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Revive Page 26

by Addison Jane

  Tanner steps back and watches in amusement as Kace and Eli help Luca to his feet, then each hook a hand under his knees and lift him completely off the floor.

  “This way,” Tawny orders with a wide grin, rushing ahead to lead the way to her exam room.

  “Your girl has some attitude,” Eli chuckles, bringing a smile to my face as I follow quickly behind the three men.

  Luca’s head bobs up and down. “I love it when she gets all feisty.”

  Kace just shakes his head as they maneuver all three large bodies in through the small doorway and place Luca down on the exam bed. “I’ve gotta go give Jack a rundown on what happened before he loses his shit,” Kace explains as he and Eli head for the door. “He already had to deal with Camilla today, and now I’ve gotta explain that we’ve lost a man.”

  “Just be glad it wasn’t one of ours,” Luca admits darkly, as he kneads out the muscles in his leg. His words instantly chill the air in the room, but we all know it’s true. We knew Mike, but he isn’t one of ours. He isn’t a part of the SO7, for which I know without a doubt, we all hold no shame in being grateful for.

  Kace and Eli both leave the room looking solemn and defeated, even though today should really be considered a win.

  None of us think of it that way, though, we’re all aware of the way Kenzi reacted to Axel. We all had to listen over the airwaves as one person took their final breath and another was fighting for life.

  Standing up straight, I rush over to Luca while Tawny gathers her things. “Who was the man down call for?” I ask urgently, grabbing Luca’s hand in mine. There is a small, but very serious part of me praying for that call to be about Brandon.

  He went AWOL during the mission, and the only reason I could think of why he would leave his team out there to get utterly annihilated was because he’d been seriously injured in battle. It’s never been in my nature to wish someone pain, or in this case, possible death, but there’s something about Brandon that makes my stomach churn and warning lights flash inside my head.

  He should not be part of The Agency.

  End of story.

  So how he is still here, is a mystery that needs investigation.

  “It was Zeb,” Luca replies, clasping onto my hand like it’s his lifeline. His palms are sweaty and I can feel him shaking as his body tries to cope with the adrenaline rush he’s had as well as the pain he’s in. At first, I think I heard him wrong, and I look up at him with a frown.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He raises his brow. “Snowball, it was Zeb who got hurt. He got shot by the sounds of it. It hit something vital,” Luca explains slowly. He’s trying to ease the information into me, but it’s not working. Sadness fills me, and I scoot closer to Luca, trying not to hurt him any more than he already is, but needing to seek comfort.

  I’ve only known Zeb for a little while, but he and Reid are like a shining light inside a situation that really could have been complete hell. They really supported me like the SO7 does, when every other man in that SO9 briefing room saw me as a pretty girl who knew nothing, or more like just another piece of ass.

  “Do you think he’ll pull through?” I dare to ask. There’s a million different scenarios shooting through my mind. Thoughts of how Reid will react. If he’ll blame himself for not waiting for better intel. Or, whether people will blame Kenzi.

  Luca brushes his lips across the top of my head. “He was somewhat alert when the medics showed up, so that’s a positive sign. Let Tawny check me out and then we can head up to the hospital and wait for some news if you want.”

  I nod and look up at him with a weak smile.

  He understands, and he’s willing to do whatever he needs to, even if it means hanging around the hospital for a couple hours while he’s still hurting, so I can possibly get some peace of mine. “We will see how you’re feeling,” I agree, before slipping out from his comforting embrace. He tries to hold me tighter, but he’s too fatigued, and his reflexes are too slow. I start to laugh as I step back and Tawny moves forward. “Don’t think you can be all sweetie-sweetie with me, and try and stall being checked over. I know your tricks, pretty boy.”

  He screws up his nose which is still smeared with dirt and dust. “And I thought you loved me.”

  Rolling my eyes at his dramatics, I watch as Tawny gives him a thorough exam, pulling and pushing and moving joints around until she’s satisfied.

