Centauri Captives Books 1-3: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance

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Centauri Captives Books 1-3: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance Page 3

by Kallista Dane

  He took a step back. The force field disappeared so fast, I nearly slid onto the floor. Hope sprang up in my chest. It worked!

  The alien grabbed me before I fell. Taking hold of my arms, he then turned me around and sat me on the table. I winced as my stinging bottom met the hard metal surface.

  He tilted my chin up to meet his eyes. The gray hue had returned to his face and body. Or maybe it never left, and I’d only imagined that he changed color.

  “You have a mate?”

  I nodded vigorously. “Yes. A big strong mate.”

  “And offspring?”

  Maybe he’d be more inclined to let me go if he thought he’d be leaving little Earthlings motherless. “Yes, several offspring.” I didn’t have to call upon nonexistent acting skills to conjure up the tears welling in my eyes. I’d wanted children desperately, tried to talk with Damon about it, but he kept saying he wasn’t ready. Wasn’t ready for marriage, wasn’t ready to have a family.

  But apparently always ready to fuck whoever waved her ass in front of him.

  Okay, rational Jess. You can quit beating me up about being so gullible.

  “No.” The alien let go of my arms, repeated it louder. “No. Your mate would never allow you to leave him, leave your offspring, to go on a mission to an unknown world.” A red-hot spark of anger flashed in the black depths of his eyes. “You are not telling me the truth.”

  In one swift motion, he grabbed my wrists, drew them over my head, and pulled me back down on the table, face-up. Spreading my legs apart, he engaged the force field again, so I couldn’t move. I braced myself for another onslaught from his wickedly talented cock, but instead, he crossed the room and plucked an item from the array of ominous-looking objects splayed across the wall.

  “I have business to attend to. I cannot deal with your unacceptable behavior right now. Perhaps a session with cybellus is in order.”

  He pulled open a metallic cylinder and took out a blue-gray substance with a consistency somewhere between Jell-O and modeling clay. He laid a small glob of it on each of my breasts, then spread the rest between my legs. Slick and cool at first, the substance started to warm up when it touched my skin.

  I writhed on the table, but the force field was unbreakable. The substance heated up quickly and began spreading out, setting off a tingling sensation. “What are you doing? What is that stuff?”

  “It’s cybellus. We use it…” His voice faltered. “Used it to keep our females in a constant state of stimulation when we wanted to sire offspring. After a few hours of cybellus, you’ll be much more receptive to my attentions.”

  He headed for the door then paused. “The cybellus ramps up desire so acute, you’ll beg for my manhood to satisfy you when I return. But first, there will be punishment for lying to me. Pleasure, then pain, then more pleasure—even sweeter after the pain.”

  He shut the door behind him, leaving me once again in total darkness, unable to move. The globs on my breasts slid along, reaching my nipples, and the tingling sensations became tiny electrical shocks. The larger blob began oozing under the hood that covered my clitoris, pushing back the fold of skin and engulfing the tiny nub.

  The lack of sight or sound intensified my other senses. I swallowed and suddenly became aware of the lingering taste of the alien’s cum. My brain told me to be disgusted. My taste buds awakened at the hint of something identifiable as tangy/sweet and reminded my stomach I hadn’t eaten anything in hours. Maybe days.

  But what happened next drove all other thoughts from my mind. The blob between my thighs suddenly pulsed. My pussy flooded.

  The substance reacted as though it was programmed to hit a new level when it picked up the scent of my arousal. I gasped when the twin blobs of matter over my nipples sent out an answering pulse, making them tighten into little peaks. They squeezed like the pads of Damon’s fingers always did, pinching hard until I squealed.

  Then squealed again, louder, when the slick mass over my clitoris erupted in hot, rhythmic waves. My heels slammed onto the cold hard table as my hips automatically jerked up.

  The assault went on for what seemed like forever, taking me higher with every tingling pulse. Just as I was about to come, everything ceased, leaving me panting in the darkness.

