A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5) Page 10

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  Jonathon closed his eyes and kissed her face as he too sailed back into a dreamless state. When they woke, it was long enough to shower and eat, only to end up back between the sheets. Their passionate mating was on overdrive as they rocked each other and kept a steady pace. As if neither of them had been intimate in years, they treasured each other, cast in a sheen of light perspiration. Their sessions had gone on throughout the day and into the late-night hour, neither of them wanting to leave the other for longer than a trip to the bathroom or kitchen.

  Early the next morning it was the rays of sunlight that woke Octavia. She rose and quickly sat up, covering her mouth to a pleasant surprise. Her bedroom, dresser, and floors were covered with bouquets of long-stemmed red roses. The volume of the fresh flowers that surrounded her was astonishing, and the fragrance that wafted from them attacked her senses. Choked up with emotion, Octavia’s eyes misted over with tears. She slid to the edge of the bed and carefully stepped out, moving through the sea of roses in awe. When she made it to her bathroom, Octavia opened the door and peeked in.

  “Jonathon?” she called, but she was met with silence. Closing the door, Octavia coasted once more through the flowers and fell upon a tall stalk of roses in the center. Reaching over, she plucked a note from it and turned it around to read.

  Good morning, my love. Pack a small bag. I’ll be back to pick you up at noon. The weather is warm where we’re going, so pack accordingly. Don’t ask me where, just be ready. I promise to take care of you. - Jonathon

  Octavia’s heart swelled, and she glanced up at the clock on the wall. She had two hours to get ready for wherever Jonathon was taking her. Excited and nervous, Octavia tramp through the roses but before making it to her closet, she dropped slowly to the floor and stuffed her nose in the blooming beauties. It wasn’t like she needed to. The roses held a potency that was thick enough to roam down the hall. But Octavia couldn’t help but stick her nose in the flowers, and it made her dizzy with emotion to receive them.

  Rising back to her feet, Octavia lifted a rose, taking it with her as she sauntered to the closet. Inside she twirled slowly, wrapped in a jubilation of love. All of the questions Octavia wondered had been answered. Jonathon was such a sweetheart and a painstakingly passionate lover. Thinking she could have a sexual relationship with him with no strings attached was ridiculous. She didn’t know it until now. They meshed together so well it was almost unrealistic. Could a couple really start off as friends, become lovers, and live happily ever after? The latter had yet to be determined. Sure, it had happened to her friends. But everyone’s stars aligned differently, and it didn’t mean it would happen to her.

  However, after the night before, Octavia felt it was possible; the only thing that gave her pause was the lingering past that she couldn’t seem to let go of. Octavia shuffled through the racks of dresses, pants, and blouses. Jonathon said the weather was warm where they were going. That could be California or possibly Florida, and the thought of the sunshine state brought a pleasant smile to Octavia’s face. She pulled out a stylish black and beige top bikini. Octavia had purchased it during the summer along with her black off the shoulder one-piece bathing suit but didn’t get a chance to wear either of them.

  Octavia decided to take them both. If she had the next day and a half off, then having the swimwear might be a good idea. Octavia tucked the garment under her arm and searched for a few pairs of short shorts and a few thin halter tops. She roamed the shelves and grabbed her black and beige spike heels grinning naughtily. It was refreshing to show her love for Jonathon openly. Even though she had yet to tell him so. Octavia paused and wondered how he would respond if she said I love you. She was content in knowing he would certainly be pleased but would he reciprocate? Octavia shook off her thoughts and grabbed a few other items before leaving the closet.

  She waved through the flowers, allowing her arms to hang down and caress the tips of their pedals as she passed. The soft roses tickled her fingers, and Octavia blushed as she pushed open her bathroom door. In the shower, her mind combed over the last two nights with him. The Monday night football game had been missed, and Octavia had to discard the T-bone steak that had been left out on the counter. She laughed thinking about it as she turned under the shower’s spray. Lathering herself with her favorite mango body wash, Octavia closed her eyes and imagined Jonathon inside with her. Her hands sailed over her breasts as she rubbed the suds into her dark nipples, turning them hard as pebbles.

