However, Jackson succeeded in defeating the bill for the bank’s re-charter. “On January 8, 1835, eleven years after taking office, Jackson paid off the final installment on the national debt which had been necessitated by allowing the banks to issue currency to buy government bonds, rather than simply issuing Treasury notes without such debt. He was the only President ever to pay off the national debt. A few weeks later, on January 30, 1835, an assassin by the name of Richard Lawrence tried to shoot President Jackson. Both pistols misfired. Lawrence was later found not guilty by reason of insanity. After his release, he bragged to friends that powerful people in Europe had put him up to the task and promised to protect him if he were caught.” (ibid.)
In 1861, came the American Civil War and Lincoln’s battle to save the Union. “It is not to be doubted, I know of absolute certainty,” Bismarck declared, “that the division of the United States into two federations of equal power was decided long before the Civil War by the high financial powers of Europe. (ibid.) “These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they remained as one block and were to develop as one nation, would attain economic and financial independence, which would upset the capitalist domination of Europe over the world.” The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They foresaw tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble democracies, indebted to the Jewish financiers, for the vigorous Republic, confident and self-improving. Therefore, they started their emissaries in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus to dig an abyss between the two parts of the Republic. Lincoln never suspected these underground machinations…. When he had affairs in his hands, he perceived that these sinister financiers of Europe, the Rothschilds, wished to make him the executor of their designs. They made the rupture between North and South imminent! ... Lincoln’s personality surprised them. He did not study financial questions, but his robust good sense revealed to him that the source of any wealth resides in the work and economy of the nation (see Hitler speech, p. 64). He obtained from Congress the right to borrow from the people by selling it the “bonds” of the States. …the Government and the nation escaped the plots of the foreign financiers. They understood at once that the United States would escape their grasp. The death of Lincoln was resolved upon. (Bismarck, 1876 to Conrad Siem, published in La Vieille France, No. 216, March, 1921, The Secret World or The Hidden Hand, p.180)
In 1862, rather than pay the central bankers 24-36% interest, Lincoln printed “Greenback” banknotes.
“We gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts.” To which the London Times responded: “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.” (The Times, 1862)
However, under pressure to find enough money to win the war, “Lincoln allowed the bankers to push through the National Banking Act of 1863 in exchange for their support for the urgently needed additional Greenbacks.” This letter was sent from the Rothschilds’ London office, which does, in fact, accurately assess the National Banking Act of 1863:
Rothschild Brothers, Bankers, London, June 25th, 1863
Messrs Ikleheimer, Morton and Vandergould, No 3 Wall St., New York, U.S.A.
Dear Sirs:
A Mr. John Sherman has written us from a town in Ohio, U.S.A., as to the profits that may be made in the National Banking business under a recent act of your Congress, a copy of which act accompanied his letter. Apparently this act has been drawn upon the plan formulated here last summer by the British Bankers Association and by that Association recommended to our American friends as one that if enacted into law, would prove highly profitable to the banking fraternity throughout the world.
Mr. Sherman declares that there has never been such an opportunity for capitalists to accumulate money, as that presented by this act, and that the old plan of State Banks is so unpopular, that the new scheme will, by contrast, be most favorably regarded, notwithstanding the fact that it gives the National Banks an almost absolute control of the National finance.
“The few who can understand the system,” he says, “will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent of its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”
Please advise fully as to this matter and also state whether or not you will be of assistance to us, if we conclude to establish a National Bank in the City of New York. If you are acquainted with Mr. Sherman (he appears to have introduced the Banking Act) we will be glad to know something of him. If we avail ourselves of the information he furnished, we will, of course, make due compensation.
Awaiting your reply, we are
Your respectful servants, Rothschild Brothers
(The Money Masters, video transcript, Anthony Sutton, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, p.53)
From this point on, the U.S. money supply would be created in parallel with an equivalent quantity of debt by bankers buying U.S. government bonds, which they used as reserves for National Bank Notes, the nation’s new form of money, instead of by direct debt-free issue by the government, as were Lincoln’s Greenbacks. The banks got interest from the government on the bonds and from borrowers of their Bank Notes-thus almost doubling their interest income.
As historian John Kenneth Galbraith explained: “In numerous years following the war, the Federal government ran a heavy surplus. It could not [however] pay off its debt, retire its securities, because to do so meant there would be no bonds to back the national bank notes. To pay off the debt was to destroy the money supply.” (ibid.)
