Riverbend Road

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Riverbend Road Page 3

by RaeAnne Thayne

  “Four minutes is a long time for two scared little boys,” the fire chief said.

  Cade still knew he had made the right call. That had been four minutes of hell he never wanted to live through again, trying to raise her on the radio, then rolling up to the scene a half minute before the fire crews to find the place engulfed and no sign of her.

  When she had burst out of that door seconds later like she was some kind of freaking avenging angel, carrying two kids with smoke and flames pouring out behind her, his blood had turned as cold as a jump into Lake Haven in January.

  His stomach still felt hollow and shaky.

  “It could have been a hell of a lot worse, if not for Wyn. I’ll take a little mild smoke inhalation and a broken ankle over the alternative.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “Lindy-Grace and Ron are both on their way. I asked Ed and Terri to wait a minute longer for the boys’ parents to make it here before they roll out to Lake Haven hospital.”

  Erik gave him a careful look. “You going to refer the boys to juvie court for trespassing and vandalism?”

  “We can cross that bridge eventually.”

  He should probably have a word with the boys before they left the scene. He could always catch them at the hospital or after they were discharged, but in his experience, time sometimes had a way of distorting the truth.

  He should have remembered his duty, first and foremost. Yet another reason to be pissed at Wynona.

  He headed back toward the ambulance. She had risen from the grass and now leaned into the rear of the ambulance trading jokes with the boys, who still looked small and frightened.

  He had gone to school with their mom, Lindy-Grace, and considered her a friend. She was a sweetheart who threw the best barbecues in town and often dropped off baked goods at the police station.

  He had heard rumors that LG and Ron were going through a trial separation. That must be tough on the boys. He didn’t want to pile it on when they were already scared and one was injured, but he really did have a job to do, trying to find out what happened.

  When he neared the ambulance, Wyn gave him a wary look and stepped aside, as if afraid he was going to yell at her again. He ignored her and stuck his head into the ambulance.

  “Hey, boys. How we doing in here?”

  The older one—Caleb—paled another shade when he spotted him. The EMTs must have given him something for the pain of his ankle, which was encased in an inflatable splint. “Are you gonna take us to jail because we started the fire, Chief Emmett?” he asked.

  “We didn’t mean to do it,” the younger boy whimpered before Cade could answer. “It was just a junky old barn. Nobody used it for nothing. That’s what our dad said. So we decided to make it our clubhouse and we were gonna roast hot dogs for lunch. We were supposed to go on a campout with our dad tonight but then he said he had to work so we couldn’t go.”

  “Since we already had the hot dogs and stuff, we decided to have our own campfire,” Caleb said.

  As much as he liked Lindy-Grace Keegan, he had never much liked her husband, Ron. The guy had always struck him as a self-absorbed workaholic who didn’t know a good thing when it lived in his house. The story just confirmed it.

  “If you have to arrest somebody, arrest me.” The older boy held out his wrists as if he expected Cade to slap cuffs on them right there. “It was my fault. All of it. I tried to start the fire and I guess I used too much kindling.”

  “No, I didn’t make the ring good enough,” his brother protested. “You should arrest me.”

  “But if I hadn’t fallen when we jumped down from the loft, we could have run out and called for help. I’m the one responsible. Arrest me.”

  Wyn made a soft sound and he risked a glance down. Her eyes were suspiciously moist and he felt an answering tug of emotion. It would take a harder man than he was not to be touched at this evidence of brotherly love, each trying to shoulder the blame for the other.

  Would any of his brothers step up to do the same for him? He wanted to think so but he wasn’t sure. Hell, his own father would have shoved every single one of his boys in front of a firing squad if it meant he could save his own skin.

  “I’m not going to arrest anybody—” he started to say, but didn’t finish the sentence before a distraught female voice cried out.

  “My babies! Where are they? My babies!”

  “Mama,” Lucas cried out and Lindy-Grace lifted her head at the sound like a bird dog on a pheasant.

  An instant later, she and Ron were both there. Lindy-Grace shoved him aside to jump into the ambulance so she could hug and kiss each boy, babbling about how much she loved them. Ron, ashen-faced, stayed next to Cade.

  When she finished hugging them, she frowned ferociously at both of them. “You are in such big trouble!”

  At her words, both boys burst into tears.

  “We’re sorry,” the younger one wailed. “We’re so sorry, Mama.”

  “We didn’t mean to,” Caleb blubbered. “It was an accident. We had a fire ring and everything but then the fire jumped out onto some hay and we couldn’t put it out. I knew we had to get out so we jumped down, only I fell hard and hurt my ankle and couldn’t get up and Luke wouldn’t go without me, even though I told him and told him to go.”

  “We were so scared,” his brother interjected. “We couldn’t get out and we were crying and praying and then she came in and helped us.”

  They pointed to Wynona, who smiled and waved weakly.

  “Wynona Jane Bailey,” Lindy-Grace exclaimed. “You saved my boys.”

  She jumped back down from the ambulance and wrapped Wynona in a tight embrace that couldn’t have felt the greatest on his officer’s smoke-seared lungs.

