Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil

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Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil Page 48

by Tell the Truth

  1867: Marxism (Das Kapital) on commission, Marxist “scientific” communism

  1897: Zionism (first conference)

  1913: Federal Reserve founded, income tax introduced

  1914-1918: WWI

  1917: Balfour Declaration/ Bolshevik Communism/Russian Revolution

  1919: Versailles Treaty /Communist International (Comintern) 1919-1943

  1919-1946: League of Nations

  1939-1945: WWII

  1945: United Nations

  1945: Nuremberg War Crimes “Trials” (kangaroo courts), November 1945 to April 1949

  1946: Mass gassing of Jews accepted as fact

  1948: Israel

  1951-2009: creation/consolidation of European Bloc/”European Union”

  1990s: Globalism/global debt, to present day

  2014: West Bank Ashkenazi-Khazarians colonize Ukraine

  Future: New World Order, possible merging of North/South America, UK, Australia, Sub-Saharan Africa; Europe, Russia; Asia, into “Oceania,” “Eurasia,” “Eastasia” respectively, or into similarly baptized blocs

  Israel may attack civilians in Lebanon with cluster bombs (2006) and in the Gaza Strip with white phosphorus shells (2008-2009), and test the weapons, from the sale of which their export industy profits, on the defenceless population, but the UN Security Council does not intervene. By its immoral conduct, Israel has outlawed itself and is not fit to share the planet with the ordinary congregation of humanity, or as Gilad Atzmon says, “There should be no mistake; there is no room for these people amongst nations.” (29 December, 2008).

  Persecution, in a word, although unjust, may have reduced the modern Jews to a state almost justifying malignant vengeance. They may have become so odious and so hostile to mankind, as to merit for their present conduct, no matter how occasioned, the obloquy and ill-treatment of the communities in which they dwell and with which they are scarcely permitted to mingle. (Disraeli Life of Lord George Bentinck, Chapter 24)


  In all the great cities of Europe, and in some of the great cities of Asia, among the infamous classes therein existing, there will always be found Jews. They are not the only people who are usurers, gladiators, and followers of mean and scandalous occupations, nor are they anywhere a majority of such, but considering their general numbers, they contribute perhaps more than their proportion to the aggregate of the vile. In this they obey the law which regulates the destiny of all persecuted races: the infamous is the business of the dishonoured; and as infamous pursuits are generally illegal pursuits, the persecuted race which has most ability will be most successful in combating the law. (The Life of Lord George Bentinck, Benjamin Disraeli, Chapter 10).

  Disraeli, in this political biography, seems to attempt to redeem the Jews retroactively for their -- as he admits -- tainted evolution. According to him, their persecution excuses their professions. He does not tell us why they were persecuted in the first place, while his conversion to Christianity alone would seem adequate grounds to doubt his sincerity.

  Voltaire, on the other hand, was unequivocal in his opinion: “Ispeak with regret about the Jews: this nation is, in many respects, the most detestable that has ever soiled the earth.” (Dictionaire Philosophique, 1764 “Tolerance,” section 1)

  Of course I accept that society, in the absence of individual human responsibility, must be directed by some guiding authority, but I object strongly to this lead being given by such an unattractive, undeserving one. A local king, the descendant of a long line and rooted in his culture, however degenerate in his private life, but perhaps a patron of great art and architecture, would be far more defensible than the present rule by inferiors.

  Present oppressors must be inferior, as, being on the one hand mere order takers, they have renounced individual choice. On the other hand, as order givers, they are by definition inferior, since their grasp of true worth is lacking. The attacks on Lebanon, Libya and Syria, to name but three victimized nations, have led to civil wars, to the poisoning of air, water and soil, and the wrecking of irreplaceable monuments, libraries and works of art. What is the point, one might ask, of living in a world in which every corner is polluted, in which the great treasures of past civilizations have been destroyed? (Just as an example, check out “Lost Treasures of Europe,” Batsford Ltd. 1946.)

