The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden

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The ADAM CODE: Back To Eden Page 3

by Michael S. Meusch

  He awoke to Sarah hovering over him. She was shaking her head. She poured liquid on his face. He shot and looked around. He was in her apartment, and she was sitting on her message pod watching him.

  “ Your way too old for that shit.” Wiping liquid away and rubbing his eyes.

  “ What, “ happened?”

  She threw him a pill pack.

  “ Here take these, your clothes are on their way. She was drinking her jackedOJ (synthesized orange juice).

  “ Take a quick Sonic shower, and we need to get going.” There were a ring and the door, and she said, “ ID” reaching her hand in the drawer, then finding out it was Ryan's clothes that had arrived she took her hand away slowly. She opened the door and took my phone waved it over the delivery service phone and made the transfer. She had taste and style. She bought him with his money a dark gray suit and a black tie. She laid it on the counter. Jack took the pills and felt better within minutes. She was picking up her bags and luggage.

  “ jumpers, we use them in the field.”

  She leads Jack to her bathroom. He separated to get undressed. She was staring at him leaning against the door with her arms crossed and foot resting on the door jam. He looked at her and continued to get undressed. She closed the door. Jack could hear her walking away.

  “ Typical, Cops.”

  She was speaking through the closed doors to Ryan.

  The door open slightly, and she could see the muscle divisions under his skin flexed as he moved. The “V” that formed above his buttocks was reminding her of her ex boyfriend’s butt. She had no regrets, she was busy working for the UCOA, and didn’t feel she had the time to baby sit a man right now.

  “ You feel much better within the hour” she looked at her watch and grabbed her long thin vapor.

  Soon Jack was ready and walked out in front of Sarah.

  “ So how do I look? “

  Jack walked to the counter and stood there.

  “Can I least inquired why the suite.”

  Sarah grabbed some things and turn to Jack and said in a matter of fact tone of voice.”

  “We have a date with the Administrator.”

  “let's go.”

  The UCOA administration headquarters was located what was once called Washington, DC. After the fall of the United States of America. The old capital was destroyed in the great decimation. A new capital was erected thirty years ago. The two Walked over to the pyramidal shape building and building. It was smooth and white, and at the top of the pyramid, the apex was a blue light that resembled and eye. Jack saw the structure and laughed at his own thoughts of the actual paper money that his father had given him. It was green and on the front was a balding fat gentleman with long hair on the sides of his head. The back was the same image, and he was standing before the two. The walking tram moved quickly and connected the sectors the UCOA buildings together. Sarah had her arms crossed, and her position of her body was contrapposto. She was relaxed and watching the window. Tram reminded Jack of the trip he took with his parents, and they walked on the tram, and we're moving faster than the other citizens. This was much the same except larger and quicker.

  “Feeling better?” She wasn't looking my way.

  “Much, finally kicked in, dintso(thanks)” she half smiled holding her arms.

  “Jack we can't speak here until your debriefed.” She added. “I, know you're confused.” She sneezed, “ excuse me,”

  “Pemba Leto Keres do lit dim mas.” She took an item from her purse rotated the ball over her sinus cavity. She continued.

  “ Jack I have something to confess.”

  She raised her eyes to him slowly. He tilted his head and waited.

  “Your whole mission, with Pasn’e and Siri.”

  Ryan was about to speak, and she stopped him.

  “Before you say anything, listen.”

  She looked down and then showed him a picture of the two girls. She then superimposed an image of herself onto the slated viper girl. The phone read TPS Match. In red letters.

  “You, “ Siri?”, “ but…”

  she tilted her head and smiled. Then imitated his actions that night. Pointing her finger at him.

  “ One Week or I'm taking you both in.” She paused

  They could see their destination just up ahead.

  “Three months I've worked…” ,”Three months!” Jack pulled on his jacket and looking at his shoes.

  “Why? All this.”

  Sarah took the cigarette out and lit it. She watched the smoke being sucked out by one of the vents.

  “We scanned everyone.” She held the rail with her right hand. The tram with was going over a bridge, and we saw new security installations being built.

  “Yes that's underway as well, but UCOA has different plans for that.” She regrouped her thoughts and continued where she left off.

