US Navy, 280–281
US v. Windsor, 305
Uzzell, Thomas, 169
venereal disease, 158, 159, 161, 167, 168, 173, 179
Vincent, Clark, 163
Vinson, Mechelle, 260–261
Virginia Assembly, 86
virginity, 38, 138, 152, 155
Vogt, William, 161, 162
voter registration, 117
Wall Street Journal, 259, 271
Walt Disney Company, 295
Ward, Patrick J., 27–28
Warren, Reverend Rick, 304
Washington, Booker T., 11, 118
Washington Daily News, 41
Washington-Williams, Essie Mae, 116
Way Things Ought To Be, The (Limbaugh), 254
Weddington, Sarah, 222–223
Weekley, Frieda, 54, 55
Well of Loneliness, The (Hall), 57
Wells, Herman G., 135–136, 145
Weltfish, Gene, 84, 104, 113, 115, 117
Weyrich, Paul, 251, 252
Whatham, Arthur E., 11
White, Hugh, xvi
White, Ryan, 293
White, Walter, 94, 113
Whitehead, John W., 266–267
White Peacock, The (Lawrence), 54
white supremacy, x, xvi, xviii, 83, 85, 88, 89, 95, 96, 102, 109, 110
Whitfield, Lawrence K., 143–144
Wilber, Charles G., 127, 129
Will and Grace sitcom, 295
Williams, Garth, 118
Wilson, Edmund, 67
Wimbish, John S., 140–141
Winchester, Benjamin S., 44–45
Winsor, Mary, 14
Winter, Gibson, 166
Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 16, 31, 127
Wolfson, Evan, 287
Woman and Labour (Schreiner), 99
Woman and the New Race (Sanger), 8, 11, 21
Woman Patriot, The, xv
Woman Rebel, The, 6
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), 60, 61, 64
Women in Love (Lawrence), 51, 54–55
women’s issues, ix, xviii, 15, 24, 43, 45, 46, 231, 261, 320
black women slaves, 86
Catholic women seeking abortion, 221
freedom/autonomy for women, 11–12, 14, 16, 18, 25, 47, 79, 99, 139–140, 155, 158, 202, 212, 215, 222, 224, 230, 251, 255
liberal women and Anita Hill, 255
and power, 236, 254, 259
right to sue employers, 259
voting rights, x, xviii, 1 (see also suffrage movement)
and women of color, xiv, xv, xvi, 317
women running for congress, 256
Women’s March on Washington, DC, in 2017, 319–320
women voters for Donald Trump, 317
working women, 257–258, 263, 269 (see also sexual harassment)
See also abortion; feminism; gender roles; sexuality: female sexuality
Women’s Trade Union League of New York, 9
Wood, Carmita, 258
Wood, L. Foster, 44
Woolsey, John M., 59
workforce, xvi, 86, 257–258, 263, 269, 309
World Council of Churches, 170
World War I, xvii, 104, 139, 280
World War II, 84, 121, 139, 159, 210, 213, 281, 294
Wright, Dr. Louis T., 34
Wyatt, Reverend William D., 140
Yale Divinity School, 213
Young, Virginia C., 13–14
Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), 3, 107
Young People’s Relationships (Winchester), 44–45
Youth Ministry in the Age of AIDS (Episcopal Church), 298
Zuni people, 100, 101
Moral Combat Page 49