Shooting For Love - A Standalone Novel (A Suspenseful Bad Boy Neighbor Romance Love Story) (Burbank Brothers, Book #2)

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Shooting For Love - A Standalone Novel (A Suspenseful Bad Boy Neighbor Romance Love Story) (Burbank Brothers, Book #2) Page 81

by Naomi Niles

  “Is that what I think it is?” His voice sounded emotional, and Melissa set the plate on the counter before she lifted the lid to show off a beautiful chocolate cake. “I haven’t had this in years.”

  “I know. You always said that your mom could never replicate this, so I wanted to do something nice for you.” Melissa smiled at him.

  “I don’t think anyone can make a cake like this,” Matt agreed as he slipped an arm around Melissa’s waist. “You’re in for a treat, Elsa.”

  I noticed that Aidan set the unopened beer down as he walked forward and slipped his hands over my hips as he watched her slice into the huge pastry. Melissa gave him ad Matt a slice before she dished some up for the girls as her face dropped forward.

  The sounds of the kids could be heard in the living room, and I looked back as I wondered if they were sleeping in there. “The kids. I swear they can smell this from their room. What should we do?”

  “Do you mind young kids hopped up on sugar?” Matt asked Aidan and me as we looked at each other.

  “Bring them down. We’ll enjoy this and play with them for a while.”

  Matt went up to bring them down as Melissa cut small slices of cake and grumbled about the bath that she’d given them. I could see that she did it with love, and her eyes showed that she couldn’t wait to see her babies again.

  They set the kids up inside to eat, and we chatted about pop culture as Matt filled me in with the latest stuff going on in the media. He thought it was refreshing that I didn’t know too much of anything and even showed me some apps on my phone. The kids showed us their favorite movie on television before they fell asleep in their pajamas on the couch and Matt and Melissa told us to sleep well in the guest room before they carried them upstairs with soft laughter.



  I knew that the girls were inside talking. Melissa had loose lips as seen at dinner, but she also knew me better than most people. She wouldn’t talk shit about me since I’d seen the way she looked at Elsa and me throughout the night. Melissa would tell her the best things about me, and I felt reassured by that as Matt and I talked about sports and cars in the backyard.

  I looked around and realized that this is what I wanted without ever realizing that before. I wanted the kids and the yard and friends over for a barbecue with Elsa on his arm. I glanced inside and saw them by the sink as Melissa laughed, and Elsa smiled. I knew that Elsa had friends in her community but what would it be like for her to have a friend that wasn’t Amish? In some cases, that could be a disaster. Melissa was good, though. She was outgoing and funny, and one of the kindest people on the planet, and I watched Elsa relax around her through the window.

  I listened to Matt talk about some things that he’d done to the yard and realized how happy he was with a job in computers while Melissa did part time work from home. Their lives were simple, but they both glowed. I guess I thought I’d grow into this at some point, but now there was no time. I only had this trip to look forward to, time with Elsa. I knew that I didn’t have years left, and emotion hit me as I wandered towards the edge of the deck. Melissa forgave me and welcomed me back into her life, not knowing the truth. I’d played it off as just some time off and suggested stopping by, never intending to bring a woman with me. “Are you okay?” Matt called out as I nodded and turned my head.

  “Yeah, just enjoying the evening. It’s so peaceful out here,” I told him as Matt nodded.

  “She was worried about you, Aidan. I watched her face light up when you contacted her since she was so relieved. Melissa loves you,” Matt told me as I nodded and looked at him. “I know what happened to you two. I’m fine with that because she and I are together forever. Besides, your heart is with Elsa, isn’t it?”

  “I’m not sure.” It wasn’t fair to say that out loud since I didn’t have the time to give her. I didn’t know what I had to give to her.

  “I had the same look on my face when I met Melissa,” Matt had smiled at me before he started to close up the barbecue for the night. I walked down the steps and into the large yard to look around. This was a great yard for the twins, and I could see how much effort that Matt put into the swing set that was in the corner and the pool that was sparkling and clean on the other side.

