The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2)

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The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2) Page 11

by Anastasia Chase

  Titan wanted to explore the aroma, the scent that sent his heart fluttering. It was as if he loved her before he’d even saw her. Tingles erupted all over his body as if her wolf was calling out to him. And when he saw her, it was worth the hike to find her. But she was drenched. Perhaps that’s why the others couldn’t pick up her scent.

  He watched her pull a cub out of the river, but Mama bear was dangerously close… too close. The wolf in her was bursting at the seams as she ducked and dodged around the trees, shifting before his very eyes. The bright red hair flowed into her light brown coat. She was agile and fast. Her breaths, panting and exhausted but calculated, echoed around the brush. The sound of the bear charging her soon followed.

  Titan gave chase hoping to reach her before the bear did but by the time he’d caught up to her, it was too late. Titan, Perry, and Taylor were able to chase the bear off after it stepped away from Cara’s human form. Pieces of her flesh had been ripped from the bone, but her body was already working to heal itself. They tried their best not to move her too much as her contorted body was covered in blood, dirt, and bruises.

  With a stretcher made of leaves woven onto branches, Titan carefully transferred Cara onto it. She winced in pain but as he and Taylor carried her back to their compound, Titan couldn’t help but wonder who Cara was.

  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Taylor asked him.

  Titan stared at him, and then to Cara, “If it were any of you in someone else’s territory, wouldn’t you want the same?”

  “I guess,” he huffed. “It just seems fishy. There aren’t too many females roaming around without a pack. Something is wrong here.”

  “Relax. When she’s able to, she’ll tell us her story…”

  The eyes of every pack member followed Titan and Taylor as they carried Cara into his cabin. He could feel the apprehension in the air. Everyone whispered under their breath, never daring to speak to him directly. Titan prided himself on staying isolated from the fray. He only involved himself in pack activities when absolutely necessary, so it came as a surprise to everyone when he showed a softer side. His parents especially.

  Kristin was the first to approach him. He explained everything he saw with Cara running through the forest, and while she understood, they both knew it was going to be harder to convince the rest of the pack.

  Titan didn’t care as he stared at Cara’s sleeping face. Her beauty was unlike any he’d ever seen. As the days passed and her fiery personality awakened, he fell even deeper for her; deeper than anyone would ever know. She didn’t treat him like other females he’d encountered. She didn’t hold her tongue and even in her injured state, she kept a sense of humor. There was a certain kind of strength within her that he envied. But there was a chink in her armor as well. He couldn’t ignore that she’d left her pack, on her own, voluntarily. Titan desperately wanted to know her story, but until she was ready to tell it, he’d simply help her get better.

  By the time Cara was able to stand on her own, she’d been in his cabin for just over a week. Her wounds were healing nicely and the scars were minimal. The only thing left for recovery was her mental stamina, and her ability to fight. There was no place for a wolf in the wild that couldn’t hold her own. He decided to put her into combat training with his brothers.

  The morning he walked in to tell her the news, Cara was sitting on the bed next to Tryx and Anna. They were the mothers of the pack that Cara took a dig at when she first arrived, but there she was laughing and chatting with them. Titan cleared his throat, “Ahem.”

  “Our apologies Titan, we were just telling Cara here how we like to do things and what her responsibilities could be should she choose to stay,” Anna said. Anna was a light brown wolf, but her human was a dark brunette with even darker brown eyes. Big doe eyes that could suck anyone in. She had a warm spirit that softened the tough exterior of anyone who’d come around her.

  “I wasn’t aware that you were staying,” Titan said directly to Cara, almost as if he were ignoring the other two.

  “Well, they’ve made me feel so welcome. And I’ve never been around so many females before. I like it. Is that a problem with you? If so I can leave soon as I’m ready,” Cara replied almost in a challenging tone.

  “Excuse us, Anna, Tryx,” he huffed in a low growl.

  The wolves left the cabin unsure of what the problem was between them. But as soon as the door closed, Titan cocked his head to the side, “You need to tell me your story now.”

