A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5) Page 5

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  The segment cut to two of Ayana’s high school classmates. Both female teens held tears in their eyes as they spoke about how Ayana had helped them out at school.

  “There were a few times my mom didn’t have any money, and I would come to school with whatever we had—sometimes a banana, a pack of peanut butter cookies. Cassidy,” the sniffling teen said in reference to the girl standing beside her, “usually didn’t have money either. By the time lunch came around, we’d been starving. Every time, Ayana gave up her money, and we would pile as much food on a lunch tray as we could and share it.” The teen’s tears fell heavily. “I hope nothing happens to her.”

  As the segment cut back to the newsroom, the anchor spoke of Ayana’s beautiful spirit—while Octavia’s spirit fell. An insurmountable grief washed over her.

  “How awful for Ayana to lose her parents then get kidnapped,” Selena said, shaking her head.

  Octavia glanced at Jonathon. “I hope she’s all right.” Her jaw locked and her chest tightened as she worried about what finding the deserted school bag could mean for Ayana.

  She knew all too well about how Ayana must have felt with the tragic memories of her parents’ death, that feeling of being lost inwardly. However, Octavia could hardly place her mind in the space of knowing what it must be like to also be lost outwardly.

  When Jonathon pulled her in, Octavia rested her head on his shoulder and sent up a silent prayer for Ayana Bradwell.

  Chapter Six

  The day had gone on with more traffic coming through the house. Calls from the hotline picked up significantly, and by 9 p.m., Selena and Octavia were beat. As the last volunteer left, Octavia turned her porch light off and closed her door with a click from the lock. Slowly, she turned to face Selena who was slumped into the sofa with her legs thrown over one of the couch’s arms.

  “Girl, I don’t think I’ve ever worked that hard at my day job,” Selena said.

  Octavia cracked a smile. “You and me both.”

  “It’s incredible the number of calls a hotline can get. I’m talking about people calling about everything, describing folks they think may have taken the girl. One guy was following another vehicle when he thought he saw her. Gave me a license plate number and everything.”

  “Oh my God, did you give that information to Jonathon?”

  “Yes, of course. These calls were all over the place. It’s scary to think Ayana could be states away by now.”

  “What do you mean?” Octavia asked.

  “Well, it wasn’t just people in Chicago calling. Calls were coming in from Louisiana, Missouri, I even had a few from Wyoming of all places.”

  Octavia shuddered. “Let’s hope Ayana is in none of those locations.”


  Octavia left the front door to peek out of the window.

  “Is Jonathon coming back?”

  “He said he was,” Octavia responded, “but it’s getting later, and I know he needed to meet up with his crew and go over today’s assignment.”

  Octavia braced herself for the questions she knew were coming from Selena. She didn’t have to wait long.

  “So, about you and Jonathon…”

  Octavia smirked while keeping her focus out the window on the cars passing up and down the street.

  “Don’t I get a moment to exhale before you start breathing down my neck?” Octavia returned.

  “No. You’ve had your moment all day.”

  “What is it you want to know, Selena?” Octavia turned full circle and rested her butt in the seal of the window.

  “When are you going to stop teasing that man and give up the goods?”

  “The goods being some ass or?”

  “You know what I’m talking about.”

  “Then why did I ask?”

  “Hey,” Selena said, “don’t get smart with me when I came over here and slaved all day to help you when you called.”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  Selena readjusted herself. “That’s more like it. Now tell me what’s up with you. Why aren’t you and Jonathon a couple by now? Hell, Santana’s been in Chicago all of three months, and she already bagged her a Rose. If you keep on waiting, that fine ass man is gonna be off the market.”

  “I don’t think he’s looking,” Octavia said.

  Selena cocked her head to the side and squinted at Octavia. “You don’t think he’s looking?” Selena threw her hands up in exasperation. “Since when does a Rose have to look? There are women practically standing outside his door.”