  “Oh…” Her mouth parted, and her head fell back slightly as she waved the pad of her finger in circles. “Jonathon…” she crooned. Jonathon had done a number on her. Octavia’s body had never been cherished with the type of reverence Jonathon gave. It was surreal how her nerves reacted from a mere touch from him. Their chemistry had been potent before. But now, after connecting with Jonathon physically, there was a constant buzz that fell over her when in and out of his presence. Octavia knew she didn’t have much time to prepare, but it didn’t stop her from stretching her hands down her bare belly to fondle her clitoris.

  “Ooh…” she moaned, limberly leaning back until her shoulders bumped the wall. Octavia couldn’t stop. She was in the depths of a trance with Jonathon’s face, broad shoulders, and solid frame being the only things she saw. Octavia dipped her hand between her flower and let out a purr. Her teeth bit down on her lips, and she rushed for a release, fingering her clit as she imagined his tongue doing, over and over.


  Octavia came with a shout, and a gush of warm crème slid down her thighs. Breathing heavily, Octavia’s eyes fluttered as the warm shower water rained down her belly.

  “Jesus,” she said.

  Taking the soapy sponge, Octavia washed all over again before finally pulling herself from the steamy bath. Finding a seat on the bench in her bathroom, Octavia dried her legs, making sure to apply her shea butter. Since the weather would be warm, Octavia made sure to add more edge control to her hair before packing it also in her small carry-on bag. She teased her hair then pulled it to the top of her head in a tight ponytail and braided her hanging tresses before wrapping the long locks in a sealed bun.

  The simple look was cute and worked well with the shape of her head. Adding diamond studs to her ears, and light foundation, Octavia finished off her look with skinny jeans and ankle-cut boots that gave her a three-inch lead on her height. Currently, it was cold outside, so Octavia would dress for the warm weather when they arrived at their destination. She was filled with glee and finished up just in time when the doorbell rang.

  Chapter Thirteen

  When Octavia opened the front door, Jonathon stood in black jeans that complemented his muscled thighs, a thick blue sweater that sat comfortably on his broad shoulders. In his hand, he held a single long-stemmed red rose to his lips and a growing smile spread across the excellent structure of his face.

  Octavia couldn’t help but smile in return.

  “Hello,” his deep voice beat.

  “Hey,” Octavia responded.

  “Are you ready, my love?”

  Octavia’s smile extended. “I am,” she said, dizzy with his endearment. Octavia crossed the threshold, pulling her mini rollaway suitcase with her. Jonathon’s hand covered hers as he relieved her of the luggage, wheeling it to the side and pulling Octavia in for a warm hug. Octavia sank into his warm fragrance; spicy and pumpkin scents were daring. Her arms wrapped around his waist, and they held there holding each other with a soft sway.

  “You smell so good,” Octavia said.

  “As do you,” Jonathon responded.

  “If I had of known you were so comfortable to be under all this time, I would’ve cuddled into you a long time ago,” she added.

  Jonathon peered back to look in Octavia’s face. “I was always willing to show you, but you seemed to prefer being friends.” He watched her for another second. “You want to tell me what that was all about?”

  Octavia averted her gaze.

  “Look at
me,” Jonathon requested. Octavia met his probing stare. “I would never do anything to hurt you. You don’t have to withdraw from me. Everyone needs someone. Whatever you’re dealing with, we can tackle together. I don’t know if you noticed, but I’m a pretty strong guy.” He smirked and Octavia laughed.

  “If it were a physical strength I needed, you would be the first I asked,” she said.

  Jonathon’s gaze clouded over. “Have you had any more dreams?” His somber tone was expression enough of his worry.

  “Not since you’ve been here.” Octavia’s face fell, and Jonathon pressed his lips against her forehead. “I don’t know what that means,” she continued.

  Jonathon pulled back to stare at her. “Means I’m never leaving.”

