Fighting Control (Bay State Series Book 3)

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Fighting Control (Bay State Series Book 3) Page 3

by Hachey,Tiffany

  “So not going to happen. Let's just leave it at that. I know who I want and she doesn't want me. End of story. Can we please change the subject?” George says and looks pissed like Ilyanna's hit a nerve. Funny, I've never heard him mention anyone before. Maybe it's someone he was involved with while I was away at school. Maybe he started seeing Claudia again. They were an item when I was in highschool but they broke up before he finished college. That was six years ago. I make a mental note to ask him about this mystery woman some time and file it away for later. Right now we're celebrating. It’s time to party.

  “Who wants to go to the bar and have a couple rounds of tequila on me?” I ask and I realize it's been a while since I've seen Eric.

  “Hell yeah, Now you're talking sis.” George seems rather pleased with the topic change.

  “Lead the way,” Ilyanna says and stands to follow me while the guys walk a few paces behind us, talking about something I can't quite hear. Probably just some guy bullshit I don't want to listen to anyway.

  “So have you thought at all about having a baptism for Haylee?” I ask, knowing both Ilyanna and Braydon are Catholic, I'm sure they want to have it sooner rather than later.

  “We're actually planning it for the end of next month. We have an appointment at Holy Cross this week. I'm super excited.” She's smiling from ear to ear, which she does every time she talks about her daughter.

  I can just feel the love radiating off of her as her eyes shine with wonder and I can't help the jealousy that creeps up within me. I tramp it down and focus on the joy I feel for my friends. “I absolutely love that one. Nothing beats the beauty of a Catholic church and Holy Cross definitely sets the bar.”

  The guys finally catch up as we reach the bar and stand protectively around us as we squeeze between the other patrons crowding the space, waiting for their turns to order. When I finally get the bartender's attention, I order a shot for each of us and we quickly down them.

  After four or maybe ten I can't quite remember, I drag Ilyanna onto the dance floor and we find Sarah as one of my favorite songs come on. It's like we're not even dancing next to her, she's too consumed by her man to notice anyone else. I let the music fill every inch of me as I move my body to the rhythm, listening to the musician who's name I can't remember sing about it being all about the bass.

  Ilyanna leans over laughing at something, what I have no idea, but hopefully she's about to fill me in about. “One time I was so drunk Rachel had to.” She stops talking and her face tells me something's wrong before I feel the hand on my shoulder. I'm forcefully turned around to face the man I was actually successful in forgetting all about.

  “What in the actual fuck do you want?” I slur my words and a little spit flies from my lips. That doesn't stop me from opening the barrage of my thoughts to spew from my mouth. “Obviously not me. Where's your wife? I'm sure she'd love to know you're over here harassing the chick you used to fuck before her.” I storm away from him. Not trusting myself in my current state. Part of me still has feelings for him even though he hurt me and I'm a little worried about what he has to say.

  I flee to the restroom and lock myself in the farthest stall from the door. The door opens and I hear Ilyanna call my name but right now I'm too ashamed to answer. What the hell? I was supposed to be acting like I didn't care.

  “Tanya?” She calls out again and the sound of my sniffles gives me away and she slides under the door, invading my space. “Do you want to talk about it? I may be drunk but I'm a good listener. I promise I'll try not to laugh inappropriately.” As soon as the words leave her lips a small giggle escapes and she slaps her hand over mouth, which sends her into a fit of laughter. And what the hell, I don't know if it's because I'm drunk or emotionally high but I start laughing right along with her.

  Trying to calm my hysterics, I square my shoulders and clear my throat. “Eric was supposed to move here with me after college. He graduated a year before me. Even had a job waiting for him, he was a shoe in, guaranteed a position as soon as we got here. I really don't know what happened, he took a job in Denver and three weeks after he broke up with me he was married.”

  “What the fuck? Three weeks?” She asks with disbelief.

  “Yeah. What the fuck is right. No explanation at all. Broke it off with me a month after he got there.”

