Rescuing His Virgin (The Virgins)

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Rescuing His Virgin (The Virgins) Page 1

by Kim Loraine

  Rescuing His Virgin

  Kim Loraine

  Copyright © 2018 by Kim Loraine

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Edited by Ellie McLove with Gray Ink

  & Wendy Kassler

  Proofread by Allison Literary Services


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13


  About the Author

  Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1

  Sneak Peek

  Chapter 1


  Also by Kim Loraine

  Chapter 1


  “You didn’t mention these firefighters would be the hot variety,” I whisper to Kelsey as I watch the five groomsmen walk into the lobby of The Stanton hotel. They’re all broad shoulders, chiseled jaws, and each one looks like trouble.

  “Well, Dave is hot. Why would you assume all of his firefighter buddies wouldn’t be?”

  Her fiancé is gorgeous, clean cut, built, and totally not my type. I like them rough and a little dangerous. In short, I like a bad boy. “Because that’s the stereotype. I figured Dave was a rare find.”

  She laughs and waves across the aisle at the man in question. He’s smiling at her like she’s his entire world, and honestly, she should be. Kelsey has been through a lot with that man. The injuries, nights spent waiting up to see if he’s coming home after a bad call, and the distance. She’s told me time and again, being with a firefighter can be lonely. They need time to process the things they see and typically, they don’t like to talk about it. I’ve been there, done that with a man who wouldn’t communicate. Never again.

  “Please tell me I’m walking down the aisle with a cousin or brother.”

  Kelsey inspects her manicure a few seconds too long and I instantly know what she’s going to say. “Sawyer is like a brother to Dave. Does that help?”

  “Is he a fire house brother?”

  She frowns. “Yes, but hear me out, Dave said Sawyer is one of the best firefighters he’s ever been on a crew with. He’s a great guy.” I fight back the complaint and watch her glance nervously around the lobby. This is her weekend, not mine. “It’s not like you’re staying in the same room all weekend. You just have to make nice and walk down the aisle. Then…let the chips fall where they may.”

  I sigh and tug at the skirt of my dress to make sure it sits right. “Fine. It’s just a few days together, what’s the worst that could happen, right?”

  She grins. “I know one thing that could happen.”

  A nervous flutter begins in my belly. “Kels…what are you plotting?”

  “I just thought, since you’ve been saying you want to finally trade in your V-card, I’d do you a favor. Just promise you won’t tell Dave I set you two up.”


  “Let’s just say, your knight in shining bunker gear is right over there. If I were you, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity.”

  I follow her gaze to the group of guys and wonder which of those men is for me. Sawyer. Even his name is sexy. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I paste a smile on my face. “Okay. Are you ready to rehearse this thing so we can go have a drink and eat food? I’m starving.”

  A laugh falls from her and she shakes her head. “Not everyone is here yet.”

  “Who is missing?”

  “Hunter and Emma. She’s like nine months pregnant so I’m surprised she’s even coming tonight.” Her gaze travels to the front door and she smiles. “Oh, there they are. Great, we can get started.” She bustles over to Emma and Hunter, dispenses hugs as the heavily pregnant woman walks in with her husband at her side. The way he looks at her mimics Dave’s devotion to Kelsey. It makes me long for that kind of love.

  “It looks like you’re mine.” The deep rumble of a dangerously sexy voice fills my ears and makes tingles rush to places they shouldn’t even as his claim on me raises my hackles.

  “Excuse me?” I turn on my heels, ready to shut this guy down, but my mouth runs dry at the olive toned skin, light green eyes, and dark hair.

  “You’re my bridesmaid.” He grins, flashing perfectly straight, white teeth. “I’m Sawyer Harrison.”

  He holds out a hand and I stare at it. The man is enormous. His palms are big enough I bet he could hold a basketball in one without a struggle. Coming to my senses I take his offered hand and shake. “I’m Clover Danvers.”

  He cocks an eyebrow. “Clover?”

  I shrug. “My mom took the whole flower child thing literally.”

  “I like it. It’s different. I’ll never forget your name. There’s a sea of Amys and Kristins. But only one Clover.”

  My chest warms at his statement. There’s something about him that makes me want to stand out. I don’t want him to forget me. “Well, I’ll probably forget you because Sawyer is such a common name.”

  “Oh, really? How many Sawyers do you know?”

  “Plenty…Tom…Sawyer…” I start, but I can’t come up with another.

  “My point exactly.” His smug smile has me fighting my own grin.

  “So, did you bring a girlfriend who’ll be staring daggers at me while we’re trapped together?” I’m teasing, but I see the glint of discomfort behind his gaze.

  “No. No girlfriend.”


  His eyes go wide and he frowns. “What? No. What made you think that?”

  “I just…I didn’t want to assume—”

  “How about you? Boyfriend?”

  My cheeks blaze. “Not at the moment.” In fact, I’ve been single for way too long, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  “Good. Then you won’t mind being my date for the next two days.”

