Bad Company

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Bad Company Page 15

by K.A. Mitchell

  Nate came out of the shower and looked at the boyfriend asleep in his bed, the one who expected Nate to be worth five million, expected Nate could provide all the answers when Nate couldn’t explain it to himself.

  There were things he could do to help Kellan start life as an adult at twenty-eight, but although columnist Nate Gray was full of advice for perfect strangers, when it came to understanding why Kellan thought Nate was what he wanted after all these years, he was stumped.

  He worked on what he was good at, checking in with his writers at the paper, sorting out assignments, and proofing an article a freelancer had turned in. He told a guy who suspected his boyfriend was cheating on him to confront the cheater, and wrote a Shades of Gray rant about the fact that summer seemed like the time when it became convenient not to care about the homeless or the hungry because they no longer resembled something from a Dickens book shivering in the street.

  Nate was sitting back down at his desk with a fresh cup of green tea when Kellan started to shift around on the bed. Yin jumped off and headed for her perch on the kitchen window. Nate leaned back in his chair and watched Kellan drag himself awake. A quick wince as he tried to use both hands to push himself up, and then he rolled to face Nate.

  “Hey.” Kellan’s husky voice gave Nate a low-down tingle.

  “Hey.” Nate sipped his tea.

  “It’s morning.”

  Nate looked at his phone. “Afternoon, actually.”


  Nate knew what Kellan meant. “How are you feeling?”

  “Hungry and thirsty. My mouth feels like something furry died in there last week.” Kellan rubbed his mouth and grinned. “Oh, and horny.”

  “A dead furry mouth is kind of a mood killer.”

  “So I’ll get on that.”

  “How’s your hand?”

  “Hurts. Finger’s better.”

  Kellan inhaled two slices of cold pizza and two glasses of water before heading into the bathroom.

  There were a million reasons why Nate knew this was a bad idea. He’d never been with someone who’d never been fucked before, he still didn’t know that Kellan wasn’t doing this because he thought he had to prove himself, and hell, as good as Nate knew he was in bed, no one was worth five million dollars.

  But Kellan came out of the bathroom in nothing but a little steam and the drops of water running from his hair and headed right for Nate. No matter how loud that negative voice in his head was, Nate knew this was ending with his dick in his best friend’s ass.

  Kellan looked at him and shut that voice up midwarning. “Stop stalling and fuck me, Gray.” Nate pushed up from the chair and pulled his shirt over his head.

  “No music?” Kellan grinned as he knelt on the bed.

  “What do you want to get fucked to?”

  “Anything that doesn’t sound like our having sex is some obligation that you’ve got to get through.”

  “I don’t feel obligated.” Nate found a site that streamed slow jams and turned the speakers up before peeling off his jeans. “Not even five million dollars’ worth.”

  “You still can’t lie for shit. I shouldn’t have told you that.”

  “You remember that?”

  “Every word.” Kellan waited in the middle of the bed. “I’m ready to find my new religion.” He dropped onto all fours—threes, since he was still favoring his right hand—and waggled his ass in the air.

  Nate lowered himself on top of all that skin that was cool and damp from the shower and felt Kellan shiver under him. “You’re not ready. But you’re going to be.” He shoved Kellan’s shoulder to turn him onto his back.

  He kissed him, nothing soft or coaxing about it, kissed him until both Kellan’s teasing and that warning voice were distant memories. Kissed away all the weirdness of planning it, of being in bed with his best friend. Kissed him until there was nothing but the heat of tongues and cocks sliding together.

  Reaching for Kellan’s dick, Nate stroked him full and hot and hard before rolling the heavy sac beneath under his fingers.

  “Yeah, do it now.” Kellan’s voice was straining behind clenched teeth.

  “I should. Give you the fucking pounding you’ve been begging for. You deserve it the way you’ve been cockteasing me crazy for weeks.”

  Kellan’s eyes widened.

  “All those nights of you rubbing on me, the way you stare at my dick, my mouth. The way you just dropped to your knees yesterday.” Nate fumbled behind him into the drawer of the end table.

  “So what kept you?” Kellan wrapped his legs around Nate’s hips and dragged him back down.

