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Revive Page 17

by Addison Jane

  “I just hope they take to me as kindly as the others. I know this team is all male and being a woman—”

  “Cut that shit right now. You might be a woman, but you know what you’re talking about. Assert your authority and show them who the boss is. Don’t back down in there, Everly, or they’ll eat you alive. You hear me,” Jack chides swiping his ID card and staring me down sternly.

  Nodding, I weakly smile and follow pushing my ID card through the reader as he scans his iris on the scanning device on the wall. It confirms his identification, and I follow scanning mine, the green light flashes over my eyes, and I smile slightly still amazed that I’m here. I’ve made it like my father knew I would. Now, I just hope I can make him proud.

  Pushing the door open, Jack walks in with me following to a loud ruckus of noise. I move in, folders in my hands, shoulders back and straight trying to assert my authority. I’m here to give the guys a briefing on Kenzi, and to tell them how I’m going to be helping them with the case. I just hope they listen to Kenzi being a recovery mission, not a waste order.

  As I move inside, the sight of the six large bulked up men comes clearly into my sight, all looking much the same—short back and sides hair, beefcake bodies, boyish good looks—and very military-esk. Except for one guy, who’s kind of the odd man of the bunch. He’s thinner than the others—still muscular, but a fair whack smaller than the bulk of the other five. His hunched appearance seems like he might not have the same confidence the others do. Raising my brow at him, he looks to me with a weak smile and nods in recognition as I smile back warmly, walking up to the wooden oval table located in the center of the room.

  One guy, I think his name is Brandon, sits up taller and tilts his head to the side raising his brow, looking me up and down letting out a long whistle as his friend chuckles next to him playfully. “Hoooey… are you here to give us the brief, little lady?” he asks.

  I glance to Jack, and he furrows his brows as if to tell me to take charge of this right now. Dropping my folders on the table, I stand up taller and nod. “I am.”

  Brandon clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth and swings his chair from side to side in a cocky manner. “I’d like to show you my briefs,” he murmurs under his breath making four of the six men laugh as Jack clears his throat and nudges me.

  Even with the slight southern twang in his accent, which I would normally find attractive, this guy is pissing me right off. I need to stand my ground now or they’ll run riot over me, so I decide to be dramatic about how I approach this.

  Slamming my hands down on the table hard, a loud bang erupts through the room making everyone jump and stare at me as I glare at Brandon, whose smile has fallen to a mild smirk while he assesses my mood change. “Right, first things first… I’m no one’s little lady, especially none of yours. While I’m here you will treat me with the respect I deserve and not like a woman, but a part of your team. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you get your assholes ready for a party because I know Jack here has great aim with his ass-kicking abilities, and when he’s done with you, well, they say you never want to piss off a woman… and I’m sure you don’t want to find out why.” I let that hang in the air as Brandon purses his lips and nods slightly.

  Reid, the leader of the Nine, looks to me and nods with a slight wink. The smaller guy looks at me, his smile is full, and he’s bouncing in his chair like he’s beyond ecstatic at my little outburst. Like he’s about to break out into a fit of applause, while the other four all huff and fold their arms over their chests in defiance. At least Reid and the super-nerd are on my side.

  Packing up my files at the end of the long and painful briefing, I feel drained. Having to explain everything normally is easy to the Seven, but to the Nine, everything is rebuked with puns and innuendos. It’s like they don’t share one brain cell between them. Well, that’s not true, two of them are quite decent, Reid, their leader, and Zeb, who I have dubbed the super-nerd. I think he’s Reid’s half-brother from what I can recall in my files, although you wouldn’t pick it from the size difference.

  Jack’s gone, he had to attend to something else once the briefing ended, leaving me with the buffoons. The four main guys, including Brandon, are running amok in the boardroom while I try to clean up, but I notice Reid and Zeb walking toward me. I stop what I’m doing and look up toward them while the commotion of wrestling and general havoc continues on in the background.

  “Hey Everly, I just want to thank you for the briefing today. I think you relayed the information really well. I know once the guys have settled down they will be grateful, too,” Reid offers with a kind smile.

