A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5) Page 8

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “I suppose,” Octavia said.

  “Now before I go, tell me what were you just daydreaming about.”

  Octavia smirked. “That’s for me to know and you to never find out.”

  Chapter Ten

  Octavia glanced up at her clock on the wall. It was twelve-fifteen, and she’d chosen her lunch break to do a quick shop at the store. There were only a few things she needed to pick up for the dinner she would cook for Jonathon, and more than a time or two, Octavia wondered why she was so excited yet ruffled about their future encounter.

  Saving the last task on her computer, Octavia pushed back from the desk and stood to grab her purse before heading out the door.

  An older gentleman with gray hair and pepper red freckles sat in a seat in the waiting room. Octavia glanced around to find the doors closed on Samiyah’s, Selena’s and Claudia’s offices. Octavia approached the man.

  “Good afternoon, has someone helped you, sir?”

  The gentleman smiled up at Octavia. “No. I’m a little early, so I decided to wait in here instead of my van outside.”

  “Who are you here to see?”

  The man shuffled through his shirt pocket. “An Octavia Davenport.” He smiled.

  Taken back, Octavia frowned slightly. She had never met this man before, nor did she set an appointment during her lunch.

  “I’m sorry,” Octavia held her hand out, “I’m Octavia, but I wasn’t aware we’d scheduled an appointment at this time. I’m headed out for lunch.”

  “Oh, it’s no problem. I was one of Claudia’s clients, so things must’ve gotten misplaced during the transfer.” The gentleman smiled again, but Octavia couldn’t help but feel off her game.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name,” she said.

  The man held out his hand, “Jackson,” he said. “Jackson Meadows.”

  Octavia shook his hand. “Mr. Meadows, I apologize, but I’ll need to reschedule. I can get you in as early as the end of the week.”

  Jackson stood to his feet. “That’ll be fine.”

  “If you could, follow me back to my office and fill out a short form for me.”

  “Oh yes, sure,” he said.

  They strolled back to her office, and Octavia didn’t like the overwhelming feeling she had. The thought crossed her mind to take time off from work. Long enough to get some real rest and get her mind together. But that thought went out the window as she surmised there was no way she could put the heavy workload on everyone else. If she were fair, they’d all taken on more clients due to Claudia’s foundation and Octavia would have to just stick it out until Claudia or Samiyah decided to hire more people.

  Octavia traipsed to a cabinet and pulled out a drawer, removing a tiny slip of paper with basic questions that would give her an idea of Jackson Meadow’s financial situation. She would have to take the information home and look over it to create a small plan that would appeal to his case.

  “This is a quick form you’ve probably filled out before with Claudia, but this is just for my reference.”

  “No problem,” Jackson said. He scribbled on the form and Octavia glanced at the clock on the wall again then back down to Jackson. Her mind traveled to Jonathon. Still, Octavia wanted to know who the woman was that had answered his phone, but she was hesitant to ask.

  What if he told her something she didn’t want to hear, like his girlfriend or someone he’s dating? Octavia rolled her eyes. If Jonathon were dating someone, he would tell her, right? Feeling unsure, Octavia glanced back at the clock and tried to change her line of thoughts.

  “Here you are,” Jackson said, handing Octavia the clipboard and ink pen.

  “Thank you very much,” Octavia said. “I’ll see you Friday, 2 p.m.”

  Jackson shook her hand and smiled before leaving her office. Octavia waited ten minutes, giving Mr. Meadows a lead before making her way out. When she cut the corner to pass the waiting area and found another gentleman waiting, Octavia almost lost her mind.

  “Hello, are you waiting for someone?” Octavia asked.

  The black hair, green eyed senior glanced at her. “Oh yes, you’re Octavia, right?”

  Octavia nodded slowly. “I am.”

  “We have an appointment in thirty minutes, but if you’re free now, we could go ahead and get this out of the way.” The man smiled. “Then maybe you could leave early, eh?”

  Octavia stared at the man and silently stewed where she stood. Today was going to be longer than she imagined.

