The concern “Is it good for the Jews?” is thus given concrete definition by the endless ant-like activity of the mutual support system they have constructed over the ages, which allows them, directly or indirectly, to control almost everything on the planet. The direction in which almost everything is guided is towards their ultimate domination and possession of everything. An outrageous exaggeration, you say?
Just as an exercise, check the names in the newspaper you are reading: the cast and crew or producers of any entertainment you may be watching; the ownership of any medium; the members of the board of any major company; the political sympathies of non-Jewish business leaders, etc., etc. As you register these names, just substitute each time you recognize their heritage or tendency the colloquial expression “a kike.” You see? There is no need to use their actual names, to note that there is a “Goldman” here and a “Murdoch” there; they are all after the same thing, so you might as well substitute the generic slang. (Besides, their names alone do not divulge their ethnicity; they are quite likely to have adopted camouflage like “Schultz” or “Jones.”)
This exercise will demonstrate their sheer number in places of influence, particularly noteworthy, given their relatively small proportion of any population.
Proportionately, we have more power than any other comparable group, far beyond our numbers. The reason is that we are probably the most well organized minority in the world. (Nat Rosenberg, Denver Allied Jewish Federation International Jewish News, January 30, 1976)
Dr. Mandelstam said on August 29 at the opening of the Zionist Congress of 1897:
The Jews will use all their influence and power to prevent the rise and prosperity of other nations and are resolved to adhere to their historic hopes; i.e., to the conquest of world power. (Le Temps, Paris, September 3, 1897.)
At the start, there existed a people that was unwelcome everywhere. This was so because they did not want to assimilate but only to profit from their host nation. They managed this by a number of subterfuges, mainly financial, in which any amount of deceitfulness was not only permissible but actively encouraged. (“A nation of swindlers” who benefit only “from deceiving their host’s culture” Immanuel Kant, Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, Königsberg, ١٧٩٨). The goal was to dispossess the resident population of their property by indebting it. Despite being ejected from countless countries --sometimes repeatedly (supposedly from 109 locations since AD205) --when their machinations were detected, over time, these pecuniary commercial travellers succeeded in their long-range aspiration: to indebt not merely individuals but entire countries. Governments borrow more than individuals and repayment is guaranteed through taxes. “A nation that will not get itself into debt drives the usurers to fury.” (Ezra Pound, Impact - Essays on Ignorance and the Decline of American Civilization, 1960)
Memo from today: January 22, 2015. The European Central Bank has claimed the right to buy 1.14 trillion Euros of worthless government bonds from EU economies in crisis, making it the biggest Bad Bank in the world. Of course, the taxpayers will ultimately be responsible when this junk paper comes due. This means that the central banks will become the countries’ greatest creditors. That’s the way the plan works.
The Argentine Great Depression, which began due to the Russian and Brazilian financial crises, caused widespread unemployment, riots, the fall of the government, a default on the country’s foreign debt, the rise of alternative currencies and the end of the peso’s fixed exchange rate to the US dollar. The economy shrank by 20 percent from 1998 to 2002. In terms of income, over 50 percent of Argentines were poor and 25 percent, indigent; seven out of ten Argentine children were poor at the depth of the crisis in 2002. The International Monetary Fund accepted no discounts in its part of the Argentine debt. Some payments were refinanced or postponed on agreement. However, IMF authorities at times expressed harsh criticism of the discounts and actively lobbied for the private creditors. (Wikipedia)
Again the result of external debt: Argentina under President Menem (the one with the long sideburns) had simply borrowed too much; the peso was linked to the dollar; there was a bank run as citizens cashed their pesos for dollars; bank accounts were frozen.