  “I wasn’t ready,” Nate admitted. “But I am going to tease the ever-loving fuck out of you.”

  “No.” It was a definite whine. “C’mon. I feel like I’ve been hard for a fucking month already. Please.”

  “It’s been two minutes.”

  “I don’t care.” Kellan’s voice edged deeper. “Shit, it’s all I can think about.”

  Nate rocked against him while Kellan kissed and nipped at Nate’s jaw and throat, tongue flicking behind Nate’s ear.

  “Do it,” Kellan whispered again.

  “Gotta let me up, baby.”

  Kellan lowered his legs, and Nate slid between them, tongue lapping along the trail of hair before he closed his mouth over Kellan’s dick. A wave of heat washed through Nate, and he forced himself to remember this wasn’t about what he wanted, though the sound Kellan made was so sweet, his cock filled Nate’s mouth so right, he could stay there forever.

  Kellan sighed, hand slipping through Nate’s hair. Nate wanted to make this the best sex of Kellan’s life. Not because Nate was a control-freak perfectionist, but for Kellan. Making Kellan happy could easily become the new number-one obligation in his life.

  Nate mouthed along the side of the shaft and felt the skin tighten even more against his lips as the blood pulsed in the thick vein under his tongue. He licked Kellan’s balls, then the thin, smooth skin below, and Kellan’s legs shook. Nate worked his shoulders beneath Kellan’s thighs, forcing them farther apart, and flicked his tongue over the tight hole.

  “Shit.” Kellan jumped, but Nate’s shoulders wouldn’t let him move.

  Nate licked again, reaching under Kellan’s ass to lift him higher, dragging the flat of his tongue across the skin, using the point right at the entrance to make Kellan squirm and pant.

  When Kellan finally relaxed and started trying to stay with Nate’s tongue, he lifted his head to work his chin on Kellan’s balls, rubbing against the sac while licking the base of Kellan’s shaft.

  Nate slid his hand around to find the lube he’d tossed on the bed and slicked up one finger. He tongued Kellan’s balls harder, tracing the shape of what was inside, sucking one into his mouth while his finger circled and pressed. Kellan pushed down, and Nate’s finger slipped inside a tight heat that made his dick so hard he saw purple spots behind his eyes.

  Kellan grunted and panted, and Nate didn’t move the finger inside, but kept rubbing his thumb on the smooth perineum. The muscles of Kellan’s thighs were rigid, his breath fast and tight until Nate wrapped his lips around the head of Kellan’s dick and angled his finger up.

  He found what he was looking for in a salty spurt of precome in his mouth and a breathless groan in Kellan’s chest. It was that purr again, deep and steady behind sealed lips, and Nate took Kellan’s dick deeper into his throat as he started to fuck him with his finger.

  For someone who’d never been anyone’s first fuck before, Nate thought he was doing a damned good job until he went for two fingers and Kellan jerked away with a “Holy shit.”

  KELLAN TRIED to remember Eli’s advice about relaxing, but he was thinking more of the whole fire-hydrant thing he’d said. Since Nate’s head was still down there, Kellan knew it wasn’t a dick in him, but though Nate had stopped moving, Kellan’s ass burned.

  “What’s in me?” Kellan looked down.

  Nate kissed the head of Kella
n’s dick before saying, “Two fingers.”

  Two fingers? Damn. “Can we…?” Kellan wasn’t sure what he wanted to happen.

  “Want me to take ’em out?”

  But Nate’s motion had Kellan yelping “No.”

  God, everything up to now had felt so fucking good. Nate’s finger pushing inside in a way that felt sweet and hot everywhere, Nate’s fucking tongue proving that Kellan’s dick and balls weren’t the only thing interested in oral sex.

  “I told you I wanted to do this on the morphine.”

  “You are such a baby.” Nate smiled. “Shut up and get over it.”

  Nate licked the head of Kellan’s dick and twisted those fingers until they hit that spot again. Nate wasn’t quite fucking him, just jabbing his fingers against that spot in the same rhythm as the bob of his head until Kellan couldn’t remember why he’d had a problem with any of it.