  “You’ve definitely hurt the muscles pretty bad, but you’re pretty damn lucky you haven’t screwed up the work the doctors did on your joint. It’s gonna be sore for a while, though,” Tawny tells Luca, stepping back and snapping off her white gloves before tossing them over her shoulder and into the trash. “Luckily you’ve built up a strong body, and it seems to be able to take a hell of a beating, but that doesn’t mean that eventually, its shield won’t finally break.”

  “I’ve got a job to do,” he argues, ignoring me when I pull on his hand to try and get him to stop being so damn fucking rude to the woman who’s trying to help him and stop him from ruining his life. “I’m needed here.”

  “Yes, you are,” I agree. “Hence why you need to recuperate, so you can actually be here and not be tossed out on your ass because your body is now completely screwed because you wouldn’t listen to medical advice.”

  Luca refuses to acknowledge the both of us, shuffling to the edge of the bed and getting ready to climb down.

  Tawny shakes her head, clearly disappointed by the words coming from him and the way he’s acting. “I thought you knew better, honestly. But if that’s the way it’s going to go, how about this then…” Tawny scoots her chair back to her medical desk and pulls open one of the drawers, slipping out a small handgun that I know looks tiny, but that packs a fucking punch that no one is prepared for. “I have permission to do what I need to do in order to keep you in line and get you the recovery you need. Even if that involves surgery to remove a bullet.” The proud, almost delighted smile on Tawny’s face is in stark contrast to the horror of Luca’s wide open mouth, and it’s one of the most hilarious things I’ve ever witnessed.

  “You… but… you can’t…” Luca stutters looking between Tawny and me, maybe expecting me to leap in and save him, but I’m not going to. I need him to get better, and I need him to stop forcing his body to do things that it just can’t quite handle.

  “Jack says I can,” she quips, looking a little smug.

  Fear of missing out is a real thing, and when it comes to guns and shootouts and the threat of being blown to pieces, Luca feels like he is really missing out.

  “You can’t keep injuring this leg, Luca, if you don’t rest it properly this time like you should have been for the last two months, then you’ll end up with some serious and irreversible problems,” Tawny explains, a very dark and scary seriousness to her voice. “Which means there’s no way you’ll be passing the yearly fitness exams. Which means what Luca?”

  Luca grits his teeth and squeezes both his hands into fists. “It’s gonna take a lot more than that to keep me off this team,” he replies with complete surety, but I can see the worry in his eyes, the idea that he might lose everything he works so hard for is a tough pill to swallow, but eventually he gives in and nods. “I’ll book the time off with Jack.”

  Both Tawny and I release a thankful sigh, glad that we won’t have to go to extremes to keep a determined Luca from ruining his body and his life.

  Tawny moves over to the small cupboard in the corner of the room and plucks out a pair of crutches, holding them up with a broad smile. “You think you can use these, or do you want me to go and grab a wheelchair.”

  A broody Luca climbs down off the exam bed and thrusts his hand out. “Just give me the damn crutches,” he barks, and I cover my mouth, trying to disguise my laughter. I admire Luca and his determination to be the best he can be, but it’s obvious when it comes to rest and rehabilitation, he’s absolutely a huge baby.

  Like a pro, Luca makes a quick exit on th
e crutches, not even bothering to acknowledge Tawny with a thanks as he limps out the door and down the hall. So, I make sure to thank her before I rush after him. “Will you slow down,” I demand, jogging down the corridor, my voice echoing in the enclosed space. “I’ve got little legs.”

  Luca finally stops as we push in to the main hub, the area quieter than it was, but still tense and vibrating with what happened today. “Maybe I should take these crutches on missions,” Luca says when I finally catch up to him. “They could be like my secret weapon. I can move damn fast with them, and just when the enemy assumes I’m a cripple… bam, bam, bam…” He leans on one of the crutches while he slices the other through the air like a sword.

  “Okay Captain No-Beard,” I laugh, taking a few steps toward the exit just as it begins to open and someone steps through.