  “Why now?” she quizzed.

  “Because I told you to. I brought you here so you could heal and be on your way. My father and most of the pack, who are deathly loyal to him, don’t trust you. And if you decide to stay they’re going to want to know why”, he explained.

  “My last alpha chose a human as his mate. My twin brother was sent out on a mission to make sure a rogue wolf, who entered our territory, left. Normally I would’ve left with him, so I wouldn’t be in the woods alone, but he was out on this mission. I’m no threat to your pack and if everyone feels like I am. Then I will leave,” Cara told him.

  “Wait a minute, when you said your last alpha chose a human, do you mean he simply chose her or did he choose her over you?”

  “I thought I wanted to be with Paxton at one point in my life. I’m not going to lie about that, but this time was more about him choosing the human over his pack. He’d rather put us all in danger than choose someone acceptable,” she snarled.

  “Acceptable?” Titan raised an eyebrow.

  “You wouldn’t mate with a human right?” she asked him.

  “Of course not! But I’m not attracted to them either. Never have been. I’ve seen some beautiful ones but the stench of 100 percent human flesh just doesn’t do it for me. But I’m not going to judge someone else’s love. I told you before that anyone’s relationship must be bound by the heart. Whoever that heart links to often correlates to whoever one’s attracted to. It’s also a very clear statute of the Council that we do not mate with the humans. There are too many unknowns when it comes to that,” he reasoned. “But if say, you and I mated, there would be no questions asked.”

  Titan felt the heat of his cheeks flush down his face. He wondered if she took what he just said to heart. If she did, she sure didn’t let it show, “I think I’m a bit stubborn for someone like you. I see how you treat Shelly.”

  “Shelly’s not stubborn,” Titan rolled her eyes, “She’s bordering on delusion.”

  “Hey! I used to be her in my first pack!” Cara blurted out.

  “Now that’s the story I want to hear,” Titan said with a glimmer in his eyes.

  “Do you really?” she broke away from his gaze.

  “Yeah because if you’re just as crazy as Shelly, I think I should know that about the woman whose scent’s been driving me crazy ever since she stepped into my territory,” he moved so she could see the sincerity in his eyes.

  Cara let out a sigh with half a smile, “Fine. Long story short. I fell hard for this guy named Midas. Gorgeous specimen of a man and his wolf was different. He felt different. I wish he’d given me the same safe feeling I have with you.”

  Her breathing hitched as she revealed something she didn’t even know she was feeling, but she didn’t stop. She told him, “Um, Midas was a jerk. He liked the idea of me following him around and when he was done with my adoration, he rejected me by marking someone else right in front of me.”

  “Yikes, I’m sorry he did that to you. But how about I help you put a little bit of that behind you?”

  “How?” she giggled to herself.

  “Well, let’s get you up and out of here. Your training starts today.”

  “Training?! For what?”

  “For life,” he told her, “Come on.”

  Titan needed to get out of the cabin. Being isolated with Cara was beginning to wear on him. He wanted nothing more than to taste every inch of her body, but letting his emotions show would put her in danger. Shelly wasn’t simply
stubborn, he believed she’d react violently if he showed his feelings toward any other female. He wouldn’t put Cara in that kind of situation until she was fully capable of defending herself.

  It was the first time in days that Cara was able to leave the cabin. She stopped a few feet behind him, turning around in every direction slowly as if she were getting a lay of the land. There were about 8 cabins spaced around an empty clearing. Titan’s was the only one out of sight from the others and that’s just how he liked it. Four of the cabins lined the perimeter of the area. His parents were in the one at the forefront of their compound, able to see in all directions who was coming and going. The other three belonged to Nathan, Taylor, and Perry who wanted easy access to the forest when they left for their patrols. The rest of the cabins belonged to the rest of the pack and the pups they were raising. And way off to the side, behind a few trees and off the beaten path was Titan’s home.