  Now it’s my turn to go wide-eyed. “What?”

  “I’m not interested in everything that comes along with being in the bridal party.”

  “Oh, you mean the whole available guy in a tux thing?”

  He nods. “Right. I don’t have a girlfriend because I don’t want one. I’ve got way too much going on in my life to focus on a woman.”


  Those lips of his turn up in a grin. “So, you’ll be my date? Keep the drunk singles away?”

  I laugh. “I’ll beat them away with a stick if I have to.”

  “And I’ll stake my claim tonight during dinner. No one will come near you once they know you’re mine.”

  A thrill runs through me at the dominance and possession in his tone. I wonder what it would feel like to really be his, to be in his arms—his bed. I have to clear my throat before I can answer. “Sounds perfect.”

  He threads my fingers with his and tugs us forward. “Come on, they’re starting.”

  The feel of our hands linked together has a dangerous need building in my chest. I already like his touch too much. But as we approach the bridal party, I wonder if I can make the most of this wedding. Sawyer and I don’t want relationships, but he didn’t say anything about not wanting a no-strings weekend. Maybe Kelsey was on to something. Maybe tonight is the night I finally give up my virginity. There’s not going to be a more handsome man interested, and something about Sawyer makes me f

  Kelsey’s entire face lights up when she sees us holding hands. “Oh, wow. Looks like you two are getting along.”

  I smile and nod. “You were right.”

  “I always am.” She looks entirely too pleased. She’s probably already planning our engagement party.

  The wedding planner bustles in and leads us to the beautiful garden area where the ceremony will be held. Then she lines us all up so we can practice the march down the aisle.

  “Remind me to thank Dave later,” Sawyer whispers in my ear as he offers his arm.

  “For what?”

  Music filters through a speaker, an imitation of the live string quartet we’ll have tomorrow, and the line of the bridal party begins to walk.

  “For setting me up with the most beautiful bridesmaid.”

  Oh, no. He’s swoony. I wasn’t prepared for that. But then his jade eyes lock on mine and he grins. My heart stutters and I stumble, my toe catching on one of the uneven stones making up our path.

  Sawyer is there, catching me before I hit the ground. “I’ve got you,” he murmurs, holding me in his strong arms, my face buried in his chest and my senses on overdrive. He smells amazing. Clean and crisp. Masculine. Perfect.

  Embarrassment rushes over me and I let out a self-conscious giggle. “Thanks. I’m glad you’re here to save the day.”

  He winks and starts us on our path once more. “It’s my job.”

  “Aren’t you off duty?”

  “I’ll never turn down the opportunity to rescue a damsel in distress. Especially when she blushes like you.”

  “My, my, you’re good.”

  We reach the end of the aisle and right before we part ways, he leans in and says, “I’m even better in bed.”

  And just like that, I’m a little terrified but I also can’t wait for this rehearsal to be over.

  Chapter 2


  Clover is all I can look at during the rehearsal dinner. Dave and Kelsey don’t realize it, but they’re making me miserable by keeping us apart. I don’t want to sit here with all the guys. I want to be as close as possible to the beautiful dark haired bridesmaid. At first I thought she’d be a helpful way to keep myself occupied and off the radar of any of the single ladies, but now? Now I want her to be mine. I’ve been fighting an erection since she fell into my arms and her lush curves brushed against me. She’s all innocent eyes and softness. I want to see if her lips are as tasty as they look.

  She lifts her cocktail to her lips and takes a long drink, the other bridesmaids around her laughing and chatting. Not my Clover. Her gaze is trained out the window, a far away look in her eyes. I wonder what it is that has her distracted. Me?

  “She’s not going anywhere, man,” Franco says, nudging me with an elbow. “The entire wedding party is staying at the hotel tonight and tomorrow. Sorry you drew the short stick when it comes to bridesmaids. Leave it to Dave to set you up with the virgin.”

  The virgin? Clover is a virgin? I eye her from across the table. Her sweet innocence and the easy blushes all make so much sense now. “How do you know that?”

  “I mean, I don’t know for sure. It’s not like I checked. It’s just the rumor. Dave said you’d be the least likely to make a move on her and that you’d be the safest bet for her since you’re practically married to Lisa.”

  Instead of easing my worry, that adds to my stress. Do I really need to protect her? “I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.” My words come out a little sharper than I mean, but Franco needs to stay out of my business. “I broke up with Lisa six months ago.”

  “Sorry. I didn’t know. Maybe it’d be different if we saw you more than once a year.”

  “What I do isn’t your concern.”

  “Look, I know we haven’t been on the same crew in a long time, but that was your choice. You left Station 16 for 45 on your own. No one pushed you out.”

  I grit my teeth and take a long breath. “I did what I had to.”

  “Yeah, I know. No one thinks less of you. If I was in your situation, I’d have done the same thing.”