  I nod not really expecting that from him. Sure he seems a hell of a lot nicer than the four over there now in a stack-on, on the floor, but hell, it’s appreciated. “Thanks, Reid, I do my best. And I will continue to do so for you guys. Thanks for listening. I appreciate it.”

  Zeb’s face lights up, and he smiles wide. “Oh… yes, it was interesting to listen about all the chemical areas they found in that bunker. Man, I would have given anything to have been there. I would have had a field day checking out all that stuff,” Zeb beams and Reid chuckles as I smile.

  “Zeb, if you were in there, you would have gone down with the dome, and we would have never gotten you out of there, you freaking geek. Man, I swear science will get you killed, kid.”

  I giggle loving the brotherly banter between these two, they obviously have a great relationship. “At least I’d die happy. But hey, Everly, you’re a goddess. We need an injection of brilliance like you into our team, you have to keep these guys in line.” He leans forward slightly. “Can you keep them off my back?” Zeb whispers the last part with a giant smile, and I furrow my brows not knowing if he’s being serious as Reid slaps his brother’s back while shaking his head.

  “Leave her alone. You know you have the team wrapped around your finger little nerd-boy, everyone loves you. How could they not, you’re so tiny.”

  I purse my lips together trying to hold in my laughter not wanting to offend Zeb, but Reid is right, compared to the other men in the room Zeb is like a bug.

  “Shut up, just ‘cause you’re a giant. Anyway, don’t fall for his manly good looks, Everly. I’m far better at, well… everything. Brains beat brawn, brother,” Zeb defends, and Reid rolls his eyes as Zeb walks off with his hands in the air like he’s the champion and I chuckle.

  “He’s quite the little pocket rocket isn’t he?” I ask.

  Reid looks from Zeb to me and nods. “Yes, he is, but I suppose I have to love him. Blood and all. But thanks again for joining our team, and for the briefing. I think I could get used to having your beautiful face around,” he states with a boyish smile as he walks off. The way he says it, it’s not sleazy, it’s not creepy, rather it’s just plain nice. And after Luca’s practically disowned me, it’s good to feel wanted again. But as soon as I feel it, an ache deep in my chest hits me, and I frown with a hard swallow thinking of Luca sitting at home in that wheelchair.


  Gathering my thoughts, I turn grabbing my files and head for the door, the rest of the SO9 causing chaos as they scramble and roughhouse behind me. Shaking my head, I pull the vestible door open and walk out toward my desk, all the while the four members of the Nine start what can only be described as an adolescent wrestling match next to my desk.

  Groaning as I slam my files onto my desk, I slump down into my seat trying to ignore the noise as my encrypted cell rings suddenly, breaking through the ruckus from the grown men acting like damned children. I pull it out to notice Lily’s name flashing, and I furrow my brows in shock staring at it a pass longer than necessary before my ass kicks into gear, and I swipe to answer.

  “Hello?” I wince trying to hear her over the noise of the other four idiots still wrestling in the background.

  “What in the name of Krispy Kreme is that noise? Are you having an orgy?” Lily asks with a giggle.

  I chuckle shaking my head. �
��No, I’m with another team, and they’re…” I pause making sure the door is closed behind me before I continue, “… different. Well, four of them are, the other two are lovely.” Luckily the four different guys are too busy wrestling to hear that I am talking about them.

  “Ahh… no one S-O-sevens like the SO7, right?” Lily asks, and I nod even though she can’t see me.

  “Oh yeah…” Then it hits me, Luca’s living with Lily right now, maybe something’s wrong with him. My stomach tightens and all my muscles tense. “Oh… God, Lily, is Luca okay?” I blurt out.

  “Shit, sorry. I should have lead with that. Yes, he’s fine-ish… a little down maybe, but physically he’s mending. But he’s not why I’m calling.”

  Raising my brow and taking a deep, relieved breath, I slump my body and continue to walk to my station. “Is everyone else okay?” I ask trying to figure out why she’s calling.

  “Well, it’s like this, I’m out the front waiting… for you. Can you come now?” she asks.

