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Page 3

by Addison Jane

  I need to do this.

  I just hope Jack can foresee the type of role I can play. I’m damn good at what I do, and I must make him see that I’m needed by the organization.

  Pulling my car into the underground parking garage, I park in my designated spot. Grabbing my backpack, I hoist it over my shoulder and look around before I slide out. I’m carrying crucial information. I don’t need someone taking me out before I even get it to The Agency.

  I can’t see anyone, so I step out and walk briskly to the special elevator. I glance around once more, just to make sure, then I push the elevator call button three times with my thumb—there is a thumbprint reader inside the button—and wait for the light to turn green. Once it does, I push it once more. I smile looking at the rusty doors. To anyone else, they’d think it appears like a really crappy piece of equipment and probably defective. I know people would be more than a little hesitant about using it, including me if I didn’t know better. The first time Jack brought me here, I looked at it and thought, there’s no way I’m getting in that. I’m going to be trapped inside that contraption never to be seen again.

  The doors shudder and squeak as they open, and I walk in with a slight smile. Turning to the side as they close behind me there’s a small box on the wall. Most people who step into this elevator wouldn’t even notice it, but we know. I open it to reveal a thumbprint detector, so I place my thumb on the pad.

  “Welcome back to The Agency, Everly.” The digital voice echoes through the elevator as I turn around, watching the back of it slide open to reveal a stainless steel, hi-tech and far superior elevator. This one gives me a sense of ease. I turn and step up to the retinal scanner, the light shining brightly in my eye. Once it clears, the door opens and I walk through. The door closes behind me and then the elevator kicks into gear going down to The Agency.

  The elevator opens, and as I walk the hall, I can’t help but consider myself lucky to be a part of this secret division of the government. I know I’m only here because of my father, I’m not stupid I know he did this for me. If it weren’t for him, my computing skills would have been put to use at some boring IT firm, and I would be withering away behind some desk stating the words of Roy from the IT Crowd, “Have you tried turning it on and off again.” But this, this is exciting and liberating. Living this life, though it can be dangerous and full of drama, it’s one that fills me with hope. Hope for the world, that it can become a better place, and I will be helping with that one bad guy at a time.

  Smiling, I walk into the main room to see it bustling and alive. Operatives working at their desks, some heading off to the classified boardrooms, some standing around talking, computer screens lit up like Christmas trees with all sorts of information scrolling over them. Turning, I see Jack’s office to my left, the massive room taking pride of place in the space. The floor to ceiling window letting everyone see directly into his office.

  Taking a deep breath, I head for the ramp that leads up to his area. As I get closer, I notice the SO7 are already seated in his office. Axel is looking particularly tense as Eli stands beside him for support. Blair and Tanner stand back against the wall. Noah’s at Jack’s desk on the computer. Kace and Luca are sitting in chairs by the desk.

  This team is the best of the best.

  The Agency’s elite.

  You won’t find better Operatives than these guys and girl—let’s not forget Tanner. She’s one kick-ass woman. I might have a slight girl crush on her. I chuckle to myself as I walk up the ramp. Knocking on the door, Jack looks up from their conversation and gestures for me to enter.

  Pulling on the handle, I open the door and walk inside, noticing Luca looking straight at me. He gives me a weak smile as the others acknowledge me with curt nods.

  “Oh good, you’re here. As I was saying, Everly was given the task of matching photos Ares and Ezra obtained for us, to see if it was indeed a match. Everly, did you find a conclusive answer?” Jack asks.

  I walk in and lean up against his desk pulling my backpack around and yanking out the folder with my clarification pictures.

  Axel sits taller in his chair, his muscles tense and tight as he breathes heavier with each breath. I open the folder and hand it to Axel rather than Jack. That’s probably not protocol, but no one knows Kenzi like Axel does.

  Axel looks at me, takes a deep breath and opens the folder. His breath catches, and he slumps into his seat seeming relieved, as he rubs the back of his neck while grimacing at the image of the woman who appears a little too thin, sickly in appearance, and very tired, but she has an attractive appearance none-the-less.

  He sniffs and closes the folder with a simple nod. “That’s her… that’s Kenzi.”

  Nodding. “Yes, that’s my findings. The facial recognition program I used concluded she’s a match with the photos you provided from her childhood to the new photo Ares and Ezra supplied. They aren’t clear by any standards, but they are enough.”

  Axel stands abruptly and starts pacing the floor, rubbing his chin, as cold tension fills the room. “So it’s her. Now we know that for a fact. So what the fuck do we do about it?” he asks, his voice rising slightly higher as he turns and glares at Jack.

  “Yes, we know it’s her. So now we need to confirm her location and deduce a plan.”

  Axel grunts, throwing the folder at Jack with brute force. “Fuck that! Look at her pictures. Let’s go, and fucking get her… they’re killing her, Jack.”

  “How about we calm the fuck down, cowboy, and think this through. All we have is damn pictures. We can’t go scouring the fucking countryside looking for a ghost. We need hard facts before we can go in all guns-a-blazing. You know these people, Axel. They deal in explosives… warfare, all kinds of shit. We can’t go in without knowing what we’re up against.”