  After showing Cara around, he took her out into the woods where he’d told his brothers to meet up with them. Drew Finnegan was almost as tall as Titan, his hair was shorter, light brown and his eyes were dark. He walked into the clearing without a shirt on. His body was fairly muscular but not as chiseled as his older brother.

  Chase came up behind them with an energy that could be felt through the trees. The youngest Finnegan boy was full of life and vigor. His light brown hair moved with the breeze and his smile was almost as bright as the sun. Titan could tell what was about to happen but he wouldn’t mind seeing how Cara reacted to them.

  “So we’re training the injured one today? It’s about time!” Chase boasted excitedly.

  “Take it easy, Chase,” Drew told him solemnly while stretching his neck side to side, “Let’s just put her through the routine first before you try to get her on her back.”

  Chase winked to Cara but kept his banter toward Drew, “Oh don’t tease me, brother. Let’s get started shall we?”

  Titan cleared his throat as he made his way toward a wide tree that stood hundreds of feet tall. He took a leap, grabbing onto one of the lower branches, and lifted himself onto it with one arm.

  “Oh look at big brother showing off for the lady!” Chase laughed, Cara blushed and Drew simply shook his head.

  “ENOUGH!” Titan called from his position on a sturdy branch. He let his legs swing for a bit before standing up on the branch asserting his dominance as the oldest, “Drew take the second shift, and let’s begin!”

  Titan had been through these same routines with his parents, Taylor, Nathan, Perry, and now his focus was on his younger brothers and the beautiful stranger staying with them. It was a tried and true test of stamina, stealth, and patience. The Finnegan pack embraced their wolves a bit more than their human counterparts in the forest. He’d taken the lead on training his brothers and wanted to be sure that even with Cara there that they would be on their “A” game.

  Drew began by digging his feet into the ground, waiting for Chase to attack. It didn’t take long as Chase backed up as far as he could, took a running head start, shifted and lunged toward his older brother. Drew was patient, calm, as the snarling wolf charged him. It wasn’t until Chase was a few feet away that he shifted himself in order to counter the attack.

  Cara was in awe watching them spar. Teeth and fur flew and it sounded as if they weren’t practicing. However, by the time they finished and changed back, both brothers were drenched in sweat, but there wasn’t an injury, or laceration to be seen.

  “You’re up next, Cara,” Titan called down to her.

  She looked apprehensive and he wasn’t sure how she would do.

  “How does this work?” she called up to him.

  “Pick a brother, and they’ll charge you. Kind of like how that bear did. All you have to do is defend yourself by any means necessary,” he told her.

  “I feel like there’s something in there you’re leaving out,” she replied worriedly.

  “There is but I have to see you in action first,” he told her.


  Cara stared at Drew wondering if she’d made the right decision picking him, but it was a Catch 22. It didn’t matter which brother she picked. She was in for a sparring session like never before. She’d fought with Cairo plenty of times, but fighting with her brother was different from this, especially given her recent injuries.

  Her heart raced as fear ripped through her body. Drew was coming at her and fast. His dark brown wolf practically galloped and she wasn’t sure if she could change or not. There was so much uncertainty within her. The closer Drew got, the more fearful she became but instead of changing to defend herself, Cara dropped down to the ground. She folded herself into a ball, with tears streaming down her cheeks.

  “Okay, that’s enough!” she heard Titan call out to them. Lifting her head, she saw him jump down from the tree. Even though he landed with a thud, his stance was graceful. Turning toward his brothers he told them, “She’s not ready for you guys. Give us a few days. I’ll have you come back and we’ll go again.”

  “Aww, I didn’t even get my turn,” Chase joked.

  Drew shrugged, “You? I didn’t even get close to her before Titan howled.”

  “Yeah, Titan, let the girl deal with us on her own,” Chase laughed.

  Titan glared at them. It was a telling expression that Cara noticed sent them on their way quietly.

  “I’m sorry,” she said shaking her head, “I don’t know what I was expecting.”

  “You were expecting to be babied,” he said flatly, “Get up.”