  Grabbing my glass of Scotch, I down the whole thing in one long swallow. “I’m sorry. It’s just all so hard. 45 isn’t the same. It’s been close to a year and I’m still just the new guy. I keep waiting for you or Hanson to pull some stupid prank but then I remember we’re not in the same house anymore. I know this is the best thing, but it’s fucking hard.”

  He nods. “Well, we’ve all got the weekend off, I’m sure I can convince Hanson to prank Dave.”

  I laugh. “Did you bring your turnouts for the reception?”

  A wicked smirk answers my question. Franco and Hanson are going to get so much shit from Dave after the reception. Then he juts his chin at the bridesmaid across from him and stands. “I’ll see you later, man. I’ve got a date with Rachel. She’s going to help me with my Magic Mike moves.”

  After he leaves, the rest of the party starts to dwindle as well until it’s only Dave, Kelsey, Clover, and me. The waiter delivers each of us another round, and before long, the bride and groom excuse themselves. Here we are, sitting at a big ass table, just the two of us. “Want to go for a walk?” I ask.

  She nods and downs the rest of her drink. Her eyes shine, colored with excitement and maybe a little buzz from the alcohol. “I might need you to keep me from falling again.”

  The thought of having her in my arms again has my pants tightening and heat rushing through me. Yes. I’ll hold her all fucking night if she’ll let me. I’ll protect and cherish her. Rising, I make my way around the table and offer her my arm. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  She giggles. “You’re really good at the schmexy lines.”

  “Schmexy? I think you’re drunker than you let on.”

  Another laugh falls from her. “It’s like…when you’re too hot to be just plain sexy.” Then she shrugs. “Schmexy.”

  “Okay. I’ll take it.”

  She leans her head on my shoulder as we walk into the back garden and as the scent of night-blooming flowers hits us, she sighs. “I’m glad I had a few drinks. Now I can be snuggly with you and not feel weird.”


  “Well, you know, since we don’t really know each other.”

  She’s right. And she’s a virgin. How old is she?

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “You just did.” She holds tight to my arm as we walk.

  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-two. Why? How old are you?”


  She snorts. “Old man.”

  “Virgin,” I tease. But as soon as the word leaves my lips, I know it was a mistake. She tenses and tries to pull away. So, it’s true.

  “So what? I’ve just never found a guy I connected enough with to share something so intimate.”

  “I love that about you.”

  “And…I don’t know, I think love at first sight is a real thing.”

  “And you’ve never felt that?”

  “No. There have been men I liked, but if it takes me longer than a few minutes to see if I like him, he’s not for me.”

  I balk a bit at that. Does that mean she doesn’t like me? “So you won’t give a guy time to prove he’s meant for you?”

  “Nope. Don’t you feel like there’s a person out there you’ll just…get? Like an instant connection?” She looks nervous now, as though she’s worried I’ll laugh.

  But the truth is, I feel that connection. I felt it earlier when we met, and I feel it right fucking now. We don’t know each other at all, but I know I want to spend as much time with her as I can. “I’m pretty sure you and me…we’re supposed to be here together.” I suck in a sharp breath at my admission.

  She blushes. “I feel the same way.”

  I’m letting this go way beyond where it should right now, but I can’t help it. I need this connection with her. It’s been years since I’ve felt any kind of pull towar
d a woman aside from the need to release some tension. Clover brings out all kinds of emotions in me.

  “Clover?” I start, needing to see her chocolate brown eyes.

  “Take me upstairs,” she says, wrapping her arms around the back of my neck and leaning forward. God, her body is made for sinning and right now, I’m ready to sin. I’ll take whatever she’s offering.

  I scoop her into my arms and claim her mouth with mine. I was right, her lips are sweet and velvet soft. My tongue dances with hers, the soft moans falling from her only urging me on. “Are you sure?” I ask, needing to be a gentleman but internally begging her to say yes.

  “It’s all I’ve been able to think about since we walked down that aisle. I want it to be you. Please, Sawyer?”

  I don’t need her to ask me again. Holding her tight, I stride through the lobby and toward the elevator. A tall man in a suit stands hand-in-hand with a pretty woman waiting for the doors to open. He catches my eye and smirks. When the door opens, he steps back and gestures for us to take the elevator.

  “Go ahead, mate. We’ll get the next one.” His British accent is polished and refined.

  “Thanks,” I say, gripping Clover tighter as the doors close.

  She’s kissing my neck, threading her fingers in my hair, and I’m about to come undone. “My room or yours?” She asks between kisses.

  “Mine. I need to see you in my bed, under me, crying my name.”

  Her dark gaze finds mine and there’s heat there but I also see apprehension. Her vulnerability has my cock aching to be touched. “What if I do it wrong?”

  “Impossible. You were made for me.”

  Then her lips are back on mine in an aggressive kiss that tells me she’s just as needy as I am. With her in my arms I can forget the rest of the world, if only for a few days. Clover is my escape from the world and I’m going to dive in head first.


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