  Octavia had plans to be home much earlier, but the interruptions at work caused her to run late getting to the grocery store. Octavia rushed through her door with bags hanging from her wrists. Jonathon would be there at any moment, and she hadn’t even started dinner. Octavia slammed the door as she rushed inside. Her lunch had been all but ruined, and she’d found herself working straight through it. Scrambling now, Octavia sprinted to the kitchen and reached for the cabinet, pulling out a skillet, a baking sheet, and a mixing bowl. Quickly, she grabbed butter from the refrigerator along with lettuce, tomato, and shredded cheese. Her cell phone dinged just as she ran past her purse. Stopping briefly, Octavia dug for the smartphone and opened a text message from Jonathon.

  The bustling smile that formed on her lips didn’t go noticed by her.

  I’ll be there in thirty minutes. Don’t cook before I get there.

  Quickly a frown ushered to her lips.

  Okay, and why not? Don’t you want dinner ready when you arrive?

  Octavia pulled her bottom lip in with her teeth and glanced to the items she’d removed from the refrigerator.

  No. I want to watch you while you cook.

  A ripple of warmth sailed through Octavia. Why did his suggestion seem intimate to her?

  Are you sure? The game will be on, and I’ll spend about an hour cooking through it.

  It was true. Monday night football would be underway in thirty minutes. The Kansas City Chiefs were playing the Chicago Bears, and although Octavia was more of a Dallas Cowboy fan, tonight she would be rooting for the Bears.

  I’m sure, he replied, also sending a winking emoji.

  “Have it your way,” Octavia said to herself as she grabbed a shopping bag and abandoned her kitchen for her bedroom.

  Inside, she swiftly removed the Chicago Bears jersey dress with the number thirty-two plastered across the back from the bag then tersely removed her clothes. Running a quick shower, Octavia jumped in and danced around, lathering herself with the mango body wash for ten minutes before shutting off the water and wrapping herself in a terrycloth towel. Standing before the sink, Octavia added soft foundation to her face and applied some edge control to her hair. With a brush that held bristles stiff enough to pull her scalp off, Octavia combed her hair into a ponytail. She’d opted to let her curly afro hang out with the hair on her scalp thinly slicked back to precision.

  It gave her a sexy proud black woman look that she loved, and the smile on her face was approving. Instead of lipstick, Octavia went with the simple addition of gloss then rubbed her full lips together for a flawless shine. A moment passed as she stared at herself in the mirror, wondering for the first time why she was going through the process of prepping so eloquently for Jonathon’s arrival.

  It wasn’t a question Octavia needed to answer since she knew that for the last year their relationship had grown, she was in love with him. Octavia blew out a breath and hung her head.

  “What the hell are you going to do about it?” she questioned herself. When the doorbell rang, her eyes widened. Jonathon wasn’t supposed to be there for at least another ten minutes, and Octavia hadn’t had the chance to apply the shea butter to her legs yet. That’s what you get for daydreaming, she thought.

  Octavia applied a quick roll of deodorant, then slipped the jersey dress over her head and checked her edges one last time before scurrying to the door.

  Chapter Eleven

  When her feet left the carpet of her bedroom and padded across the hard
wood floors of her living room, Octavia realized instantly that she needed to turn on some heat. The days were getting colder, and it was time she conceded to the frigid weather.

  Octavia opened the door without checking the peephole and immediately turning on the heat was forgotten. Arching her neck up to take in the fullness of him, Octavia shivered as Jonathon’s thick brows and black lashes accessed her in the jersey dress. A resplendent smile tread across his divine lips, and the beard that hung from his jaw was nicely groomed as usual.

  “Good evening,” he said, still sweeping his eyes over her.

  “Hey,” Octavia responded, inwardly coaching her body not to squirm under his powerful stare.

  “May I come in?”

  Flustered, Octavia stepped back. “Of course.”

