The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2)

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The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2) Page 22

by Anastasia Chase

  Valen had gone out to get a surprise for tonight, so she was left to care for the old man who entered alone.

  Evette called forth a smile and asked, “How can I help you, sir?”

  The man explained that his arthritis was giving him some trouble, and he wanted some of the natural remedies she had recommended once before. The oil she had prescribed helped him tremendously. The fact that it warmed as it came into contact with his skin eased the ache better than any over the counter, smelly muscle rub.

  Evette knew instantly what the man was looking for and hurried away to retrieve it. As she brought to the counter, Valen returned. He was grinning, and she couldn’t restrain herself from grinning back. She took the customer’s credit card and swiped it. Finally, he was ready to leave. She followed closely behind and locked the door.

  “I’ve never wanted to leave my store so badly before. I’ve been antsy all day. Did you get whatever you were looking for?” Evette didn’t care for secrets, and Valen’s calm attitude aggravated her to no end.

  “I did, and I’m ready to leave when you are,” Valen stated. “Did you need to go home for anything first? Are you still feeling up to this? We don’t have to go if you’re not well.”

  “Don’t even consider wiggling out of this. I’ve been waiting for it all week. I’m actually having a really good day, health-wise. You can’t get out of our date so easily, especially trying to use me as an excuse.” Evette began to empty the cash register and add up the day’s receipts. “Lock the back door and the cabinets while I finish here. Then, we can go. Before you ask, I have my medication with me, and no I don’t need to go by the house. Thanks for asking, though.”

  Valen went to do as she asked. Her cell phone began to ring. It was Kathy. Evette picked up as she put the cash into a bank bag. “Hey sis, what’s on your mind. I’m closing the store, so if you need something from here you better say so now.”

  “I don’t want anything from the store. What I want is for you to stay home tonight. I heard the concert’s going to be crowded and loud. There will be crazies everywhere. What if you have one of your spells? It’s too much for you. Get the hottie to take you to dinner and a movie instead. I know he would change plans for you. I think he kind of has a thing for you anyway.”

  “Kathy, you talk too much, and you’re making something out of this for no reason.” Evette rolled her eyes. “I barely know Valen. Yes, he’s hot, and he did call this a date, but I don’t see it as a sign of more. He’s just being nice. He’s new here, remember. Someone with less baggage will come along soon and swoop him up. Wait and see. As for tonight, you won’t deter me. I want to do this. The fresh air will do me good. Valen will take care of me. After all, he’s proven he can do it more than once. You can stop worrying and spend some time with your family. I’m in safe hands.”

  Valen walked in and heard the last couple of sentences. He asked, “Is that your sister?”

  Evette nodded. Valen took the phone from her hand and told Kathy, “She’s right. She’s in safe hands. I won’t let anything happen to her, I swear. Like she said, spend some time with your family. We’ll be fine.”

  “Okay, okay! I get it. You both want me to butt out. Behave yourselves. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. Wait! On second thought, that wouldn’t be any fun, so do lots of things I wouldn’t do. If you’re gonna do this, then make it worthwhile. Show my sister a good time, hottie.” Kathy hung up the phone.

  “Let’s go, madam. Kathy has commanded that I show you a good time, so let’s go have some fun. She called me hottie. Why?” Valen tugged her by the hand toward the exit.

  “Because you’re sexy, that’s why. I’m sure you’ve been told that many times, so don’t act surprised. Also, don’t let it go to your head. It takes more than good looks to win a woman,” Evette answered.


  Valen smirked. So, she thought he was sexy. That was progress.

  He shouldn’t want her to see him that way. He was supposed to remain aloof. He had lectured himself on that very point several times over the last few weeks. A relationship with a human was not allowed. He clearly needed to get it through to his body.

  His brain was fully aware of the problem, but his body responded every time they were together. Take now, for instance. He wanted to show her that there was more to him than good looks. His arms itched to pull her close, and his lips wanted to kiss her senseless. One taste of her hadn’t been nearly enough. The dream he had was stuck in his head, refusing to disappear. What would it be like to have her come on to him for real?