  I jolt my head back in surprise looking up at the clock. Technically, I can go home now, but I was planning on staying back and sorting out these files.

  “Come on, Everly, I need some girl time. I have men in my house everywhere. Come be a girl with me,” she begs, and I let out a small laugh and nod, placing the files on my desk with a sigh.

  “Okay, I’ll be right out. Give me five?”

  “Excellent, see you soon.” She hangs up, and I open my eyes wide wondering what the hell this is about. Probably something to do with Luca, I’m assuming, but right now all I want is to get to that car and find out. So I neatly stack my files, grab my bag, dodging the wrestling fools and head to Jack’s office. Walking up the ramp, I gently rap on his glass door. He looks up from his desk and waves, so I open the door slightly just popping my head through.

  “Jack, I’m heading home now. Okay?”

  He nods and smiles. “Great work today, Everly. Your father would be proud.”

  My stomach clenches, my chest tightens, and I nod with a weak smile as he looks back down to his desk saying nothing more. So, I close the door feeling accomplished, and walk with a pep in my step out of The Agency to a waiting Lily.

  Stepping out the front of the National History Museum, I see Lily parked in the bus lane in Kace’s oversized truck, cars honk her as they pass, but she sits there smiling and waiting for me like she has not a care in the world. Racing to her, she winds down the passenger window pulling down her sunglasses with a giant smile. “Get in, loser, we’re going shopping,” she calls out.

  I jolt my head back with shock at her words, but jump in the truck and shut the door looking to her as she chuckles, her blonde hair bobbing up and down with laughter.

  “Umm… why did you call me a loser?”

  “Because it’s Wednesday, and on Wednesday’s we wear pink,” she beams letting out another fit of giggles.

  I shake my head slightly checking her face over for signs of a medical issue. “Lily, are you having a stroke?”

  She bursts out laughing again as another car honks her, and she turns looking around and lets out a huff. “Okay. Okay, fine,” she yells at the car, then pulls out into the traffic, and I quickly yank on my seatbelt wondering if it’s safe for her to be driving. Maybe she is drunk?

  “Lily?” I ask, and she turns to face me quickly and chuckles.

  “Sorry, it’s Mean Girls,” she replies confusing me.

  “I’m not a mean girl,” I defend, and she chuckles.

  “Oh, Lord no. You could never be a mean girl, Everly. It’s from a movie called Mean Girls… man, all those jokes are all completely wasted on you. Never mind. We’ll watch it, you and me and Molly. Girl’s night. No boys. Just movies, and food, and wine… lots of wine.”

  Sighing, I relax back into the car seat and breathe easier. “Yes, that sounds great. And for the record, I’m glad you’re not having a medical episode.”

  Lily laughs changing lanes with the speed of a Formula One racer, and I hold on for dear life. Kace’s driving is obviously wearing off on her. “So, there is a reason for me coming to get you. I’m gonna take you back to your place, and we can have coffee. Okay?” she asks.

  “Sure, I don’t live far.”

  She nods. “I know.”

  Chuckling, I raise my brow. Lily is quite the detective in her own right. She’d probably make a great Operative at The Agency, but I know Kace would forbid it. He would do anything to protect her. Kace’s love for her is so overwhelming at times it makes me wish someone loved me like that.

  I think to Luca and how I miss our training sessions in the gym. I miss his banter and his teasing. I miss him. I wish he’d stop avoiding me. I’m not sure what it is that’s holding him away from me, but I hope he figures it all out soon. Because I hate being away from him. Especially now. But I’m giving him the space he needs because the last thing I want is to make his recovery harder on him. Even though it’s killing me.

  “You’re thinking about him aren’t you?” Lily asks as she pulls down the street to my house. I raise my brow and tilt my head in response. “Luca… you’re thinking about him?” she clarifies.

  I wince slightly. “I just wish I knew where his head was at.”

  Lily pulls the truck into my house driveway and stops turning to look at me. “That’s one thing I wish I knew, too. Reading that man is like trying to read an empty book. When he shuts down, there’s no breaking through. But if you chip away at him slowly, the words start to form, and you can see the script beginning to develop. He’s so broken, his past haunts him every day, even though he tries to say it doesn’t come through. He puts on a brave face, but he’s basically a broken man with everything to lose. I think the thought of adding a woman into his life and losing her, too, is possibly too much for him to bear,” Lily says outright, laying it all on the line for me.