  In a different world, this would've been me. I opted for adrenaline and excitement and had lived a good life due to that choice. I had women that men would give almost anything to be with, yet none of them had ever made me feel the way that Elsa did after one night together. She gave me a spark that I wanted to drown as I thought about my ending life and I stared up at the sky for a long moment. I had the money to give her the world, but it was at the loss of my best friend, my brother. Elsa was getting a broken version of me, and I hated myself for wanting her so much right now.

  “I think Mel made something for dessert. Want to head inside and talk in there for a while? There’s a creek nearby, and lots of mosquitoes out here. That’s the only downfall of this property.”

  “I’d still take them,” I mumbled as I turned to head back to the deck. We cleaned up our beers and tossed them in a recycle bin before we went into the empty kitchen.

  “Where are they?” Matt asked as he looked around before opening the fridge. He pulled out two more beers, and I took it automatically before I heard footsteps. Melissa breezed into the room first with a smile on her face as she shook her head at me. I smiled as Elsa and asked what they were up to, and Melissa told me that I should be proud of myself as I let my smile fade. I knew that there was information about me online, information that I’d once been proud to read when the military was my life. That seemed like so long ago, and I knew that I would trade it all as I looked at Elsa.

  The look on her face showed pride in my actions. The computer always painted me in a heroic picture that revolved around the medals I’d received as well as the men that I’d saved. They didn’t mention the horror of death and carnage, and I stared into her eyes as she gave me a small smile. They didn’t motion everything that I’d lost.

  I watched as Melissa kissed her husband and walked over to the fridge as I set my beer down. I didn’t want it anymore; I wanted Elsa. I stepped forward as Melissa pulled a cake from the refrigerator and my eyes moved to the red glass as I remembered my last birthday with Melissa. It had been before I joined the Army and she’d made the cake while my mom cooked dinner since nothing could top Melissa’s baking. “Is that what I think it is? I haven’t had one in years.” I slipped my hands around Elsa’s hips and gripped her hard as she melted against me.

  Matt expressed his appreciation for the cake as Melissa lifted the lid to reveal the chocolate goodness that brought back so many memories, not just of her and I, but my childhood. I had remembered happier times before I’d reached for what I thought was my dream. I breathed in the scent of Elsa’s hair as my heart broke inside and I forced a smile on my face.

  The sounds of kids filled the room, and Melissa dropped her head forward as she mumbled something. I felt Elsa move around as she looked into the living room and realized that she didn’t know what a baby monitor was. I told her to bring them down and give them some cake because their innocence and happiness soothed me, reminded me of Elsa.

  Matt went to grab them as Melissa sliced them much smaller slices of the cake and we all gathered around the table as we chatted and ate. The once clean children were soon covered in sticky frosting, and I chuckled as their parents tried to clean them up before they took us to the living room by their little hands to watch a movie that had a girl named Elsa featured in it.

  Elsa watched Frozen with wide eyes as Adriana cuddled in her lap and sang all of the words to the songs while Nathan played with a snowman figure that seemed to be in the film. I couldn’t believe that she’d never seen a movie like this when most kids watched them ad museum. Matt and Melissa cuddled on the couch as they watched their kids play with us and I felt Elsa scoot closer to me on the floor as I smiled.

  The kids were p
assed out by the time the movie was over, and we transferred them to their parent’s arms as they told us good night. I looked down at Elsa as she swallowed and told them the same before she wandered towards the guest room near the office.

  I knew that we were on a different floor and that nobody would hear us, but I wanted to ravage her tonight. I wanted to soothe my pain inside of her as well as celebrate my relief at being here and fin sing closure. I didn’t want to share her with the house or my friends, and I followed her into the room. It was nice, with a queen sized bed and very comfortable. I knew that we could stay here, but I wanted her in a room all to myself so that I could hear her without filters. I wanted her to cry my name, even scream it as I took her in ways that I hadn’t before.