  “ Scanning took months and then we found you.”

  Jack had a look of confusion on his face.

  “The VID, the implant, we, had to be sure.” Jack pounce at her his crisp voice carried a slight hint of Eurotrash.

  “You mean all that time I was being baited, used.”

  Capt. Reynolds looked stern and then it turned to understanding.

  “We had to be sure.”

  “ The whole plan was a setup, we checked your markers.”

  “It was a match.”

  Jack looked at her a little-pissed off.

  “ And what about your girlfriend Pasn'e, and the sex program.”

  Siri brought her her eyes to jacks slowly.

  “ Pasn'e was the one slated, I was given the NTT deactivation shot as well. “

  “Jack your different, that’s why the such large dose, like I said that’s all I can tell you, it would just be too much right now.

  “ But, you were safe with me the whole time.”

  She played with his tie.

  “ and, Yes”

  “The rest of the program was real, is that what you wanted to hear?

  She jerked his tie, and Jack swallowed.

  “Don't get the wrong idea it was the price to pay for the UCOA.”

  Jack loosened his tie and brushed it down into his jacket.

  “Price? “You would think you were suffering through the whole ordeal?”

  Siri smiled out of the side of her mouth.


  She held the cigarette close to her mouth and was focusing her eyes on the building In front of the two.

  All UCOA employees were head to the left. She lead them passed the mass of citizens to Right. We were met by two armed guards and escorted through the mouth of the pyramid. Jack looked and there the two guards and they were armed with SEBS sonic emissions blasters. Jack was aware SEBS were used to control populations back during the rebuild. Many starving citizens charged the Old capital demanding food and supplies. America was overtaken by a series of events that shook the world to its core.

  Capt. Reynolds stopped and showed her TPS ID, and she looked at Jack. Now Lieutenant UCOA special investigation unit. The guard looks at his ID and scanned his wrist. He then signaled the two of them to pass through the security scanner. Jack,

  “Don't tell me, UCOA chip us?”

  Sarah looked straight ahead speaking.

  “Welcome to the real world, the UCOA has done everything to endorse and ensure a free and just world.”

  “Delta 5 security clearance,” for The Lieutenant Ryan.” The officer looked at or ID’S. Ryan waited for the police to open the metal sealed door. The magnetic locks released and a few flashing lights appeared. The door opened, and Jack walked into a reproduction of the United States of America's interior of the White House. Two aids came up to the Capt.

  “Capt. Reynolds, I'm James Terence, Aid to the Administrator. Please follow me to the briefing.” Sarah stopped and grabbed her stomach.

  “Hmm, I'm sorry, but I need a restroom first.” Jacked shrugged. And the aid said,

  “Pleso, edek lano
tat evrotatus,” she thanked him he waited outside of the Toilets. A few moments later Sarah emerged, and the two followed him to another entrance. The briefing room was a large meeting room was members from all of the districts would and vote on matters concerning UCOA. Jack and his partner made their way to two vacant chairs. The attended brought some synth and addendum board. The sheet was of plastic material. When an addendum came into the topic. The board Sarah was now holding was the clear board.

  Jack tasted his drink. He hadn't tasted this fresh and quenching and refreshing drink since childhood. It was water. Sure it rains in Megacity. Drinkable water is different than what Megacities called sludge. Sarah touched Jacks' arm. She motioned Jack to look in the direction of her nod. It's was the Administrator. Everyone arose and chanted. I followed and mimicked Sarah.

  “We give honor, loyalty, and swear allegiance to The Administrator and the UCOA.”, “ Citizens you may be seated.”

  The AM came to the podium. He had a sad look in his eyes and pause a moment before speaking.

  “Citizens and delegates of districts of Claudiis, nuram, centorum, mantas, Lastos and nordom. Speaking to the rest of Megacites of the UCOA.” He paused to catch his thoughts and took a sip of water. We were both watching the speech from the addendum Board. Occasionally a line race across it as it was a weak signal. The AM continued.

  “I bring to you Addendum 363.” He paused and a speaker gave a brief description of the Addendum. The speaker read of the addendum list.