  I sagged against the hard surface, frustrated. Moments later, I felt tingling on my nipples, then a jolt to my still-throbbing clit. The cybellus started working again, taking me to the edge faster this time, keeping me there longer.

  Time ceased to exist. I panted and cursed as the damned thing went through cycle after cycle, screaming for the alien to release me, then crying and begging him to come and fuck me. Ready to do whatever he commanded if he’d only stop this unbearable sweet torment.

  Chapter Six


  It almost killed me to leave her there, knowing that within moments she’d be ready for anything I wanted to do. She’d beg me to take her over and over, and, even after cleansing her of the substance, if I chose to, she would remain aroused until my seed took hold. The women of our people had genetically become difficult to impregnate, and, until our scientists developed cybellus, few had been willing to engage as often as it took to achieve young.

  Not that they were cold-natured, did not want to get pregnant, or didn’t enjoy coitus, just that it took many, many times and tended to wear them out. Despite the fact they went nearly mad with lust at the application, it was fertility doctor recommended and nearly 100 percent effective.

  And, despite the fact no females were aboard this vessel, or, unfortunately any that, so far as we’d been able to determine, had been aloft at the time of the massacre, cybellus would have been available in the ship’s infirmary in case it was ever needed.

  It had been supplied to me as soon as the medics learned I would soon have a female in my chamber.

  Pausing outside the bridge, I almost turned back, the siren call of my female strong in my mind. It was impossible for me to scent her arousal from here, several decks away, yet it haunted me. Probably clinging to my clothes. If I turned back now, as my every fiber urged me to do, I would be in my quarters for hours, and duty insisted I ensure all was well aboard ship before doing so.

  If not for the circumstances, the imminent extinction of our race, I’d never consider indulging myself between a female’s thighs for an extended period of time while captaining this vessel. Certainly, I’d taken advantage of the resources of a pleasure asteroid or two, but they also provided secured moorings where attack was highly unlikely. The females there were of species incapable of reproducing with ours, and, in most cases sterilized, so while they provided amusement, they offered no solution to our situation.

  As I lingered, the door to the bridge dissolved, and I faced my second-in-command. He was flushed, nearly the color my female turned when angered. Perhaps our species were closer than I’d thought. “Captain, I am glad to see you here. We did not wish to disturb you, but the navigation systems have picked up a possible sign of our enemies in this vector.”

  “Show me.”

  I forced the images and scents of my lush, fertile female into the back of my mind and followed him. Several officers congregated around the lit table, arguing over a speck so small, no one could have determined its origin, yet the system was reacting to it in a way we could not ignore. Those who infested our planet were to be exterminated wherever we came upon them, so with a final regretful thought of the female no doubt writhing in her bonds in my chamber, I ordered our course set and took the command chair for the duration.

  A full duty rotation later, we had come close enough to determine the speck to be indeed of enemy origin. But rather than an active threat, it appeared to be a burned-out husk, nothing left but the light, sturdy metal we already knew to be indestructible. The vessel had been adrift for some time, and whoever had been responsible for its demise had done a thorough job. No threat on its own, but an indication that those who murdered our people had been in the vector. If there were others, w
e saw no signs of them. Once I’d set us back on course toward a star grouping we thought held possibilities for our secondary mission of finding a habitable yet uninhabited planet, I left the bridge. After our experience with the Federation, we held low hopes that a populated planet would offer us welcome.

  Weary and discouraged, I plodded toward my quarters. The flotsam once a ship had not even had enough left for us to learn much useful about its former crew. If we came anywhere near our home planet, we’d be facing a threat we did not understand well enough to defeat, so every bit of data was critical. We had remotely flown a shuttle through the hull to gather video and samples of the metal, but it did not look promising. After forwarding the information to fleet command, there was no more I could do. They would inform us of their findings.