  Ask the Jews, they must know. In fact, the destruction and despoliation of Man’s entire achievements, which is the consequence of Jewish meddling, demonstrate their lack of any attachment, not only to a particular culture, but to the human race in general. So their reason is not our reason. However, according to my grandfather, the descendant of a long line of rabbis (see Moshe Menuhin, Memories of Palestine 1904-1913), they are not authentic Jews.

  A charitable observer could come to the conclusion that non-religious Jewish professionals are sandwiched between primitive Talmud-thumpers and fanatical Zionists.

  Dietrich Eckart (1868 – 1923), commonly understood to have been Hitler’s mentor, put these words into Hitler’s mouth, in his fictional dialogue with Hitler:

  “It is probably the way you once described it: one can only understand the Jew when one knows whither, in the last instance, he is driven. Beyond world domination, towards the destruction of the world. He believes he must prevail against the whole of humanity in order, as he tells himself, to be able to create paradise on earth. Only he can do this, he deceives himself, and it will certainly come to be. However, alone the methods he uses reveal that he is secretly driven by something else. While he pretends to elevate humanity, he torments it into desperation, into madness, to its doom. If he cannot be stopped, he will destroy it. He is programmed for this, this is his urge; although he dimly perceives that he destroys himself as well. He cannot escape it, he must do it. This feeling that his existence depends unconditionally on his victim seems to me to be the chief cause of his hatred. To destroy someone with utmost violence, while at the same time sensing that this will lead to one’s own demise, that explains it. The tragedy of Lucifer, if you will.” (Dietrich Eckart, Bolschevism from Moses to Lenin, A dialogue between Adolf Hitler and I, Munich,1 March 1924. The Dialogue was one-sided, fictitious)

  Then who are these beings exactly -- beings whose nature is unnatural and whose ambitions are contemptible; who are therefore inferior to those they seek to dominate? In descent, part-Khazar, part not; in belief, part pious, part not. They have no common ethnicity (except as medieval Turko-Mongol converts, not of Jewish origin) or religion, and cannot, according to the Bible, be ascribed to the Semitic races (except in a very minor part). They have no connection to Palestine (except again in a very minor way). They have no continuous, historical attachment to any land, nor to any particular culture. As a vagrant grouping, their effect should be negligible. Yet they have so unsettled and tormented the world that it can never be at peace. How have they operated? What is their essence?

  Remember the oak on page one? However sturdy it seems, like most trees it can be killed by an invasive creeper: ivy.

  English ivy is an evergreen climbing vine that attaches to the bark of trees, brickwork, and other surfaces by way of small rootlike structures which exude a sticky substance that helps the vines adhere to various surfaces. NOTE: The leaves and berries of English ivy contain the glycoside hederin which could cause toxicosis if ingested. Symptoms include gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, hyperactivity, breathing difficulty, coma, fever, polydipsia, dilated pupils, muscular weakness, and lack of coordination.

  ECOLOGICAL THREAT: English ivy is a vigorous growing vine that impacts all levels of disturbed and undisturbed forested areas, growing both as a ground cover and a climbing vine. As the ivy climbs in search of increased light, it engulfs and kills branches by blocking light from reaching the host tree’s leaves. Branch dieback proceeds from the lower to upper branches, often leaving the tree with just a small green “broccoli head.”

  The host tree eventually succumbs entirely from this insidious and steady weakening. In additio
n, the added weight of the vines makes infested trees much more susceptible to blow-over during high rain and wind events and heavy snowfalls. Trees heavily draped with ivy can be hazardous if near roads, walkways, homes and other peopled areas. On the ground, English ivy forms dense and extensive monocultures that exclude native plants. English ivy also serves as a reservoir for Bacterial Leaf Scorch (Xylella fastidiosa), a plant pathogen that is harmful to elms, oaks, maples and other native plants. (Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group Least Wanted) (author’s italics)

  That’s the best answer I can find.