  Wiping away his random thoughts, Valen escorted her from the apothecary. At the curb, hitched to his vehicle, was a trailer. “Surprise! I rented four-wheelers to take up into the mountain. It’s better than taking a chance on walking too much and causing you issues. Do you like the idea? Doesn’t it sound like fun?”

  Evette couldn’t believe he was so thoughtful. Who else would have given her condition so much thought, much less, spend time and money finding a solution. She was thrilled. “They’re perfect! I won’t slow you down, and we can go higher without me getting weak. What a fantastic idea! I owe you for this. It’s a good thing I ordered food for our picnic. I can pay you back by stuffing you with the best sandwiches in town. We’ll pick it up on the way.”

  Valen was happy that he had pleased Evette. He was so worried that she would return to the weakened state she was usually in. He knew her condition was fragile at best. Just because she was having a good day didn’t mean she would continue to feel this way. Sure, he could carry her off the mountain if necessary, but why ask for trouble? He wanted her to enjoy every minute of the concert and maybe convince her to camp out under the stars. He needed the time in the mountains. The city life was tough on him.

  Valen stopped and picked up the food. He got on the highway and headed out of town. Evette picked a music station and hummed along as they left the crowded streets behind. Traffic began to pick up as they drew closer to the turnoff for the concert venue. Kathy had been right, there was going to be a mob attending the rock concert. Trucks zoomed past cars, honking to demand they get out of the way. Valen held the steering wheel steady. His vehicle was large, and very few opted to challenge its space. He parked in the designated field and offloaded the four-wheelers. On the back of his, he tied a bundle containing blankets and sleeping bags, just in case they chose to camp out. He tied the food to Evette’s. “Do you see the trail up the south side? Follow me up. We’ll have an excellent view of the concert, without being stuck in the middle of the crowd. Is that okay with you, or did you want to be close?”

  “I’d rather be up on the mountain. I can relax and sing along. Otherwise, I would be self-conscious. We can eat in peace, without being stared at. Go on, I’ll be right behind you.”

  Valen led the way up the winding path. He knew exactly where he wanted to make their picnic spot. It was directly over the main stage. They would have a better view than the people fighting for a front row spot. As he drove higher, his body was responding to the mountain air. It wanted to change, but he couldn’t do that tonight. He took a deep breath and controlled his urge. This trip was for Evette, not him.

  He stopped the four-wheeler next to a large boulder. Evette pulled up next to him. “The boulder is blocking the view,” she argued. “Isn’t there another spot we could use?”

  “Take my hand,” Valen replied. “We’ll get the stuff off the four-wheelers in a minute.” He grabbed the small hand Evette held out and went around the boulder, seemingly into the trees. Confused, she followed along.

  Valen heard Evette gasp when they reached the other side. He laughed at her obvious excitement. She was jumping up and down, and her pale cheeks were flushed. He had to hand it to himself, the view was spectacular. They stood on a flat rock surface that was wide enough for both of them and a fire if they desired one. Ahead of them was the stage and the audience. Above them, the moon and stars were making an appearance.

  Evette grabbed him
by the neck, kissing his cheek in her excitement. “It’s so perfect! Thanks for finding it. I’m sorry I doubted you.”

  As she turned to admire the sky once more, Valen staggered backward. He began to sweat profusely, and panic overtook him. The height, night sky, and open space had him in the throes of a change. He had to stop it or be revealed to the crowd. Stammering, he said, “I’m getting the blankets. Wait here.” He steadied himself on the boulder and stumbled back to their parking spot. He fell to the ground, putting his throbbing head on his knees. Using all his concentration, he slowed his breathing and began counting backward. It was the best trick he had to calm the beast within. Several minutes passed, then he realized Evette was calling his name. The crisis was over, at least for now. He gathered the supplies and joined her.

  “You’re drenched in sweat,” she declared. “Did my simple kiss have that effect on you? I guess I’m too hot to handle for such a big, strong man. Good to know.”

