Find My Way Home (Harmony Homecomings)

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Find My Way Home (Harmony Homecomings) Page 24

by Michele Summers

  Gail’s expression softened and she gave a wobbly smile. “I understand. I had a great time tonight too. Thank you.”

  Keith kissed her heated forehead, pausing as he inhaled her faint, calm, pleasant scent. “Good. I’ll check online for the next concert and let you know.” He turned the key and pushed her door open.

  Gail nodded as she moved inside. “Good night.”

  “Wait…I almost forgot,” he heard himself say. Gail paused. “Harmony is having some kind of festival in a week or so. The Downtown Get ’Er Done or some ridiculous name like that.”

  Her lips tipped up in a shy smile. “I’ve heard of it.”

  “Anyway, I would love it if you could join Maddie and me.” Tension seeped from her stiff shoulders. “Lots of food, music, crafts…a good old-fashioned festival. What do you say?”

  “Sure. Sounds fun.”

  His lungs eased, releasing a huge breath. “Great. It’s a date.”


  The idea of beating his head against a brick wall held great appeal. Keith cursed aloud at his stupidity. What the hell was wrong with him? He held an attractive woman in his arms who had feelings for him, and he’d almost blown all his weeks of hard work by behaving like a thirty-three-year-old virgin who didn’t know what his dick was for. God, if his friends could see him now, they’d fall over laughing their asses off. Keith gave the gas pedal an extra punch as he sped from the parking lot.

  Each date with Gail had gotten better and better. So far, they’d gone on a bike ride on some nature trails through one of the state parks. They had played tennis a couple of times. Play might be a stretch, but they’d hit balls together, and he’d even coached her on her serve. Overall, Gail showed potential to be a good club-level player. At least she knew the head of the racket from the butt. Unlike Bertie, who had never held a racket in her life and didn’t even own a pair of decent tennis shoes.

  Other dates with Gail had consisted of a couple of chick flicks at the theater. Keith would rather have gnawed off his arm, but Gail seemed to enjoy them, and it saved him from having to come up with scintillating conversation. And she’d made him dinner in her tiny, freakishly neat apartment. The food had been very good, and she even baked a chocolate cake and wrapped it up for him to take home. With the exception of her roommates, one whose hand strayed beneath the table and found its way to his thigh, and the other, who stared at him with two different odd-colored eyes and blathered on and on about the endangered Carolina gopher frog, the evening hadn’t been half bad.

  And tonight, he ventured out and tried something a little more sophisticated. He shook his head. So she wasn’t a big fan of jazz; it didn’t matter. She had other more important qualities for him to consider. Like her athleticism, her love of tennis and books, her way with children, and her baking abilities. The mere fact that she seemed to like his daughter despite Maddie’s atrocious behavior could not be overlooked. It took guts to want to spend more time with someone else’s kid—particularly when the kid in question acted like a spoiled, obnoxious brat.

  Keith could feel a headache stabbing the backs of his eyes as he remembered all the past arguments with Maddie over the last few weeks. He still didn’t understand her immediate dislike of Gail. Maddie had only met her twice. Once at the bookstore and then one other time when Keith had picked her up from school and took her by Gail’s apartment. Gail had brought a book home that she thought Maddie might enjoy reading.

  The visit couldn’t have been more painful if Keith had ordered everyone to have their toenails ripped out, one by one. Maddie had been obstinate and surly, and Gail kept adjusting the silk arrangement of navy blue flowers that sat in a brass bowl on her oak coffee table. Maddie scanned the contents of Gail’s apartment, taking in the surfaces covered with lacy doilies and the old spinning wheel that occupied one corner. And to Keith’s horror, Maddie asked Gail if she lived with her grandmother. Gail laughed and said she understood why Maddie would ask, because most of her furniture had been handed down from her grandparents and old aunts. As Keith shuffled Maddie to the door, he had to squeeze her shoulder to prompt Maddie to thank Gail for the book and the homemade lemonade.