  “If I live to be a hundred and three like my great-grandmother LuLu, I will never forget what you’ve done here today,” LG said through her tears.

  He knew just what Wyn was thinking when she arched an eyebrow at him. See? Not everybody thinks I screwed up.

  She hugged Lindy-Grace for a moment before deftly extricating herself. “It wasn’t a big deal. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Any other officer on the Haven Point Police Department would have done exactly the same thing. Isn’t that right, Chief Emmett?”

  He was spared from having to answer that by Lindy-Grace’s effusive gratitude.

  “I don’t care. They weren’t there. You were. Cade, I sure hope you’re going to give Wynnie a medal!”

  His jaw clenched and he opened his mouth to answer but one of the EMTs spoke up before he could get the words out.

  “Actually, he suspended her for a week without pay,” Terri Michaels offered, with a dark look in his direction.

  The women in Haven Point apparently stuck together.

  “What?” Lindy-Grace exclaimed. “Suspended her! Are you kidding?”

  Cade ground his back teeth. How was he supposed to defend his position to the mother of the two boys Wynona had risked her life to rescue? Yes, he was glad everything had turned out relatively okay except for Caleb’s broken ankle. But procedures were in place for a reason.

  “It’s an internal police matter,” he finally said. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to get back to the scene. Boys, we’re not done talking about this. But now that your mom and dad have had a chance to make sure you’re okay, you need to be checked out at the hospital. I’ll come by later to ask you a few more questions about what happened here and I’m sure Chief Gallegos will have a word or two for you as well.”

  “Yes, sir,” they said in unison, looking chastened at his stern tone.

  He walked away without risking another look at Wynona, wondering how he seemed to have lost control of the entire situation.


lk away, tension radiating from him with every step.

  She had worked with him for nearly three years but had never seen him like this. Usually he was calm, coolheaded, no matter the crisis. He was acting very unlike himself—being abrupt to two scared little boys, suspending her for actions he certainly would have taken himself in the same situation.

  It left her feeling off balance, as if she were trying to hike up to the top of Mount Solace wearing high heels.

  “Seriously, Wyn. How can we ever thank you?”

  She shifted back to Lindy-Grace and Ron. She had a sudden feeling this was going to get old really quickly.

  Her father had been the hero around town and people revered him accordingly. Twenty-five years as the police chief of Haven Point had earned him a reputation as a decent, caring man who would do anything for the people he served. The last difficult two years of his life had only solidified that love and respect. His funeral five months earlier had to be moved to the gymnasium at Haven Point High School to hold the crowds of people who wanted to come pay their respects.

  She was no hero, just a police officer doing her job.

  Her mother was going to freak. It was a wonder Charlene hadn’t hitched a ride to the fire with Lindy-Grace to make sure her oldest daughter was okay.

  “I’m just happy everything worked out,” she said now to her friend.

  “But a week’s suspension! You saved two lives. You shouldn’t be punished for that! What is wrong with that man?”

  She couldn’t begin to guess—nor did she want to discuss it with Lindy-Grace.

  “It doesn’t matter.” She forced a smile. “The boys are safe and that’s the important thing. And they’re not going to go around starting any more fires to roast hot dogs without a grown-up present, right?”

  Both boys shook their heads vigorously.

  “We really need to go now,” Ed said. “The docs at the emergency department have called three times trying to find out what the heck is taking so long. LG, you can ride along if you want. Ron, just follow behind at a safe speed and meet us at the hospital.”


  “So I’m good here?” Wyn pressed.

  Ed nodded as he took the oxygen mask from her. “Yeah. Your levels are great and I think Chief Gallegos would be fine with me releasing you. Just promise you’ll go straight to the hospital if you notice any shortness of breath or feel light-headed.”

  “You got it.”

  She signed the paperwork releasing her from their care, then waved off the ambulance as it backed away through the fire crew.

  By the looks of it, the entire Haven Point volunteer fire department had turned out for the excitement, though it looked like the barn was going to be a total loss. At this point, they seemed to be trying to contain the fire to only the barn and make sure it didn’t spread to the surrounding vegetation.

  She spotted Cade helping uncoil hose from one of the water trucks. No, it wasn’t his job, but that never stopped him before. He always jumped in to do whatever necessary.

  With a sigh, she headed for her patrol car. When she started the engine, he looked over. He wore sunglasses that concealed his expression but she had a feeling he was still glowering at her as she drove away.

  She had left her phone inside the vehicle when she responded to the fire, what felt like another lifetime ago. It rang before she even made her way past the last fire truck and when she glanced at the screen, she saw she had missed six calls—all from her mother. She had to talk to Charlene eventually but she wasn’t quite ready for that.

  Just as she turned onto Riverbend Road, it rang again. This time the caller ID had her reaching to answer.

  “Hey, Kat,” she said as she pulled over to the shoulder of the road, grimly aware she was too shaky to talk on the phone and drive safely at the same time.

  She was greeted by an excited shriek that nearly pierced her eardrums.

  “Is it true?” her sister, Katrina, demanded.