  “Elsa,” my words were spoken in a low voice as she stilled before me. “I want to take you somewhere else tonight.”

  “You don’t want to stay here? We’re supposed to go to lunch tomorrow.”

  “I’ll take them myself when we come back tomorrow. Do you want me?” I slipped my hand around her stomach and felt her shiver.

  “I have since earlier today,” her voice was a whisper, and I leaned down to kiss her neck.

  “It’s settled.” I grabbed our bags and glanced up the stairs to see Melissa walking down yawning.

  “Where are you going?” She asked as I smiled at her.

  “Hotel.” Her eyes twinkled as she shook her head and grinned. “We’ll be back tomorrow to do brunch before we hit the road.”

  “Sounds great,” Melissa replied as she looked at us. I led Elsa to the door and out to the car as we heard the lock click behind us. I unlocked her door before I tossed our bags into the trunk and got in on my side.

  Elsa opened the door for me now. I liked that.



  We found a hotel a few minutes away from the house, and I watched as Aidan left the car with dark eyes to get us a room. I took a moment to calm down my pulsing body while I waited and ran my hands through my hair. I hadn’t heard details of what had happened with the other girls from Melissa, but it was clear that Aidan was experienced. I wondered what else he could show me as I watched him inside talking to the man behind the desk and handed him a card.

  Aidan turned and walked towards me as his eyes locked with mine. My heart dropped as he opened my door and helped me out before pulling me into his arms for a long kiss. “I need you.”

  He got the bags and took us to our second floor room in the corner where he unlocked the door. I barely glanced around as I walked in before the bags were on the ground and I was shoved against the wall. Aidan’s lips claimed mine in a hard kiss as I slid my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. I’d wanted this since we woke up this morning and the incident in the car wasn’t nearly enough.

  I slid my tongue against his as he lifted me and pressed between my legs as I moaned. My nipples were hard, and my thighs hot as he gripped my butt and pushed me against the wall as need filled my veins as we kissed hungrily. “Aidan.”

  “I am going to take you against this wall right now, Elsa. Get your clothes off,” he told me as he lowered me to the floor and took a small step back. I Knew that his mind was in a different place somehow and sensed that he needed the act of this more than he needed me to speak, so I dropped my jeans and slipped my shirt off as I looked into his eyes. I wanted him to claim me the way that no man had and the way that I knew he could. “So fucking delicious,” he murmured as he kissed me again and cupped my breasts in his hands. I loosened his jeans and felt him hard for me as I slid my hand over him to grip him. “I don’t want to come this way.” Aidan turned me around, and I heard his jeans fall to the floor as I let out a soft whimper. “I want to be inside of you.” I heard a familiar tearing and then he was pushing me against the cold wall and lifting me before he took me with one hard thrust.

  “Aidan,” I rested my arms against the white paint as he rocked into me again and felt my head knock against the wall. He was a man possessed as he drove himself into me over and over and I cried out louder as he spread me open and brought me closer to the release that I needed. I wondered how I was supposed to go back to my former life after feeling him like this, so aggressive and rough.

  I always thought that sex was tame and loving until I met Aidan. He showed me that I wanted more than that. I liked the way he possessed me right now, here against this wall as my nipples scraped against the paint and I tightened around him. I screamed his name as I coated him with my warmth and he gripped me even harder as he thrust hard a few more times. “Elsa, Elsa, Elsa,” Aidan grunted as he dropped his head against my neck and sucked on my skin.

  I knew that I’d never stop wanting this man as he moved his arms to lift me and carry me to the bed. I dropped against him as I felt my orgasm keep going and felt him place me on the mattress. “I loved that. I enjoyed your control or lack thereof. I don’t care. I loved it.” I watched as he stripped his clothes off and licked my lips as he went to get some water from the small bar. “Are you okay?”

  “It was an…emotional day,” Aidan admitted before he sat beside me and looked into my eyes.