  The entire ride home that day, Maddie had sulked. But the minute she had gotten back to Aunt Francesca’s house, she had miraculously cheered up and started yammering about how excited she was about her new bedroom and how she couldn’t wait to move into their new house. Which drove the conversation over to Bertie and how much Maddie loved her and how she couldn’t wait to work with Bertie on some charity housing project. And Maddie would give him these sly looks or would sniff in his general direction as if he had the intelligence of a baked potato.

  Images of Bertie marauded his mind, making it hard to concentrate on anything else—like getting his life in order and making a serious commitment to Gail and even to Dottie Duncan and the Jaycee Park and to the start of his tennis academy. He couldn’t settle down long enough to focus on any of these issues that needed his immediate attention.

  As he neared the city limits to Harmony, he made the turn that would lead him to the Jaycee Park instead of heading to his empty home. From a distance, he could see the bright lights of the tennis courts which meant the courts were open. Perfect. Scrounging up a pro or two shouldn’t be too hard. Just what he needed: an opportunity to smash some balls. Playing a few sets of tennis would give his muscles a workout and clear his mind. When all else failed, he could always rely on his training to regain his focus.

  The next day, Keith kept busy by cleaning construction debris from his house and yard. He had called Maddie the night before and again this morning to check on their progress. Francesca wasn’t planning to return home today, instead deciding to stop and visit some friends in Richmond and stay the night. Maddie had seemed okay saying good-bye to all her friends at school and was excited to be stopping in Richmond for some shopping. Keith then managed to place a few phone calls to his agent and his coach regarding his ideas on opening an academy, trying to drum up some interest, and getting the ball rolling. After running and working out, he headed over to Raleigh for another round of tennis at the Raleigh Tennis Club and then dinner with Nick and Marabelle Frasier. But once again, he found himself driving back to Harmony without any clearer answers than he had had the day before. The clock was ticking and he needed to make a move. Francesca had made it very clear that she was planning a wedding, and he’d better show up with a blushing bride. She wasn’t giving him any wiggle room since he’d disappointed her with his irresponsible behavior in the past. Doing right by Maddie was too important to her and to him.

  Keith caught his grim expression in the rearview mirror. He glimpsed a bulging folder on his backseat and remembered that it needed to be delivered to Bertie. He’d been given explicit instructions by Gary to get the documents to Bertie as soon as possible. He turned down the single road that led to Bertie’s little gingerbread house stuck in the boonies. He didn’t know why, but for the first time that weekend, he felt a sense of calm, as if he were finally heading home—a place where he belonged.

  Keith parked his SUV alongside Bertie’s house and killed the engine. A light shone from the kitchen window and lights were on in the front as well. He checked the time, noting it was a little after ten. Maybe a little late to be dropping off papers. But Gary had been adamant that he return the signed orders.

  He pushed his fingers through his hair and adjusted the Bulgari sports watch on his wrist. Before he could chicken out, he grabbed the folder from the back and headed for the front entrance. Dropping off important papers. Nothing else. Keith’s conscience glared at him and shook its fist in his face, telling him that this was a mistake. At the same time, his dick jumped to life and banged against the zipper of his jeans, yelling for Keith to let it out before it shriveled up and died.

  He listened at the door for TV noises or music, but the house remained quiet. He shuffled his feet and rolled his shoulders.
He’d knock once, and if Bertie didn’t answer, then he’d leave the folder in her mailbox. Simple plan. Before his knuckles hit the door, it opened. Keith glanced up. There stood Bertie, with her thick hair caught on top of her head in a claw, wearing a pair of black yoga pants and a white tank top. Keith tried not to stare, but the two best breasts on the planet were braless underneath that thin white cotton.

  “Hey,” Bertie said on a quick breath. “What are you doing here?”

  Keith fumbled with the folder in his hand. “I…uh…wanted to make sure you got this. Gary said you needed it. I’ve signed all the orders.”

  Bertie’s eyes darted from his face to the folder he held out. She reached for it, saying, “Thanks. I’ll start on these tomorrow.” She opened the door a little wider. “Would you like to come in?” She glanced behind her. “I don’t have any food to offer, but I think I’ve got some wine or a beer.”

