The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2)

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The Wolf's Temptation (Alpha Wolves of Myre Falls Book 2) Page 26

by Anastasia Chase

  "I am prepared to do the same for you and for this woman. I can see what she means to you, and therefore, she is important. In fact, she could be more important than even that." Valen was shocked by Stathim's answer. Even if Stathim was a good friend and more progressive than the rest of the clan, he did not expect him to be on his side or to stand up for him at all. "Do you not see the potential in this? I hope that some agreement can be made here so that everyone comes out of this as unscathed as possible. It might finally change some attitudes around here, which is long overdue. I truly hope it all works out and that maybe, one day you will be allowed to become a healer if you wish to be. Stations should not be so static like that that you cannot venture out at all."

  Valen agreed with Stathim, but he had never heard another dragon say such things. Stathim could be in a lot of trouble just for having those opinions.

  "That sounds like an ideal world you're talking about, and it is dangerous." Valen was smirking as he said it, though.

  Stathim smoked back and looked like he was about to say something when a banging came at the door. Valen could only guess who it was and what they wanted. Stathim looked back and forth between Valen and Evette, making a silent decision. "Stay in here. I will see if I can head them off."

  Valen nodded but knew there was no point, they would bust their way in and wreck up the healer's office if the king let them. It wouldn't surprise him considering his father probably wanted nothing but to get his hands on him ever since the moment he left them all behind.

  He could hear booming voices and the sounds of feet. It sounded like there were several men coming his way. No way could Stathim had fought them all coming in. Valen stood still near the entrance to the office, shielding the woman he loved from the view of whoever was coming.

  Sure enough, the door flew open to reveal three royal soldiers as well as the king himself. There he was, wearing the royal blue of their kingdom, looking appalled and strained, older than the way Valen had left the man when he had turned his back on his father’s ways.

  "I didn't believe it. I didn't, until now, now that I see it with my own eyes," he criticized in his harsh, cold voice. His father had always sounded that way. He was born to be a ruthless leader but never a father. That was for certain. How his beautiful mother put up with it each day, Valen was never sure. Though she had her moments of inequity too.

  "The fact that your son has returned to a place he despises, or the fact that I have brought someone very important to be restored to health?" Valen asked, remaining calm. He hoped his father felt it as the jab it was.

  "My son, the dragon prince, a criminal, returned from self-imposed exile to a world we should never be involved in," his father specified, pursing his lips so that the lines around it made his mouth appear as a prune. It would have been comedic, if not for the fact that Valen knew what it meant, A punishment was coming, and there was no stopping it now. He could only hope he could get Evette excluded from this. "You know you must be arrested for the treason, especially while we are to deliberate about what to do next. You have set this clan on fire with your immature ways, and it ends here."

  With that, the soldiers marched forward to bind Valen and carry him away. Valen looked to his father, humbling himself enough to show the desperate pleading in his eyes.

  "I only ask one thing before I accept my punishment; that she not be killed, that she not be harmed. Let her heal."

  His father shooed him away, but there was some comfort in the words Valen could hear shouting at him as he was being taken to the clan's prison cells. "There’s no point in killing her now. We will deal with her when she is better. It is you we must handle now."

  Valen was thrown into one of the cells and put in there, being collared again while he was at it. This was not just any collar or a collar made for him. It was made for prisoners, making them want to turn but constantly and forcibly suppressing it. It was meant to be painful. Living as a human, though, had given him a bit of advantage with controlling its effects. He sat still in the center of his cell, breathing and remaining calm even as he began to sweat with the effort and his rising temperature.

  He could not believe he had been thrown into the cells with common criminals who had actually done things wrong. He did not feel his crime was a crime at all. He was saving a life. Why did it matter that it was a human one?

  Suddenly, a woman walked into view, one he knew well. The woman who had raised him and held her tongue every time his father had become more controlling in his life, telling him what he had food and that what he wanted didn't matter.

  "Mother," he greeted her with a shaking voice, the pain beginning to get to him a little, knocking at the back of his head like a nail and hammer. How long before it drove all the way through his skull so that he could no longer focus?

  "Oh, my son," she said softly, kneeling down so she was eye level with him. She was a kind woman, for a dragoness. But she was obsessed with nice things and was quite a weak woman both physically and mentally. That was her crime in all of this. He could not fault her too much for cleaving to someone who would protect her, though. Her beauty and simplicity could have easily led her to worse arrangements. "How did we end up here?" she asked rhetorically, cooing over him as if he were still a child.

  "I think you saw this coming and don't want to admit to it," Valen told her, his muscles tensing and beginning to spasm without control.

  "I know why you left. I knew in my heart one day you would. I made my peace with that, but now you've come back and with a human. Please, tell me why?" she asked, almost in a whine as some of her long, sandy hair fell over her shoulder.

  "She would have died, or at least been permanently disabled. I could not just leave it alone." His mother narrowed her eyes at him as if looking straight through.

  "You have feelings for a human." It wasn't a question, and even Valen could tell that. It was hard for his mother to sound harsh with her airy voice, but that did sound about as harsh as she got.

