Twin Souls

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Twin Souls Page 7

by D. M. Mortier

  He was comfortable being Ghost. Over the years he had perfected the cold façade that was Ghost, but it took only seconds in Cherone’s presence for Ghost to die a swift death and be replaced with Rico again.

  His days as Ghost were almost over.

  Chapter Seven

  Two years later…

  COMING HOME IN time to celebrate Cherone’s twentieth birthday, Rico felt it safe to chance sleeping in his own bed with Cherone living in the dorm at the University of Miami, where she was completing her third year at college. He hoped he had only imagined the vividness of their dream-state activities.

  Cherone didn’t want to go out to dinner to celebrate her birthday because she wanted to cook her beloved Cajun recipes for their makeshift family of Rico, Neo, Ray, and Clara. Sean was still in Paris, where he was getting better acquainted with an accommodating model.

  Cherone treated her “family” to a meal of chicken gumbo, Cajun-baked catfish with red bean and rice, and a cream cheese king cake for desert.

  Rico had no idea she knew how to cook. Although he was impressed with her skill, he was too busy trying to deal with her appearance. He hadn’t seen her in months and was astounded that she seemed to get more and more beautiful every time he saw her. Her long dark hair hung down her back in glossy curls, and he ached to tangle his fingers in the silky stands when she hugged him in greeting.

  Cherone had exhaled and melted into him.

  I’m so fucked! He couldn’t resist running his palms over her skin. It was as soft and sable as he remembered, instantly ratcheting up his desire. Stepping guiltily away from her, he pretended not to notice her alluring scent. He was captivated by her and hoped the others didn’t notice his dilemma.

  “I don’t know too many twenty-year-olds who can cook like this,” Neo said.

  “Our girl is a gem!” Clara beamed liked a proud mother. “Isn’t it amazing what Roni has done with the house?”

  Rico only grunted, but he was well aware of the extensive work Cherone had done in redecorating the entire house. Damn, my wallet certainly knows the extent of her efforts. He hadn’t blinked at the small fortune she had spent on the renovations. What do I care? Like his instincts in combat, he had used the same instincts when investing in the stock market. After years of dabbling in stocks, I have amassed more money that I can ever spend in three lifetimes. And he had ensured that Roni’s wealth wasn’t small change either.

  The old windows were banged out and replaced with more modern ones complete with hurricane-proof glass panels. Blinds and drapes were taken down and replaced. Carpets were ripped out from throughout the house to be replaced with Italian mosaic tiles to make the rooms cooler in the Florida heat. Every room was given a fresh coat of paint in colors to enhance the new décor and theme of that room. The heavy old living room sofas and armchairs were removed, and now wicker Rattan furniture stood in their place.

  Clara’s kitchen was remodeled with all the latest kitchen gadgets and appliances. Rico loved the new wood cabinetry and was especially impressed with what Cherone had done in his “man-cave.”She added black leather sofas and recliners, a pool table, a wall mounted 70-inch plasma television, a wall-lined book-shelf with all his favorite books, and a massive beer cooler. His weapons room was conveniently hidden behind the wall-lined book-shelf, and his home office could now be accessed from his “man-cave.”

  He loved it.

  “She’ll make some lucky man a great wife,” Clara said.

  Rico stiffened. Over my dead body. With no claim over her, he had no idea where that errant thought came from.

  Cherone laughed. “Come on, Clara, this was just some simple fare and it was easy to redecorate when Rico gives me unlimited access to his money,” she teased. “But thank you for the vote of confidence. I hope you all enjoyed the food.”

  Everyone nodded in appreciation.

  “I’m glad.” Cherone smiled. “Clara, let me practice on her and Ray from time to time. Rico is hardly around to notice.”

  “You told me you could handle my schedule,” Rico said.

  “I’m not complaining. It’s just an observation.”Cherone looked at him with sad eyes. Why don’t you want to be with me?

  This has nothing to do with wanting to be with you. I have to work.

  If you say so. Cherone shrugged her shoulders and looked away.