  Keith jumped at the chance, stepping over the threshold before she could change her mind. He crowded her space as his sweater came within inches of her chest. “Sure. Beer sounds great.” But he wasn’t thinking about beer. He was thinking about how green Bertie’s eyes appeared—except when she was excited, and then they grew darker, like a leaf changing to its autumn color with flecks of brown. Her plump lips looked like juicy raspberries, and Keith had a crazy thought of needing more fruit in his diet. And she smelled clean and fresh, as if she’d just showered. Bertie’s breath seemed to be coming in small bursts as her chest made heaving motions, bringing Keith right back to his Achilles’ heel: her great breasts.

  “Let me get that beer,” she said, but her voice sounded faint and far away. Keith pushed the front door closed without losing eye contact. He removed the folder from her fingers and tossed it on the console table by the door. He slid his hands up her smooth, cool arms until his fingers were massaging the base of her neck. He tilted her head back as Bertie’s eyes closed and her berry-colored lips parted. He’d come here for this. He pressed his lips to hers and that was all it took.

  Keith hoisted Bertie up and wrapped her legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss. He backed her up against the wall in the foyer and feasted on her mouth, chin, cheeks, nose, and eyes. Bertie threaded her fingers through his hair and clung to him, giving him all the encouragement he needed with her throaty moans and whimpers. She rocked against his hips as if she hated the clothing barrier even more than he did.

  Keith pulled back and examined her swollen lips and feverish eyes. “Not here. Not the first time. We need your bedroom,” he growled in a frustrated voice.

  Bertie appeared dazed as if she didn’t understand his simple words. “Bed. Now,” he emphasized by giving her a little shake.

  “Oh. Yeah. Good.”

  He released her legs and she slid them down his thighs. Keith didn’t waste any time. He grabbed her hand and hauled her up the stairs behind him. He kicked the door closed and started peeling off his clothes. Bertie stood on the middle of the soft-carpeted floor with her mouth open. Keith gave her a wicked grin after shucking his pants along with his boxers and kicking them across the room.

  “Now it’s your turn.”

  Bertie blinked several times. “Oh my,” she breathed. “Give me a minute to take it all in. I mean, I never fantasized about it being…your being. I mean, of course, I fantasized, but I had no idea that you—”

  “Now!” he growled, interrupting her prattle and grabbing the hem of her tank top, yanking it over her head. “Jesus.” Bertie’s perfect, full breasts bounced back into place, appearing smooth as alabaster from the silvery moonlight that filtered through her windows. Her nipples stood erect, inviting him for a taste. Keith lowered his head as he sucked one and then the other. Bertie jumped from the heat of his wet mouth and Keith grinned against her flesh. He shoved her workout pants down and took a moment to appreciate her lacy white panties embellished with tiny black bows.

  “I’m going to pretend you were expecting me and wore these for my benefit.” He fingered one of the satin bows that rested against Bertie’s left hip. “Because, I really appreciate the hell out of them.” He grinned into Bertie’s flushed face. “But…now…they have to go,” he said as his fingers slipped inside the elastic band and eased them down her legs. Bertie nodded as if drugged, and Keith watched as her panties floated to the floor. Then his gaze traveled back from her small toes curled into the rug, up her slim legs to where her hips flared in pure feminine form and then narrowed to her small waist. Keith touched his hand to her curvy belly. Bertie quivered beneath his fingers, and Keith wrapped his hands around her waist, bringing her flush against him until all her glorious round curves and sweet-smelling flesh molded against him like a soft, satin blanket. Keith dipped his head, capturing her lips. He made love to her honeyed mouth, driving her with his hands until she hit the side of the mattress. He gently shoved her and then followed her down on top of her fluffy bed.

  Keith felt her pulse jump to life as he trailed kisses down the column of her throat. He could feel the smoothness of her skin as he slid his palm along her chest to the tops of her breasts. Her taut nipple stabbed his palm as his fingers played with her warm, full breast. Bertie suckled his tongue with a deep moan and gripped his shoulders, pulling him even closer as she squirmed under him, causing hot friction to singe his flesh. Keith let out a groan buried deep in his chest. He pulled back and gazed into her fiery eyes that mirrored his own heat.