  Jonathon’s tall frame stepped inside wearing a gray trench coat that stretched the length of him to his knees. A thick scarf was draped around his broad shoulders, and Octavia fought hard to tear her eyes away from him long enough to close the door. A draft of cool wind cruised inside, and she trembled. Jonathon turned and reached for the knob, shutting the wooden door with a soft click. Again, his dark brown eyes settled on her curvy hips, small waistline and bare feet. Octavia thought she saw his eyes dilate and his nostrils flare a bit, but she couldn’t be sure if that were the case or if she were seeing things.

  Leaning into him, Octavia unbuttoned Jonathon’s coat and slid her arms inside, nestling in the warmth of his solid body. Jonathon responded, draping his arms around her shoulders and pulling her as close as she could possibly get. Octavia reveled in his fragrance and had to catch herself from turning up her lips to place a kiss on his chin.

  “Come,” she said.

  Octavia pulled back, coasting her hands up his powerful arms to remove his jacket. The thick fabric slipped off his shoulders with a heavy thud. Octavia tossed the wool fleece over her arm and walked toward the kitchen with a sway in her hips. Thoughts of his eyes burning into the back of her dress heated her core. Treading over to a rack standing in the corner of the hallway, Octavia hung the coat and turned back to find Jonathon standing so close she bumped into him.

  A silly laugh voyaged from her lips, and her hands slid up his chest. “I meant for you to wait for me in the kitchen.”

  Jonathon let out a slow breath, and the tingle of a cocoa scent tickled Octavia’s nose. “You told me to come, so I followed you. I figured we were having dinner in the bedroom.”

  Octavia’s pulse quickened, and her nipples were agonizingly hard all of a sudden. She pursed her lips together, unable to respond to his statement. Instead of trying to formulate articulate words, Octavia took a step back and grabbed his hands, threading their fingers. She pulled him along, down the hallway and into the kitchen. Octavia hadn’t missed the sexual implication in his words, but she had to wonder again, if he would be down for such an encounter, with no strings attached. Is that really what you want, Octavia? It wasn’t, but Octavia wasn’t brave enough at the moment to confess it. Maybe if Jonathon had caught her a night or two ago, things between them would be blissfully different.

  “Have a seat,” Octavia said, coaching Jonathon into one of the stools that sat in front of her island.

  She sashayed over to the counter and retrieved a remote control to power on the plasma TV that sat against the wall in her kitchen. Flipping through the stations for ESPN, Octavia’s mind whirled. What would it hurt for her to just tell him right out how she felt? If he didn’t think it was a good idea to entertain a relationship with her at least, she could put her mixed feelings behind her. But you know better. If Jonathon’s actions of late were any indication that he wanted to be more than friends, then Octavia surmised that he indeed thought it was a good idea.

  “This fits you with immaculate perfection.”

  Octavia closed her eyes slowly and let out a breath when his arms found their way around her waist. Jonathon had moved from his seat to the spot she stood without a second thought. He nudged his nose against the curve of her neck and brushed his lips against her shoulder. Octavia shivered and turned her head to peer at him.

  “Thank you,” she said. “I was hoping you might like it.”

  “Were you?”

  “Yes. I know how much you love Deiondre’ Hall.”

  “Nah, I don’t love him. But he is a damn good player.”

  Octavia smirked. “Okay, you don’t love him, but you have a man crush on him.”

  Jonathon pinched the side of her stomach and Octavia yelped, moving to get out of his grasp. He held on while she laughed and wriggled her way across the room, dropping the remote on the counter.

  Swiftly pivoting on her heels, Octavia held out a finger at him. “If you keep that up, I won’t be able to make your dinner,” she warned.

  Jonathon rolled up the sleeves on his crewneck dark gray shirt. It snuggled along his biceps, broad shoulders and muscled chest with just a small air of space between his tight physique. The straight-cut blue denim jeans were ripped at the knees tapering down to his ankles. The fresh gray Reebok Classics were his signature shoe anytime he dressed down. He made the look so effortlessly sexy without even trying. Getting the full review of him made Octavia’s mouth dry. Her perusal was blatant, and she’d noticed almost too late that she’d been staring.

