Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Three Hired Lovers [Fantasy Resort 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 10

by Melody Snow Monroe

  “Put him on speaker.”

  That was kind of an invasion of privacy, but after what the Sex Toys for U gang had done to her, he deserved it. “Hey, Rod.”

  * * * *

  After spending four hours shopping for the perfect dress, she was ready. Instead of having Rod drive all the way out to the suburbs to pick her up for dinner, she told him she’d meet him in town. That way, they’d have a nice meal and good conversation without the possibility of sex. If she was going to have any kind of relationship, she needed to see how he treated her on a day-to-day basis, not just near a bed. Yes, he’d been charming while he took her to the party, but she wanted more one-on-one time with him.

  Rod stood as she approached the table. His eyes widened. “Hot doesn’t come close to describing you.”

  His sincerity made her heart leap. He leaned over and kissed her on the mouth. It was one simple kiss, but not only did her nipples peak, her pussy moistened. If a single touch caused such an intense reaction, she was in for big trouble.

  Rod had ordered a bottle of her favorite wine, a white pinot gris, which sat in a silver bucket filled with ice. The waiter rushed over and handed them menus. She and Rod discussed their choices, realizing they had similar tastes, and both ended up ordering the broiled salmon. Nice.

  He leaned closer. “So did you come up with ways to improve any of our new line of toys?”

  “Shh.” If anyone overhead the conversation, the restaurant might boot them out for talking about sex.

  Both wine glasses filled halfway, Rod held up his glass. “To the woman I’m falling in love with.”

  Her face flushed. “You’re just saying that so I’ll vote to keep you in the running for president or vice president.”

  He gulped his wine. “I wasn’t even thinking about that. I’m not even sure I want to help run your dad’s company.”

  “You’re giving up?”

  “I’m thinking of some other options.”

  She liked how her dad couldn’t bully him into doing something he wasn’t willing to undertake. “Such as?”

  “I looked into the financials of the Catalina Spa. Their revenues have been slipping. I thought perhaps your dad would like to finance buying the spa and turning it in a fantasy resort.”

  She beamed. “Like what you offered me?”

  “What Joe and Frank offered you, but yes.”

  “I like it. Though I’m retired from that sort of adventure.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” He took her hand in his. “Which would leave Joe and Frank to take over the business, and from your reaction to them, are you still inclined to recommend them?”

  She finished her wine. “I’m not sure. How do I know they care about me? For all I know, they were just doing a job, trying to turn me on.”

  “I am dead serious when I say when Joe, Frank, and I are around you, we are ourselves. We want to be with you. We truly enjoy your body and love seeing you learn about your sexuality. Sure, it started off as a dreaded job, until we, or rather Joe saw you. Their actions had nothing to do with your dad. You have to believe that.”

  “I want to.” She wasn’t sure whether to let her swelled ego call the shots.

  “Listen. After dinner, how about we pay them a visit? Let them explain their side of the story. I know both my brothers are pining for you. Frank loved how you fit in with his friends and wanted to hear all about his adventures overseas. Joe still keeps talking about the time you two played in the lake.”

  Those good times she’d always cherish, but if she visited his brothers, they’d try to seduce her, and she was hopeless when it came to all three of them. “I don’t think I’m ready.”

  “Okay. How about going to a party then? There’s one at another friend’s house, outside of the city.”

  “Will Joe or Frank be there?”

  “I’ll tell them to stay away so we can delve into our deepest secrets.” He leaned ever closer. “I’ve been thinking of your pussy all day. I never got to experience it yesterday.”

  She laughed at how easily he could go from talking about her to wanting to make love to her. He smiled, and she wanted to do him right then and there.

  He waved for the bill. When the waiter returned with his credit card, she could see he left a twenty-five percent tip.

  “Mighty generous of you.”

  “It was a special night. Besides, I like to support young people trying to make a living. When I was growing up, I had a paper route. Every Christmas, there was one guy who gave me a ten dollar tip. I never forgot that and promised if I ever made money, I’d be good to those in need.”