  “You’re in a teasing mood tonight. Maybe it’s me that influences you. Why don’t we find out?” Valen reached for her with a growl, but she backed away, giggling.

  “Down tiger! The concert’s starting, and I want to eat. Let’s get set up. We can finish this debate at a later time. I’m warning you, I’ll come out the winner.” Evette spread a blanket over the ground and opened the food. Music filled the air as they settled down to eat.

  Valen kept a close eye on her as she nibbled on her sandwich. She was singing along with the band, happily swaying with the music. He didn’t want her overdoing it and having an attack. He had already rushed her to the hospital too many times for his taste. She appeared to be fine for now, so he relaxed and enjoyed the concert.

  As it grew darker, the wind picked up. It was growing chilly on the mountainside, and they were on an unprotected ledge. Evette was shivering, her teeth chattering before Valen realized her predicament. He had to do something before her weak muscles began to contract in pain. He moved behind her, his legs straddling her hips, and pulled her back against his chest. Then he wrapped them in the second blanket. She was cocooned in warmth.


  Evette had been so caught up in the music, she hadn’t noticed her own temperature dropping until Valen’s warmth surrounded her. Heat emanated off his body in waves reminding her of a warm fire. She snuggled into the warmth, and her shivering stopped. Instead, a charge of intense desire settled in her bones. The man was sexy, and he smelled so good, like melting chocolate. She tilted her head back and looked up at his face, where she found him looking right back at her. He lowered his head slowly, keeping his eyes glued to hers. His lips touched hers, gently at first, then more firmly when she didn’t protest. His tongue swept across her mouth, and she opened it slightly, giving him access. Her tongue had just tangled with his when an explosion made them jump apart. The concert was over, and the band was setting off fireworks.

  “Damn it!” she heard Valen curse. Evette felt the same way. The spell had been broken, and they were back to reality, boss and employee. She was ashamed to say, she hadn’t wanted to stop the kiss. Whether Valen would have gone further or not, she had no idea.

  “Are you ready to go, or did you want to make a fire and have s’mores first? I brought the fixings just in case, but if you’re cold and tired, it’s okay. We can go whenever you wish,” Valen said through gritted teeth.

  Evette’s eyebrows rose at his frustrated tone. She didn’t let it deter her, though. The night was too wonderful, and she was about to let it end on a sour note, or end at all, if she had her way. “I want to stay here. You promised me a camping trip, and I demand that you keep the promise.”

  “I’m at your command. If you think it’s a good idea, I’m all for it. Spread out the sleeping bags, and I’ll gather some firewood. The tent is in the truck. I’ll have to drive down to get it, but I’ll make the fire first.”

  “We don’t need a tent,” Evette replied. “It’s not going to rain. Between the fire and the sleeping bags, we’ll be toasty, especially if you’re close by. You put off more heat than a forest fire.”

  Chapter Seven

  Valen handed Evette the last s’more and reached across the fire to wipe melted marshmallow off her chin. He stuck the sweet concoction into his mouth and smacked his lips in appreciation. It held the faint essence of Evette’s taste, and his mouth watered for more. It wasn’t to be. She was human and his boss, both deterrents to a future for them, and Evette deserved someone special.

  He occupied himself by doubling the blankets to make a thick padding to put under her sleeping bag. He tossed the trash into the fire and crawled into his own bag, zipping it closed. The temptation was locked away with the sound of the zipper. He could hear Evette get settled into hers but neither spoke a word. He laid awake, staring at the stars, until he knew she was sleeping. Only then, did he allow himself to doze off.

  Sunrise had brought them both awake and ready to go home. Valen could feel the tension in the air. Last night’s attraction was pushed aside as if it had never occurred.

  “I need to get to the apothecary. We open at 10, and there’s no one except me to open today. It’s your day off, right?”

  Valen felt like ice water had been poured over his head. Her curt tone chilled him to his bones. “Yes, it’s my day off. I’ve got to have the four-wheelers turned in by 10 as well, but if you want help at the shop, I can come by this afternoon.”