  He scoffs, turning away from us all and running his hands through his hair. “Well, you better hope we get to her before she is a fucking ghost, Jack. So help me God…” he trails off and doesn’t finish the sentence.

  Kace stands up and places his hand on Axel’s shoulder. “Everyone, take a breath. We want to get her back as much as you do. We need to take the Syndicate down and not get everyone killed in the process. We have to think this through, Axel. They’ve had her this long, they’re not going to hurt her now… we have time.”

  Axel turns and glares at Kace. “She’s dying, Kace. I can tell just by looking at her pictures. This is not the girl I used to know.” He waves the picture around in anger.

  “So why have they kept her this long? Why do they need her?” Eli asks. “Guys like this don’t just keep people around for no reason. They get what they need. Then they get rid of them.”

  Everyone looks to Eli and furrows their brows. “Is it because of her ties to the Malice MC?” Blair asks as I remember Axel’s family are all members of a biker club, and he’s also a patched member.

  Axel shrugs and shakes his head. “They’ve never made any demands on the club.”

  Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself to say something a little controversial. “Right, so we have to discuss all the options. Kenzi doesn’t look like she’s being held against her will. Sure, she looks sick, but what if they didn’t take her? What if she’s there of her own free will?” I question.

  Axel turns so fast I can hardly keep up as he glares at me so intently a flash of anxiety creeps over me. “Are you fucking kidding me? You think Kenzi’s working for the Syndicate of her own accord? Who the fuck are you to come in here thinking you own the fucking pla—”

  “Hey! Calm the fuck down. She doesn’t know the backstory.” Luca stands up placing his hand on Axel’s chest, pushing him back and halting his hostile stance toward me.

  Swallowing hard, I gasp at Axel’s sudden outburst. I know he’s hurting right now. Seeing those pictures of Kenzi would have been hard. But, honestly, it doesn’t appear like there’s anything holding her there against her will. I thought I was helping by putting all the options out there. I know ther
e’s history between Axel and Kenzi, but honestly, I didn’t realize just how deep his feelings for her must go. I’m a little taken aback by his aggression.

  “Look, if I’m going to be a part of this team, you guys need to tell me what’s really going on. I need to know everything.”

  I glance to Axel as he huffs then shakes his head and he walks over to the corner of the room. He looks physically and mentally exhausted. Kace stands up, and Axel gives him a nod giving Kace the approval, all while Luca is still standing in front of me protectively.

  Kace exhales turning to me as Luca hesitantly steps to the side to let Kace move in front of me. “Kenzi was Axel’s best friend, they grew up together. She’s another club member’s daughter. After high school, Kenzi went to away to college, but she and Axel remained in contact almost every day… then one day it all stopped.”

  I raise my brow in curiosity and swallow hard, glancing over at Axel as he winces at the memory.

  “She disappeared without a trace. Her apartment was left with a half-eaten dinner on the table, and school notes spread out as if she was studying. She was taken without a struggle. It was all very bizarre.

  “They looked everywhere for her. Camilla promised Axel she’d find Kenzi to ensure Axel joined The Agency, but now we know Camilla was keeping Kenzi’s whereabouts a secret to keep Axel in The Agency.”

  Letting out a heavy sigh. I haven’t met Camilla, but everything I’ve heard about her so far has been terrible.

  “Can we get Camilla to break and tell us Kenzi’s whereabouts?” I ask.

  Everyone shakes their heads.

  “Getting Camilla to break is like trying to turn water into sand. We’ve tried, and we’ve used every trick in the damn book… trust me” Jack sneers.

  I glance to Axel who’s looking at the floor seemingly defeated. This explains his affiliation with Kenzi so much more, and now I feel sorry for questioning Kenzi’s motives. He knows her way better than I ever will, and if he says she’s there against her will, then he’s probably right.

  “I’m really sorry, I didn’t know any of that. But I’m glad I do now because it makes me more determined to find Kenzi and get her back for you.”

  Axel’s face is forlorn, completely drained.

  “And how exactly are we going to do that?” Eli asks.

  Jack stands up and rounds his desk. “We need to bring Ares and Ezra back in. See if they can find a location to go with the photo. Their ties to the Syndicate may aid us a great deal. They’re more help then you guys realize.”

  Kace nods. “Okay, I’ll get started on finding out what we need to from the brothers,” Kace agrees as everyone gets up to head out of the room.

  “Everly… wait a second. If you’re to be a part of this team I want you to be able to protect yourself. I need to know you’re safe, and at the moment all I know is you’re kind of okay with a handgun...” he runs his fingers through his hair, “… I can’t risk you in the field,” Jack relays, and I nod.

  “Then have someone teach me the ropes. How to fight. How to protect myself. You know how willing I am to learn, Jack, teach me how to shoot. I want to be a part of this team in all aspects... I’m ready to learn.”

  He nods, and he looks to Kace. “Kace has too much on his plate to take you under his wing, but he’s the all-rounder who knows everything.”

  Luca grins wide and stands taller next to me, cocking his chin up like he’s the best thing in the room. Jack looks at him and sighs while clenching his jaw.

  “I’ll do it,” Luca offers.