  “Well, I may just have to put in my bid now to be one of your suitors,” Neo teased. “I’m sure my man Rico will vouch for my good character with the guys.”

  “Not in this fucking life time.” Rico stood, ready to tear Neo apart.

  “Rico! I’m sure Uncle Neo was only kidding.” Cherone stared at him as if he’d lost his mind.

  “I don’t find that shit funny,” Rico said. “You’re a kid. He’s old enough to be your grandpa.”

  Everyone at the table laughed, but Rico didn’t even smile. He lowered himself to his seat, his gaze steady on Neo’s grinning face.

  “I’m only four years older than you,” Neo smirked. “So that would mean you could be her grandpa, too. Sorry old man, but it seems we’re both too old for this diamond.”

  Although he knew Neo was trying to get a rise out of him, he couldn’t help muttering, “Kiss my ass.”

  “Sorry, bro, but I would prefer to kiss Roni’s,” Neo said. “It’s so delectable.”

  Rico sprang to his feet, his gaze deadly. “I don’t give a fuck who you are. Touch my …touch Roni, and I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Neo howled with laughter. He stood, walked over to Cherone, and kissed her on the cheek. “Happy birthday, kid.” He dropped a set of keys in her lap.

  Cherone jumped up and squealed as if she had just won the lottery. Clara and Ray followed her out of the room as she went in search of what the key would fit.

  Neo turned his amused gaze on Rico. “Man, you have it bad. I never thought I’d live to see this. But you’re worse than Dom with his wife, Rinah.”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about,” Rico muttered. Is he on to me? Shit!

  “I suggest you put a ring on it before you have a heart attack or accidently kill someone with that short fuse,” Neo said. “I know Sean would be cool with it, but Dom is another story. You’re gonna have to deal with that one on your own.” Neo slapped Rico on the back. “Come, let’s go see what you just bought your, ah, ward.”

  “You got what I wanted?” Rico asked as they stood up from the dining table.

  “Yeah. The manufacturer adhered to specifications you insisted on.” Neo laughed. “If you’re like this now, I can’t imagine what you’ll be like when she goes to work in the real world.”

  “I already have two guys watching her at all times. I’ll just increase that number.”

  Neo laughed.

  “What’s so funny?” Rico asked.

  “For your sake, I’m going to pretend I know nothing about this,” Neo said. “Roni would leave your ass if she found that shit out. You know how she feels about us keeping such close tabs on her.”

  “She’s not going to leave me.” Just the thought of it spiked his blood pressure. Cherone had always wanted to be with him, even when she was a kid. He hoped for everyone’s sake that she didn’t change her mind. He had no idea what he would do if she did now.

  Neo shook his head. “Still…”

  Cherone ran back in the house. She stood at the threshold of the dining room with her hands at her waist, looking at Rico in horror. “Uncle Neo, you didn’t buy that monstrosity for me, did you?” Her stunned gaze never wavered from Rico as Neo chuckled “no.”

  “And it’s not from Uncle Dominic,” Cherone said. “I got his gift yesterday. What about Uncle Sean?”

  “Nope,” Neo said cheerfully.

  “Rico, are you insane?” Cherone yelled. “It’s a damn tank! The kids will laugh me off the university’s campus.”

  “Notice how she calls all of us uncle except for Rico?” Neo asked no one in particular.

  “It’s no
t a tank. It’s a very nice, safe car.” Rico returned her gaze, not moving a muscle.

  “It’s a damn Volvo! What twenty-year-old do you know drives a flippin’ black Volvo?”

  “It’s a great car! It’s a custom-made armored vehicle, built to withstand bullets and grenades. And it has the best crash safety record.”


  “What? Is it a crime I want to ensure your safety?”

  “Uncle Neo, would you please talk some sense into him? I’m not driving that thing!”

  Neo was no help because he was too busy laughing his ass off.

  “Come on, pequeña, it’s not that bad. In addition to having the best ballistics protection, the interior is really nice. And it’s in your favorite color.”