  I’m confused and angry and suddenly I’m not so worried about taking it slow.

  “You bastard,” I yell, drawing the attention of the few people who are milling about. “Where the hell were you?”

  “Everly,” Luca calls after me, and I hear him moving quickly to try and catch up as I storm toward a completely uninjured, pristine looking Brandon. There isn’t a single mark on his body. Fucking nothing!

  In the corner of my eye I catch Jack, Kace, and Reid coming out of Jack’s office, their eyes focused on me, but I’m determined to tell this asshole what I think of him and have my say before they make me back off. He’s already gotten away with way too much, but not this.

  “Your team needed you,” I spit, getting right up in his face and shoving him in the chest.

  A flash of darkness glazes across his eyes and for a second I wonder if he’s just going to hit me right in front of all these people. He wants to, I know he does, and part of me wishes he would because then there would be no excuse. No ‘we were just training’ bullshit.

  He quickly recovers, though, and slaps on a patronizing smile. “Well, little lady, I don’t think that’s any of your damn business now, is it?”

  “Zeb is in the hospital. He was shot. He might not make it,” I snarl, feeling painful pinpricks in my chest as I say the words. I jab him in the chest, following him as he takes two steps backward like we’re dancing and I’m the lead.

  Brandon suddenly freezes, his lip curling up as he dips his head low and close to mine and lowers his voice to a gritty whisper, “Then he shouldn’t have tried to get in the way.”

  My mouth falls open, but Brandon wastes no time, brushing past me with a dirty smirk. I turn and watch as he retreats, his shoulders pulled back as though he’s king, and proud of the fact that one of his team members is laying in a bed right now fighting to stay alive.

  What the hell does that even mean?

  He shouldn’t have tried to get in the way?

  I see Luca clench hard onto his crutch, his eyes focused on Brandon’s back as if he wants to practice those new karate moves he was talking about, but when Brandon disappears he shakes it off and turns to me. “You stay the hell away from him,” Luca orders, to which I would usually have some witty comeback about him trying to control my life. This time, I can’t agree more. I don’t want to be anywhere near the misogynistic bastard.

  “There’s something not right here,” I point out as Jack, Kace, and Reid approach. “We can all pretend that him being here is normal, but it’s not.”

  Jack nods. “You’re right,” he confirms. “But right now, we have more important things to discuss.” He turns to Kace. “Get your team in my office, I need them there yesterday.” A serious mask comes across Kace’s face, and he instantly pulls his phone from his pocket. The SO7 haven’t been permitted to leave the premises yet, so they’ll be close by at least.

  As Jack walks away, he stops in front of Reid and places his hand on Reid’s shoulder. “I’m glad your brother is doing better, he ain’t out of the woods yet, but he’s gonna pull through.”

  Reid’s head drops, and he places both hands on his hips, taking several deep breaths before lifting his eyes again. “If you don’t need me, I’m gonna head to the hospital.”

  Jack nods. “I’ll call you if anything changes.”

  I rush forward, throwing my arms around Reid’s neck and holding him tightly. He gives me a quick squeeze before pulling back and looking down at me, his eyes dancing with amusement. “I think you better take a step back before your man decides to put me in a bed next to Zeb,” he jokes.

  I roll my eyes and step back. “Just let Zeb know I’ll be in soon to see him.”

  He snaps me a lazy salute and heads for the door. “Will do.”

  We watch him go, and the second he’s out of sight, Jack is straight into business mode. “All of you. My office. Now.”

  I’m about to protest when I see how exhausted Luca is, and how he’s struggling to keep moving with his crutches, but the moment I open my mouth to argue that Luca should be resting, Axel and Noah both move in behind him. They ease the crutches out from under his arms and move in to replace them so that they can carry his weight.

  When I think he’s going to make some stupid comment about not being an invalid or doing shit for himself, I see him give them both a look of appreciation. The SO7, they’re a team, they have each other’s backs, and they have a bond that is really fucking strong.

