Urgent: One Nanny Required (Crimson Romance)

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Urgent: One Nanny Required (Crimson Romance) Page 9

by Olivia Logan

  Her eyes widened in shock and she heard a small tinkling laugh.

  “Please ignore my husband, he sometimes forgets not everyone shares his sense of humor,” came the soft southern accent next to her. The woman’s eyes warmed as she looked in her husband’s direction.

  Oh my God, Claudia DeMoore was talking to her … Rania wasn’t sure if she was more blown away by her husband’s comment or that.

  “Yeah, Kirk. Try and remember we don’t all have our minds in the gutter!” Nick’s jovial warning seemed to make his point, as the man named Kirk executed a perfect theatrical bow by way of an apology.

  “My apologies, madam, but we haven’t seen Nick in … how long has it been? Didn’t even had the heart to attend an old friend’s wedding, did you mate?” he said, slapping Nick on the back.

  Nick rolled his eyes at the other man’s good humor. “Yeah, you don’t need to remind me. Kirk, Claudia, this is Rania George. Rania, this is Kirk Falcone and his wife Claudia. Kirk’s a producer here in Hollywood and Claudia’s an actress.”

  Rania didn’t have the heart to tell him she already knew. She didn’t follow the lives of the actors and actresses closely — for obvious reasons — but Tanya did and since she liked her film, decided to give in and read an article about her.

  “What about you, Rania. What do you do?” The soft, innocently asked question made her squirm. What could she say without looking like … she wasn’t even sure what she’d look like.

  “Rania is Theo’s nanny.” Clearly Nick didn’t share her worries as he blurted out the answer as if they’d asked what was for dinner.

  She must have sensed her unease because Rania found herself the focus of the big baby blue eyes. “Theo’s a great kid. Cheeky, but great. He hasn’t run away yet?”

  Accepting the lifeline, Rania shook her head, “Not on my watch, he hasn’t.”

  “Both boys settled down okay?” Nick asked, as both couples joined the shuffling masses making their way through the white rose-covered archway to the tables.

  “You know what those two are like. As soon as they get together they never stop talking,” Claudia replied over her shoulder.

  “Their son, Will, is the friend Theo went to stay with,” Nick explained to Rania, the softly spoken comment too close to her ear for her own sanity. She gasped as they entered the room, all thoughts of bosses or being too close to them gone for good. The room was breathtaking. White satin everything, diamonds glittering from anything that could stand still. The beauty of the white accentuated by the black accessories like the shiny black chairs and lace bows. They were directed to their chairs, and much to her disappointment, found themselves separated from the engaging couple.

  The table seemed to be designated boy-girl seating order, and she found herself with Nick on one side and an elderly gentleman on the other. She later learned that he had just received the lifetime achievement award at the Oscars. If that wasn’t enough for a girl to lose all sense of reality, she didn’t know what was.

  Pretending she didn’t know people were staring at her since her arrival, she reached for a bread roll. She heard a not-so-subtle gasp opposite her and froze mid-reach. Oh yes, she was definitely being stared at. The eyes of all the women on the table were pinned to her hand that hovered above the breadbasket.

  Pulling her hand back quickly, she reached for her sparkling water, ignoring the hunger pains, sipping on the cool bubbly liquid. Nope, she couldn’t do it. She hadn’t eaten much earlier in the day and she was hungry. Grabbing a roll, she plopped it onto the small plate, pushing her napkin onto her lap in the process. What did she care what they thought? If they wanted to go hungry all night, that was their choice. And furthermore, since she hated dry bread, she reached for a small rose-shaped knob of butter. Let’s see what they make of that, she thought as she daintily consumed her roll.

  Hearing a chuckle beside her, she saw Nick reach for a roll as well before seeing the men round the table do the same. Their appreciative comments, that at last they could eat, floated around the table. Feeling satisfied with herself, she noticed that after these comments, some of the women also selected a bread roll, although they only picked at it. Lord forbid they ate it with butter.