  Octavia crossed her legs. “What door would that be?”

  “You are so not funny,” Selena said. “And you’re the queen at jogging around a subject.”

  “Now that you mention jogging, girl, I had a good one this morning. Wind felt good against my face, too.”

  “See, that right there is why you’re going to miss out on your blessings. That girl, what’s her name?” Selena snapped her fingers. “Mia!” she said. “Mia’s gonna get him, girl.”

  Mia Ford was also one of Jonathon’s close friends. Octavia had never had the chance to meet her, and frankly, she didn’t want to. But Octavia didn’t miss the countless phone calls Mia made to Jonathon. Or the way he laughed when he spoke to her on the phone. It had made Octavia jealous on numerous occasions, but she wouldn’t admit it.

  “Why do you think that? Because I didn’t give up the goods as quickly as Santana?”

  Selena’s mouth fell, and she rolled her neck to peer at Octavia. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

  Octavia knew it was catty of her to say such a thing, but Selena’s words bothered her. “I’m sorry again.” Octavia blew out a breath.

  “What’s up with you?”

  Octavia moved from the window to the sofa. She lifted Selena’s legs and sat down then placed Selena’s legs over her lap. “I’m not interested in a relationship right now.”

  Selena lifted a brow. “With Jonathon?”

  “With anyone.”

  “Then why are you dating? I’ve watched you go out with a number of guys, what gives?”

  Octavia cleared her throat. “I like to date. I mean, I’m not a nun. I love men, and I like the attention. I do get lonely, but I just don’t want anything serious.”

  “Sounds like a whore to me.” Octavia gasped and reared back at Selena. Selena shrugged. “I wouldn’t be your friend if I didn’t tell you the truth. Poor Jonathon. Must be hard to suffer being around a woman you want who likes to whore herself out instead of committing.”

  “Oh, you are being such a good friend right now.” Octavia tossed Selena’s legs off her lap and stood to leave when Selena grabbed her arm.

  “Listen, you know I can be something like a hard ass sometimes, and we both know you are not a whore. I’m just showing you how it looks when you say you’re just dating to keep from being lonely because you like the attention but have no intention of actually being in a solitary relationship. It’s not fair to Jonathon either, who has been biding his time waiting for you.”

  “Jonathon is not waiting for me. We are friends. What part of that don’t you get?”

  “Okay, stop saying that shit. You guys are not just friends. Jonathon doesn’t believe it, nobody does, not even you. For reasons unknown, you are keeping him at arm’s length, and believe it or not, I want what’s good for you, girl. I’d hate to see you let that man get away. How are you gonna feel when someone else really does catch his attention? Good men are hard to find. Trust me, I know.”

  Octavia sat back down and sank against the couch with a pout on her face. Ruffling her hair with her fingers didn’t relieve Octavia of the truth. Everything Selena said Octavia already knew. The real problem was she couldn’t force herself into the state of mind she felt was necessary to be in a healthy relationship with Jonathon. So, if she lost him to someone else, Octavia would have to deal with it. No matter how hard it would be.

  “I can’t believe you managed to friend zone a Rose.” Sele
na chuckled. “Silly rabbit.”

  “If you love them so much, why don’t you marry one of them?”

  “Who said anything about marriage?” Selena shrugged and peered at Octavia knowingly. “Shows where your mind is.”

  “Whatever. If and when I’m ready, and if Jonathon even wants to be in a relationship with me, then we will.”

  Selena held up her hands. “Okay. Whatever you say, boss. I’m going to take a hot bubble bath. I hope you got a nightgown I can toss on, or I’m sleeping butt naked in your guest bedroom.”


  Selena laughed. “Just for that, Imma do it anyway.”