  She fell a little more in love with him.

  Chapter 9

  Lights swirled around the live band positioned at the far end of the pool, and the noise was deafening. The six thousand-square-foot house probably held more people than was the legal limit, forcing Jillian to cup her hands around her mouth to be heard.

  “I hope all of the neighbors in a five-mile radius are here or the police might be showing up soon.”

  Rod shrugged and tapped his ears. He pulled her toward the kitchen. The sound lessened. “Sorry, I didn’t think it would be this loud.” Even in here, he had to shout.

  The noise stopped.

  She blew out a breath. “Thank God.”

  “Band must be on break. I’ll speak with Chip about turning down the amp.”

  “Thank you.”

  Bottles of wine and soda sat on the counter next to a tub of ice crammed full of beers. “What can I get you?” he asked.

  Given all the alcohol she’d had in the last two weeks, she should decline, but she figured one more drink wouldn’t hurt. “Wine. I don’t like to mix my drinks.”


  A moment later voices sounded behind her.

  “Hey, darlin’.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. She spun around. “Joe, what are you doing here?”

  Her stomach flipped. She didn’t want to react to him with such joy. His betrayal still stung, but one look at his beautiful eyes and dimpled cheeks and she caved.

  Frank stepped in behind him. “Jillian.” He shifted his weight and jammed his hands in his pockets.

  The French accent was gone, but the aristocratic slant of his cheeks had her head spinning. Of all the men, she was convinced Francois wanted her the most.

  She looked back at Rod’s reaction. He had told her they wouldn’t be here. Was that a lie? Did they think an ambush would work?

  His knuckles gripping the glass turned white. “I thought I told you I wanted to spend time with Jillian alone first.”

  His tightened jaw frightened her. Guess these two weren’t meant to show up. That eased her concern about Rod. But what did he mean by wanting to be alone with her first? Her pussy contracted at the implication. Sometimes she wished she’d never given in to her urges.

  “We couldn’t wait to see her.” Joe stepped close and slanted his lips near hers. “You won’t return my calls. It’s not at all what you think.”

  The band started up again. “How is it?” she shouted.

  Joe grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the kitchen and down a long hallway away from the noise. She loved Joe’s callused palms, and when he touched her, her memory of their time together surfaced. If only her brain could be like a computer where she could wipe clean her thoughts by sending them to the trash.

  The noise became fainter the farther they got from the band. Rod and Frank followed. Good. She needed supervision. She couldn’t trust herself with any of the men if they put their hands on her.

  Joe stood close and brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I know Rod explained what happened, but I wanted to tell you that both Frank and I want you in our lives. It’s not about the sex, though that is beyond my dreams. It’s who you are as a person. Like us, you are so passionate about what you do. You care about others and treat all of us like we are special.”

  She wanted to believe him, but Clarissa’s words came back
to her. “You can’t fall in love after a few days.” Not that he’d used the love word, but Rod had said he was falling in love. She waved a hand as if to dismiss his comment, refusing to think how hypocritical she’d been when she told her friend she believed she loved all three of them—at one time.

  Frank moved forward. “To prove how much we want you, all three of us are willing to give up the chance to run your dad’s company. We don’t want his deal anymore. We just want you.”

  Stunned, her pulse raced and her mind flashed to the spa and what these wonderful men had done for her. “You’re willing to give up your dream? For me?” Was she a fool to believe what they said?

  Rod moved behind her and placed his hands on her waist while Joe kissed her. “Let the three of us prove to you how much we care.”

  * * * *

  Jillian had never seen where any of them lived, but Joe suggested they go to his house on the east side of Tucson, as it was the largest. When she walked into the adobe home, its cool temperature refreshed her, a nice change from the outside heat. She scanned the living room area. It had stone flooring, leather furniture, impressive artwork, and tall windows that opened out to the desert. “Nice place.”

