Twin Souls

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Twin Souls Page 12

by D. M. Mortier

  After they walked out the door, Cherone ran to the garage, grabbed her backpack, and climbed onto Rico’s Monster R1100 motorcycle. She knew the men would make it to New Orleans before she did, but she was determined to ride there in under twelve hours. Given the many hidden rooms in her old home, they could look for Rico for days and not find him. There was no way she was going to remain behind, twiddling her thumbs, when she could find Rico faster.

  Dominic Stone can go jump in a lake as far as I’m concerned. He’s not the boss of me.

  Hold on, Rico. I’m coming, mi amor.

  Chapter Thirteen

  RICO WOKE TO a blast of cold water suffocating him. He instinctively held his breath as water continued to be hosed onto his naked body. The stinging gush of water hit open wounds and pulled at the infected flesh. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt before ricocheted throughout his body. He huddled in the fetal position on the cold tiled floor. His blood turned the water on the floor a deep pink, the bullets lodged in his thigh and shoulder ratcheting up the pain.

  Rico refused to make a sound.

  He fought hard against the feelings of desolation and desperation invading his mind. The beatings, water-boarding, loud music blasting unceasingly, the light constantly beaming in his face, and the lack of food were causing him to be disoriented and depressed. It was harder and harder to tell reality from imagination. He was barely awake and his body was trying to shutdown, trying to protect itself. He had no idea how much longer he could hold out hope of escaping or of being rescued. His strength was all but gone.


  The sweet sound of her voice made his eyes sting with emotion.

  Rico, mi amor, can you hear me?

  Yes. Are you safe? He tried desperately to disguise his pain. The love in her voice was like a rejuvenating sunbeam illuminating the dark place he was in.

  Yes. Do you know where you are?

  Not sure. You’re safe with Neo, right?

  No. They left me behind and are on their way to you.

  Rico sighed. Tell them I am waiting.

  Hold on, baby. They have to be in New Orleans already.

  How do you know that?

  I know, okay?

  And where are you?

  Somewhere west of Mobile, Alabama.


  I like your bike. It’s very smooth.


  Well, it is, and I look good on it. Can you see me riding your bike?


  Do you like what you see?

  Very much.

  Good. Now concentrate on where you are.

  Not sure where I am. They’ve been moving me from room to room. How exactly do you know where I am?

  One of the guys who came for me, um, told me.


  I … touched him.

  How the hell did you get so close to one of them?

  She was silent.

  Cherone? Did you disobey me?

  Not at all. I disobeyed Neo.

  Rico could see the mischievous grin on her face.

  If it makes you feel any better, Neo wasn’t happy about it either. I think Dominic wishes that I had grown up with him in the Bahamas instead of with you. He said I’m spoiled!

  It’s probably because you were being a pain in the ass.

  That’s what he said, but they won’t listen to me. If they had taken me with them, they would have probably found you by now. But don’t worry, I’ll be there soon. I know that house like the back of my hand. I can find you.

  No! Don’t come here! Pequeña, no!

  I will be there in another few hours.

  I’m going to beat your stubborn ass! Don’t come here! These guys are dangerous. They have evaded British and U. S, intelligence, for Christ’s sake. Do not come here! Please, querida, don’t make me worry about you like this. Stay safe for me, please.

  Cherone sighed. I promise I will be careful. But I can’t sit home hoping they will bring you back safely, not when I know Samir only wants Neo. The minute he sees Neo, he will kill you. No thought, no negotiation. Don’t ask me to accept that.

  My SEAL mates are great at what they do. Let them do their jobs.

  Okay, Rico, don’t worry about me. I’m worried about you.

  The water stopped. Two men picked him up by his armpits and threw him into a hard chair. Rico had no idea what their names were, but he took delight in labeling them Curly and Moe.


  Don’t come here, pequeña.

  Moe, who was six-five and over two hundred and fifty pounds, started pummeling him punches to his face, his stomach, and his back. His jaw was already shattered so he couldn’t cry out even if he wanted to.

  I’ll be there in another hour or so, Rico!

