The Untouched Brats: 5 Book Bundle / Box Set (Taboo, Forbidden, Fantasy)

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The Untouched Brats: 5 Book Bundle / Box Set (Taboo, Forbidden, Fantasy) Page 4

by Olivia Sapphire

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. We’re so close to the end of the semester, I wish it would just end already!”

  “Well, hopefully we both get the grades we want. Then we can just relax,” I told her.

  But, in my mind, I couldn’t possibly relax. Even after classes would have passed, I would only be thinking about Brad and what I was missing out by not being with him. I guess going to this party would bode well for me, considering I need to take my mind off of Brad and school.

  “Alright, well let’s go!” Taylor exclaimed.

  I could tell that Taylor was excited. She seemed like such a carefree person, and I realized I could learn a thing or two from her. I decided that I would try to be as pumped up as she was for the party. Maybe I would meet a cute guy at the party, I thought.

  We proceeded to leave my dorm in our smoking hot outfits that we recently bought. Taylor kept repeating to me of how all the guys would be checking us out, and I humored her by agreeing with her. Maybe Brad would finally realize what he missing out on after he heard of how beautiful we looked, I thought. I didn’t hold my breath though.

  Finally, we arrived in front of the frat house, and the music was so loud that we could already tell that the party had started. But, we didn’t need only sound to tell that the party had started. We could see it all. On the porch there were people drinking and making out, and I got a slight view of all the people in the back from the side. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like inside.

  We walked past a bunch of cute guys, and I think Taylor was right. Many were giving us the attention that we both deserved. Many guys, as we passed, tried to get us to drink and talking to us. Taylor, however, said that we should go inside and settle down first before we do anything. I agreed, and decided to follow her lead.

  All this attention from the guys at the party, made me ponder about Brad. How was it that so many other guys were trying to be with me, while Brad didn’t seem to try anymore. I thought about Brad, and how much I wanted him. I wanted to be locked up in his embrace, and lie my head on his defined chest as I felt him breathe.

  I shook my head. No more, Maddie. These thoughts won’t do anything but just cause you to be more sad. I decided that tonight I would drink to forget about Brad. I quickly realized that it was just like last time, the night Brad and I finally kindled our love at that epic frat party. He drank to forget about Jill, and I drank to forget about Brad. We both had people in our minds, and we both tried to get them off our minds. Now, I was Brad in this situation. It was almost as if Brad was my ex, just as Jill was to him, and I wanted to party to get my mind off him. It’s crazy how life takes a turn of events, I thought.

  I went back to following Taylor’s lead.

  “This way, Maddie,” she told me.

  We went towards the kitchen to where all the alcohol was being distributed. Taylor proceeded to speak the guy who had the vodka.

  “Hey there! You mind if we get some,” she said in her flirtatious tone.

  “Sure thing,” the guy replied. We all exchanged names, and we found out that his name was Alex. He apparently was in one of Taylor’s classes, but they never really talked.

  Taylor whispered in my ear and told me how gorgeous he was. She told me to wish her luck, and I did.

  He was gorgeous, I thought. He had many attractive qualities along to his good looks, that I knew Taylor would enjoy. But, every time I met a guy, I had the issue of comparing them to Brad. And once I did that, I began to see them as not so gorgeous anymore. I figured he would be a good guy for Taylor though. They flirted a lot with each other, and they had a lot in common. I was honestly jealous of the relationship they were developing. There were no complications between them. If she wanted to be with him, she could. I thought back to me and Brad, and how complicated it would be if I wanted to be with him. Not only the fact that we are step-brother and step-sister, but also the fact that he was with Jill. It’s almost as if the world was out to get us and not let it happen, I thought.

  I was teased with the taste of Brad, and I knew what I was missing out on. Brad, who wore the tight shirts that clearly showed his defined chiseled body. The Brad, who while being a jock, was very intelligent. He seemed to have the wisdom and knowledge of an entire lifetime, but was in his prime.