  There is a huge gap between us (Jews) and our enemies not just in ability but in morality, culture, sanctity of life, and conscience. They are our neighbors here, but it seems as if at a distance of a few hundred meters away, there are people who do not belong to our continent, to our world, but actually belong to a different galaxy. (Israeli president Moshe Katsav, The Jerusalem Post, May 10, 2001.

  On 30 December 2010, Katsav was convicted of two counts of rape, obstruction of justice and other charges.) Who “belongs to a different galaxy”?

  Aside: On the subject of altra-galactic attachment, space tourism is about to become practicable. If Jewish leaders want a world of their own, why don’t they use their obscene wealth to colonise and destroy their own planet and leave Earth to those who wish to live in peace and organic harmony with their environment?

  We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing you can do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy because we need a world of our own... (Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, op. cit. p. 155)

  Understood: that to which Jews cannot belong, they destroy. Yet it is inane to brag about what is simply a hereditary defect.

  The world’s population has long since been irreversibly infected with the Jewish way of thought, or, to put it another way: “Jews have emancipated themselves to the extent that Christians have become Jews.” (Karl Marx, Zur Judenfrage, 1844).

  Without knowing how the most prosperous became so -- that they were instrumental in introducing opium by force into China and in shipping slaves to America, for example -- most assume that Jews are simply exceptionally talented businessmen, as opposed to exploiters of humanity. What is important to them has become important to us, with fatal consequences. Pecuniary gain has become our focus and our priority. Whether the concept is profit and loss, GDP, rates of interest or other numerical accounts, we set great store by them. But it doesn’t matter what it’s about, it’s just the old numbers game again: the comparative, the superlative, the external qualifier. Statistics are the easiest evidence to falsify.

  Yet we unceasingly take in the statistics Jewish-owned media produce as measures of our achievement and well-being, and draw our conclusions from them, instead of questioning their accuracy and honesty, and relying on our own common sense. We crave assurance—if necessary, we manufacture it—just so as not to lose the last precarious foothold we have in what we perceive as reality. Instead of living our lives individually, at whatever level and with whatever mental and physical equipment; instead of concentrating on our own personal evolution and deriving fulfilment from our given abilities, we willingly join a system that has been conceived to deceive us and to operate for the benefit of a small minority of quasi-humans, whose interests are purely self-serving. We indebt ourselves by buying things we don’t need and can’t afford, and we dumb and drug ourselves through entertainment. This apathy has reduced us to the ignominious position of “consumers,” to whom goods may be offered or withheld, at will.

  Until recently, the pride of workmanship exceeded the quest for high incomes. However, we have been able to enslave society to our own power which is money, by causing them to seek after it. We have converted the people to our philosophy of getting and acquiring so that they will never be satisfied. A dissatisfied people are the pawns in our game of world conquest. Thus, they are always seeking and never able to find satisfaction. The very moment they seek happiness outside themselves, they become our willing servants. (Harold Wallace Rosenthal, The Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview, 1976, by Walter White Jr. or Charles A. Weisman, published June 1992. As the interviewer states, “the Rosenthal document confirms the themes of the Protocols.” Rosenthal, age 29, the administrative assistant to Senator Jacob K. Javits of New York, was killed in an alleged sky-jacking attempt on an Israeli airliner in Istanbul, Turkey, August 12, 1976.)

  The general and rapid degradation of values that has ensued since 1914 is only explicable as the consequence of the unbridgeable gap in organic development caused by two world wars. These hideous distractions and the consequent loss of identity and orientation opened the sluices of dehumanisation, and permitted the victory of sensation and promotion over reason and common sense.