  Octavia shook her head and rose to her feet, making her way to her room. Inside her walk-in closet, she looked for one of her Betty Boop nightgowns. Octavia owned a collection of the animated shirts. They were her childhood favorite. Pulling one off the hanger, Octavia strolled to the guest bedroom and left the shirt spread over the bed. From the bathroom door, she could hear Selena humming a tune that sounded much like Melanie Fiona. Treading lightly, Octavia went to her bathroom to find a bit of solitude. A bubble bath did sound nice, so she mixed her favorite aromatherapy scents and fragrances to create an inviting aphrodisiac in the sanctuary of the quiet room. After she lit candles and spread them around the clawfoot tub, Octavia shed her clothes and stepped in.

  The bubbles spread over her skin as she sank into the warm water. Leaning back, Octavia rested her head against the tub and allowed the soothing warmth to soak her bones. Jonathon had been gone over three hours, and Octavia hadn’t heard a peep from him. Her instincts wanted to reach out and make sure he was okay, but she didn’t, concluding maybe he was busy. Thoughts of him touching her in the most intimate way shuffled through Octavia’s mind. She imagined his hands between her thighs as his tongue licked across her breasts. Octavia shifted, causing a bit of water to slosh over the tub. The water took a few candles as it hit the floor, and immediately, the fire on them went out.

  “Shit,” Octavia said. A thought crossed her mind again as she wondered if she could be sexual with Jonathon without the promise of a relationship. Now that Octavia thought about it, she did sound like a whore. She sighed and closed her eyes. What was she going to do? Being Jonathon’s friend wasn’t easy. Especially when she wanted him so bad. When Octavia closed her eyes again, more images of she and Jonathon between the sheets flourished through her mind. Immediately Octavia opened her eyes and let out a deep, frustrating breath. She bit her bottom lip and reached between her thighs, giving in to the naughty thoughts. As she rubbed in circles on her clitoris, Octavia imagined Jonathon’s head between her legs and her hand caressing his head. Tremors fled down her heated skin, and she flickered and thumbed her soft budding clit. Octavia’s mouth opened, and a silky moan escaped.

  “Ooh… Jonathon…” she purred.

  She envisioned his mouth taking her whole and his tongue sinking into the depths of her vagina.

  “Mmmm,” she continued as a surge of stinging heat crawled up her core.

  Octavia was on the verge of a nail-biting orgasm when a voice cruised through her closed bathroom door.

  “I hope there’s really somebody in there because if not I’m just going to call Jonathon right now and tell him his girl over here playing with herself.”

  Octavia’s eyes shot open, and her orgasm receded. “Damn you, Selena!”

  Selena guffawed. “Oh my God, you are in there alone.” Selena laughed harder. “Girl, you must have a real soft spot for agony because this is just sad.” Selena continued her teasing, and Octavia hauled a lit candle at the bathroom door.

  “Get out of my room!”

  Selena lost her breath in laughter. “Not until I find that phone so I can call Jonathon.”

  Octavia cursed profusely. “I swear to God, Selena!”

  Selena laughed and trudged out of the room, leaving Octavia mortified, out of breath and disgruntled. Octavia needed the real thing. But she worried, if she crossed the line with Jonathon, he might want more from her, and Octavia could never turn him down if he straight out asked.

  “I need a vibrator,” she groaned.

  “No, you need Jonathon,” Selena replied.

  “Damn it, Selena!” Octavia stewed again, and again Selena howled. “I thought I put you out!”

  “Yeah, you did, but I just pretended to be gone. I wanted to see if you would continue.”

  Octavia bit down on her teeth and groaned again. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Seven



  “I’ve called your names three times. What did I tell you about playing your music so loud?”

  As the memory replayed, Octavia watched from the sideline like a spectator, seeing the accident happen to her family and her adolescent self.

  “Listening to my music that loud could ruin my hearing.”

  Mrs. Davenport wagged her finger. “Give me the iPod.”


  “Did you just tell your mother no?”

  “Yes, she did,” Mrs. Davenport answered.

  The memory moved faster, and Octavia braced herself for what was to come.