  Quickly, I had a flashback from the times he embraced me before. I felt his hands touch my waste as he brought me closer to him, making me quiver. How he took control of me, and pounded me hard, the way I dreamed of my whole life. Thinking of Brad, only began to make me wet.

  “Here,” Alex said. He handed me a shot of vodka.

  “Cheers!” Alex and Taylor exclaimed as we clinked our glasses. I watched them take the shot while I still had mine in my hand. I stared down at the glass, and finally decided that it was time to forget about Brad. It wasn’t going to happen, and I had to realize it.

  Before I knew it, the alcohol in the glass was gone and Taylor was cheering me on to do another. So, I followed her lead like I said I would and took a few more with her. Things began to become a bit more hazy and I realized that I was quickly becoming tipsy. I felt the warmth in my stomach and it felt nice. I began to let loose more now and was now taking charge instead of Taylor.

  “Let’s play Beer Pong!” I exclaimed.

  “Yeah!” Taylor agreed.

  We proceeded to rush to the free beer pong table, seeing as how the previous game just finished. We decided that we would do a two versus two, but the problem was I didn’t have a teammate. Luckily, Alex’s friend, Johnny was here. We were all introduced again, and quickly we began to start the game.

  Before I knew it, we were all chugging down the cups full of beer. Johnny and me made a few points causing Taylor and Alex to drink, and vice versa. As we began to get more and more drunk, we all began to become a bit more flirtatious with our teammates.

  I saw Taylor with Alex as they began to make out quickly after the game we had just finished. They took no break to start what they were both thinking. I looked at Johnny, and I could tell that he wanted to do the same thing. I thought back to Brad. Would it be considered cheating on Brad, if I made out with Johnny?

  What am I thinking! Of course it isn’t. He’s with Jill, so it doesn’t mean I can’t become happy. I decided to be embraced by Johnny now, even if he was the imperfect version of Brad.

  We stared at each other, and I felt him bring his lips closer to mine. He finally applied them on mine as he brushed his fingers along my waist. He went lower and applied his hand on my ass as he demanded me with his tongue. It felt great being wanted by someone this badly. It made me wet just thinking about it. While I wish it were Brad, it was the next best thing. I felt him push his rock hard bulge against me, almost as if he were seeking more. We both continued to tease each other as we continued to make out.

  “Hey,” Johnny started. “How about we go somewhere a bit more private.”

  I thought about what he said. I knew what he meant by this, but I didn’t know if I was ready.

  And before I knew it, I felt a buzz alongside my leg. I was getting a text from someone, and I quickly pulled out my phone as Johnny waited for a response.

  The little envelope icon had Brad’s name next to it. It was Brad who had texted me. I clicked quickly to see what it was, thinking that he wanted to just meet up for a hook-up, seeing as it has been awhile. I made sure that if it was going to be that, I would not reply, and not go. I had to make sure I would stay strong and deny his presence that made me want him more. I proceeded to read the text.

  “Hey Maddie. It’s Brad. I know it’s been awhile, but I really need to talk to you. Can you meet up right now? It’s kind of serious.”

  I didn’t know what to think anymore after reading the text. I was stunned. What did Brad possibly want? Did he want to do just a hook-up, or did he want to call of everything in general? I looked up at Johnny, who’s face questioned me on whether or not I wanted to go with him.

  It was either Johnny or Brad. I ran all th
e scenarios through my head and what would come of both things. I looked at my phone. I looked at Johnny. I had made my decision.

  “Sorry, Johnny. My friend actually just texted me, telling me he really needs my help. It sounded urgent. Maybe we can meet up in the future?”

  “Oh, yeah sure,” Johnny replied.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to see you later!”

  “Yeah, no problem! Hope everything turns out okay!”