  No! Rico could barely get the words to form in his brain above the pain.

  Wait was that by ribs cracking or are they bruised? Falling from his chair onto the floor, he couldn’t stop the bloodcurdling screams from exploding through his mind.

  Rico! Oh my God! Rico, what’s happening?

  He tried to block the pain, but it was impossible.

  “Perhaps you’ll be willing to talk when Samir comes back.”Curly laughed and kicked his broken body.

  Rico? What are they doing to you?

  Rico’s mind was completely consumed with dealing with the pain that seared throughout every pore of his body.

  I’m calling Neo.

  Cherone, please, baby, don’t come here. I couldn’t take it if they got to you.

  Cherone had been sensing his pain all along, but when a jolt of excruciating pain sliced through her chest and side, she almost crashed the motorcycle.

  I felt it. I feel Rico’s pain.

  Not wanting to stop to make a call to Neo, she continued with reckless speed along I-10 west. Convinced that Rico’s life was in imminent danger, she broke every speed limit in getting to New Orleans. Thirty minutes later Cherone checked into Hotel St. Marie on Toulouse Street.

  She sent Neo a text.

  Neo, have you found Rico yet? I think he is in serious trouble. You have to get to him soon.

  Neo didn’t answer.

  After changing into her unkempt boy clothing of baggy male jeans and dark gray hoodie, she took the quarter-mile trek to St. Ann Street to the Creole Inn. Just as the hotel came into sight, a large hand covered her month and pulled her against a large muscular body.

  Cherone tried to scream, but after strong fingers dug deeply into her neck, she knew no more.

  Cherone woke to unfamiliar surroundings. She was lying in a bed in what looked like a hotel suite. If the muted voices coming from the other side of the door were anything to go by, her abductor was in the next room. She was pissed that she had failed Rico so miserably and was probably in the hands of the same men who had taken him.

  She stood and crossed over to the French doors leading to a balcony. Maybe I’ll get lucky and these guys left those doors open.

  She had only taken a few steps when the bedroom door burst open.

  “It’s obvious that Ghost didn’t beat your ass enough as a kid,” Neo said with a scowl. “Dom is right. You have no respect for authority.”

  Squealing in delight, Cherone flew across the room and threw herself into Neo’s arms. “Uncle Neo, I’m so happy to see you.”

  “Don’t Uncle Neo me. You’re in a lot of trouble young lady.” Neo hugged her tightly.

  “I tried texting you.” Cherone stepped away from him and punched him in his arm. “You didn’t answer me!”

  “I was kinda busy, kid,” Neo said. “We are in the middle of a rescue you know.”

  “But I wanted to tell you about Rico. I spoke to him.” Tears pooled in her eyes as she remembered the pain Rico had suffered. “So much pain, Uncle Neo. They are torturing him.”

  “No worries, sweetheart. We have one of them. He hasn’t yet, but he will tell us where they’re keeping Rico.”

  “Let me try,” Cherone pleaded. “You don’t have time t
o play around with this guy. If you don’t get Rico out of there now, he won’t last through the night.”

  “Look, kid, I know you—”

  “No, Uncle Neo, listen to me!”


  “Ah, forget you!” Cherone stepped around him and sprinted out into the suite. She froze because there was no one there.

  Neo followed her into the living room. “Roni, listen.”

  “No, Uncle Neo, you listen. I can help! Haven’t I proven that to you already?”

  He looked at her uncertainly.

  “Rico is my life. You of all people know how much he means to me. I can find him.”

  Neo sighed. “Let me talk to Dominic. You wait here.”

  “Please don’t leave me, Uncle Neo.”

  “You ain’t right with that pitiful look, Roni,” Neo muttered. He walked out of the suite, beckoning for her to follow him.

  Cherone looked around her as they walked the dimly lit hallway peppered with a number of armed men standing guard. They were obviously in a hotel, but it seemed eerily quiet. They arrived at a stairwell and didn’t make a sound as they swiftly descended ten flights of stairs and entered a windowless room.