  "I was living as a human, so I am not sure why that would come as a surprise. Trust me, I tried not to, but she is everything that Petra, father, and everyone here is not; strong but caring, connected but independent." His mother nodded.

  "I don’t think that is something I ever bet on, you falling for a human woman. I thought maybe you would find a nice dragoness somewhere else in another clan and try to bring her back one day." Valen did not like that suggestion, but there was a smile after her sigh he did not expect to see. She reached up and began working on the locks with her royal key, then came up to him and removed the collar. He breathed heavily, trying to calm himself from the want for the change, and he looked up at her with a million questions in his eyes. "I can't stop anything your father will do, but I also can't put you in jail for being in love."

  Valen wasted no time and used his freedom to go straight back to where he belonged; by Evette’s side. _

  Chapter Twelve

  Evette slowly opened her eyes. She felt different, tired and weak, but no longer having trouble breathing. The debilitating pain was gone too. She guessed the doctors had been right. Their conventional treatments had kicked in, and she was better.

  Where was everybody? The last thing she clearly remembered was her brother-in-law rescuing her from Joe's clutches and being taken to Kathy's house. The baby was here! She wanted to see her, so she tried to get up.

  Her eyes widened. This wasn't Kathy's place. She didn't recognize this room at all. What the hell was going on? Then, a tiny idea began to surface at the back of her mind. Valen had something to do with this. She vaguely remembered opening her eyes a slit and him leaning over her. She had been comforted by his presence and fallen back to sleep. Soon after, a nightmare had started. In the dream, she was screaming bloody murder. A creature with golden wings was flying above the clouds with her in its grasp. It squeezed her tighter when she fought against it. Eventually, she had lost control of her senses and passed out, in the nightmare, that is. In reality, she w
as already asleep, wasn't she?

  If that was the case, how had she gotten here, and where was here anyway?

  She called out for Kathy, but there was no answer. Okay, the last face she had seen was Valen, so she gave his name a try.

  Someone came into the room, however, it wasn't Valen. It was a strange man she had never met, a new doctor maybe?

  "Ah, it is good to see you awake," the man said. His voice had an odd strain to it, as if he didn't use it much. "I am pleased to see you survived the treatment and that its effects were miraculous, as usual. There must have been some hidden strength inside you, for the treatment is sometimes fatal if the recipient is weak of heart."

  "The treatment I got at the hospital isn't that harsh. You're exaggerating. It wasn't anything that could harm me, just help my condition and slow the progression. Who are you? Where am I? Where's my family and Valen?"

  "Valen will be here shortly. I sent for him as soon as I heard you shout. He only left a short time ago. I'm Stathim, the healer of our people. I know that means nothing to you. All will become clear when Valen returns. You have many questions, and he will answer them. Just know that you no longer suffer from your disease. You have been healed, permanently." Stathim turned his back and walked out, leaving Evette with her mouth hanging open.

  Valen came running into the room and swung her in the air. "We did it! You're well. No more doctors, no more tinctures, and no more worry. You are alive and healthy for the first time in years."

  "Valen, I don't get it. How can I be well? There isn't a cure for MS. It's a progressive disease. You can slow it, but you can't go backward. You better explain what's happened." She couldn't allow herself to believe in a dream she thought would never occur.

  "You've read the stories. I know you have. There were books under the counter at the apothecary. I read every page you marked. The one that described your illness was terrifying, but there were others, and I found the same information on the computer. You had a website written in the margin. I looked it up. It was all about dragon's blood. The lady was right. A dragon's blood can heal if the patient is strong enough to handle the infusion. You were." Valen ended his ridiculous explanation with a grin.

  "I was desperate, so I read everything. Dragons don't exist. They are creatures of fantasy. Have you been drinking or something? If you're trying to make a joke, now is not the time."

  Valen huffed, and warm air surrounded her. "Did you feel that? You kept telling me I was always warm. It's the fire inside us. Dragons are real, and I am one. I left my home a year ago, because my father and I don't see eye to eye. I wasn't coming back, but you were so close to dying that I had to bring you. I risked a lot for you, and there's more to come. It was worth it to see the color back in your face and your curves returning. The healer and I are friends. He taught me until I was ten. That's why I chose the job with you. My father said it was below my station and forced the healer to banish me. He gave you the infusion at my request."

  "Dear god, the medicine the doctor gave me is causing wild dreams and hallucinations! My heart wants to believe this and stay right here in the dream, but my head is arguing that this is crazy. Prove it," she finally demanded. That was the only way she would know for sure that she wasn’t dreaming.

  "There isn't room for me to change in here, but come with me and look outside." He took her to a window and showed her his home. She stumbled backward into his arms, because there were honest to goodness dragons outside.

  This could have easily been a hallucination or a dream as well, but in all honesty, Evette was a logical woman. She did not have the imaginative capacity to come up with this. She felt her body below her and assessed herself quickly. She truly did not feel sick anymore. In fact, she didn't feel a day over 22. Could this be real?