  He braced his feet against the mattress and drove himself down onto Nate’s hand and up into his mouth, a steady stream of “oh” and “fuck yeah” spilling from his lips. He was racing toward the edge, and he still hadn’t gotten Nate’s dick in him yet.

  “Stop, I’m gonna come.”

  Leave it to Nate to go and fucking listen for a change.

  But he didn’t flip Kellan over and shove his cock in him, only eased out his fingers and stopped the hot pressure from his mouth.

  The thing that pressed against Kellan’s ass now was cold and hard and a lot smoother than Nate’s fingers. As Kellan felt it start to slide in, he knew what it was. That dildo. It didn’t burn like Nate’s fingers had, but the pressure wasn’t exactly comfortable. The fake dick slid in farther, and it didn’t hurt, but God, it was too much, turning him into a giant raw nerve. Kellan didn’t think it could get more intense and then Nate was sucking him again, and the dildo hit that spot inside.

  Kellan’s fists hit the mattress. “Nate.” The name burst out of him, a warning and a plea.

  Heat everywhere, the friction and pressure in his ass filling him up until it had to get free.

  Nate’s mouth rode him all the way through that explosion, and when he was empty and shoving Nate away, the sight of his come on Nate’s chin triggered another round of shocks to recoil up his spine.

  “God. That’s fucking—holy shit. You can totally do whatever you want to me now.” Kellan spread out across the mattress, his bones turned to syrup from the pleasure still bouncing off his nerves.

  Nate stretched out on his side, smiling down at him. “Better than morphine?”

  “Better than my first blowjob. Totally.” The pit of his stomach tingled in a nervous way, but he said, “I can take your dick now, no problem.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not fucking you until you’re hard again. The next time you come, my dick’s going to be up your ass.”

  The nervous tingle was now a big pit of want and fear. The dildo was nowhere near as thick as Nate’s cock, and Kellan was sure Nate wouldn’t be blowing him at the same time. But damn, that had felt good.

  Nate rolled onto his back, and Kellan stared at his body. There was no doubt about it. The spot under the navel, the silky-looking hair dragging his eyes down, had become as interesting as the tease of cleavage from a low-cut blouse. No tease here, nothing cut off his view of Nate’s dick, nothing left to the imagination—except exactly how that was going to feel inside him.

  Kellan let his gaze roll the rest of the way down. Heavy, hairy thighs had him thinking about how hard Nate could ride him, what it would be like to have him turn that power loose. A glance back up at Nate’s face showed Kellan what he needed to see, Nate’s eyes gone soft and open, crinkled with his smile.

  “How’re you doing?” Nate asked.

  “I’m really, really good.”

  “Good. Is there any pizza left?”

  Kellan threw a pillow at him and sat up. “I’ll get the pizza, but if you drink any of that green-tea shit, I’m not kissing you.”

  “Nothing about my tongue in your ass, but the green tea is a problem?”

  Kellan thought about it for a second and then leaned over and kissed him. Nate tasted mostly like come, and as Kellan sank back with him onto the bed, he realized that the smell they made together was turning him on.

  Nate rolled him underneath. “No pizza?”

  “No pizza.”

  Nate looked down, eyes happier than anytime Kellan had ever seen him. He reached up and ran his palm over the scruff on Nate’s jaw before tugging him down for a longer kiss.

  Things went slowly this time. Nate went slowly. He teased and licked and rubbed, and each time Kellan managed to get his eyelids to stay up Nate was staring down, the look in his eyes full of amazement, like he’d never had a guy in his bed before.

  “What?” Kellan had to ask when he saw it again.

  Nate’s thick lashes dropped to hide his expression. “Nothing.” But his voice was almost a whisper.

  And after he kissed Kellan out of his mind again, that look of awe was back.

  His body felt good down to his toes from all that attention, but Kellan was still soft when Nate took him into a hot, wet mouth. His erection built slowly, spreading out in fiery circles from his hips and down his cock, electric pulses fluttering from his balls and even that spot inside his ass. He squeezed those inside muscles, wanting something in there to keep that pressure building.

  The back of Nate’s throat rubbed velvet-slick and hot-tight on the head of Kellan’s dick, buzzing him there as Nate groaned and took him long and deep and fast.