  Sean, bare-chested and sweating, stood over a man tied to a chair. The prisoner, who was built like a Mack truck, was bleeding profusely from his mouth and nose. Bruises covered his face and exposed chest. The man wore a huge grin on his face, licked the blood from his lips, and looked directly at her.

  That is one sadistic looking man, Cherone thought.

  Dominic Stone stood in the corner of the room dispassionately watching the proceeding and glowered at Neo as they entered the room. “You’d better have a damn good explanation for bring her here.”

  Neo grinned. “Now or never, kid. Do your thing.”

  Cherone didn’t wait for further invitation. She moved toward the prisoner and grabbed his hand. Before he even thought of crushing her hand in his, she moved away from him and approached Neo.

  “Well, did you pick up anything?” Neo asked.

  Cherone didn’t speak. Knowing he won’t expect it, she reached into the waist of Neo’s jeans and pulled out the gun that was tucked there.

  “What the hell?” Neo tried to retrieve the gun from her.

  Cherone turned as soon as the steady weight of the gun filled her palm and pulled the trigger.

  The grin on the prisoner’s face was replaced with a look of shocked pain as the bullet ripped through flesh and bone, shattering his kneecap.

  “That’s for my Rico,” Cherone said.

  “Shit!” Neo yelled.

  “Daymmmn!” Sean shouted.

  “What the fuck!” Dominic roared.

  Cherone didn’t blink when she pulled the trigger again, this time dead center into his crotch.

  The prisoner screamed in agony.

  “That’s for raping those little boys and girls.” Cherone looked at Dominic. “Would you kindly get an ambulance for this piece of shit? I don’t want his death on my conscience. And I would prefer he lives to enjoy his new disabled state.”

  “I’m still waiting on an explanation,” Dominic growled at Neo, having to shout above the noise of the prisoner’s screams.

  “Uncle Neo, do you have the plans for the Inn?” Cherone wanted to shoot the bastard again. When she saw what they did to Rico and what the sicko did with those children, it took every ounce of willpower not to kill him.

  “What did you see, sweetheart?” Neo was still grinning at Dominic’s pissed off face.

  “Rico will die if we don’t get to him now,” Cherone said.

  Everyone, except Neo, looked at her as if she had two heads.

  “What is she talking about, Neo?” Dominic asked.

  “Roni is Creole,” Neo said.

  “What the hell does her being Creole have to do with you breaking protocol?” Dominic asked.

  Cherone rounded on Dominic. “Look, we don’t have time for this! Sicko over there broke a few of Rico’s ribs, shot him, and shattered his jaw! Would you please stop trying to control everything around you and go get my Rico?”

  “I would gladly get Ghost, but you destroyed our source of information,” Dominic snarled.

  Cherone sighed. “I know exactly where he is. Uncle Neo, the plans, please?”

  “We can look at the plans online,” Neo said. “Will that do?”

  “I have to protect her” was Rico’s mantra as they pummeled him. They had been beating him on and off for hours. He knew they had to be exhausted from their labor.

  Curly lifted his foot to kick Rico again, but Rico caught it and flipped him over with focused strength. After throwing Curly to the floor, he swung his leg out and kicked Moe to the floor. Rico propelled his body upright and grabbed the chair. Both men came at him, but he was infused with such rage and desperation that they were no match for his fury. He smashed the chair over Moe’s head, kicked Curly in the throat, and leaped away as Moe staggered to his feet and pulled out a vicious looking knife.

  As Moe launched at him, Rico grabbed his wrist and snapped it, the knife falling into Rico’s hand. In one fluid motion, Rico sliced the sharp blade across Moe’s neck and almost severed his head from his body.

  Curly roared in outrage, charging into Rico. The pain initially paralyzed Rico, but he quickly blocked it and trapped Curly’s head between his arm and side. With a practiced curl of his forearm, he twisted Curly’s neck and broke it. He dropped Curly’s lifeless body to the ground.

  Rico pilfered guns and knives from the dead men’s bodies. Moving stiffly because of throbbing and shooting pain, Rico crept down the back stairs. He encountered a succession of gunmen on his way and silently killed them with his bare hands or a knife. Those fights cost him dearly, each step he took like a hot poker through his chest. His cracked ribs were no longer playing his game of pretend nothing’s wrong. Rico dragged his body out of the Inn through a back exit.