Some in Argentina See Secession As the Answer to Economic Peril. Patagonia is even awash with rumors that the bankrupt federal government is thinking of selling off national parks to obtain desperately needed revenue. According to such stories, Argentina would also relinquish its claim to parts of Antarctica and permit American troops to be stationed in Tierra del Fuego in return for relief on the public debt of $141 billion, on which it defaulted in December. (New York Times, August 27, 2002)
Memo from today: Argentina and its debt are back in the news in 2014. Paul Singer of the Elliott/NML Fund and Mark Brodsky of the Aurelius Fund are claiming about 600% profit on the bonds they bought for pennies. “Will yet another sovereign debt bond mega-swap be imposed upon Argentina, this time with large swathes of its national territory – especially Patagonia – being used as collateral guarantee?” (Adrian Salbuchi, RT, August 12, 2014)
According to the Boston Consulting Group, between household, corporate and government debt, the developed world has $20 trillion in debt over and above the sustainable threshold by the definition of “stable” debt to GDP of 180%. (Dr. Jeffrey Lewis, Kitco, Dec. 24, 2014)
You have to think about a huge tower of debt on shaky foundations where central banks pump concrete in the foundations in an emergency effort to avoid (sic) the building from collapsing and at the same time builders are adding additional floors on top. Today central banks give money to institutions, which are not solvent, against doubtful collateral for zero interest. This is not capitalism. (Daniel Stetler, BCG, quoted in above article)
Perhaps theoretically not, but it reveals that privilege runs the system. If “capitalism” implies the freedom not only to profit but also to fail if circumstances dictate, then a failed bank should be allowed to fail. But no, we’re told, a failed bank might carry with it other failing banks, thus eventually risking a major financial catastrophe. The decision is made to rescue some speculators but not others, by secret deliberation and collusion among cronies from industry and government. Who are these decision-makers and who, their beneficiaries? Ah, that information is private, as it concerns private businesses. If it concerns private businesses, why is it the affair of ostensibly democratic governments to intercede on their behalf, and ultimately of tax-payers, who suffer when “rescues” result merely in throwing good money after bad at inherently corrupt systems?
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the combined government debt held by the world’s advanced economies is at its highest point since the Second World War. In 1945, the debt topped out at 116 percent of GDP; at the end of 2012 it hit 114.4 percent. The OECD says we’ll hit a new high in 2013. For example, by August 2013, German communities had amassed a collective debt of 130 billion Euros, mainly through the rising costs of social services for a population composed in growing numbers of feckless immigrants. Unrestricted immigration-- at a time of international financial crisis-- facilitated by EU-laws permitting “free movement of people” within the bloc, accompanied by culturally inassimilable and unemployable asylum-seekers from distant lands, has become an intolerable burden on the state.
70% of all requests for asylum in this country were refused this year. More than half the current 220,000 asylum seekers in Germany are not fleeing from danger to life and limb, but for economic reasons...nearly none of them is recognized by the courts as entitled to asylum – but conversely only every twentieth is deported. (Muenchner Merkur, October 23, 2014)
Taxes cannot be raised any higher on the service industry that has replaced manufacture, so urgently needed investments--in the upkeep of roads, for instance--cannot be contemplated. Nor can new industry be attracted to these indebted cities, as their high tax is a disincentive. So there is no solution. All it would take for formal bankruptc
y across Germany would be a rise in interest rates, making the loans already assumed unredeemable. Only the state could respond, but the state itself is bankrupt. Those ultimately responsible for this hopeless situation have succeeded in their conspiracy: they have created, with the aid of “holocaust” professionals and propaganda, the necessary climate of guilt whereby never-ending legal as well as illegal immigration goes unchallenged, resulting in a fractured society, civil unrest and inadequate social funds. The desired massive debt is therefore programmed. Jewish influence has achieved the dissolution of a once cohesive community.
“Because your chief institution is the social structure itself, it is in this that we are most manifestly destroyers.” (Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, New York, 1924, p. 147) (See also Weapons of Mass Migration, Kelly M. Greenhill, Cornell University Press, 2010)
Memo from today: On Monday, 5 January 2015, the greatest PEGIDA (Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisation des Abendlandes/”Patriotic Europeans against the Islamisation of the West”) demonstration to date took place in Dresden. This movement, which started with only 350 demonstrators in October 2014, now regularly numbers 18,000 participants. Its nature is entirely peaceful and consists of an evening “walk” through each city in which it occurs, by ordinary citizens from all backgrounds and walks of life, including well-integrated foreigners. Its intention is not to criticize Moslems but to protest asylum abuse: the massive immigration of unwanted, unqualified and culturally unsuitable asylum-seekers, tolerated and even encouraged by government, which is altering the composition of Germany.