  “The capture and disappearances of TPS ID. Darbe whenslet.” The consulate was showing grievances and one could hear the gasps in the room. The AM put his head down and then gestured to Ryan and Reynolds. And continued speaking.

  “The UCOA administration has granted the permission to search out the perps and bring them to justice.” He cleared his throat. He waited again and on the add cards the image of several mask men Holding an artifact Glock to her head. He was speaking Tresnian. Sarah touched my arm and translated.

  “Members and slaves of the Megacities. It is time to removed the vale of your own deception and free the people from the tyranny of a UCOA. To show our intent is true I give you the Corporation blood line.” He removed her black mask from her head. She was crying and hysterical. One of the men grabbed her hair. “Shut up!” She started a low muffle whimper. The leader continued speaking.” I was trained like you and I speak your elitist dialect like you, but I'm free and you are not.”She gently stroke the frightened girl's cheek. I saw her fathers being shown past images on screen. Yet he as the leader of Megacites had to be strong and play his strategies like a game piece.

  “I've sent you our demands and giving you 72 hours to meet these requirements or I’ll start erasing the blood lines to your golden genetic family. He put the gun to her head and at the last minute turned it towards her aid’s head and the gun went off and the images faded out. Jack thought (that close of a gunshot to the head, she dead.) Sarah looked at me very seriously

  “That’s why you’re here Jack! “Jack let the news slowly sink in. Reynolds continued.

  “Jack there's so much to tell you, and very little time!”

  Jack breathed out a long sigh.

  “This isn't my day.” She calm Jack and then got up form the meeting and he followed.

  “We have our orders. They left the meeting.”

  She led Jack to a pod, a black Sl7 with silver metal and I dark grey interior.

  “Remember at the club I told you that nothing is really what it seems.

  “Yes, “but we were hi as hell”

  “The vehicle has been attached to your TPS.” Jack climbed in the and the seats making slight ergo adjustments to the curvature of his body and small differences that make us different as humans. He waved his hand over the console of the vehicle.

  “Capt. Ryan welcome to Sl7 automated response system.”

  “automatic or manual.” Jack look at Capt. Reynolds.

  “Manual!” He took it the craft up and leveled it out and was about to put the SAV in gear. A massive explosion sent fragment toward the vehicle. Jacks tried to level the vehicle out. And the force of the bombing tipped the SAV to one side causing the vehicle to loose control and shift the out of the hover lane. Other SAV smashed into each other and citizens stopping, and one SAV veered off and slammed into a building. Sending glass shards and fragments to the citizens below. Sarah yelled at the ARS Control to Sarah Reynolds. She took control and shot use into fourth gear. She was expertly riding around other cars and then two other explosions went off. In the distance, they sounded like load low toned pops. I turned looked at the damage.

  “ What in the hell is going on.” He turned to her, and she had a nav blaster pointed towards him . I was in shock. She grimaced and worked on coordinates breaking Citizen restricted Space.

  “Shut the fuck up and don't move.” She seemed like a different person. Jack held his hands up slightly. She logged on the hub. She was speaking Tresnian to some unknown entities.

  She had the gun on jack and we had four large ships types that Jack had never encountered. She looked back.

  “ Nesmia!“ (shit) she was working the controls. Jack calmed his mind and remembered with frame by frame mental accuracy of the training of the SL7 for operations earlier that day he went through each until he found what needed. She looked at him and he remained to show his hands. The UCOA Runners were catching up fast, and voice took over our ARS( automatic response system). Your vehicle will be terminated you have 10 seconds to comply. She was like a crazed woman now.

  “I kill the next bloodline to the administration if you don't back off. I'm sending a marker sample now! She pushed a button and the ships behind us went into a slower pace following the two. The ship was headed into a deadlands. Jack took notice of the trajectory and swallowed.

  “ Deadlands,” “ nice,”

  She looked at him sticking the Nav to the side of his cheek. Started laughing. Her tone has light but bronzy.

  “Jack, wake the fuck up.” She watched the ships behind her.

  “What if I told you that everything you thought you knew about your world was a lie.” Ryan looked at his arms in the air. She jerked her head to the side.

  Jack rubbed his chin and looked on the consul. He addressed her.