  Cara stood up. She still favored her healthier leg, but she could tell that wasn’t a good enough excuse for Titan.

  “We’ll work like this for now until you’re comfortable shifting back and forth. You can’t survive out here on your own, or in this pack if you can’t defend yourself,” he warned her.

  “I know,” she said quietly.

  “Are you ready?” he asked her.

  Cara blew out a deep breath, “Yeah, I guess.”

  Without another word Titan wrapped his arm around her waist spun her around, knocking her off balance. Cara stumbled over her own feet, tripped and fell flat on the ground.

  “What the hell?!”

  “Get up!” Titan said furiously. “You’re a burden on this pack if you can’t fight, or defend yourself. We don’t take care of the maimed or permanently wounded. We put them down, out of their misery. Now get up!”

  Cara pushed herself off the ground. Her fear was subsiding as her anger began to bubble up. She would never take getting pushed around like that before. Her injuries were mental.

  Titan didn't say anything else as he stepped closer to her again. She was expecting the same move, but he surprised her. Sweeping his foot across the back of her legs, he thrust his palm into her chest, pushing her back onto the ground again.

  “What the Ff-” she stopped herself from cursing as she got up from the ground. Her leg was throbbing and her heart was still pounding. Pushing the pain out of her mind, she shook it off and planted her feet on the ground. She wouldn’t be taken by surprise again.

  “Ready?” he eyed her head to toe.

  Cara simply nodded. Titan went to grab her wrist, but she countered him, rolling into his body and then flipping him over her back and onto the floor. She didn’t stop there, as she dropped down on top of him. Straddling his waist she moved her forearm into his throat. There was a flash of fire in his green eyes.

  Titan grinned as he maneuvered under her. Cara could feel his groin pressing against her back, but the sexual tension between them wasn’t there. The spirit of competition trumped all as she finally felt like herself for the first time since the bear attack.

  The feeling didn’t last forever as Titan bucked his hips, forcing her to fall forward on top of him. Her breasts pressed against his chest. She moved down away from him. Face to face, their lips were breaths away from touching, but Titan rolled her onto her side and then onto her back. It wasn’t until he was on top of her that
she felt the tension rise between them. Her center grew moist as the weight of him between her legs pushed her deeper into the dirt.

  Leaning over her, his hair fell around them, “Better.”

  And just as soon as they started, it was over. Titan pushed himself up and away from Cara before extending his hand out to her. He helped her up. They were both sweaty, but she was sure that she was the only one in pain.

  “How often do we do this?” she asked him as they began to make their way toward the compound.

  “As often as necessary until you’re fully recovered,” he said.

  “My body hurts,” she admitted. She was out of breath and the pain began radiating throughout her body.

  “Okay, I have something for that. Follow me.”

  Cara wasn’t sure where he was taking her, but she followed Titan through the woods. The further they moved away from the cabins, the quieter everything seemed to get. He was silent as he climbed higher into the mountains, but Cara appreciated it. It was a rare thing for her to be around anyone in a space where they didn’t have to fill it with awkward or useless conversation. She simply took in her surroundings hoping that there weren’t any bears around.

  When Titan finally stopped walking, the sound of running water engulfed Cara. There was a mist wafting in front of them. She locked eyes with him as once again he held his hand out to her. Feeling the strength of Titan’s grip around her slender fingers was reassuring. She allowed him to lead her closer to the mist. The air was humid and her pain was numbing.

  It wasn’t until he turned to face her that she saw what was just over his shoulder. There was a hot spring. Bubbles rose to the surface releasing pockets of steam.

  “This will rejuvenate you far better than sleep,” he told her. “It is a bit deep so be careful where you step. Um, you can toss your clothes on that rock over there. I’ll come back to get you in a little bit to see if you need help.”

  “Why don’t you stay in case I drown or something?” she said with a seductive glare in her eyes. Cara couldn’t resist flirting with him. There was a side to him that she was obviously privileged to see and she was appreciative of that. “Are you? … Blushing?”


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