  “No, there’s someone scheduled for noon. We’ll be okay, so enjoy the day while you can. Next week, you’re going to be working harder. I’ve decided to train you in making the tinctures.”

  Valen was surprised by the announcement. It was what he wanted, but he hadn’t expected her to agree. It took a little of the cold off his heart. She trusted him and that was worth a lot.

  The ride into town was rushed. Valen dropped Evette at her home to shower and change for work. He turned in the four-wheelers, then went to take his own shower. He had a more urgent need he had to take care of. He was going back to the mountains where he could be alone. Last night’s sudden spasms had made him aware that he shouldn’t wait any longer to release the dragon. When darkness fell again, he would be ready.

  Wearing faded jeans, a t-shirt, and hiking boots, Valen climbed twice as high as the previous night. He made sure he was in a sheltered clearing, surrounded by tall trees, and out of sight of curious eyes, before he stripped off his clothes, including the collar that helped to control the dragon in him. He was anxious and excited to make the change. It had been far too long, and he was shaking as he piled his clothes by a tree. In the center of the clearing, he looked up at the stars, allowing the sky to invade his body. He began to tremble, falling forward on all fours. His neck elongated as scales covered his body. Within seconds, a dragon stood where a man had once been.

  His coloring matched the vast deserts in Arizona, a soft yellow and tan that would camouflage him if necessary. Fire shot from his snout, and a mighty roar shook the trees. Valen was a magnificent specimen of the mystical creature. His wingspan covered the clearing. Unable to deny his birthright, he rose into the sky, soaring above the trees. He sailed on the air currents and played among the clouds until sunrise. Then, he floated to the ground and landed in the exact spot where he had left his clothes. Exhaustion and exaltation were the only emotions that concerned him at the moment. He had fulfilled a long-awaited need.

  He allowed the dragon to dissolve, leaving a mere man in its stead. He crawled to the cover of the trees and collapsed onto his clothes. Hopefully, no hiker would come upon the naked man as he slept. Valen would have some explaining to do and he was simply too tired to come up with a plausible explanation.

  Monday came quickly, and with it, a sense of renewed invigoration. Valen was in full control of his senses once more. He was eager to learn from Evette if she hadn’t changed her mind over the weekend. He arrived at the apothecary bright and early, but she had still beaten him there. Where she found the strength to go on each day, he didn
’t understand. It had to be sheer will and determination because her illness made her body betray her at every turn.


  Evette swung around when the bell over the door tinkled. Her insides gave a little jerk when Valen walked in. She had replayed their kiss in her mind all weekend and hoped it would become a mundane thought, but the handsome man’s presence reinvigorated the feeling of desire. “It’s about time. I thought you had decided you couldn’t handle the pressure of learning all I know and were going to disappear.”

  “Ha-ha, you think you’re so funny. I’m actually early, and believe me, I can handle you just fine,” Valen retorted. His eyes flamed and assured her that he meant it exactly the way she was thinking.

  Evette blushed, but held her ground. “The store’s all yours,” she told the young girl at the register. “If someone comes in who you can’t help, let me know. We’ll be downstairs making tinctures.”

  Evette gathered herbs, oils, and powders while she sent Valen to get a box of empty bottles. Soon they were busy, up to their armpits in steaming concoctions. The smells were intriguing, some nasty, but most quite pleasant. She taught Valen to grind the herbs into a powder form and which ones to mix with the oils. Others went into bags for teas that would ease arthritis pain. She explained each step carefully so that he could absorb the information without a problem. On the rare occasion that he had a question, she came to a full stop and showed him the correct way, rather than lecture him.

  They were interrupted several times by customers who had special needs. Whenever that happened, Evette would give Valen a task to perform on his own, such as attaching labels or storing leftover ingredients. They worked well together, and she was sure that she had made the correct choice in an apprentice.

  By the end of the day, the shelves were full, and the basement was clean. Evette relieved the cashier and sent her home, thanking her profusely for running the shop so well.


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