  I think I really did take that for granted when I started my journey here, but after spending time with the SO9, I realize that not every team have what this team does and that makes them special. It makes them almost undefeatable, because if you come for one of them—you come for them all.

  We finally all make it into Jack’s office and Luca collapses into one of the grand sofas. I take a seat beside him and enjoying the way he wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his side.

  “So that was a fucking shit show,” Jack starts with as he falls into his chair with a heavy sigh. “I know you all want to get the fuck out of here, so I’ll keep this short. Hendrix walked away. Kenzi is in a secure room downstairs with a twenty-four-hour watch. And Everly went against Agency protocol and shared details of a mission with this team.”

  I sit up straight, my heart skipping a beat.

  “And I’m damn fucking thankful you did, otherwise I’d be planning funerals for every single one of the SO9 right now.” Luca pulls me back into his arms, and I bury myself deeper into his embrace as Jack continues, “I’ve spoken with the Board and they’ve agreed to reinstate the SO7 to this case.”

  “Thank fuck for that,” Blair curses, and I can see the relief on the faces of the team.

  It’s like, for a moment, they had lost their identity. The Board basically told them that they weren’t good enough, they weren’t strong enough, or smart enough, to be of any value.

  Maybe that’s what they needed.

  They needed to be told they were of value.

  It pulled them back together and shocked them back to life.

  It revived them.

  And now the Board suddenly wants them back, because they’re fucking idiots and couldn’t see how special and damn amazing these guys are, despite their flaws.

  “What’s gonna happen with Kenzi?” Axel asks, breaking through the relieved silence and bringing a little bit of tension back to the room. “You think they’ll hurt her?”

  It makes me sad to see Axel looking so dejected and broken down. This is meant to be a great moment for him, where our mission—at least so far—is complete and a total success. I’m sure he’s imagined how this was going to go. I’m pretty sure we all have. And I know, for a fact, that having her sedated in a cell downstairs is not what any of us had envisioned.

  “I won’t let them hurt her,” Jack assures Axel, the intensity in his eyes telling me he will go out of his way to make sure that statement is kept true. “But we need her to talk. We need her to be on our side. So, I’m gonna need your help on this, and I’m gonna need you to keep your head together in the process.”

  Axel’s Adam’s apple bobs up and down. “I’ll do whate
ver we need to in order to help her,” he replies, a deep conviction to his words.

  “Good,” Jack sighs. “The last thing I need to say is about Zeb.”

  My ears prick up, and I’m alert, waiting eagerly but nervously. After hearing what Jack had said to Reid in the foyer, I’d relaxed into the belief that things with Zeb were more than likely going to be okay. But by the sound of Jack’s voice, there’s more.

  “They pulled the bullet out, and we managed to get a picture,” he explains, and a sense of dread begins to eat at me. “It was an Agency bullet.”

  My heart stalls, my mouth falling open and closed as I try to make sense of how that’s a possibility.

  “Did he get caught in the crossfire?” Tanner asks, leaning back against one of the glass panels that separates us from the rest of The Agency.

  “No, it was close range and from behind.”

  How is this even possible?

  Treason, that’s what this is.

  “Maybe one of Hendrix men picked up one of our guns? It was kind of a fucking mess there for a while,” Luca explains, but I can tell no one believes that either.

  Who would?

  Just then, I hear his voice in my head, that dark whisper that made me angry at the time, now has my body chilled to the bone.

  I gasp, and everyone turns to look at me.

  This is bad.

  This is really bad.

  Then he shouldn’t have tried to get in the way.

  “Oh God, it was him.”

  I’m once again back in the damn wheelchair, trying to get my body to heal as fast as humanly possible, but this time, I don’t really mind it as much as I did before because I’ve come to notice that even though Everly is ridiculously fit, she can be kind of lazy.

  Which means she’s often climbing into my lap when she’s sick of standing around or when she wants to kiss me. Sometimes even when she needs to tell me something, because it’s easier than leaning over and she knows it annoys me when people talk down to me.


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