  I roll my eyes. “No offense, pretty boy, but I want to learn how to protect myself not blow off my arm and incinerate myself.”

  Luca chuckles and raises his brows. “Oh snap. Girl’s got bite, but it won’t save you in the field. I’m as good as Kace. Don’t let one dummy incident trick you into thinking I’m not good at what I do, Snow.”

  Jolting my head back, I furrow my brows. “What the hell does Snow mean?”

  “It’s your name.”

  “What? Why?—”

  “Enough of the crap, Luca. You’ll teach Everly how to be one of The Agency’s best, but no fucking around. She’s too important to The Agency for you to pull your usual shit with. Do you hear me?” Jack berates.

  Luca pulls his legs together abruptly and gives off a salute. “Sir, yes sir,” he chimes with the biggest of grins.

  “Don’t be a smart ass, boy. Just do your fucking job, Luca, before I plant my fake foot so far up your ass you’ll be chewing on metal.”

  “Okay Jack, you have my word. I’ll take care of Everly. I’ll teach her properly. I’ll be good. I promise.”

  “Do I get a say in this? Can’t Noah or Blair… hell, can’t Tanner teach me? Yeah, I’d feel more comfortable with a girl.”

  Luca’s grin falls, and for a second it makes me feel a little bad that I’ve done that to him twice.

  Jack shakes his head, waving his hand dismissively as everyone starts to walk out. “Luca is the man for the job. He just has to prove it. Go on, off you two go.”

  Tensing my shoulders, Luca walks off ahead of me. I turn and walk out of the office and down the ramp wondering how the hell I’m going to train with Luca of all people. I arrive at the bottom of the ramp and head off to my station as Noah steps up to my side.

  “Hey Everly, wanna go over the facial recognition software and see if we can narrow down the location ourselves with the proximity angling on the backgrounds?” Noah asks.

  Hell, that excites me, and I nod with a great big smile as he pulls out his tablet, and we head toward his station.

  Luca bounds up to us, popping his head over my shoulder and grins. “What ya doin’?” he asks as I shake him off my shoulder.

  “Going to do some work. You know, like we’re supposed to be doing,” I tease and Luca smiles.

  “Nope, wrong again,” he mocks, sounding eerily like Rafiki from The Lion King making a small smile creep up on my lips as he turns me to face him.

  “Okay, oh wise monkey master, what are we doing then?”

  “We’re fighting, Snowball,” he beams, grabbing my hand and yanking me away from Noah as he chuckles and pulls me through the room.

  I groan and look back to Noah with an apologetic wince, and he smiles with a small wave.

  “This should be interesting,” I murmur, with a roll of my eyes as a wave of nerves begins to flitter through my stomach.

  Everly trails behind me slightly. I feel all eyes watching as we weave our way through the corridors on the way to the gym. I hold the door for her with a beaming smile, and she eyes me suspiciously like she thinks I’m going to smack her ass on the way through—which I think about doing, but manage to hold myself back.

  “We need to warm up first, so we’ll do ten laps,” I tell her, gauging her reaction as I strip off my sweatshirt. She shrugs and copies my actions, tossing off her sweater and throwing it to the side leaving her in a sports bra as she jogs on the spot.

  I stare at her with wide eyes. The fact that she didn’t even flinch at ten laps of this Olympic sized gym surprises me.

  “Ready when you are,” she grins with a sparkle in her eye.

  Damn it.

  Cardio’s not my thing, but fuck it.

  She takes off, and I rush to catch up. We’re three laps in, and she’s barely even out of breath when she looks over to me and asks, “What does running have to do with my training?”

  Nothing really, it was more of a challenge, but I don’t tell her that. “We spend a lot of time running away from the bad guys. And usually, they have guns. Lesson number one… do you zig or do you zag? Pew pew!” I use my fingers to jab her in the sides, and she lets out a sharp shriek and takes off at a sprint, leaving me far behind.

  I don’t catch her for the rest of the run, and she’s already on the ground stretching casually by the time I’m done.

  Damn! I need to work on my fitness. One day that shit’s gonna get me a bullet in my ass.

“What’s next, oh wise one?” She grins as she leaps to her feet, while I’m still bent over trying to catch my breath.

  “I’m impressed,” I say in serious awe. I’ve never noticed before, but Everly’s body is more toned than that of a typical girl her age. She has an athlete’s body. It’s not muscular, but strong and fit, like a well-honed machine.

  Seems like I’ve underestimated the nerdy girl.

  “Are you checking me out?”

  I blink twice. “Yes? No? What’s the right answer here?”

  She laughs loudly but doesn’t supply me with one.

  “I’m a flyer,” she says simply, and my eyes widen in surprise, looking around to make sure no one else heard her.

  “You really need to stop that,” I whisper, moving in closer. “They drug test here.”

  She screws up her face, her brow creasing between her eyes. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  I scan her features, looking for any signs that I’ve missed. “Are you high right now? Is that why you have so much energy?”

  Her hand swings out, her fist hitting me in the bicep with barely enough power to make me flinch. “No, you damn idiot. A flyer. I’m a cheerleader and a gymnast.”


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