  “Then your no better than that bastard on the add card. “

  “ It’s Siri and that, bastard is my brother!”, “ God Jack your so diff (clueless).”

  Hold on she took the vehicle and dived straight down. The alarm on the SAV was going on off. The ground was turning and getting larger before them . The ARS was telling them in a robotic fashion.

  “ pull up, pull up, pull up,”” Initializing emergency protocol.”

  Sarah, now, Siri looked seeing she lost the ships. Screamed.

  “Activate emergency protocol!” The land was getting dangerously close, and the ship jerked a few time and leveled out. Jack breathed out a huge breath his head was spinning and felt he was going to pass out. He looked outside of his pod. He had never seen the stars so bright and so within his grasp. Siri grabbed his wrist.

  “yeah, I had the same reaction as you.” She took a round ball pressed a button on the device. She looked in my eyes.

  “This is going to hurt like hell.” She turned the device on. Jack tried to jerk his hand back. It was though he felt like someone had put a lit cigarette in his arm. The burning became more and more unbearable, and Jack screamed out.

  “Make it stopped, oh, God no!” She was yelling back

  “A few more seconds.”

  Jack was about to pass out from the pain. His nerves and muscles everything burned and it was the most intense pain he had ever felt. Siri let out a loud.

  “Got it!”

  Jack grabbed his arm and the pain dissipated quickly. Until he was just hoping his arm but no more pain.

  Jack wiped the sweat from his brow and flexed his hand. He said.

  “ Oh! Shit .”, “That hurt like a son of

  Siri held the gun on Jack and pressed some control on the consul. She looked over at Jack. In a matter a fact way she asked,

  “Your phone, pleso.” Jack looked at the console and remember his plan. He just had to distract her Enough to complete his plan of action. She repeated herself, holding herself and pushing the weapon deep in his ribcage. Jack took out his Phone and gave it to the red haired blue eyed woman. She took it and open her window and threw it out the craft. She gave a sarcastic grin at Jack.

  “Now Jack your off the Hub.”

  “You Jack Ryan like your sister our Ghost, now.”

  Jack looked back up at the stars and then a few meteors shot paced him. Like a dance of trailing light in the sky. He had never seen anything like this. He regained his thoughts and remembered the three explosions and the losses and casualties the UCOA administration.

  “What have you done? All those innocent lives.”

  She watched him and had a faint smile on her face.

  “Go ahead pull the trigger, you sick cunt!”

  Jack slammed the arm of his chair. Small SAV pod moved and tilted slightly. Then in stabilized using earth gravity once again. Jack honed in on the controls while he was talking. Playing his moves out in succession. Siri put the gun to her cheek and she was moving the weapon along the contours of her face. She turned to the window shield of her vehicle.

  “access code 1389755 addendum 363” she finished and just stared at Ryan. A green screen formed around she took her hand and moved it in front of the console of the ship. enlarging the image until it almost filled up the entire front glass.

  “ Records alpha file confiscated records.” ARS replied,

  “Accessing records 363. Shall, play it for you Capt. Reynolds?” She responded


  “The image started playing. There were men and woman running, and the framing(video) was fuzzy and blurred, and a green hue was about the lens showing if this was a inferred night vision. The figures were falling all around the compound and the men in black with using SEBS throwing and flinging people into walls and old archaic looking landers. The another squad would fire their blasters killing the fallen. It was mass murder and the men and woman running were, dressed and in clothes of dark gray and reminded him more of clothes of survival and concealment. Siri had tears forming in her eye. Jack leap and hit the GRL button and the pod lost its flight and tumble, down from its hovering position. The Alarm went off. The ship was dropping to, and the ground was ground growing larger and twisting and turning. The Blaster was out her hand and tumbling all over the cockpit. Jack reached for the weapon and felt the foot of his assailant Come slamming into his chest. He hit the side window and door. She came at him again with the other foot. It pressed into his ribcage with a large sounding thud! Jack felt himself hitting the door again. The blaster landing for split second right in his chest. He went to grab it, and it hit the window firing off with a loud thundering clap. He kicks Siri and his door came open, and he was hanging on to the seat. Jack saw red streaks, on the window and looked at Siri now bleeding and unconscious. He the alarm was chiming, and the ARS announced.


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