Mounds, Maria
Mount Royal, Montreal
Mount St. Vincent, Manhattan
Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, California
Muir, John
Mule (Mr. Brown, used by FLO and John Hull Olmsted)
Museum of Natural History, New York
My Diary North and South (Russell)
Nader, Ralph
early efforts to start a national weekly publication
founding by abolitionists
FLO’s involvement
ad for Olmsted, Vaux & Company
National American Democratic Republican Party
youthful appreciation by FLO
FLO relies on artificial means to create natural-looking parks
as architect Vaux’s credo
eases melancholy
appreciation by Hudson River School painters
Neu Braunfels, Texas
Nevins, Allan
New England Emigrant Aid Company
New York Daily Times/New York Times newspaper
background on paper and FLO being hired
FLO’s “The South” column
FLO’s Texas dispatches
on Central Park
exposes Tweed Ring
Niagara Falls
degradation of this landmark
FLO’s early preservation efforts
FLO–Vaux partnership on preservation project
Niblo’s Garden, New York
Nicolay, John
Norman, Henry
North America (Trollope)
North American Sylva (Nuttall)
Norton, Charles Eliot
friendship with FLO
Niagara Falls preservation efforts
on Southern trilogy
Nuttall, Thomas
Ocean Queen hospital steamship
Olmsted, Aaron (great-uncle)
Olmsted, Albert (half-brother)
Olmsted, Benjamin (grandfather)
Olmsted, Bertha (half-sister)
Olmsted, Charlotte (mother)
Olmsted, Charlotte (stepdaughter)
adopted by FLO
marries, has children
mental illness
Olmsted, Content Pitkin (grandmother)
Olmsted, Denison
Olmsted, Francis (cousin)
Olmsted, Frederick Law
childhood, early education, vocational apprenticeships
as sailor
at Yale
as farmer
romantic life as a young man
as reporter, writer, publisher
as head of USSC, Civil War medical relief outfit
in California
as landscape architect. See Landscape architecture for detailed subject breakdown and list of some of FLO’s major projects
as early environmentalist. See Environmentalist
as futurist
as social reformer. See Social reform and social vision
marriage and family life
religion, experience and views
social life
health problems, physical and mental
legacy of
Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr. “Rick” (son)
rechristened from Henry Perkins Olmsted
as FLO’s chosen successor
apprenticeship on World’s Fair project
apprenticeship at the Biltmore Estate
and FLO’s failing memory, death
as partner in Olmsted Brothers
Olmsted, Gideon (great-uncle)
Olmsted, Henry Perkins (son). See Olmsted, Frederick Law, Jr. “Rick”
Olmsted, James (ancestor)
Olmsted, John Charles (stepson)
character and personality traits
as FLO’s employee,
tension with FLO, his stepfather and boss
attends to dying brother Owen
and FLO’s failing memory
partnership with Rick
Olmsted, John (father)
background, character
charitable donations
letters from FLO
money, property, given to FLO
Olmsted, John Hull (brother) childhood
at Yale
medical training
observations about his brother, FLO
walking tour of England with FLO
courtship and marriage to Mary Perkins
Texas trip with FLO
A Journey Through Texas
special relationship with FLO
tuberculosis and death
Olmsted, John Theodore (son)
Olmsted, Maria (aunt)
Olmsted, Marion (daughter)
character and personality traits
unacknowledged artistic talent
and FLO’s failing health and memory
Olmsted, Mary Ann née Mary Ann Bull (stepmother)
marriage to FLO’s father and family life
on FLO living at home
puritanical streak, participation in religious revivals
contests husband John’s will
Olmsted, Mary (half-sister)
Olmsted, Mary Perkins (sister-in-law and wife)
courtship and marriage to John Hull Olmsted
children with John Hull Olmsted
death of John Hull Olmsted
as widow, marries FLO
married life with FLO
children with FLO
deaths of children
daughter Charlotte’s mental illness
and FLO’s failing health, memory
Olmsted, Olmsted & Eliot Company
Olmsted, Owen (stepson)
adopted by FLO
resemblance to father John Hull Olmsted
ranches in Montana
death from tuberculosis
Olmsted Brothers
Olney, Jesse
Opdyke, George
as Mariposa mines financial backer
loses libel suit against Thurlow Weed
Opium wars
Origin of Species (Darwin)
Orwell, George
Panama route for Atlantic–Pacific travel
Panic of 1857,
Paris Exposition Universelle of 1889,
Parish, Daniel
Park making. See Landscape architecture
for detailed subject breakdown and a list of some of FLO’s major projects
Park systems
Boston park system (Emerald Necklace)
Buffalo park system, New York
Chicago park system
Parker, John
Parker, Theodore
Parker, Willard
early proposal for metro New York City
in Buffalo
in Boston
as concept and term
Parley, Peter (Samuel Goodrich)
Parsons, Samuel
Pavilion, Central Park
Paxton, Joseph
Peabody, Robert
Pemberton, John
Perkins, Cyrus
Perkins, Emily
Perkins, Mary. See Olmsted, Mary Perkins
Philadelphia World’s Fair of 1876,
Phoenix Park, Dublin
Pickett, George
Pilat, Ignaz
Pinchot, Gifford
Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Planned communities, designed by FLO
designed by Rick
See also Suburban communities
Poe, Edgar Allan
Policing parks
Pope, Alexander
Poppey, Frederick
Post, George
Practical Landscape Gardening (Kern)
Preservation. See Environmentalism, Forest management
Price, Uvedale
Principals of Political Economy (Mill)
Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Vaux pursues and wins preliminary design project
Olmsted and Vaux design park
Endale Arch
The Long Meadow
sunken pathways
and parkway concept