  “I don’t live in damn Afghanistan, Rico! And the interior is metallic black leather while the exterior is dark blue! I like powder blue, not dark blue! Not that I would ever drive a powder blue car!”

  “But you never know when crazy people with strike,” Rico persisted. “You will be safe in that car.”

  “I don’t care what you say. I’m not driving that thing.”

  “Great. Ray can continue to drive you around.”And now I don’t have to worry about her driving alone.

  Cherone shook her head, crossed the room, and hugged him around the waist. “Rico, don’t do this to me.”

  The feel of her hit him hard. Rico knew he was fighting a losing battle, but he still had to try. “I’m just trying to protect you, pequeña.” He couldn’t stop the tremor of desire that raked through him.

  He felt her tremble in response to him as well. Her breath quickened and her hard nipples stabbed into his chest. I didn’t need to know she wants me just as bad.

  “How protected will I be if I’m walking late at night around campus because I refuse to drive that ugly thing?”Cherone asked. “That’s not a civilian vehicle, Rico. Even the Presidents’ car isn’t as armored as that monstrosity is.”

  “The President has secret service to protect him,” Rico reminded her, his grip tightening around her waist as he pulled her closer to him. He was drunk on her scent and the feel of her softness against his hard frame. He was barely paying attention to their conversation.

  “That’s because he has actual enemies out to kill him. No one is out to get me! I’m a college student, ain’t bothering nobody!” She buried herself into his chest.

  “The car stays,” Rico said.

  “Thank you for taking care of me,” Cherone whispered.

  Rico braced himself when he saw a soft pleading look on her face.

  “But that car is too much, Rico. Can I have a small sedan, please?”

  “But what about kidnappers, snipers, rapists?” Rico asked.


  Her sultry voice pierced through him, and her hazel gaze held his unwaveringly. She didn’t try to hide her desire for him. He couldn’t resist that heated look.

  I can deny her nothing.

  Neo shook his head as Cherone ran out of the room squealing in delight moments later. “Like I said, marry that girl soon before Dom puts a bullet in your ass.”

  “Every college student needs a car.”

  “Yeah, but now this one will have two vehicles,” Neo said.

  He should have felt bad for spoiling her but couldn’t quite remember why he should. His body still pulsed with lingering desire for her.

  “You didn’t tell her that she has her own secret service.” Neo laughed, but then he sobered. “This is going to get messy, Rico. Are you sure this is what she wants?”

  “When has Roni ever wanted to be away from me?”

  “Yeah, but that could be hero worship not love. Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  “Don’t you have some place to be?” Rico muttered.

  “You better think this thing through carefully and have a chat with Dom. Like I said, me and Sean would support you, but Dom may be a little forbidding.”

  “I’ve tried resisting her for years, Neo,” Rico said softly. “I don’t think I have a chance in hell of getting over her now. I’m done fighting this.”

  “Well then, God help you when Dom finds out.”

  Later that night, Rico somehow convinced himself that it was a good idea to sleep in his bed.

  He found that her imagination had expanded creatively in the years since not sleeping under the same roof. The location of her dream spelled trouble for him immediately. No longer did she approach him in their living room with an innocent kiss. No. Now she came to his bedroom hell-bent on seduction.

  She crept toward his bed as he lay sprawled naked in the middle of the bed. His dark gaze rose to hers, seared by her heated regard, her desire for him clear to see.

  He saw what she saw and was shocked that she imagined his body so accurately. How did she know I slept naked?

  At six-foot-three, two hundred and twenty pounds of packed muscle a legacy of his profession as a SEAL, he wasn’t a small man. His broad smooth chest tapered into a chiseled stomach and narrow hips and flowed into thick corded thighs. Her gaze lingered on his cock, snaking toward his navel. He grunted with rampant need as his dick lengthened further under her heated scrutiny.

  Wearing a flowing silky wrap over a nightgown that fit her like a glove, she sauntered toward the bed. Slowly, deliberately, she discarded her wrap. He almost swallowed his tongue at the sight of her curvy lush figure. He had had no idea that body was under her clothes. Her large pert breasts, flat stomach, and round ass provocatively filled out the nightgown. His gaze was feverishly glued to her dark nipples pressing insistently against the thin fabric.

