bernd Gisevius, one of the most infamous traitors, who only escaped the scaffold because he had flown to Switzerland in 1945 (Hans Meiser, Verratene Verräter, Druffel, 2008 p. 278) Of course the fate of their ordinary compatriots did not enter the calculations of the traitors.

  Highly sensitive diplomatic and military documents were passed to the Allies throughout the pre-war as well as the war years. Hans Bernd Gisevius, German vice-consul in Zurich, regularly met Allen Dulles, the OSS representative in Switzerland.

  Dulles gives this impression of Gisevius and other traitors:

  During my service in Switzerland I met a few other Germans who had the same attitude as Gisevius. These people believed that a Nazi victory and the eradication of freedom in Europe and maybe in the whole world would be a far greater catastrophe than a defeat of Germany. ...In order to camouflage his frequent trips between Berlin and Switzerland, Gisevius, as a member of Canaris’s staff, had been assigned to the German consulate in Zurich. (Allen Dulles, Germany’s Underground, 1947). Because of its multiple treasonous activities, Canaris’s military intelligence service was riddled with extortion, bribery and blackmail (ibid.)

  When Germany’s situation became increasingly desperate, German long range weapons could have been a vital bargaining chip. Not only the V1 and V2 rockets but also the atom bomb, the plans for which had been completed, but which on technical grounds could not yet be built, were a real threat to Allied ambitions. However, Heisenberg’s colleagues in the “Uranium-Association” had betrayed this information to Otto John (a slimy character who, even after the war, could not decide to which side to belong and was eventually sentenced to four years in prison), who passed it on to the British, in the person of a “British” Colonel Shapiro, John’s London contact.

  On August 17, 1943, 600 British bombers destroyed the long range weapon centre at Peenemünde, killing over 700 engineers, technicians and scientists in the process (ibid, p. 268-269).

  Nearly all German attack operations were betrayed to the enemy by a member of the OKW (High Command of the Armed Forces) of the army, as soon as they were planned at the OKW, even before they landed on my desk. We were unable to stop this leak during the entire war. (Chief of Staff General Halder, ibid p. 198)

  Hitler did not forget to provide the army with winter clothing in Russia, nor did he leave the 6th army without support. Alone the intentional delay by Quartermaster General Wagner, who belonged to the group of officers who opposed Hitler, of the transport to the eastern front of winter clothing for the troops at the station in Warsaw, was to blame for the 202,251 lives lost through freezing conditions during the winter of 1941/42 (Verratene Verräter, p. 224-225).

  The fresh regiments intended to forge a retreat for the army were deployed in the wrong area, due to falsified map coordinates (ibid. p.232-233).

  Deliberate delay, misinformation and sabotage cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers, both at Stalingrad and in Normandy in 1944.

  However, religious belief must be saved, even if a whole people perishes for it...I pray for the defeat of my fatherland. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, ibid p. 143)


  In their naiveté and incompetence, these traitors did not realize that they were not going to be supported in their ambitions to substitute another government in Germany, but for quite different ends. What we in the German resistance during the war did not want to understand, we learnt fully later: that this war was not being fought against Hitler but against Germany. (Former BRD President of the Bundestag Dr. E. Gerstenmaier, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, March 21, 1975, ibid p. 147) ).

  It is a wonder that Hitler prevailed as long as he did despite this constant betrayal, sabotage, and corruption, and further proof of the trust in him of the vast majority of German citizens. Present generations have been re-educated to dignify these traitors as “the resistance.”

  On September 3, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Far from ensuring its security in the west before moving east, Germany was again faced with the inevitability of a war on two fronts. Despite his insights, Hitler had reckoned without the intrigues of the financial interests and the duplicity of their followers; without the renewed collaboration, in fact, of most of those who chose to side with Germany’s enemies prior to World War I. (Between September 1939 and May 1945, over 50 countries declared war in Germany-- Der große Ploetz, Verlag Ploetz , Freiburg 1991)

  The Swede (Dahlerus) had spent part of the night (2/3 September) in the British embassy, where he had drawn up an interim review with Sir Ogilvie Forbes. The chargé d’affaires seemed to him as calm, insightful and honest as usual. He had openly acknowledged to him that the problem of Danzig and the Corridor had become of second-ranking importance only, and that the real objective of British politics was, once and for all, to put an end to the Hitler-Regime. For this reason it seemed to him that no compromise was possible. (Jacques Benoist-Méchin, Sommerkrise und Kriegsausbruch 1939, p. 434)

  These developments were further indications of the manner in which the hidden agenda of the British Empire/City of London resembled that of the foreign policy of the USA today. Presumably, this is no coincidence, as the driving force behind each remains the same.

  “We entered the war of our own free will, without ourselves being directly assaulted.” (Churchill, Guild Hall Speech, July 1943)

  When Churchill was leaving London to meet Roosevelt for a conference in Quebec late in the summer of 1943, a reporter asked if they were planning to offer peace terms to Germany. Churchill replied: “Heavens, no. They would accept immediately.”

  I believe now that Hitler and the German people did not want war. But we declared war on Germany, intent on destroying it, in accordance with our principle of balance of power, and we were encouraged by the “Americans” around Roosevelt. We ignored Hitler’s pleadings not to enter into war. Now we are forced to realize that Hitler was right. (Attorney General Sir Hartley Shawcross, March 16, 1984 -- famous, allegedly false quote)


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