  “You think he’s scared of losing me?” I ask a little shocked by this revelation.

  Lily nods. “I think that’s exactly what’s wrong. I think he’s scared of losing everything, including you. He’s scared of the world right now. And if there’s one thing Luca won’t do, it’s admit when he’s scared.”

  I let out a small huff knowing that’s the absolute truth. “Don’t I know it. That guy is the cockiest man I know.” Then I think to Brandon this afternoon and raise my brow. “Maybe the second,” I adjust, and Lily snorts.

  “There’s a guy cockier than Luca?”

  I nod. “Yeah, and he calls me ‘little lady.’”

  She groans and opens her car door. “That guy needs a knee to the nads, stat.”

  I burst out laughing as I open my door and walk with her toward my house. We step into the kitchen to make some coffee. “So, do you think he’ll get over this given time?” I ask.

  She shrugs. “Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve never seen him like this. He’s a far cry from the Bradt I met on the street while running, and then the Luca I met on the balcony of Kace’s apartment who I threw pot plants at. Seeing him deteriorate like this breaks my heart.”

  I nod, I heard the story of when Lily and Luca first met and he told her his name was Bradt, instead of Luca, as he was checking her out for the sake of Kace. It’s a great story, and I wish I was around at that time, but then again everything that went down with Kace’s mom, Camilla, that wouldn’t have been much fun to be around. So yeah, maybe not.

  “I wish there was something we could do to perk him up? Cheer up his spirits a little, maybe?” I ask.

  Lily smiles tilting her head. “Funny you should ask. But I was thinking we need some time away from these macho guys.”

  I open my eyes wide and nod. “Oh yeah?”

  She grabs the coffee pot making herself at home and starts to grab the filter for the coffee percolator. “Yes, a girl’s night out, because we didn’t get to celebrate.”

  I tense up and look at her as her back is still to me and gnaw on my bottom lip. “Celebrate what?” I ask as she places the jug in the
machine ready for the coffee.

  She turns around to face me. “You joining the team,” she replies.

  I sigh and slump my body in defeat. “No, I don’t think that’s such a great idea—”

  “Why not?” she interrupts.

  Letting out a huff, I shrug. “I don’t feel like celebrating. The team is off the case. I’m working with damn idiots. Luca is… I just feel like there’s nothing to celebrate—”

  “And that’s exactly why we need something to lift us all up. When you’re working in this environment, you need to uplift those around you as often as you can, because otherwise, the darkness can swallow you whole. Trust me… I know.”

  I’ve got a serious sweat going, and every muscle in my body feels like it’s burning, even the ones that I haven’t worked out. The physical therapist—a flamboyant and over-excitable guy by the name of Russel—has pushed me to the brink of my mental and physical capabilities and then shoved me over the edge.

  Seriously, this guy doesn’t know the meaning of stop, or ouch, or holy crap I’m going to die. Nope.

  “You’re such a baby.” Russel laughs as he helps me with my physical therapy, and as I go to grab the arm of my chair, he slaps my hand away. “No way, snookums. I’m gonna get some steps out of you today.”

  If it hadn’t been for the fact that I know Russel, given that he was the go-to physical therapist for our team and I’ve seen him several times before, I may have punched him right now for calling me fucking snookums. “Can you stop with the cutesy names, please?” I groan as I try to concentrate on taking my first step.

  Another layer of sweat builds up along my hairline and drips down my back as I use all my energy to lift my crippled leg off the ground and force it forward. I think I manage a distance of like four inches. But fuck it, four inches is four inches. That’s success in my book.

  Russel jumps with glee, literally. He leaps in the air and claps his hands together, letting go of my arm in the process and nearly throwing me off balance. “Oh, balls,” he yelps as he grabs my arm and steadies me. I turn my head to glare at him, but he simply flashes me a bright smile and nods his head. “Let’s continue, shall we?”


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