  Is this my dream or hers?

  She climbed on the bed and saddled him. He jerked up from the bed almost dislodging her from her seat, the incredible feel of her silky thighs and naked ass against the hot skin of his stomach searing through him. It was all too real! I should get out now, but God how can I resist her?

  “I missed you so much,” Cherone whispered against the overheated skin of his neck. She delivered sensual, kisses to the warm cavity, to his chest and then back up to his face. She peppered his face with kisses, nibbling and sucking his lower lip into her mouth. “Are you going to kiss me tonight?” She widened her thighs and rubbed her damp clit sensually against his growing erection. In seconds she had him coated with her juices.

  “Why does this feel so real when you’re home?” she asked, gently caressing his face.

  He only grunted because speech was beyond him.

  “My grandma’s journal says that we are ‘almas gemelas.’ Your breath is my breath, your soul, my soul.” Her voice was a soft sensual caress to his senses. He was captivated, enthralled by her.

  She bent her head and captured his lips in a deep kiss.

  I can’t fight her and fight myself as well. Rico was drowning fast. No longer could he decipher what was her dream and his. Reality and dream merged. A wave of lust engulfed him completely abrading what little control he had left. He had to taste her. Fuck it! I want this!

  He lifted her from him, threw her on her back, and caged her in on the mattress. His control completely obliterated, Rico gripped her nightgown at the neck, tore it down the middle, and discarded it.

  “Rico!” Cherone gasped.

  “Shh, mi corazón,” Rico whispered, realizing how true his words were. She is my heart. Slowly running his hand down the creamy skin he had uncovered, his dark gaze devoured her. He palmed her breasts, gently squeezed the generous globes, and pinched the taut nipples with rough pads of his fingertips. He swooped down and strongly sucked one peak into his mouth.

  “Yes, Rico!” she cried, thrashing under him and gripping his hair to keep him in place.

  He popped the bud out of his mouth before latching onto the other.

  “Oh God!”

  “Mine, cara mia.” He captured her gaze ensuring she understood he was making a statement, not asking a question.

  But she answered him anyway. “Yes, Rico. I
’m yours and you are mine, almas gemelas.” She smiled up at him, raising her head to receive his kiss.

  Instead, he pushed her back down to the mattress, gripped her hands in his, and held them above her head. Holding her in place, he kissed her stomach.

  She cried out in approval, twisting restlessly on the sheets, trying to give him access to her heated skin.

  He spread her thighs and fully appreciated her silken toned thighs and neatly trimmed mons.

  She squirmed under his heated scrutiny, shyly trying to shield herself from his view.

  Gazing back up at her, his grip tightened around her wrists, overwhelmed by the passion reflected in her hazel eyes. “It’s okay baby. Don’t hide from me.” He kissed her stomach and then the top of her thighs.

  She whimpered.

  So much mine,” he growled.

  “Yes,” she hissed through her teeth, writhing sensually against him.

  He rose up over her and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Their tongues twirled and danced around each other, and the kiss deepened.

  Letting her up for air, he lifted his head and again held her gaze. “I want to kiss you now. May I?”

  “I thought that’s what you were doing,” she murmured breathlessly.

  He grinned at her wickedly. After trailing soft kisses down her breasts, her stomach, and her hip, he pulled back the hood covering her clit to give the bud a long lick with his tongue.

  “Oh!” she shrieked as the rough pad of his tongue tormented her sensitive flesh.

  He licked her again before pulling the hard knob into his mouth, her juices coating his lips. He nibbled and sucked, sending her into a frenzy of lust. Holding her down, he continued to stroke her desire, making her scream in release when he thrust his tongue into her tight core. He licked her through her orgasm until she quieted down.

  He lay back on the mattress and pulled her in his arms. “God, pequeña, I never meant for this to go that far,” he murmured into her soft hair. My dick is so hard I can hammer a damn nail with it right now! He gripped himself in his hand, trying to alleviate some of the pain he was in.


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