  Joe nuzzled her neck. “I’m glad you like it.” He looked at Frank. “Wanna get us all something to drink?” Frank nodded.

  Jillian ran her hands down her dress. Having sex with Rod was one thing, but having all three men touch her at the same time would be overwhelming. She drew in her bottom lip, thinking how to phrase her concern.

  Rod walked over to her and rubbed his thumbs over her nipples while Joe pressed his cock against the seam of her bottom, conjuring up all sorts of wonderful pleasure. “Don’t be nervous. We want this experience to be perfect for you.”

  Her damn nipples hardened and peaked. “I’m a little scared.” That was the truth.

  Joe unzipped her strapless dress and let the top drop below her breasts.

  Rod’s eyes glazed over. “You are so sweet, so wonderful.”

  He bent over and sucked her right nipple. She tried to hold in her groan but failed.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Let it out. Be free.”

  Glass tingled on the counter. She looked over at Frank. He shrugged, most likely realizing she wouldn’t be able to drink with two men all over her. He set down the drinks before coming over.

  When Frank placed his mouth over her other breast, desire sopped her panties. With her hands by her side, she wasn’t sure what they wanted her to do, so she stood there, reveling in the pulsations coming at her all at once.

  Joe stepped back. “I, for one, would be more comfortable without my jeans.”

  Yes! The wonderful attention to her neck stopped, but the other two kept up their devoted sucking. She wanted them to touch her clit, rub against it, but she was still dressed. Not wanting to break the mood, she waited while they delighted her.

  Rod was the first to break contact. “I think there is a more comfortable place for Jillian. We can’t have her stand here while we please her. Joe, do you want to do the rumpus room?”


  She had no idea what a rumpus room held, but she was game. She turned around and jerked. Joe, in all his magnificent splendor, was naked and enormously erect. Dear God. Darker blond hair dusted the base of his erection. Not that she compared men, but he might be larger than Rod, if that was possible.

  Joe smiled. “You’ll get to explore every inch of my dick soon enough.” He grabbed her hand.

  She swallowed hard. “Can I have my drink first? I’m parched.”

  As if by magic, Frank handed her the glass. “There you go. I’ll be right in.”

  With Rod and Joe by her side, she walked down a long hallway. The walls were filled with family photos of the boys as kids. She wanted to study them but figured now wasn’t the time.

  At the end of the hallway, Joe opened the door for her. She stepped in and sucked in a breath. “Oh my.”

  Technically, it was a bedroom and an adjoining bathroom, but she found herself looking past the large bed to stare at the wall of whips, chains, handcuffs, and every sex toy imaginable lining the shelves. “Wow.”

  Joe wrapped his arms around her waist. “You’re welcome to request anything you see. It’s the newest line from Sex Toys for U.”

  She wet her lips. “Maybe later.”

  Rod stepped forward. “I know the party house got a little stuffy. Would you like to take a shower first?”

  She smiled. “If you’ll join me?”

  Rod tapped his chest. “I’m thinking all of us would like to join you.”

  Her stomach tumbled. The idea of being naked with all three watching scared her. It had taken courage to let Rod observe her when she pleased herself with the nipple stimulator. Getting naked and having all of them touch her would be over-the-top for most women. For her, it was like bungee jumping off the highest cliff. All those hands teasing bringing her to new heights might be too much.

  But she’d come this far. She might as well go all the way. “Okay.”

  She started to step out of her dress, but Rod stopped her. “Here are the rules. We’d like you to do nothing unless we tell you to. You don’t have to obey, but if you do, I promise you’ll like the experience.” He tapped her nose. “And if you’re really good, you might convince us to tie you up.”

  Shivers clenched her pussy again and her breasts tightened, then nearly ignited at the thought of being helpless and at their mercy. She nodded.

  Frank walked in. There seemed to be a silent understanding between the men, because while Joe lifted her dress, Frank pulled down her panties. She stepped out of them.