  I quickly rushed to get my things and to walk over to Brad’s dorm. I thought of speaking to Taylor before I left, but I saw she got what she wanted. She proceeded to go with Alex somewhere a bit more private. I decided that I shouldn’t bother her with something as trivial as this. For all I know, Brad might just need someone to talk to about the family. Hopefully nothing did happen. But, the reason I chose Brad over Johnny was because I was still faithful to Brad. As much as I wanted to deny him, I couldn’t. If it were something like a hook-up, he would’ve told me, I figured. But, he told me it was serious, and I needed to be there for the person I loved, even if he didn’t feel the same way about me.

  I passed by all the people who drank, played games, and partied the night away. Tonight, this wasn’t for me. I headed towards the O’Brien building, where Brad’s dorm was held, just like before when Brad wasn’t replying to my text. This time he invited me over, and I wasn’t ambushing him. I didn’t know what tonight had in store for me, but I was hoping for the best. Yet, expecting the worst.

  However, hoping for the best led my mind to wander to me being enticed by Brad. I imagined being taken by Brad, and being pounded hard. I wanted him inside of me, but I, unlike the many times before, didn’t want to have to leave right after because Jill was coming over. I wanted to make Brad cum and I wanted to lay next to him. I didn’t want to leave his side.

  Finally, I stepped in front of the O’Brien building and stared all the way to the top, where Brad’s dorm lay. I was here, like the many times before. Yet, tonight felt different. Maybe it was because I was drinking too much tonight, but I found some hope in me that I didn’t have as much before. I proceeded to walk into the building and take the elevator up to the 14th floor, where Brad would be.

  I stepped out of the elevator and walked along the long narrow hallway, all the way to the end where Brad’s room lay. The walk felt like an eternity and my heart began to beat faster. So many different possibilities began to run through my head and while I was nervous, I was also excited from my new found hope.

  I had finally reached his door. The same door that was decorated with the same art he and his friends did about a month and a half ago. Without another hint of hesitation, I knocked on the door before I could think.

  I waited. Finally, the twist of the door knob again.

  Slowly, the door began to creak open and revealed the man I still loved.

  “Hey…” Brad started.

  “Hey…” I replied.

  “Uh, come on in, Maddie. Thank you for coming.”

  He closed the door behind me as I went to sit on the edge of the bed. He looked nervous, as if he wanted to say something, but was having trouble finding the words. He had his on the back of his neck as he moved towards me, and continued to pace back and forth.

  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you, Maddie. I know it’s been awhile…” He continued to struggle to find the words, until he abrupted with a big “I LOVE YOU!”

  I was stunned. I didn’t know how to respond. Was he lying, or was he being serious?

  An, “uh… what,” was all I could manage to get out.

  Without a moment to pass, Brad continued before I could have anything else to say. “Look, I know you wanted us to be all physical. And I loved being with you every moment. It was great. But, I soon realized that me being with Jill was completely wrong. Every time I was with Jill, I was thinking of you. I couldn’t stop thinking of you. It soon hit me that I truly loved you, and I’m sorry that I didn’t realize that sooner. I’m sorry that I was so foolish. Is there any way that you could take me back, and we could be something of exclusive?”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It’s everything I was hoping for. I was preparing for the worst, and luckily, the worst did not happen. It is something I was fantasizing for, for so long.

  “Brad, you don’t know how glad it makes me to hear that. The reason I haven’t contacted you in the past few weeks is because I couldn’t just be with you physically anymore. I wanted us to be exclusive, but you were with Jill…” I thought of Jill. “What actually happened with Jill?” I continued.

  “Well, once I realized that we were meant for each other, I let it down easy to her. Listen Maddie, I feel like we were soul mates. I know it’s taboo, and many people consider it to be wrong. But, I don’t care what those people say. They don’t know what we have. What we have is incomparable to anyone else.”

  Brad edged closer to me on the bed, and I smelled his nice scent get stronger. It was amazing. I couldn’t believe what was happening, but I didn’t want to question it. I didn’t want to make any mistakes and lose what was going to happen. I edged closer to Brad too. I stared into his bright blue eyes and turned my torso towards his. I lay my forehead on his, and just felt his are breathing become deeper and faster. He lifted my chin, and stared into my eyes.