  “You still have feelings for him,” she says more of an observation than a question.

  “It’s that obvious huh?”

  “Just a little. Sorry.”

  “Don't be. His loss I guess. I just wish I knew what he wanted. I really don't want to deal with him and I don't want my brothers anywhere near him. I'm afraid of what they'll do.”

  “I'm going to head back out there and run interference. You take as long as you need. Hopefully they didn't see anything. They were heading over to the pool tables when we went to dance.”

  “Thank you. I'll just be a few minutes.”

  “Anytime.” She lets herself out of the stall and I lock it behind her and bury my head in my hands.

  Too much. This shit is too fucking much. Sober I may have been able to conceal my true feelings but drunk, I'm not too sure.

  When I'm pretty certain that I have myself under control, I cool myself down with a few splashes of water on my face, being careful not to smudge whatever make up I haven't managed to sweat or cry off. As I look at myself in the mirror and school my features, praying to God that Eric's gone when I get back out there.

  He must not have heard my prayers, because perched against the wall, opposite the bathroom is none other than Eric. He looks up at the sound of the door opening and gives me a pleading look.

  Advancing on me, he puts his arms up in attempt to halt my forward progress. “Please hear me out Tanya?” He asks and I have no other choice but to back up against the wall behind me as he closes in.

  My body seems paralyzed as he pins it against the wall and my mind is screaming, trying to find an escape but it's too late; I'm caged in. “I don't give a shit about what you have to say. You didn't care to give me an explanation then and I sure as hell don't want one now.”

  He leans in and runs his nose the length of my neck and I can't help the shiver of desire that runs through me before my mind can realize what's happening. “Get the fuck off of me,” I yell and push at him, but he won't relinquish his hold on me.

  “You really don't want me to do that do you?” He sneers and I can smell the whiskey heavy on his breath.

  “Yes I do,” I yell again, but it doesn't do me any good. He spreads my legs with his knee and rubs it against me. Sudden panic rushes my senses. I have no idea on how far he plans on taking this in the dimly lit hallway. “Get the fuck off of me now,” I close my eyes and scream at the top of my lungs. Before the final word has left my lips, his weight is gone.

  Slowly blinking, I can vaguely see Eric lying flat on his back. Looking up, my gaze meets the mesmerizing eyes that I could so easily get lost in. The same eyes belonging to the one person that I never thought I would see again. Or at least my shame hoped that I never did.




  “Is Greg Bellivue available?”

  After thinking long and hard about my decision, I find myself standing in the reception area at the radio station. I plan on offering an interview for information. He'll either take it or leave it.

  The receptionist picks up the phone and dials an extension. After several seconds she explains my inquiry and turns back to look at me covering the phone before asking, “And may I ask who you are?” I tell her my name and she pulls the phone back to her mouth. “He said his name is Julian Martin, sir.” She pulls the phone away as I hear his very excited voice come through. “He says to head up to the fourth floor. He'll meet you by the elevator.”

  I smile as I thank her and turn towards the elevators directly to my left.

  I'd been in this building a few times during my rookie year but haven't since and never to th
is floor. The radio station does a sports calendar, focusing on a different sport every year. Ours should be coming up again in the next couple.

  The man that greets me screams frustration. His hair is a mess from the hundreds of times that he must have run his hands through it.

  “You wanted to see me?” Greg asks expectantly.

  “Yes. I was hoping you could help me with something?”

  “Hey, you were at the party the other night, weren't you? Why didn't I realize it before? You took Tanya home.”

  He's observant. I'll give him that. Just wondering why he didn't recognize me until now. “Yeah, that’s what I came here to ask you about.” Tanya. That's her name. Damn. How hard is that to remember? I must have been concentrating entirely on the effect she was having on me.

  “You came here to talk to me about Tanya? Why?” He asks as he escorts me into his office and we both take a seat across the desk from each other.