  The man next to her began to talk to her and she smiled, nodding at his comments. He seemed to have a lot to say and she found herself nodding well into the main course before he excused himself.

  The soft lamb practically fell off the bone and melted in her mouth. The pureed vegetables blended together in a heavenly herb-y explosion and she couldn’t stop the small moan of pleasure as she finished it.

  “That good, is it?” asked the whispered voice to her right and she turned to find Nick watching her. Not trusting her teeth not to have least one embarrassing remnant of food lodged in them, she reached for the red wine, nodding. This haute cuisine was really spoiling her. She’d never look at her frozen meals in the same way again.

  “Seems like you’ve made a new friend,” he said, nodding at the empty chair on her other side.

  “Mmmmm, you too,” Rania replied, subtly pointing with her finger at the woman on his right who all throughout dinner was practically salivating over him.

  “Not likely. That’s why I brought you along, remember? To protect me from these people.” His voice was glum as he tried to scoot further to her side. The warmth of his body pressed close to hers, made her feel hot and bothered all in the places she shouldn’t be hot and bothered in.

  “I’ll do my best, but I doubt these women are the type to be scared off by the son’s nanny.” Why had she gone and said that? Now he was going to think she was upset that she was introduced by her official title. And what else would he say, she berated herself. She was the nanny and that was that.

  “I’m sorry if telling Kirk and Claudia upset you. I told them the truth because they are good friends and good people. If anyone else asks, I’ll say we are just friends.”

  His apologetic tone put her back up further. “Why should it annoy me? I am the nanny; why lie to people?” she whispered, unable to hide the annoyance in her voice.

  She felt his large hand envelop hers and she tried to pull away, stopping as he slid his hand under hers and his thumb began to make small circular movements on her palm. Unable to stop the shiver that shot through her, she found her fingers involuntarily closing around his, intertwining their hands. Unable to move or even breathe, she kept her eyes locked on the centerpiece in the middle of the table, pretending for all the world that she really was that fascinated by it; flexing her fingers as Nick continued the soft movement on her hand, excruciating in its gentleness.

  “So, young lady, I leave you for a few moments and some young buck has stolen you away.”

  The circular movements stopped as they both looked up at the approach of her dinner partner. Leaning across her, Nick extended his hand. “Mr. Norman, it’s a pleasure to meet you. You were my inspiration growing up. My name is … ”

  “Nicholas Trenton. I’ve heard some good things about you, Mr. Trenton. Well done on your last project. It’s destined for some awards, I hear,” The gruff compliment held no hint of irony, just the plain honest truth. How refreshing.

  “Here’s hoping,” Nick said, leaning back in his own chair, hand still twined with Rania’s. She could understand the hand-holding for the sake of the women, but not this lovely old man. Surely he didn’t care that Nick was still single. A jazz band had started playing somewhere, the soft sounds lulling the conversations as the main course plates were cleared up and dessert was served.

  “Well, missy, I would ask you to dance but I wouldn’t want to upset your beau here. Though I’ll warn you, Nicholas, keep a close eye on this one; you don’t want her getting away,” he said, smiling warmly at her.

  Nick let go of her hand suddenly and though not understanding why he had held it for so long anyway, fo
und she missed it. He stood up and she turned back to her dessert. Might as well make the most of it, she thought, pushing the delicate looking concoction around on her plate. She jerked her head back as she found a hand in front of her face.

  “Would you like to dance?” The softly spoken question did all sorts of crazy things to her insides.

  Placing the fork down as delicately as her shaking hand would allow, she slid her hand into his, standing up as he directed her to the floor where other couples had already started to dance. She had been to clubs before and knew how to dance in those places. Under the twinkling lights, this was a whole different world and she felt her breath catch as Nick placed his hand on the small of her back, the other grasping her hand firmly, compelling her to lean closer as she slid her hand onto his shoulder, and rested her head lightly on his chest. Under these lights, with this music, there was no need for words and she swayed under his direction, feeling as if they were the only people in the world. Too soon, the dance came to an end and instead of pulling away as she knew she should, her traitorous body leaned closer.