  “Young lady, you will not talk to your mother that way, and you will give up your iPod, or so help me God, I’ll pull this car over and—”

  “Dad, watch out!”

  The brakes locked, and the Ford Explorer turned sharply. Octavia watched on in horror as her father was thrown from the car. The Ford Explorer flipped, and Octavia heard and witnessed the snapping of her mother’s neck. Fire blazed from the hood, and in the backseat, a teenage Octavia went limp, appearing to be unconscious. In her dream space, she continued to witness from the side of the road. Tears sprang to Octavia’s eyes as an adult Octavia ran to her father. She found him on the side of the road with rocks crushed against his face. Octavia screamed.

  “Daddy! No, no, no! Daddy!”




  Octavia opened her eyes with her arms in mid-swing, coming face to face with Selena. Immediately her hands stilled, but her breathing remained labored. The nightgown Octavia wore was drenched.

  “Oh my God, girl, what were you dreaming about?”

  Octavia glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was barely after midnight.

  “Shit,” she cursed. The dreams were getting worse and more detailed than before. Rising to a sit, Octavia sank her palms into her forehead and rocked slowly.

  “Octavia,” Selena’s voice was sincere and worrisome. Selena sat on the edge of Octavia’s bed. “What were you dreaming about?”

  Octavia hadn’t gone into detail about her parents’ death with her friends. The most they knew was that Octavia’s parents passed away when she was a teenager. They had apologized and offered their condolences, to which Octavia thanked them and changed the subject. Jonathon was the only one who knew how painful that time had been for her, and the therapy it had taken to get through it.

  “I’m sorry,” Octavia said. She attempted to stop her rocking and regain her normal sense of mind.

  “What are you sorry for? Octavia, you were screaming for your father.”

  Octavia bit down on her teeth. She didn’t want or need Selena to feel sorry for her. “I’m sorry,” Octavia said again.

  The doorbell rang, pulling the ladies’ attention away.

  Selena raised a brow. “I’ll check it out,” she said.

  Octavia nodded, happy for the temporary remission.

  When Selena made it to the door, she checked the peephole to find Jonathon on the other side. Selena wondered if now was a good time to let him in, especially after what she just witnessed with Octavia. But after a second, she thought maybe Jonathon could help her get to the bottom of Octavia’s distress, so she opened the door.

  “Hey,” Selena said.

  “Did I wake you?” Jonathon’s baritone vocals eased throughout the room like a sound effect

  “No. Octavia woke me.” Selena shut the door as Jonathon stepped inside. “Do you know anything about it?”

  “I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

  Selena glanced back over her shoulder and whispered, “I think she was having a nightmare. She was screaming for her father.”

  Quickly, Jonathon moved past Selena, practically leaving her standing there talking to herself. Down the hall, he passed the guest room and made a beeline for Octavia’s bedroom. Still sitting in the middle of her bed, Octavia had started her slow rock as she held her hands against her ears. Her lips moved, and Jonathon acknowledged that she was praying.

  He paused and let her finish, and as soon as her words ceased, he was upon her, drawing her out of bed to stand before him. Octavia gasped, and her eyes flew open at the unexpected haste.

  “Jonathon,” she said, surprised. “Where did you come from?”

  “Why didn’t you tell me, Octavia?”

  Octavia glanced side to side and tried to pull away from him, but he held firm.

  “Why?” he prodded.

  “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “So, you’re not having dreams about your parents again?”

  Octavia swallowed thickly as Jonathon kept her eye, wondering if she would lie to him.

  “There’s nothing to tell,” she repeated.

  “Bullshit,” Selena said from the door. “You were in distress. I’ve never heard anyone scream the way you just did.”

  Jonathon’s chest tightened, and his gut churned. “O?”

  Octavia pulled her eyes away from their stares and struggled to get out of Jonathon’s arms.

  “Let me go,” Octavia said.

  “Octavia,” Jonathon repeated.

  “Let me go!” she screamed.


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