“The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavour to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.” (Abraham Lincoln, November 21, 1864) (ibid.)
On April 15, 1865, Lincoln was assassinated. “Abraham Lincoln was assassinated through the machinations of a group representative of the international bankers, who feared the United States President’s national credit ambitions... There was only one group in the world at that time who had any reason to desire the death of Lincoln... They were the men opposed to his national currency programme and who had fought him throughout the whole Civil War on his policy of Greenback currency.” (Vancouver Sun, May 2, 1934)
“The death of Lincoln was a disaster for Christendom. There was no man great enough to wear his boots. And Israel went anew to grab the riches of the world. I fear that foreign bankers with their craftiness and tortuous tricks will entirely control the exuberant riches of America, and use it to systematically corrupt modern civilization. The Jews will not hesitate to plunge the whole of Christendom into wars and chaos in order that the earth should become the inheritance of Israel.” (Otto von Bismarck, from the recollections of Conrad von Bauditz Siem (1837-1931), Count Cherep-Spiridovich, The Secret World Government or The Hidden Hand, p.180)
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“The gulf that severed Western Europe from Russia during the latter half of the nineteenth century was dug and kept open by Jewish resentment. The power of International Jewry was the strongest of the influences which misled the world.” (Wickham Steed, ex-editor of The Times, Through 30 Years, ibid. p. 182)
Some authors believe, and the course of history supports them, that under the bankers’ President, McKinley, before the summer of 1897, the United States entered into a secret agreement (no papers of any sort were signed) that the U.S. would support England in its inevitable conflict with Germany - the product of Bismarck’s nation building. This was, de facto, an agreement surrendering American independence into a worldwide alliance (France being a minor partner) to dominate the world, presided over by the Money Changers who dominated the Bank of England from the City, in London, and through it, the British government.
Since the passage of the National Banking Act of 1863, the National Banks that were established as a cartel, had been able to coordinate a series of booms and busts. The purpose was not only to fleece the American public of their property, but later to claim that the decentralized banking system was basically so unstable that it had to be further consolidated and control centralized into a central bank once again, as it had been before Jackson ended it. Under the National Banking Act the Money Changers were gathering strength fast. They began a periodic fleecing of the flock by creating economic booms with easy money and loans, followed by busts caused by tight money and fewer loans, so they could buy up thousands of homes and farms for pennies on the dollar on foreclosure. In 1891, the Money Changers prepared to take the American economy down again and their methods and motives were laid out with shocking clarity in a memo sent out by the American Bankers Association (ABA), an organization in which most bankers were members. This memo called for bankers to create a depression on a certain date three years in the future.
Here is how it read in part (note the telling reference to England, home of the Mother Bank): “On Sept, 1, 1894, we will not renew our loans under any consideration. On Sept. 1st we will demand our money. We will foreclose and become mortgagees in possession. We can take two-thirds of the farms west of the Mississippi and thousands of them east of the Mississippi as well, at our own price... We may as well own three-fourths of the farms of the West and the money of the country. Then the farmers will become tenants as in England ...” (1891, American Bankers Association, as printed in the Congressional Record of April 29, 1913, quoted in The Money Masters, video transcript).
By 1907, the year after Teddy Roosevelt’s re-election, Morgan decided it was time to try for a central bank again. Using their combined financial muscle, Morgan and his friends were able to crash the stock market. Thousands of small banks were vastly overextended. Some of Morgan’s principal competitors went under. Some had reserves of less than one percent (1%), thanks to the fractional reserve banking technique. By 1908 the arranged panic was over and Morgan was hailed as a hero by the president of Princeton University, a naive man by the name of Woodrow Wilson, who naively wrote: “All this trouble could be averted if we appointed a committee of six or seven public-spirited men like J .P. Morgan to handle the affairs of our country.” (ibid.)
After the crash, Teddy Roosevelt, in response to the Panic of 1907, signed into law a bill creating something called the National Monetary Commission. The Commission was to study the banking problem and make recommendations to Congress. Of course, the Commission was packed with Morgan’s friends and cronies. The Chairman was a man named Senator Nelson Aldrich from Rhode Island. Aldrich represented the Newport, Rhode Island homes of America’s richest banking families and was an investment associate of J. P. Morgan, with extensive bank holdings. His daughter married John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and together they had five sons: John, Nelson (who would become the Vice- President in 1974), Laurence, Winthrop, and David (the head of the Council on Foreign Relations and former Chairman of Chase Manhattan bank). (ibid.)