  “Get a room!” boomed a voice nearby. They pulled apart to see Kirk and Claudia coming toward them. “Didn’t you hear the conductor? Now’s the swingers’ dance. Hand her over, laddie,” he directed, as the band began playing a jaunty number that had most of the tables on the floor.

  “He means the men have to dance with a lady they didn’t bring tonight,” explained his wife, as she let go of her husband’s hand and stood in front of Nick.

  “Oh, right,” Rania managed as she reluctantly let go of Nick and stepped out of the safety of his arms into those of the Celtic giant.

  “Oh, and Nick … That’s my wife you’ve got there. Just reminding yer,” Kirk said, his voice gruff despite the jokey comment, his green eyes softening as they held his wife’s.

  “Will do,” he replied, his voice muffled as he was sucked into the throng.

  For a big man, Rania was surprised to find Kirk could move so fast on his feet and she found it hard to keep up in the spindly heels. The dance slowed down and she felt his hand stop on her waist as she stretched up, unable to put her hand all the way to the top of his shoulder, settling for the top of his chest instead. And she thought Nick was tall!

  “So, darlin’, how long have you known our Nickie for?” He was smiling, though Rania suspected the question was as serious as it was friendly.

  “Er, give or take just over a week,” she replied breezily.

  Dark eyebrows shot up. “From meeting to here?” She nodded as he let out a low whistle.

  “What about you Kirk, how long have you known Nick?” She had to admit, she was very curious. She’d never met anyone who knew him and although she doubted Kirk would tell her anything intimate, she just wanted to know more. Of course, purely because he was her employer and knowing one’s employer inside and out was necessary.

  The sudden image of Nick inside and outside his clothes made her stumble and she mumbled something about the state of her heels as Kirk gave her a quizzical look.

  “I’ve known Nick for about the last ten years. We hit the big time together and stayed friends ever since.”

  Ten years. That would’ve put Nick at twenty-four as he was thirty-four now, if she remembered correctly. She found herself wondering what he would have been like back then. Had he met Lila? Theo was only eight so he wouldn’t have been born. The band picked up again and she suddenly found herself being dragged along faster.

  “How long have you been married?” Rania was quite proud of herself and her attempt at small talk. She felt the silly urge to tell Nick of her accomplishment, quashing it almost immediately with her realistic, grown up voice that told her making small talk was a normal, average thing to do. It was nothing special; even though for her, it was.

  “Just over a year. Best year of m’life.”

  She frowned. But wait; didn’t they say Theo and Will talked as soon as they saw each other … How could a baby talk?

  “Ummm. Silly question but didn’t your wife say that Will and Theo talk all the time?” He nodded, having the nerve to look at her strangely. She wasn’t the one who had a talking baby. “But you just said you’d only been married for a year.”

  “Yeah, so … Oh wait … You thought … ” Throwing his head back, he laughed loudly, the nearby dancers edging away cautiously.

  “Well, how was I supposed to know?” Her small huff brought his head back down to face her.

  “Sorry, darlin’, but you have to admit that was funny. It’s a long story, but Will is my son and after the longest journey, his ma and I got married.” His eyes brightened at the memory. Looking at him now, she could well believe in the power of true love; just as she knew that, realistically, it would never happen to her.

  The dance came to an end and she had the lady like intuition that she was, as her mother called it, glowing. In her own words, sweating. Excusing herself she made her way to the ladies, taking a damp towelette and mopping her face, grateful for the air con. Walking out, she felt like a goose amongst the swans. On the surface, very similar, deep down as different as could be.

  The room was humming when she returned and she couldn’t see Nick or his friends anywhere. Spotting her table she sat down, bending down to rub the underneath of her sore foot.

  “You know the best thing for a sore foot is a handsome man massaging it,” said a voice from above.

  She glanced up to find the voice had sat down opposite her. His shoulder length hair was almost black in the low lighting, and his eyes were the same color. She didn’t think the five o’clock shadow was by accident, and neither was the way his top button was artfully undone.

  “Really. I didn’t know that. Do you know where I can find one, then?”