  As usual, her sister’s bubbly energy made her feel about a hundred years older, though less than five years separated them.

  “I’m going to say yes, though I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

  “Sam just texted me that Michelle Hunter came into the store and said she heard from her mom who heard on the police scanner that you ran into a burning building and saved about twelve people.”

  Oh, the fun rumor mill in Haven Point. You had to love it.

  “Don’t forget all the babies and kittens. There had to be at least a hundred of them.”


  For about half a second, Katrina actually bought it. Wyn swallowed a laugh. She adored her sister, she really did, but sometimes Kat was a little too gullible—not a good trait in a second-grade teacher.

  “No,” she finally admitted. “No babies or kittens. Or puppies, for that matter. I didn’t rescue a dozen people either. As usual, the facts tend to get a little distorted once the rumors start flying.”

  “Why bother with facts when they only get in the way of a good story?”

  It was another of their dad’s little sayings and she had to smile. Both she and her sister seemed to be quoting John Bailey more often now that he was gone. Maybe they were finally able to remember him as he once was instead of the distorted version they had lived with for the last two years of his life.

  “It was only two little boys,” she answered. “Lindy-Grace Keegan’s pair. And I was only a few minutes ahead of the fire crew.”

  “My sister, the hero! That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you. Dad would have been too.”

  “Thanks,” she answered, a little catch in her throat at the words.

  “I mean it. Wait until Marsh hears.”

  Their oldest brother, Marshall, was the sheriff of Lake Haven County. What would he think about her suspension? He would probably support it wholeheartedly, especially since Cade was his best friend.

  “Can I bring you dinner tonight?” Kat asked. “I was thinking about trying out a new recipe for chicken divan.”

  Her stomach gave a long, greasy roll at the offer. Kat was a fantastic, dedicated teacher, a good friend and a sweet, kindhearted person. She was also a terrible cook.

  “I think I’m good. Thanks, though. I just need a little downtime, you know?”

  “Are you sure? I’d love to bring you something. What about dessert? I’ve got more fresh rhubarb out back and was thinking about rhubarb-cherry tarts.”

  Her mouth puckered. Kat was on a no-sugar kick these days and Wyn could only imagine rhubarb-cherry tarts without it. No thanks. She had an emergency Snickers bar hidden away inside her house that was calling her name right now.

  “You’re so sweet, but really. It’s been a crazy day and I need to chill.”

  It felt like another lifetime ago that she had been rescuing Aunt Jenny from the cow moose and her baby camping out in her driveway.

  “I totally get that. After teaching twenty-five seven-year-olds all day, sometimes when I get home from school I just want to sink into a chair and not move until the next morning. I don’t know how I would survive without summers. Fine. But can we grab lunch or something this week? Don’t tell me you’re working double shifts! I won’t hear any excuses.”

  “Okay. I won’t tell you that.” She didn’t add that she wasn’t working any shifts for several days. Kat would have no problem marching right down to the fire scene and giving Cade a piece of her mind. Her sister tended to lump Cade into the same category as Marshall and Elliot, just one more troublesome older brother.

  She had never looked at him that way, but her sister did.

  With the experience of long practice, she shied away from considering exactly how she looked at Cade.

  “I could do lunch,” she said instead. “Let’s plan on it to

  “Perfect. Oh, and you’re going to have to talk to Mom. She’s already called me three times, trying to see if I know anything about what happened to you.”

  “Do I have to teach you again how to hit Ignore on your phone?”

  “I wouldn’t have to hit Ignore, if you would just man up and talk to her,” Kat retorted.

  “Yeah, yeah,” she answered.

  She and her sister exchanged love yous and ended the call.

  She did love Kat. They had always been close, the only two girls in a family of rambunctious, wild boys—just not quite as close as Wyn had been to her twin brother.

  Her heart twisted with the familiar sharp ache she always felt when she thought of Wyatt, gone five years now.

  He would have run into that burning barn too. She knew it in her bones. He wouldn’t have hesitated for a second and would have told his boss to screw off if the word suspension was even mentioned.

  She would never be Wyatt—funny, brave, compassionate. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t fill her twin’s shoes.

  Yeah, Charlene was going to be freaking out.

  She would call her mother the moment she was home, she told herself.

  She turned the patrol car onto Riverbend Road, the long, winding road that ran parallel to the Hell’s Fury before it dead-ended.

  As she neared her house, she spotted an unfamiliar minivan with Oregon plates parked in the driveway of a nearby house.

  Oh, it would be lovely if someone moved in. The house had been cold and empty for too long, since before the river flooded the previous summer. She had always loved the little tan Craftsman house with the wide front porch and the cheery red shutters.

  Moving to this area of town had been largely an accident. She had intended to rent something on the lake, similar to the house where she had grown up, but around the time she came back to help after her dad was injured and to take a job at the Haven Point PD, the renters who had been living in her grandmother’s house moved out. Her mother suggested she move in as a stopgap until she could find something else she liked, and Wyn had fallen in love with the whimsical charm of the stone cottage and this eclectic neighborhood along the river.


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