  I come right out with it. “I have a proposition for you. She ran off without a word and I've been trying to find her. You want an interview. I think we could help each other out. Don't you?”

  He raises an eyebrow at my request but a huge grin splits across his face moments later. “She'll probably want to kill me, but what the hell? She knows I have a deadline.”

  “She doesn't have to know.”

  “I think she will. She's way too smart. I get my interview that I desperately need, from you of all people and you just happen to run into her. I highly doubt she's that naive.” Damn. I hadn't really thought about that. Oh well, she'll get over it, hopefully.

  “Okay, you tell me how to find her and you got yourself an interview.”

  Two hours after sitting down in his office, I have all the information I need to find her. She has plans with her friends at Rain tomorrow night and I plan on making an appearance. Whatever it is I felt when I was with her is definitely worth trying to figure out. I've never felt as instantly connected to anyone as I did with her.


  Sitting at the bar, my body becomes aware of her as soon as she steps through the door, and I hesitate before turning to see that I'm right.

  She looks sexy as hell in a tight fitted purple dress that leaves her shoulders bare and cuts off mid thigh. I can't see her shoes, but I don't have to. Her hair is in luscious full curls, falling right below her chest and it's begging for my fingers to run through it.

  I instantly feel my jeans tighten at the sight of her. The flashing lights cast a dance all around her, reminding me of stars stretched across a clear night sky and I've never seen anyone look so gorgeous.

  I watch her as she sits with her friends at a table on the other side of the dance floor. She turns in my direction and I see her flinch and quickly turn back around. Shit! Did she see me? Does she recognize me? Want nothing to do with me? I chance looking in her direction again after several minutes and notice her group walking in my direction. Holding my breath, I wait for a fight that never comes.

  I hear her talking with her friend briefly about Holy Cross church and breathe a sigh of relief when she wedges herself in next to me waiting for the bartender to notice her. Damn, how can't he? I'm hyper aware of her thigh brushing against my leg as she waits. She orders shot after shot for her and her friends and I wonder if she's ever going to leave the bar. I want to approach her but not with her friends around.

  I feel the loss of her presence, the emptiness weighing heavy in my chest. I turn and watch as the two girls reach the dance floor and lose all inhabitations to their dancing, letting loose to the sounds beating out of the speakers.

  I watch as her body moves to the music and then comes to a halt when a set of hands settle on her shoulders. Who the fuck is this asshole? I would have never thought about approaching her had I known she was seeing someone. Greg didn't mention anything to me and she was more than a little flirtatious at the party. Maybe I should just cut out and forget all about her. If she would cheat on her boyfriend then I don't need that aggravation. I'm nothing if not loyal and I would expect the same in return.

  As soon as I lay cash down to cover my tab, I get up to leave and see her run towards the restrooms, tears streaming down her cheeks as her friend chases after her. So maybe he's not her boyfriend. I watch for her to come out of the hallway and see her friend walk out and the guy from a few minutes ago head in the direction she just came from. I debate interfering. Still not sure who this guy is, I decide to at least go and assess the situation to make sure he's not giving her unwanted attention.

  As I round the corner, I spot him pinning her against the wall. “Get the fuck off of me now!” I hear her scream and that's all the invitation I need to pull this fucker off of her and launch his ass to the ground. She looks up in utter confusion from the loss of his weight. Seeing him lying on the ground she looks to me. “You,” is all she says, breathing heavy like a fish deserted on a dry beach, gasping for much needed air.

  Keeping my distance I ask, “Are you okay?”

  She rushes the distance between us, enveloping me in her arms while chanting, “Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was so scared. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. I didn't know how far he would go.”

  Tilting my chin towards the scum, pitifully still taking up space on the floor in front of us I ask, “Do you know him?”

  “I used to,” is her only reply as she takes my hand and drags me from the hall. At least he has enough sense to not get up and follow. He stays on the floor, right where his low life ass deserves to be. She doesn't offer any more explanation as we near her friends.