  “Fuck me. God. C’mon, Nate. Get in there. I want to feel it.”

  Nate kept sucking while his fingers worked their way inside. It burned again, but Kellan didn’t care because he knew how good it was going to get.

  A twist from Nate’s wrist and the stretch was hard enough to sting, but just as fast, Nate was pulling his fingers out.

  Nate’s hands got busy between Kellan’s legs, and then he felt the brush of slick and cool latex against his thigh before it heated from Nate’s dick.

  “You’re ready now, baby. You gonna let me in?” Nate breathed the words onto Kellan’s lips and followed them with a deep kiss, tongue stroking inside.

  “Want me to roll over?”

  “No, like this. So I can watch you and kiss you.”

  With his arms under Kellan’s knees, Nate lifted Kellan’s legs almost to his shoulders while Kellan tried to make his body open up. There was something inside that needed this, more than just the way it felt good when Nate hit that spot in his ass, something that needed Nate touching him this way, looking at him like Kellan had something special only he could give him. He was wondering how many other guys had seen that look in Nate’s eyes when Nate started to push inside.

  Holy shit, the real thing was a lot bigger than the plastic dick. The pressure eased and came back, and Kellan really wanted to skip this part. Fast-forward to the good friction and the coming and skip having to wrap his brain around the fact that something really big was making him feel easy to hurt.

  Nate pushed again, and there was definitely a dick in Kellan’s ass right then, and he wasn’t sure this had been a good idea. Nate kissed him and groaned, not bossy or dirty-talking now, only whispering things like “good” and “yes” and “please, baby.”

  Nate shoved Kellan’s legs up farther, and Nate’s balls rocked against Kellan’s ass. Every single cell in Kellan’s body felt fucked, full, owned.

  “That’s right, let me in all the way, Kell.”

  Kellan lifted his legs higher, rested his heels on Nate’s back and dragged his head down for a kiss.

  “Oh, yeah, you feel good.”

  Kellan wouldn’t go that far, but it didn’t hurt, and being this close to Nate felt right.

  Nate shifted and moved goddamned deeper, little movements, like he was trying to get Kellan’s muscles to stretch. He pulled out and then pushed back in, and the want-fear-need emptiness got
bigger inside. So maybe gay guys were tougher than he was. Kellan was ready to give up on this gay sex thing, at least as far as ass-fucking went. Nate liked to fuck, and Kellan couldn’t seem to get the hang of being fucked. Maybe Nate would be happy with just blowjobs. Then Nate pulled all the way out and slammed back in.

  Kellan grabbed Nate’s shoulders.

  Nate looked down at him, and Kellan could put up with a lot more than a fat dick in his ass to get that look if it was all for him, clear brown eyes steady on his, smiling like Kellan was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  “Tell me you want it.”


  “Say it, Kellan.”

  “Fuck me.”

  Nate grabbed Kellan’s hips and started long, slow strokes that hit deep in Kellan’s guts, finding their way to that need until suddenly Kellan got why people did this.

  “Fuck me, Nate. Feel so good in me. C’mon. Harder.” Not only because it felt good to have a cock working him there—which it did now—Nate’s cock rubbed that sweet spot with every thrust of his dick. But it felt good in Kellan’s chest too, filled in something that had been missing. Kellan knew Nate never looked at anyone else that way.

  Nate kissed him, strokes shorter but harder friction, the pressure inside pumping out through Kellan’s cock.

  Nate held him and stopped moving as they both caught their breaths.

  “Holy shit, why weren’t you ready for this the minute I moved in?” Kellan could hear the echo of his voice in the rush of blood in his ears, his fingertips, his dick, and his ass.


  “Don’t lie.”

  “Things changed.” Nate slammed his dick in hard.

  “What. Changed?” Kellan gasped the words out, but he wasn’t ready to give in.

  Nate’s forehead pressed against Kellan’s. “You know what.” His thrusts were slow and steady, belly in close to rub on the crown of Kellan’s dick.

  Kellan threw his head back, and Nate dropped kisses all over the stretched skin. “Tell me.”


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