Gauck promoted immigration to Germany to Indian students. “We have space in Germany,” he said on Saturday in Bangalore. (Die Welt, February 8, 2014)
PEGIDA is thus a genuine “völkisch” movement and therefore a threat to Jewish interests. Because these demonstrations reveal that the German population is not entirely brainwashed and apathetic, and still possesses enough initiative and cohesive power to summon up significant numbers in order to show its opposition to pandemic illegal immigration, it has met with the full media-supported disapproval of all authorities, from the government, through the church, to former chancellors. These defame the demonstrators as “right-wing” and “xenophobic” and of deranged mind and defective character, and misrepresent their numbers.
“Dresden spent 30,000 Euros on a demonstration against Pegida on January 10.” (BN news, February 12, 2015)
Memo from today: April 13, 2015. Geert Wilders is to speak at the next Pegida rally. That means that this heterogeneous group has been infiltrated and neutralized. Pegida’s motivation was more of a general protest against illegal immigration than against Moslems specifically. By inviting Wilders, a frequent visitor to Israel and an inveterate Moslem-hater, Pegida has lost credibility as a citizens’ campaign.
Paris, January 9, 2015: Reports about two Moslem men who executed twelve caricaturists and employees of a French satirical magazine yesterday, and were shot to death today by French police may not be entirely reliable. Contradictory information mentions several curious anomalies which lead inescapably to the conclusion that it was yet another “false flag.” However, even if the story as it first appeared is untrue, this event could credibly have been the consequence of decades of provocation, ranging from the subversion of Middle Eastern governments and the implanting of US favourites, through the constant brutal abuse of Palestinians, to “regime-change” by invasion. Moslems are not inherently violent, but they are particularly sensitive to criticism of their religion. As a result of willed and encouraged immigration of larger numbers of Moslems into Western Europe than any single country can absorb, resentment and friction naturally arises, and European prejudice reveals itself, among other ways, in anti-Moslem satire.
The masses mourned the French deaths as an attack on “Freedom of Speech.” Smirking discreetly are, presumably, the only ones who perceive the ineffable irony whereby a presumed act of real terrorism in a major western European capital is condemned as suppression of freedom of speech, when they are to blame for ensuring that another kind of freedom of speech is stifled.
Apropos political cartoonists, a comparison with American and British political equivalents (Danziger, Oliphant, Giles, Garland, Scarfe, etc.) shows that the crude slurs of this French clique are neither artistic nor insightful. To call them political cartoons is a laughable over-estimation of their content and could only be valid in a degraded age when graffiti-sprayers can be exhibited as “artists.” When the percentage of Moslems is as great as it is in France, preventing anti-Moslem criticism becomes not a matter of curbing freedom of speech, but of simple common sense and self-restraint. The cartoonists themselves appear to have been mostly older men, whose sensibilities were therefore, in any case, hopelessly outdated. The provocation of Moslems is not hindered in the media or by government, as it serves the hidden goal of setting Christians against Moslems. Those who are ultimately responsible for these acts are the same who ensure that true freedom of expression is not permitted under their version of democracy.
Zionist forces have been working for decades to pit Muslim against Christian.
True freedom of expression is denied by puppet governments which first stage terrorist events, in order to attack Arab countries under the guise of defending the West against terrorism, join NATO (U.S) forces in terrorising and destroying these Arab countries, drive their populations westwards in search of security and better lives (simultaneously importing Islamic terrorism), while those who reveal the actual perpetrators and genesis of this catastrophe are prosecuted as “anti-Semites.”
Switzerland is also coming under pressure from wilfully blind or indoctrinated parties. “Given the status in Syria, it is incomprehensible that the EU and Switzerland hold to the policy of isolation” (Green Party, bluewin. news, January 7, 2015).