  Memo from today: Those Germans that could be bothered to vote at all returned the Teletubby marionette to power for the third time in the September 2013 national elections, although they had a real alternative (the “Alternative für Deutschland”). About nine years ago, I wrote an article in which I expressed my trust in the German people. I meant that, given a chance, the Germans would see sense and save themselves and their country. Maybe I was right then, but I must be wrong now. The country stands on the brink of an abyss because of its planned role in propping up the Euro. (The Euro is not so much the EU’s common currency through convenience but through political will, by which the bloc is welded together. That is why no country, however insignificant, will be allowed to defect from the Euro.) German pensioners have increasingly joined the ranks of the officially poor, but the electorate could not even bring itself to award this new party the necessary 5% to ensure a real opposition in parliament. In September 2014, the AFD party did well in several state elections. However, perhaps because it is against the Euro, no state government will include the AFD in a coalition and the national government tries to ignore it. In fact, the AFD is no real alternative and no threat to the status quo. Its platform on all issues sounds plausible, but any opposition party can advocate basic reforms. Only when and if it should get into power will its sincerity will be tested. Meanwhile, some of its leaders have endorsed sanctions against Russia and have acclaimed the anti-Islam rhetoric of the late Ralph Giordano, an ancient Jewish whipper-in, infatuated with his own hair. In July 2015, the AfD acquired new leadership and seems to have become a serious opponent of the mainstream parties.

  Just as political opposition today is for the most part “controlled opposition,” there is no credible opposition in parliament in Germany, just as there is none in the U.S., Britain and other so-called Democracies. In each, to give the voter the illusion of choice, a duopoly exists, but these parties’ respective policies have been contrived to be almost indistinguishable—at least in practice, after election-- and one or other always dominates national politics. The imposition of previously vetted (e.g. Bilderberger) puppet leaders has become increasingly obvious. In keeping with the ever-deteriorating quality of life and to match the ever-increasing apathy of citizens, ever more disreputable and second-rate politicians are being foisted on us. Compare Obama to Kennedy, Cameron to Macmillan, Merkel to Adenauer, Hollande to de Gaulle. In Germany, as in the US, obedient politicians who have proved their worth are automatically reinstated at elections, whereas the main opposition candidate is chosen to be a loss-leader (“an item is offered for sale at a reduced price and is intended to “lead” to the subsequent sale of other items” --Wikipedia), or simply unelectable. Every four years or so, when leaders must be replaced, or have fallen into disfavour, the pack is shuffled and some plausible, but pre-selected nonentity pops to the surface, perhaps the scion of a so-called “dynasty” in the U.S., like a Bush. Before the present incumbent made the grade, it was uncertain whether the American electorate would be tried with a woman or a black person first. It turned out that the woman was then a step too far. Now however, it is most likely to be the same woman, as the electorate has been prepared for her. In th
e UK, UKIP seems likely to become a winner in the next general elections. If so, expect the party to moderate its stance on all controversial subjects and/or lose its charismatic leader to some “accident.” New political parties, like UKIP or AFD, are not the answer. Any new party founded to correct genuine grievances will be infiltrated by Jewish interests, or torn apart internally, between factions that are loyal to its primary cause and those who are prepared to renounce anything controversial for fear of being called “anti-Semitic.” Representative democracy is, in any case, inferior to participatory or direct democracy. In the first, a stand-in for the people passes laws professedly on the people’s behalf; in the second, the people represent themselves. In the first, all heads may vote, but the heads may be empty; in the second, a referendum, whatever its individual merits, may be initiated by reflective citizens.

  Curiously enough, it was Hitler’s dictatorship that brought people of all backgrounds and economic stations together. Germans believed Gemeinnutz geht vor Eigennutz (“public welfare goes before private interest”). That is what allowed them to defend their country in extremis and to rebuild it after the war. Today, self-fulfillment rules. Both citizens and government pay lip service to a universally irresponsible pseudo-democracy, which has brought about the gradual disintegration of society.

  If ever there was a system which was entitled to call itself democratic according to positive response, historians think of Hitler’s “Feelgood-Dictatorship.” Adolf Hitler came democratically to power and was even empowered by a democratic parliament to eliminate distress in the country (Empowerment Law). Only one day after this fundamentally democratic mandate, world Jewry declared war not only on Adolf Hitler, but on the entire German people...Adolf Hitler was not only confirmed by the sovereign people in later elections, he was actually loved by the people. No chancellor of the BRD could or can claim for himself that the people love him. (Die Demokratie-Lüge, Globalfire)


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