As soon as the National Monetary Commission was set up. Senator Aldrich immediately embarked on a two-year tour of Europe, where he consulted at length with the private central bankers in England, France and Germany. The total cost of his trip to the taxpayers was $300,000 - a huge sum in those days. Shortly after his return, on the evening of November 22, 1910, seven of the wealthiest and most powerful men in America boarded Senator Aldrich’s private rail car and in the strictest secrecy journeyed to Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia. With Aldrich and three Morgan representatives was Paul Warburg. Warburg had been given a $500,000 per year salary to lobby for passage of a privately-owned central bank in America by the investment firm, Kuhn, Loeb & Company. Warburg’s
partner in this firm was a man named Jacob Schiff, the grandson of the man who shared the Green Shield house with the Rothschild family in Frankfort. Years later, one participant, Frank Vanderlip, president of Rockefeller’s National City Bank of New York and a representative of the Kuhn, Loeb & Company interests, confirmed the Jekyll Island trip in the February 9, 1935 edition of the Saturday Evening Post: “I was as secretive - indeed, as furtive - as any conspirator... Discovery, we knew, simply must not happen, or else all our time and effort would be wasted. If it were to be exposed that our particular group had got together and written a banking bill, that bill would have no chance whatever of passage by Congress.”
Once the participants left Jekyll Island, the public relations blitz was on. The big New York banks pooled an “educational” fund of five million dollars to finance professors at respected universities to endorse the new bank. Woodrow Wilson at Princeton was one of the first to jump on the bandwagon.
President Taft would not back the Aldrich bill. The bankers quietly decided to move to track two, the Democratic alternative. They began financing Woodrow Wilson as the Democratic nominee. As historian James Perloff put it, Wall Street financier Bernard Baruch was put in charge of Wilson’s education. (ibid.)
Despite the charges of deceit and corruption, the bill was finally rammed through the House and Senate on December 23, 1913, after many Senators and Representatives had left town for the Holidays, having been assured by the leadership that nothing would be done until long after the Christmas recess. On the day the bill was passed. Congressman Lindbergh prophetically warned his countrymen that: “This Act establishes the most gigantic trust on Earth. When the President signs this bill, the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized. The people may not know it immediately but the day of reckoning is only a few years removed. .. The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this bill.” (Congressman Charles Lindbergh Sr., December, 1913)
The financial system has been turned over to the Federal Reserve Board....The system is private, conducted for the sole purpose of obtaining the greatest possible profits from the use of other people’s money. (Lindbergh, 1923)
Just as with the Bank of England, the interest payments had to be guaranteed by direct taxation of the people. The Money Changers knew that if they had to rely on contributions from the states, eventually the individual state legislatures would revolt and either refuse to pay the interest on their own money, or at least bring political pressure to bear to keep the debt small. It is interesting to note that in 1895 the Supreme Court had found a similar income tax law to be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court even found a corporate income tax law unconstitutional in 1909. As a result, in October, 1913 Senator Aldrich hustled a bill through the Congress for a constitutional amendment allowing income tax. The proposed 16th Amendment to the Constitution was then sent to the state legislatures for approval, but some critics claim that the 16th Amendment was never passed by the necessary 3/4s of the states. In other words, the 16th Amendment may not be legal. But the Money Changers were in no mood to debate the fine points. Without the power to tax the
people directly and bypass the states, the Federal Reserve Bill would be far less useful to those who wanted to drive America deeply into their debt. (The Money Masters)
(The Fed) was deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us for our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. ...What king ever robbed his subjects to such an extent as the Federal Reserve has robbed us? (Congressman Louis McFadden, speech, June 10, 1932)
The Aldrich bill was condemned in the platform ... when Woodrow Wilson was nominated... The men who ruled the Democratic Party promised the people that if they were returned to power there would be no central bank established here while they held the reins of government. Thirteen months later that promise was broken, and the Wilson administration, under the tutelage of those sinister Wall Street figures who stood behind Colonel House, established here in our free country the worm-eaten monarchical institution of the king’s bank to control us from the top downward, and to shackle us from the cradle to the grave. (McFadden died suddenly, probably of poison, in 1936)
Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil Page 21