This is a deliberate misrepresentation of the actual EU policy of welcoming any and all asylum-seekers. Lefties and odd little self-important groups, like “Solidarité Sans Frontières” (“Solidarity without Borders”), or something called “The Schweizer Friedensrat” (“The Swiss Peace Council”), press the country to accept more refugees: “Today’s defensive stance against refugees is not natural, but the result of brainwashing” (same source).
Again, the opposite is true: common sense questions the sanity of sheltering hundreds of thousands of aliens. Traditional Swiss charity is being misused to persuade people to invite refugees to share their homes.
While Churchill was still a free-thinker and before he engaged himself so profitably in the service of his matrilineal consanguinity (“Cunning, no doubt came to Churchill in the Jewish genes transmitted by his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill, nee Jenny Jacobson/Jerome.” Jerusalem Post, January 18, 1993) he asserted:
This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the 19th century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. (“Zionism versus Bolshevism,” the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1920)
Over the centuries of their seditious striving, Jews earned among the common people a reputation that is reflected in the many derogatory sayings about them that survive. Oral history passes down such folk wisdom as “Trust no fox on the green heath and no Jew on his oath.”
What is striking is that people too ignorant to decipher the truth themselves nevertheless know instinctively that Jews are not trustworthy. Yet they cannot protect themselves against the intrigues of these
self-same people.
If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local causes of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all the nations amidst whom it ever settled. Inasmuch as the enemies of the Jews belonged to divers races; as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as they had not the same customs and differed in spirit from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of anti-Semitism have always resided in Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it. (Bernard Lazare, Anti-Semitism — Its History and Causes, Léon Chailley Ed., 1894/Cosimo Classics, 2005, p.8)
Wherever the Jew is found he is a problem, a source of unhappiness to himself and to those around him. (Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, op. cit.)
Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honorable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible. (Maria Theresa of Austria, decree, 1777)
In the Austrian Empire an order was issued in 1787 which compelled the Jews to adopt surnames, though their choice of given names was restricted mainly to Biblical ones. Commissions of officers were appointed to register all the Jewish inhabitants under such names. If a Jew refused to select a name, the commission was empowered to force one upon him. This led to a wholesale creation of artificial surnames, of which Jewish nomenclature bears the traces to the present day. Among these artificial surnames are the following, mentioned by Karl Emil Franzos: Bettelarm (destitute), Diamant (diamond), Drachenblut (dragon’s blood), Durst (thirst), Edelstein (gemstone), Elephant, Eselskopf (donkey’s head), Fresser (glutton), Galgenstrick (sl. for rogue), Galgenvogel (gallows bird), Geldschrank (safe, as in: for money), Goldader (gold vein), Gottlos (godless), Groberklotz (clumsy clod), Hinterkopf or Hinterkop (back of the head), Hunger (hunger), Karfunkel (carbuncle), Küssemich (kiss me), Ladstockschwinger (ramrod swinger), Lumpe (crook, rag), Maizel, Maulthier (mule), Maulwurf (mole), Nachtkäfer (night beetle), Nashorn (rhinoceros), Nothleider (being needy), Ochsenschwanz (ox tail), Pferd (horse), Pulverbestandtheil (powder component), Rindskopf (cow’s head), Säuger (infant; lit. suckler), Saumagen (stomach of a sow), Schmetterling (butterfly), Schnapser, Singmirwas (sing me something), Smaragd (emerald), Stinker (bad smelling), Taschengreifer (pickpocketer), Temperaturwechsel (change of temperature), Todtschläger (cudgel / manslayer), Trinker (drinker), Veilchenduft (violet’s fragrance), Wanzenknicker (bug killer), Weinglas (wineglass), Wohlgeruch (good smelling). (A list of permitted first names is given in Kropatschat’s Gesetzsammlung (xiv. 539-567), the names marked in black letters being those reserved for Jews.) (Metapedia)
Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil Page 19