  He laughed, the throaty sound oddly doing nothing for her, despite several other women looking in their direction and staring.

  “You are funny, yes,” he replied, as a hint of a Spanish accent slipped through. He looked so familiar, though she couldn’t quite place him. He didn’t really have one of those everyday faces, far from it. Still, there was something, she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

  “Oh, my word. Ricardo Suarez! I’ve seen all your films. Can I have a picture?” An overly eager woman, garbed in a too-snug dress, appeared out of nowhere, brandishing a camera at Rania and practically throwing herself on Ricardo’s lap.

  Aha. Now she knew who he was; that action hero Tanya drooled over on a regular basis.

  Clicking and pointing, she plopped the camera back on the table as her wannabe masseuse managed to slide out of the woman’s boa constrictor grip, smiling seductively as he sent her on her way.

  “So where was I?” he purred, his voice as smooth as melted chocolate.

  “Leaving.” The curt command came from behind him. She felt her breath catch in her throat at the sight of Nick. And, oh boy, was he mad. His whole body was poised as if to fight. Standing up, she reached out for the back of the chair, steadying herself against the impact of her stupid shoes and her even stupider boss. “Rania, get your purse. We’re leaving.”

  She was taken aback by his abrupt tone. Whatever he was mad about had nothing to do with her. Gripping the chair tighter, she prepared to tell him so.

  Unfortunately, she’d proved to be a little too slow and found herself shielded from Nick by her unwelcome companion. They looked like two stags squaring off, with her as the helpless doe watching from the side. Part of her felt the thrill of having two men fight over her while the other part felt abject horror at the thought of Nick being hurt.

  “Isn’t that the lady’s choice, Trenton?”

  “Yes and she’s coming with me, Suarez.”

  Wonderful; so they knew each other as well. Maybe she wasn’t the first girl they had fought over. Seeing Kirk appear behind his friend, in addition to the
small crowd building up around them, she decided enough was enough.

  “Gentlemen, I don’t know what the hell is going on here but I am leaving.” And turning on her heels, she barged past through the crowd into the night air. The echo of the whispers as she left haunted her. She’d heard more than enough of the “who the hell is she?” question, to last her a lifetime.

  She didn’t bother turning around as she heard his footsteps behind her, her head still high as she walked to the open limo door. Scooting across as far as she was able, she kept her eyes locked on the outside. Didn’t look at him when they stopped at what she assumed was Kirk and Claudia’s house to collect a sleeping Theo.

  She was the nanny, and as it was part of her job she helped put Theo to bed, leaving Nick to say goodnight to his son in private. Marching to her room, she closed, the door, leaning heavily against it. Hearing Theo’s door close, she felt the panic rise up in her throat as she heard him walk past her door and stop. She slowly expelled the breath she had been holding as she heard him walk away. Stripping out of the dress and accessories, she gave herself a long hard look in the mirror. She would get through tomorrow, the rest of the week and the week after that if only for Theo. Then she’d be gone. Back to the farm leaving all the other swans on their idyllic lake. Thoughts of swans and geese swimming through her mind as she slept fitfully.

  • • •

  What the hell had he been thinking? Reaching for the decanter he poured himself the strongest whiskey he could find in the cabinet, knocking it back as the liquid burned a fiery trail down his throat. He’d never remembered feeling that angry before. One minute he knew the dance had ended and he was looking for Rania. The next, all he remembered seeing was red as he saw her sitting next to Ricardo Suarez. He’d seen him on the circuit, though never worked with him personally. But he’d heard the rumors. The man had so many notches on his bedpost, they were practically whittled down to toothpicks.

  Running a hand over his face, he grimaced. He hadn’t been in a fight since school, what the hell had possessed him to want to get in one now. No, he knew why; he just didn’t want to admit it to himself. Didn’t want to admit that she’d gotten under his skin from the very first time he saw her. How great she was with Theo. And how, right now she hated his guts. Pouring himself another drink, he wondered how, if he were in a film, he’d direct the protagonist out of this situation.


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