  She comes to a halt a few feet from their table and turns, whispering in my ear. “Can you bring me home?” she asks and I give her a quick nod in answer to her question before she turns and walks the distance to them.

  “Hey, I'm pretty tired. I'm gonna get going home.” Two of the three guys at the table stand, a look of concern etched on their faces before turning to me.

  Recognition dawns on their faces and I know that they know, exactly who I am. I'm still surprised Tanya hasn't figured it out yet. Although, again she's pretty drunk like the last time we were together and I wonder if it would be different if she was sober. “Holy shit Tanya. You didn't tell us you knew Julian Martin. What the fuck?” The taller of the two says as the third guy gets to his feet, all of them come around the table to shake my hand. The two who were first to their feet introduce themselves as George and Frank, Tanya's brothers. The third's name is Braydon and the woman with them is his fiancé, Ilyanna. “What's it like to play for the Patriots?” George directs his question at me this time.

  “It's awesome. I couldn't play with a better organization.” I don't miss the look of panic on Tanya's face once she realizes who in fact I really am and I wonder briefly if she still wants me to take her home. After about twenty minutes of questioning from the star struck guys, I turn to her. “Are you about ready to head out? I have an early gym slot in the morning.” She looks at me and nods her approval.

  Frank asks, “Hey Tanya are you okay? Really? Ilyanna told me about Eric approaching you on the dance floor.”

  “I'm fine thanks to Julian. I'll fill you in tomorrow. I'm really tired. I just want to get home and get some sleep.”

  “You better. Nobody bothers our sister and gets away with it,” he says as he fist bumps George in a show of solidarity. I know if I had a sister I'd protect her with my life.

  They hug Tanya goodbye and give me a pat on the shoulder in way of thanks for watching out for her.

  “It was nice meeting you,” I call to the group as a whole and get the same from them in return, as we walk towards the exit.

  I guess this Eric guy doesn't take a hint because he's standing in our way blocking the path to the door.

  “So who's your knight in shining armor?” He asks with slurred words.

  “Where's your wife? Finally ditch your sorry ass?” She spits back at him.

  “I asked you first, bitch. You answer me, I'll answer y

  This guy is really starting to piss me off and the realization that he's married sends ice through my veins and just strengthens my assumption of what a douche bag he really is.

  “I don't owe you a god damned thing Eric. You left me remember. Now get the fuck out of our way.” She's got spunk. I'll give her that. I wonder if she'd be so brave without me standing next to her.

  “What if I don't want to?” This guys a fucking idiot. I'm at my breaking point. Either he moves or I'll break his face.

  “I suggest you move before I do it for you,” I threaten. He stands his ground for several minutes in a staring match with me while I try to control my temper. I really can't risk my career over some worthless piece of shit. Hopefully he's not stupid enough to call my bluff. I notice as the fight leaves him, he loses an entire inch from his height as he releases the tension in his shoulders and reluctantly moves out of our way.

  When we reach my car she lets out a long whistle. “Damn. This is a nice ride,” she says as I open the door for her and she climbs inside.

  I wait until I'm fastened in my seat to start my questioning. “So, do I dare ask who that poor excuse for a man was?” I look over at her in the passenger seat and she looks totally drained, slunk back in her seat, eyes closed, slowly rubbing her temples. I pull out of the parking lot and wait for her to answer me.

  Finally I hear her let out a long, heavy sigh. “He's my ex fiancé. We were going to get married after college. He left me and married his wife three weeks later.” Well damn I didn't expect that or for her to keep going. “We had all of our plans settled or so I thought. I'll never be that stupid again. I just don't know if I can trust anyone after what he did to me.”

  “I'm sorry. I hope you don't judge every man because of him though. There are good guys out there.”

  “Let me guess, you're one of them?” She asks and giggles as soon as the words leave her mouth.

  “I think I am. I've never had a serious relationship though so I guess it's just an assumption that I couldn't see myself being that way. I believe my parents raised me better than that.”


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