  He almost passed out at the initial feel of fresh cool air filling his nostrils. Two guards patrolled the area, and he cautiously made his way around them. When the warning shivers hit his body hard, he spun around and pulled the trigger of his gun twice as two men came up behind of him and fell to the ground dead.

  He crouched, turned, and saw a dozen men training AK-47’s at him. Oh shit! How many guys does Samir have?

  Rico glared at them unwilling to surrender or worse leave Cherone at their mercy.

  I can’t fail her!

  “Hey, Rico.”

  Sean? What? Oh, these guys are friends!

  “Can we join the party, or are you going to have all the fun by yourself?”

  Rico looked up into Sean’s grinning face. “The party’s over, man. I left a mess for you inside.”

  Sean slung his rifle over his shoulder. “I’ll bet you did. Fellas, we’re nothing but a cleanup crew.”

  Dominic and Neo lead a team of men into the house with them.

  Sean crouched in front of Rico. “Dude, you look like shit.”

  Rico closed his eyes. “I just need a bath.”

  “You need an ER.” Sean snapped his fingers.

  Rico opened his eyes. “And a bath.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  THE FROWN ON on Cherone’s face deepened with worry. Oh my God, Rico, what have they done to you? She gazed at Rico’s bruised face and willed him to open his eyes. Your hair, your beautiful hair, Rico! That bitch Tamara did this! She shaved off your gorgeous black hair!

  It had been ten days since his SEAL mates raided the Inn. Samir had escaped, but Neo and Sean were scheduled to go after him once Rico became stable. For days they had been uncertain of whether Rico would survive the numerous surgeries to repair a punctured spleen, cracked ribs, internal hemorrhaging, and gunshot wounds to his shoulder and thigh. He had also sustained broken bones in his jaw, arms, and legs.

  Those monsters wrecked my Rico’s body! No human should have had to endure such brutality.

  After seeing Rico’s condition, C
herone wished that the men had taken her with them to rescue him. Then she would have kicked Tamara’s ass. Although her sister had been killed during the raid, Cherone had still wanted to revive her then shoot her ass dead again.

  The doctors at Ochsner Medical Center were among the best in the country and had assured her that Rico was now stable and healing. However, they didn’t understand why he hadn’t regained consciousness. All of her attempts to reach out to him telepathically had been met with silence. This was the hardest part of being with him now. After nine years, Rico’s voice in her head had become like breathing. She hadn’t realized how much she had come to rely on their connection: it was what she needed to live.

  To distract herself from the quiet, Cherone talked to Rico often.

  My graduation is next week. You need to wake up and celebrate with me. You’re not supposed to miss such important events in my life.

  Sean came by today and brought a few papers for me to sign. You’d better wake up soon before I put you in the poor house. I have no idea how to manage your portfolio.

  I think the nurses are upset with me. I refuse to let them take care of you. They think I’m not already onto them. No way am I going to let them bathe you. You’re a hottie even with the cuts and bruises.

  Ray and Clara came to see you. I think they miss having us home to boss around.

  My professors have been really understanding and allowed me to do my final exams online.

  Neo offered me a job today. Now that he knows about my ability, he thinks it will be invaluable at Silo Inc. Why did you guys name your company Silo Inc. anyway? Of course Dominic is still pissed with my interference, so he has not quite endorsed the idea. But I have Neo and Sean’s vote, and I know you will vote for me. Three out of four partners works for me.

  Cherone kept talking to Rico every chance she got. She went back to her hotel only to shower and change clothes. Otherwise, she spent every moment with Rico in the hospital.

  Another week passed, and Cherone had no choice but to travel back to Miami for her graduation ceremony. She waited until the last minute, leaving only enough time to catch a chartered flight from New Orleans to Miami, attend the two-hour commencement ceremony, and then return by charter to New Orleans. Neo, Clara, and Ray accompanied her while Sean and Dominic stayed with Rico.


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