  “I could see that.” I moved forward as I reached out to touch him. He closed his eyes as I slid the condom off of him and tossed it on the floor. I knew that it spilled, but I didn’t care as I stroked the slick heat up and down his penis. He was already hard again, and I moved onto my knees as his eyes opened. “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to,” I assured him before I moved closer and moved my tongue out to lick him. He was salty with a hint of sweet, and I placed my mouth against the tip of him and drew him in just a bit. His hands slid into my hair, and he let out a moan as I tested how far I wanted him inside of my lips before I pulled back. “Am I doing it right?”

  “You’re perfect.” There was sadness in his voice as I started to lift my head and he held me there. “Just take me in your mouth and suck on me. Not too hard, no teeth.”

  I moved over him up and down, slowly tightening my mouth around him as I moved. His hands gripped me as I moved and he grew harder. I moved faster and started to pant as I sensed that he was ready to release as I paused. “Aidan?”

  “I can’t do this in your mouth, not tonight. Lay down on your back.” I moved back and rested against the pillows as I watched him stare down between his legs and run his hands through his hair. Aidan dropped to the mattress and moved his mouth between my legs as he stroked me with his tongue.

  “What is this called?” I asked as I watched him tease my core with his lips and tongue.

  “Going down on you. Eating you out. Oral sex,” Aidan murmured as he parted me with his hands and found that little sensitive part that drove me crazy. “Do you like it?”

  “Yes. Oh yes, I do,” I responded as he kept teasing me and brought me to release as he drew me into his lips. “Aidan!”

  He kept his mouth locked on me as I shook against him and gripped his hair. “I love the taste of you,” Aidan told me as he kissed my thighs. “I Like the sound of you coming and your face…I gave you all of that. It’s soothing to me.”

  “Aidan?” I asked as he pulled up and kissed his way up my stomach.

  “Can I have you again?”

  “Yes.” This time, he kissed me and worshiped my body with his mouth and hands. It was slower, and he seemed to have gotten the emotions out the time before against the wall. He loved me this time as his lips found a nipple, then my neck. Aidan reached into his jeans and tore another wrapper open before he was sheathing himself and moving over my body. Aidan kissed me as he moved inside of my sensitive body and I slipped my arms around his shoulders as I drew my knees back to offer him more room. Aidan moaned as he drove deeper inside of me and I pulled his face closer to mine. We were kissing as we came together and I memorized the feeling as I clung to him before he dropped against my chest.

  “I could have never done that in the guest room, you know,” I smiled and nodded as I stroked his sk
in and closed my eyes.

  “I agree,” I murmured as he took a deep breath and moved over me to find my lips.

  We bundled under the covers together, and I closed my eyes as I pressed my head against his chest. I was happy right here with him, and I knew that our time would eventually come to an end. I would never forget him as I slipped my arms around his body and moved our naked bodies even closer together. “I liked today, all of it. I loved meeting them, and I liked this. It’s what I wanted hearing her talk over dinner.”

  “I thought so. I could see the look on your face. There was a part of me that considered the guest room for a fleeting moment before I knew what I was going to do to you.” He kissed my hair. “Was I too much?”

  “Never. You know exactly what to do to me.”

  I fell asleep and dreamed of returning to my home with Aidan by my side. My family welcomed us as he told them that he was adopting our ways, and I watched my father and brother show him what we do around the house and the farm as I went back to helping Mama.

  I saw him as he learned how to drive the horse and buggy with my father and the way he smiled as his hair blew behind him. His beard was growing in, and I loved kissing him when we could sneak away into the barn at night. I loved the feeling of his hair between my legs.

  I tried to stay good for my family, but I couldn’t keep away from him in the barn. Once we were married, we could sleep in my room unless we got our own house but until then I was still in my room until everyone was asleep. I thought they might know that I went out to the barn, but they didn’t say anything.

  Our wedding was lovely, in the pretty little church with everyone that I knew watching us. It was everything that I ever wanted when I was living there, and I was overjoyed that it was with Aidan. My mama cried as we said our vows and my brother beamed at me as he sat next to Abby with her cute little belly.


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