  “Maddie. I love you, and your the only person I want to be with. Will you please fulfill the commitment?”

  “Yes, Brad. Oh my god, yes.”

  He slowly closed his eyes, followed by me, and he applied his wonderful lips onto mine. His tongue danced in my mouth as I enticed him. He demanded more and I obliged to Brad. While he devoured my mouth, I began to get more and more aroused. I moved my hand from his waist to his thigh, and moved my hand slowly up his thigh to his great bulge. I once again felt his great hard cock, yet this time felt very different. It was all for me now.


  He stared at me with a look of confusion.

  “Let me fulfill the commitment,” I said with a smile on my face.

  He couldn’t help but smile too. Reaching down, I unzipped Brad’s pants, seeking the wonderful cock he hid. Slowly, I reached in his pants, and felt the rock hard cock that was hiding away. Finally, I brought it out and shined it in front of the world. Before he had a moment to think, I quickly applied my mouth onto Brad’s wonderful cock. He has made me so happy that he chose me. I wanted to show him that he would definitely not regret his decision.

  Large amounts of pre-cum began to flow as I pushed my head down on his cock further and further. The taste of his essence inside of my mouth was wonderful. I was eager to find more. His cock twitched with excitement as I used my tongue expertly now. He moaned with pleasure, which only led me to have an increase in arousal.

  “Wait!” Brad exclaimed.

  I lifted my head and stared at him. I thought that he might have changed his decision, and I felt my heart begin to drop.

  He continued. “I don’t want to cum just yet Maddie. I want you to feel the exact same pleasure that you are giving me. I want to treat you like my queen, because we are soul mates.”

  I couldn’t have loved Brad, more than I did at the point. He rushed to lift my white silky tank top off, revealing the breasts he cupped so many times. He rushed to take his jeans off, as I rushed to take mine off too. We unclothed ourselves until we had nothing on. He laid me on the bed and laid himself above of me.

  “Put in me, brother.”

  He teased me with his large member. He rubbed his cock on my clit as I quivered with enjoyment. I felt my cavern to become more wet and lubricated. He continued to tease me with his cock, until I couldn’t handle it anymore. And without notice, he rammed his large cock inside of my cavern, and I felt a feeling that I did not quite ever feel before. He pounded me as we rocked back and forth on his shaky dorm room bed. We created more sound than ever before. We didn’t care anymore if the sounds were heard from the other dorms. We couldn’t hold back the love we had for each other an
ymore. And, I love that he didn’t care anymore. I loved that he was finally able to let go and forget about all that was wrong. It didn’t matter anymore. We finally had each other.

  He cupped my breasts and continued to pinch my nipples as I felt his wonderful chiseled arms. I gripped onto his arms for support and he continued to drill me.

  I felt the warmth from his pre-cum and my wetness inside of my cavern. It was warmer than the feeling of the alcohol in my stomach before. It comforted me and pleased me to no extent. I closed my eyes and listened to beautiful sounds of his breathing as he searched further and further into my cavern. I couldn’t take it anymore. I began to clench more and more as he drilled further and further into my cavern. I continued to melt.

  “Brad, please, just give it to me. I want you to cum inside of me.” I pleaded with him to give it to me without any protection. It didn’t matter what was right and wrong anymore. As long as we had each other, everything would be okay.

  “Oh! Maddie baby! I can’t hold it in anymore. I’m cumming!”

  “Don’t hold it in baby! Give it to me! Let me feel the warmness of your essence inside of me! I want it inside of me!”

  And without anymore hesitation, he climaxed inside of me and let his juices flow into my cavern. He let me feel the warmness I felt in my mouth before from his wonderful tasting cum. He towered over me for a good while, as he enjoyed every bit of his climax.

  Once it was all over, we both let out a sigh of relief as he laid next to me on his bed.


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