  "It's true, you're a dragon and I'm healed! We have to tell the world. So many others need your help. Cancer, MS, liver disease, heart failure, and diabetes are just a few things we could use help with. How many of those can dragon's blood heal?" Evette had instantly turned back into her work mode. She wished to cure everyone. This was an amazing breakthrough.

  "We can't tell anyone. Our home would be overrun and our lives in jeopardy. I broke laws to bring you here. I got away with it only because I'm the prince. The guard and the healer obeyed me. We still have to face Father, and he could destroy both of us. He had me arrested and threatened your life already. I convinced him to leave you alone for now, and my mother got me released, but it's not over."

  "Haven't you left out some very important information, my love?" They both froze at the sound of the voice. "Are you done playing with the human, Valen? I've waited a year for you to come home to me. Tell the woman goodbye. She will be dead soon, anyway."

  "Petra, what are you doing in here? This doesn't concern you. Get out!"

  "Of course it's my concern! You are to marry me, so everything you do concerns me."

  Evette was stunned. Valen hadn't mentioned being betrothed in all this time. He had dated her and kissed her, when all along he was supposed to marry someone else? How much more was she supposed to comprehend? First, she had to wrap her head around the fact that dragons were real, and their blood had saved her. None of it felt right. A part of her believed she was dreaming, yet standing in front of her was the most gorgeous woman she had ever met. Petra had long, dark hair that fell in gentle waves all the way to her perfectly rounded bottom. She had sultry dark eyes and pouty, full lips that didn't require the enhancement of makeup. Her body was that of a goddess. No human could look that good.

  "Now is not the time to discuss this. Evette doesn't need to hear your pronouncements. I'll talk to you later, when our fate has been decided," Valen commanded.

  "That is why I am here. Your presence is required in the palace. You must hurry, for they are waiting, and they are impatient. I will keep the human company. We don't want her to be alone. After all, she has had quite a shock," Petra purred.

  "I'm not leaving you with her. Father can wait."

  "The guards on the other side of the door will force you, if necessary. Do you want that? To go before your parents in chains? Evette is safe from my claws, for now. Go, or I will summon the guards." Petra's evil smile meant she knew she had won.

  Valen roared and stomped out. Hopefully, she could hold up against the female dragon's petulance until his return.

  "Well, human, you have caused quite a stir among the dragons. Valen overstepped his authority by bringing you here to be healed. He must hold you in high esteem to stand up to the king's wrath. Not to worry. All will be forgiven once he marries me and resumes his position as prince." Petra looked her up and down, then declared, "You're not much to look at, are you? Why was it so important that you be saved?"

  Evette hated the patronizing woman on sight. Her haughty attitude toward Valen hadn't helped. "He cares about me and finds my work important and intriguing. We are close, and he didn't want to see me slowly dying. What makes you think he's going to marry you? He didn't show any signs of loving you. He's kissed me many times, but he acted as if you were a thorn in his side."

  Petra laughed. "I am a thorn, but one he can't remove. He has had many women, none of whom he cared to keep. It is his way. He uses them, then tosses them aside. He will do the same to you. Only I am worthy of becoming the dragon princess. No, he does not love me, and I wouldn't expect him to. Unlike you, I don't require love in marriage, only the high rank he will give to me. Valen will do his duty."

  "Valen isn't the same man you knew. He left here to get away from his father's demands. He apparently left you as well. He has a home among us and a job in my apothecary that he is very good at. He cares about humans in a way you probably do not understand." Evette argued.

  "He's grown soft living in the human world. That too will change. He always did have a desire to learn medicine, but the king nipped that in the bud at an early age, and he will do so again. You are nothing but a fly in the ointment. If you were to walk out that door withou
t Valen or the guards to protect you, you would be ripped apart instantly. If I had not promised Valen I wouldn't harm you, I would do it myself."

  "You could try," Evette declared bravely. She was feeling too good to be brought down by this uncaring dragoness. "I would fight back. You can't transform in this room. Valen told me it's too small to contain a dragon, so we would be more evenly matched. I was sick and weak, but thanks to dragon blood, I am strong again. For all I know, I am stronger than I have ever been."

  "Ah, now I see what drew him to you. It was the spitfire soul inside. It makes you appear beautiful when you are angered. Also, the longer the dragon's blood flows through your veins, the more enhanced your face and body become. You won't, however, become as beautiful as me, and the king will never allow Valen to be joined with a human." Petra raked a long nail down Evette's cheek. "So delicate, I could scar you so easily."

  The door opened, and a guard appeared, startling both women. "I am to take the human to the palace for sentencing," he stated.

  Evette showed no fear as she was led out of the room. Her eyes remained downcast all the way to the palace, for if she looked around at the dragons, she knew she would lose her courage.

  Valen stood in front of the thrones where his parents sat. He nodded in greeting, without expression.

  The king's voice boomed out, "Human, you must remain quiet while we finish speaking to our son. Afterwards, we will discuss your fate."

  "There's nothing to discuss, Father. My views haven't changed. We will never see things in the same way, even more so since I have been living among the humans." Valen had clearly been arguing for a while, and a swell of pride hit Evette over it. She knew he was not just going to forget about what he had learned as a human or what they had with each other, even if it couldn't last.


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