  As if she never paused, Octavia glided to the sink and rinsed her hands before moving to the stove where the steak she’d planned to cook sat unobstructed.

  “I don’t crush on men, woman,” Jonathon said, saddling up to her. His nearness ruffled Octavia. Again, he was towering over her, making her heart beat rapid in her chest.

  “Oh, that’s right,” she said as she sprinkled seasoning onto the T-bone. “There was a woman who answered your phone the other day, so maybe you’re crushing on her.”

  Octavia could’ve stopped herself, but she’d been dying to ask the question. It was bound to come out. Jonathon’s hand rested against her shoulder as he turned Octavia to face him. Cautiously, Octavia looked up.

  “There’s only one woman I’m crushing on,” Jonathon’s dark voice thumped. “And she’s either too blind to notice, or her feelings aren’t mutual, which would be a shame.”

  They stared at one another, both of them on the edge of collapse.

  “But you wouldn’t care about that sort of thing, would you?” he added.

  Octavia wasn’t breathing. It was when her lungs began to scream that she realized it. She pushed out a breath.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I care about everything you care about.”

  Jonathon raised a thick brow. “Are you sure about that?”


  Jonathon stepped closer, removing the space that stood between them.

  “What do you suggest I do about this crush I have?”

  Octavia’s body trembled slightly. Why was she so nervous? “Why haven’t you told her?” she said, turning back to the stove.

  “In so many ways, I’ve shown her. And they say actions are far better than words.”

  Octavia nodded. “Well, maybe she needs the words to solidify your efforts. Maybe she has a crush on you, too, but something’s keeping her from revealing that to you.” She shrugged. “You never know what could be going through her mind, and if you haven’t told her how you feel, then she’ll never know.”

  The air around them thickened, and the game returned from its commercial break.

  “Your Bears are already getting whooped. Do you think they can come back to win the game?” she asked, shifting the topic.

  “Nah, you don’t get to change the subject on me like that.”

  Promptly, Jonathon spun her back around, locking Octavia between him and the stove that she’d yet to turn on. Octavia’s breath quickened as she stared into the depths of his dark eyes.

  “Octavia…” he started, “I’ve had a crush on you since the moment we met,” his eyes fell to her lips then back to her eyes, “and I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”

Octavia’s eyes stretched, and the erratic thump of her heart coupled with the longing she had for Jonathon made her body quiver. Jonathon dipped down, coming face to face with her. His warm breath tickled her lips, sending a spark of currents washing over her. Jonathon moved in, claiming her mouth, slipping his wet tongue inside with the urgency of a hungry lover. She responded just as feverishly, wanting, needing, craving him just as much. Her arms drifted up his chest to lay on his shoulders and wrap around his neck. They devoured each other with their tongues dancing and savoring the tastes of one another. The muscle in Jonathon’s pants grew terribly stiff as his strong arms lifted Octavia by her thighs and carried her to the kitchen island. She clung to him, and he sat her down gently as they continued their passionate joining with lips mingling and sending a cascade of shivers shooting over them both. It took all the strength inside Jonathon to pull away from her glorious mouth.

  With their breathing labored, they rested their foreheads together with eyes closed. “I need to know,” Jonathon said, opening his to peer at her. “Where do I stand in your life, O?”

  Octavia’s heart thundered, and a rush of warmth fell over her. Octavia opened her eyes. “Jonathon… I…” Her heart knocked as Jonathon gazed on, teetering on the edge of insanity. Octavia closed her mouth and tried to calm herself.

  “What’s holding you back? I don’t think of myself as arrogant, but with the way you just responded to my kiss, would I be wrong to think you felt the same?” He needed her to reciprocate his yearning like it was the very thing that kept him stable.

  Octavia couldn’t find her words. The disturbance in her soul was frightening in the most blissful way. “I want… to make love with you,” she finished.

  Jonathon’s blood further warmed, and the movement in his pants was painfully pressed. He waited for her to say more, but when she didn’t, he gradually rose to a complete stand. “Is that all?”


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