  “Hold onto my shoulder,” Rod said.

  He removed her shoes. She stood before them, naked and exposed. Their gaze raked up and down her body. She felt more vulnerable than if she’d stood in the middle of Times Square in New York on a warm, sunny day.

  Frank moved in front of her. “I want you to take off my clothes.”

  The fact she’d get to do something made her feel part of the team. “Lift your arms,” she commanded as gently as possible. He did, and she slipped his T-shirt over his head. She leaned forward and sucked on his man nipples.

  Rod took hold of her shoulders and leaned her back. “Remember the rules.”

  “You said I didn’t have to obey them, right?”

  Rod nodded. “True, but if you don’t, we’ll have to punish you. The choice to obey or not is yours. See those whips?”

  She glanced at the soft velvet one hanging on the wall. “Yes.”

  “Obey or we’ll have to torture you more than you may want. Do what we say and you’ll be spared.”

  She giggled. “Yes, Master.”

  As slowly as she could, she unzipped Frank’s zipper, and his erection popped out, hidden from view by his boxers. She debated taking his dick in her hand and giving it a good tug, but thought it better if she stuck to the rules. She remembered what happened last time she disobeyed Rod.

  Dropping to the ground, she made sure to stick her ass high in the air while she dragged off his sandals. Reaching up, she got rid of his pants in a hurry. His boxers slipped and she smiled. Here was another marvelous man for her to get to know more intimately. Touching him before had only given her a taste of what she knew she wanted.

  “Faster,” he said.

  She didn’t need to obey. She was in control of this game now, and she was going to enjoy every yank. She tugged inch by excruciating inch, until his cock sprung free. “Very manly.”

  She loved teasing them. She held onto the waistband while Frank stepped out of his briefs.

  Next, she turned to Rod. He held up his hand. “I’ll wait my turn. I want to watch you with Joe and Frank in the shower.”

  Her disappointment must have shown on her face because he immediately stepped forward, helped her to her feet, and slanted his lips over hers. He ran his tongue along the seam until she opened up. His tongue dove in and danced with hers. He
r body became weak in his arms as the sweet tang of beer greeted her. They explored each other with the passionate kiss, but she jerked when one of the two men pushed a thumb up her drenched opening. Her breath caught in her throat. She looked down to see Joe grinning up at her.

  “Darlin’, you are too sweet.”

  She knew his speech was an act, but she liked what his voice did to her insides. Her walls squeezed his finger.

  He withdrew, stood, and rubbed his rough palms over the nipples. Rod stepped back as Joe swirled his hands across the tips then kneaded their sides. Frank dropped to his knees and licked her clit. She jumped from the intensity.

  “Just hold on, darlin’. We got all night to get you where you want to be.”

  All night? She couldn’t last another few minutes. Rod leaned against the wall and smiled, his erection evident. Her heart melted. He’d started this intense encounter and now had to watch. She bet since she’d had sex with him twice, he was being kind by letting his two brothers have their way.

  She heard the shower running but didn’t remember Rod going into the bathroom and turning on the water. Joe continued to rub and tweak her nipples while kissing the sensitive spot behind her ear. Frank did wonders with her more-than-ready pussy. While he plunged two large fingers between her folds, he drew his teeth over her clit. Excited beyond belief, she ran her fingers over Frank’s gloriously curly hair.

  Joe was the first to stop. “I think it’s time to get you clean.”

  In a daze, the two men led her into the bathroom. Only it wasn’t a typical bathroom. In fact, it wasn’t really a bathroom at all. There wasn’t even a sink or a toilet, just a large showerhead jutting out from the middle of the bathroom ceiling. Underneath was a table that looked similar to the massage table they’d brought to the spa. Water splattered on the leather and bounced onto the floor and down a large drain. Two more handheld heads extended out from the walls. It was an orgy shower. My God, she was in for the time of her life.

  Rod leaned against the door. His half-drooped eyelids and lazy smile gave her the assurance all would go well.


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