  I paused outside my chamber, almost too tired to wave my hand to dissolve the door, but a low moan filtered from inside, accompanied by the scent of my female’s arousal. My cock jerked to attention, followed by the rest of me.

  I’d not forgotten her. How could I? But my duty, my responsibilities to my people would always supersede my own needs. More now than ever before. When I accepted my commission, I’d envisioned an entirely different kind of command—one holding far less desperation.

  As the molecules broke apart and the interior lights came on, revealing my quarters and its inhabitant, I reminded myself that this, that she, was also my duty. If the scientists and physicians were wrong, and we were unable to impregnate these females, we would be extinct within a single generation.

  And I had been granted the honor of the first female. For now.

  Breathing deep, I inhaled her scents—arousal, sweat, and fear. But that last was slight, the cybellus doing its job on the human as well as it had on our females. I’d spoken confidently to her about its effect, but of course she was the first of her kind to be subjected to it. Her gasps and shudders told me a great deal about how it worked. Pausing by the door, I punched a message to the medical staff to ensure each man in my position received a substantial amount before attempting to mount their female. Some might be receptive without it, but why take a chance?

  Eager as a young man in first rut, I forced myself to undress without haste and place my uniform in the cleaner as always. My female was going nowhere until I allowed it. Circling the table, I cleaned away some of the cybellus and took in the similarities and differences between our species. This female’s mammaries were larger than most of ours, with smaller, darker nipples. Perhaps a bit small for feeding children. Everything else about her was fuller, curvier, and more sumptuous than the lean females of our world.

  “What are you looking at?” she bit out. “And what have you done to me?”

  I took one nipple between my thumb and forefinger and pinched, hard. Her back arched off the table, only her bound arms and legs keeping her in place. “Why are you asking me a question you already know the answer to, female?” I pinched harder, fascinated to watch her nipple grow pointed and firm under my touch. Perhaps they could be trained to be longer with some attention.

  “I-I ache. I want…”

  I moved toward the wall and considered some clamps “I will give you what you want, in time.” A pair of matching toothed devices with a cunning bulb on the end of each caught my attention, and I retrieved them and returned to her side. “Lie still, female.”

  She did not obey, but I could forgive her twisting and squirming. The cybellus was at fault, and I found her response quite alluring. After placing one of the clamps on a small table to the side, I opened the other and then closed it over her left peak and activated it. She trembled, whimpering, but I adjusted the setting until her flesh swelled around it before stepping back to reach for the second clamp.

  “What? No, don’t do…ohhhh.” A shudder ran through her as I applied the other device to her right nipple and tapped the pad to make it tighten. The tiny teeth bit into her flesh, not breaking the skin but already enhancing the fullness of her nipples. I touched the pad again, and a tiny pump kicked in. Although they had never been used in this way before, I took pride in their multi-functionality.

  “Yes, excellent. See how much longer your nipple is growing?”

  “But why, oh my god, who made these instruments of torture?”

  “I am an inventor, and these are intended to help loosen difficult screws on the outside of the ship. But I believe they work well in this case, to make you ready to feed our young.” Humming, I adjusted the second clamp and turned it on. “Very good.”

  She panted, whimpering and sobbing. “You’re crazy. What makes you think I want to have your babies? I told you I have a mate. And have children already. They need me.” For an instant, she stilled. “And I fed them just fine, thank you.”

  Moving to the foot of the table, I adjusted the force fields to bring her buttocks to the edge and observed her rosy, glistening female parts. “You lied, for which you will be punished later. No male would allow you to leave his young uncared for while you entertain yourself with other males.”

  Her breasts heaved, the tiny pumps tugging at the nipples, their tips darkening and swelling even more. I continued in a stern tone that would have warned any of my crew of my displeasure. “And therefore, you have never fed a babe, so allow me to help with that as I implant one in your womb.”