  Octavia’s heart swelled and her body heated. She leaned on the tips of her toes and kissed his soft warm lips.

  “Grrrrr…” he growled and quickly Octavia’s lips spread into a smile. Jonathon ran his mouth down her face and neck.

  Octavia was nuzzled in his love, and she could stay right here for all time. “Let’s get going,” Jonathon said, gathering her to stand at his side. He reached for the door and closed it then turned the key and handed them back to Octavia. In a calm bliss, Jonathon and Octavia were chauffeured to the airport in the back seat of his Rolls Royce.

  When the vehicle took a left turn and pulled into a hangar, Octavia turned her face and joked, “Pulling out all the stops, aren’t ya?”

  Jonathon moved in and kissed her lips. “Only for special occasions,” he said.

  Octavia blushed and turned back to snuggle closer to him. Her fingers trailed up and down his arm as it lay surly over her shoulder. It had only taken fifteen minutes to park, board, and be comfortably in mid-flight.

  “You still haven’t told me where we’re going,” Octavia said. She thought for sure once they made it to the airport she would find out their destination. But taking the private jet allowed Jonathon to keep her in suspense. Sitting on an all-white clean lined sofa, Jonathon reach for Octavia’s hand.

  “Must you know? I would like to keep it a surprise.”

  “Aww.” Octavia pouted.

  Jonathon smiled and wrapped her up, placing soft kisses against her neck. His nearness always made Octavia warm like the thick heat from a fireplace.

  “I want you to trust me,” Jonathon said.

  Octavia turned her face up to meet his. “Why do think I don’t trust you, Jonathon? You’ve said that more than once. What gives?”

  Jonathon accessed her. “You didn’t tell me about your dreams, and I have the feeling you kept it to yourself because you didn’t want me to find out. Don’t hold out on me, baby.” He kissed her forehead. “You can tell me anything.”

  Octavia’s heart ached. She’d mistakenly made Jonathon feel like he wasn’t important enough to reveal her darkest moments. And that wasn’t the case at all.

  “I’m sorry. I…” Octavia let out a breath. “Jonathon, you are the only one who knows about my parents. Everyone else just knows that they died when I was young. I’ve dealt with this over the last fourteen years on my own, and I’ve figured out a way to make it through this season unscathed.” Octavia shrugged. “Maybe not without a few bumps and bruises, but you have to understand. Although it feels like we’ve known each other forever, our friendship is fairly new, so it’s not easy even now for me to let someone in when it deals with my parents.”

  “I understand. But I’m not someone, Octavia. I hate that you didn’t think to come to me when you started having the dreams, but I understand. Will you come to me from here on out?”

  Octavia stared at him. When her nightmares kicked in, sometimes they were gruesome. Each one gave her a viewing from a different angle, and instead of being able to contain them like she’d done in the past, they seem to go on until she woke or her thoughts shifted to Jonathon. He would probably think she was mad if he witnessed one of her episodes.

  “What do you want to know?”


  Octavia rested her head on his shoulders and closed her eyes, taking in a deep breath. Hopefully things would stay as they were and the dreams wouldn’t resurface. It would be too much like right, Octavia thought, but hey, here’s to hoping.

  What was supposed to be an eight-hour flight turned into six. Octavia and Jonathon had watched a marathon of The Jeffersons, laughing and impersonating some of the TV show’s most famous scenes. When they arrived at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport, Octavia brightened.

  “We’re in Hawaii?” she asked, excited.

  “We are,” Jonathon said, claiming her hand and exiting the aircraft. They were met with sunny skies and mild temperatures.

  “It never goes under eighty degrees here,” Jonathon offered.

  “It must be amazing to deal with summertime all year long,” Octavia said.

  “Ah, but they have storm season, and it can get pretty bad at times.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s one reason I marked Florida off my list as one of the places I would live.” She chuckled.

  They climbed into the backseat of a limo and was chauffeured to the Hilton Hotel. When they entered the suite, Octavia turned to him. “What, no adjoining rooms?” she asked.