  “Do you remember the first day I met you on that ladder?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Bertie stroked his arm as she bit into her lower lip.

  “I wanted to do this.” He buried his face in her perfect cleavage, placing tender kisses between her breasts as her hands skated down his back.

  “Is that all you wanted to do?” Bertie asked in a strangled voice.

  He lifted his gaze to hers and grinned. “That’s just the beginning. The best part is yet to come.” Keith’s hot mouth on her breast drove Bertie wild. Her skin burned and her toes curled.


  He stopped his phenomenal nuzzling on the sensitive skin below her ear, and Bertie cupped his cheeks with her palms.

  “The night we almost made love in my kitchen—”

  “One of my fondest memories.”

  Bertie hesitated as Keith studied her. “I thought we wanted the same thing that night”—her thumb stroked the stubble on his chin—“but you ducked out of here like you’d just robbed a bank.”

  “I was an idiot.” His gaze locked onto hers. He entwined his fingers with hers and kissed the back of her hand. “I’m not running anymore.”

  “What’s changed?” Bertie whispered, praying she hadn’t blown it with her quest for answers.

  Keith rested his forehead on hers and moaned. “Me. You. I can’t deny it anymore. Staying away from you has not worked. I’ve wanted you ever since I found you hiding in my closet.” He nibbled on her lips. “I wanted you even when you thought I was gay. And if I take one more cold shower, I’ll be classified as a polar bear.” Keith’s smile faded and his gaze grew tender. “I need you. Now. Tonight. I won’t survive another day.”

  All Bertie could manage was a weak nod before he swooped down and took possession of her mouth and her body. Keith’s hand worked its way down her body until his fingers feathered the top of her thigh and he touched her slick flesh, caressing it exactly where she wanted him most. Every sensation pooled and intensified at the dance of his talented fingers.

  “Bertie,” he sighed in a husky voice. He kissed her again and Bertie wrapped her arms around his neck as his fingers toyed with the wet heat between her legs, making her moan and thrash her head against the pillow.

  Keith lifted his head and said, “This has got to be uncomfortable.” He unclipped the claw digging into her scalp and tossed it over his shoulder. Bertie let out a breath in pleasure. Keith loosened her hair, spreading it out over the pillowcase. “God
, you’re so gorgeous,” he said, his tone reverent.

  Bertie’s heart swelled with emotion she couldn’t disguise anymore as she gazed into his deep, dark eyes. She felt a pull, a connection that short-circuited her brain whenever he was near. Keith touched her more than physically. He touched her heart and wrapped his fingers around her soul.

  She slid her hand down his hard chest, marveling at the muscles that tensed beneath her touch. Keith rolled to the side, propped on one arm. His fingers caressed her belly, her hip, and the back of her thigh. Bertie threaded her fingers through his thick hair and walked a teasing trail down his abdomen with her other hand until she grasped his erection. Keith jerked on a groan and his entire body tensed. He was hard as a rock all over.

  “Stop.” He wrapped his hand around hers as she began to stroke. “That feels too good.” She looked into his heavy-lidded eyes. “I need to grab a condom from my pants on the floor,” he said in a strained voice.

  “The ones you tore off as if they were on fire?” Bertie smiled, watching his eyes grow darker with passion as she pushed his hand aside and gave his cock one long, measured stroke. “Keith…I’m ready for the best part,” she purred.

  “Oh God,” he groaned. “Don’t move.” He kissed her hard and then rolled over and off the bed with athletic grace. Bertie admired the play of his sleek muscles.

  He rolled a condom on in record-breaking time and rejoined her on the bed and Bertie breathed, “Hurry.” Their eyes met briefly until Keith moved over her and brought the head of his cock into place. With her help, he eased the long, hard length of him inside her. Bertie gasped. It had been a long time, and she was tight, but this felt right. Then he withdrew and buried himself even deeper, and she swallowed a scream that threatened to spill forth as he filled her.


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