  “I’m not your damn breeder.” She spluttered and groaned, less observant than my crewman, or perhaps with a weaker sense of self preservation, but I turned my attention back to her female parts, my penile extensions already caressing her inner thighs. Her swollen petals glistened, slick with her juices, more than prepared for mating.

  Chapter Seven


  Yes! Sweet Goddess yes, fuck me. Do it now!

  Somehow, I managed to keep from screaming it out loud. But after the cybellus I was so hot, so needy. Desperate to have his cock inside me, filling me up. It didn’t matter that he was an alien. For hours, I’d been craving those tantalizing multiple heads, fantasizing about how they’d stroke my inner walls.

  I couldn’t stifle a whimper when they twisted their way inside, slick and hot. And I let out a wordless cry as pain and pleasure melded together when he ramped up the pressure on the nipple pumps.

  His first hard thrust took me over the edge, the climax so intense it left me trembling.

  “Yes, that’s good,” he murmured. “The more you come, the better the chances of planting my seed.” He pulled out, and I felt the tips caressing my pussy lips again. I moaned and shoved my hips up, hungry for more.

  He made that low rough noise again, the one I’d have pegged as a laugh if he were human. “You like that? Very well, little human. Take it. Take it all.”

  I did scream then. Screamed and bucked against him as he slammed into me. The multiple heads of his cock spread out, then retracted when he drew back. Twisted their way inside, wider each time. Filling me, fucking me, while the pressure on my nipples increased. My orgasm built, wave after wave of exquisite pain/ecstasy carrying me higher.

  I forgot he was an alien, forgot he’d teased and tormented me with cybellus for hours to get me to this point. My entire being centered on the cock inside me. Five heads, moving independently, all fucking me at the same time. Flicking, caressing, stroking then pistoning back and forth, one after another.

  My cries became one unending scream as I soared over the edge. He made a satisfied grunt and pulled out partway.

  “Open your eyes, female. I want to look into them when I plant my seed in you.”

  Gasping for breath, I sagged against the table. His scent filled my lungs. Dark, musky, with a hint of something spicy and exotic. “No, it’s too much. I can’t…I can’t take any more.”

  “You can and you will.”

  He started moving again, drawing me in with the force of his gaze. I was hypnotized, unable to look away. His eyes bored into my soul as his cock slid in, thick and hard.

  This time, there was no gentle stroking, no caressing. He pounded i
nto me, and Goddess help me, I loved it. I met his thrusts, grinding my hips against him as those heads stoked the flames of my lust.

  When the first one pulsed, then spurted, my pussy spasmed, tightening down around his cock. He groaned and drove deep inside me. The liquid fire of another head bathed my inner walls. I bucked against the bonds that held me, pussy clenching as the heads shot cum one after the other.

  His body went limp, and he pulled out and sagged next to me onto the table. His eyes closed, and the energy field pinning me there suddenly released its hold. Sighing with relief, I lowered my arms.

  My arms! I could move my arms. That’s when it hit me. He’d been so intent on fucking me when he came in he never waved the door shut. And I’d been so desperate to get fucked I didn’t even worry about someone coming along and looking in on us.

  Tentatively, I flexed my ankles, shifted one leg on the table. I was free from the force field, but Goddess only knew how long it would be before he bound me to it again.

  He might have been an interstellar rock star when it came to fucking, but he was still an alien. I waited a split second then leaped off the table and dashed for the open doorway, yanking the nipple clamps off as I went.

  Fuck! I bit off a scream, nearly sagged to the floor as a wave of pain hit when the blood flow returned. I’d been tied up before, but Damon had never used nipple clamps on me.

  I bolted out into the corridor, stark naked, and started running blindly. No plan, no idea where I was going. Only a refrain playing in my head with every step. Get away. Get away. Behind me, I heard an angry bellow.

  I turned down a dark side passage and darted through the first open doorway then stopped, chest heaving. I was in another gray room. Walls, ceiling, floor—all one drab color, including piles of fabric stacked on every available surface.


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