  Jonathon leaned a shoulder against the wall. “If it would make you more comfortable, I can get adjoining rooms.”

  Octavia was warmed under the thrum of his easy grooving voice.

  “I just figured,” he continued, “since we are together that we would stay with one another.”

  Octavia folded her arms and leaned into a hip. She held Jonathon with a serious scowl before turning her lips up into a smile. She released a simple chuckle followed by full out laughter. “I’m just messing with you. I wouldn’t want to be without you for a second.” She sauntered up to him, and he swept her up in his arms.

  “Why must you continue to play with me, woman?” he asked.

  Octavia shrugged. “It’s becoming one of my favorite things to do, and you fall for it so easily.”

  Jonathon growled some more and nudged her nose with his. “Are you calling me easy?”

  Octavia giggled and draped her arms across his shoulders. “You make it sound so nasty.”

  “Un huh.” He kissed her lips. “Are you up for a challenge today?”

  Octavia peered at him. “What type of challenge?”

  “Shark diving?”

  Octavia gasped. “As in get in the water with sharks?” She shook her head. “I don’t think so, and frankly I’m shocked that you would, sir.”

  Jonathon laughed. “It’s not as bad as you think.”

  “I couldn’t possibly consider a scenario where diving with human-eating animals is a good thing. I’m trying, too, but it’s not coming to me.”

  Jonathon laughed again. “I assure you, it’s not what you think. Go with the flow, my love, I promise it will be the experience of a lifetime.”

  Jonathon was right. They left North Shore on a power boat with Octavia in her one piece off the shoulder swimsuit and Jonathon in shorts with a thin T-shirt tossed over his brawny shoulder showing ripped abs and a mountain of muscle. As they sailed, Octavia, Jonathon and their captain watched on as gray fins floated to the top of the water and Dolphins flipped before diving back in. The sea creatures fascinated Octavia, and she stared on, hoping for another show from them. They’d sailed two miles on the sapphire blue waters when they arrived at their destination.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” Octavia chanted. She reached out for Jonathon’s hand, and he pulled her trembling body to him.

  “If you don’t want to, say the word, and we’ll leave,” he said.

  Octavia took quick breaths. “I’m good,” she said. “As long as I’m with you.”

  Jonathon’s heart tugged against his chest. Octavia had no idea how her words affected him, and he could only hope she meant every one of them.

  “I got you, baby. On my life, I would never let anything happen to you.” />
  And she believed him. Her shivers toned down as she melted against his skin. The cool waters were not frosty enough to pull the heat that surrounded them. Octavia glanced to their guides.

  “We’re ready,” she said.

  Octavia adjusted her snorkel and the mask across her face, and all at once she and Jonathon were dropped down into the sea secured by a large gray cage. They dived, holding hands as they swam to the bottom of the cage. The light on the mask gave off a shadowy glow, and for a second she could only see deep blue waters. Octavia turned to glance at Jonathon, and he smiled and winked at her.

  When she turned back a huge gray shark passed by, and her eyes widened. She gripped Jonathon’s hands tighter and he squeezed back, reassuring Octavia that she was okay. Another shark passed by, but it circled the cage, interested in what was inside. Octavia’s heart thumped and for some strange reason she waited for the music from the movie Jaws to begin playing. When the shark bumped the cage, Octavia shot up to the surface and removed her snorkel.

  Following her, Jonathon also pulled off his snorkel.

  “You’re okay,” he said, pulling her over to him.

  Octavia’s heart rocked. “That was a little freaky,” she said.

  “But not so bad, right?”

  “They just seem curious, some are minding their own business.”

  “Mmhmm,” he said. “Are you done?”

  “Would you be upset if I were?”

  Jonathon grinned. “No, my plans were to take you deep sea diving after this.”

  Octavia gasped again. “In these waters?” she yelled. “For heaven’s sake are you trying to give me a heart attack?” She was aghast with the most stricken look on her face.

  Jonathon doubled over in laughter. “I’m yanking your chain, my love,” he said.

  Octavia swatted him. “That is not funny,” she exclaimed.


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