Croquet mania
special unity of design
Proto-environmentalism. See Environmentalism
Publishing (FLO’s work as an editor as opposed to as a writer). See Nation and Putnam’s Monthly Magazine
Punch magazine
Putnam, George
Putnam’s Monthly Magazine
FLO publishes short story “Gold Under Guilt,”
magazine’s history
FLO’s tenure as owner and editor
nativist approach, publishing American authors
magazine’s financial troubles and collapse
Radford, George
The Ramble in Central Park
Raymond, Henry
Raymond, Israel
Rayner, Henry
Red Cross (Olmsted’s USSC as forerunner)
Reformer, FLO as. See Social reform and social vision
Regent’s Park, London
Reid, Whitelaw
Religious beliefs/religious education
FLO’s schooling
FLO, views and experiences
FLO as agnostic
of Olmsted family, stepmother Mary Ann
Remarks on Forest Scenery (Gilpin)
Report on the Demoralization of the Volunteers (USSC)
Repton, Humphrey
Republican Party
Retreat for the Insane, Hartford, Connecticut. See also mental institutions
Richardson, Henry Hobson
architectural style
Buffalo asylum architecture
in collaboration with FLO
as FLO’s friend
on Niagara Falls preservation
Richmond, Virginia
Richmond County Agricultural Society
Riverside Improvement Company (RIC)
Riverside, Illinois (model suburb)
Roads in parks and other landscape architecture projects
in Back Bay Fens
for Biltmore Estate
proposed to connect New York City green spaces
macadamization in Riverside
at Niagara Falls
parkways in Buffalo design
plank roads
proposed for Montreal park design
separation of ways for park traffic
sunken transverse roads in Central Park
Robinson Crusoe (Defoe)
Rochester, New York
Rockwell, Naomi
Ronaldson ship
Roosevelt, Theodore
Root, John
Ruskin, John
Russell, Howard
Sachem’s Head Farm, Connecticut
FLO’s time as
Sampson Low, Son & Company
San Antonio Zeitung newspaper
San Francisco park, FLO’s rejected design. See also Golden Gate Park
Sargent, Charles Sprague
Sargent, John Singer
Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von
Schlesinger, Arthur
Scott, William B.
Sea Islands, Port Royal Sound, South Carolina
Second Great Awakening religious revival
Seneca Village black community, Manhattan
Senile dementia or perhaps Alzheimer’s FLO suffers from
Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy (Sterne)
Separation of ways as design concept
SFRC. See Southern Famine Relief Commission
Sheep Meadow (Central Park)
Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge
Sherman, Roger
Sherman, Thomas
Sherman, William
Short Sermons to News Boys (Brace)
Shurcliff, Arthur
Silliman, Benjamin
abolitionist position vs. gradualism
FLO affected by Uncle Tom’s Cabin
Emancipation Proclamation issued
as flawed economic/cultural system in FLO’s view
plantation life as witnessed by FLO
punishment of slave witnessed by FLO
anti-slavery attitudes of German settlers in Texas
See also Abolitionist; The Cotton Kingdom
Sleep and Its Derangements (Hammond)
Social reform and social vision
FLO’s youthful development as a reformer and early calls for reform
in landscape designs
for the mentally ill,
USSC battlefield-relief in Civil War
attempted in Bear Valley, California
SFRC aid to stricken post-war South
progressive view of alcoholism
FLO’s legacy
Solitude (Zimmermann)
“The South” column (F. L. Olmsted)
Southern Famine Relief Commission (SFRC)
Southern travels, antebellum by FLO
Southern trilogy (F. L. Olmsted)
Spaulding hospital/military transport ship
The Spoils of the Park pamphlet (F. L. Olmsted)
St. Botolph Club, Boston
St. John’s Park, Manhattan
Stanford, Leland
Stanford, Leland, Jr.
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
Stanton, Edwin
Staten Island farm. See Tosomock Farm, Staten Island
Statue of the Republic (French)
Statues and stone carvings
in Central Park
at Chicago World’s Fair
of Lincoln in Prospect Park
Stearns, George
Stebbins, Henry
Stern, Robert A. M.
Sterne, Laurence
Stevens, Sophia
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Stranahan, James
Strong, George Templeton
Suburban communities
Llewellyn Park, West Orange, New Jersey
designed by Rick
See also Planned Communities (designed by FLO)
Sullivan, Louis
Sunken transverses (Central Park)
Surveyor apprenticeship
Sweeny, Peter “Sly,” “Spider,”
Tammany-controlled Central Park board
damages park
ousts FLO
Taylor, Bayard
Tebbel, John
Texas travels of Olmsted brothers
encounters with German farmers and’48ers
book collaboration between brothers
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thompson, Hunter S.
Thoreau, Henry David
Tosomock Farm, Staten Island
Trask, Charley
Trees and other foliage
for Capitol grounds design
in Central Park
for Chicago World’s Fair
cypress in Mountain View cemetery
for Hartford Retreat design
for Montreal design
for Biltmore Estate approach road
need for ones suited to Mediterranean climate for Stanford University
in Panama
plant succession technique
for salt marsh of Back Bay Fens
sequoias in California
tree-moving machine invented
See also Arboretums; Forest management
Trees and Shrubs for English
Plantations (Mongredien)
The Trent Affair
Trinity Church, Boston
Trinity Church, New York
Trollope, Anthony
Trotter, Laura
Tull, Jethro
Tweed, William Marcy “Boss,”
Tweed Ring
The Two Paths (Ruskin)
Two Years Before the Mast (Dana)
Typhoid fever
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
“Unconscious influence” of the environment
United States Sanitary Commission (USSC)
founding and background
and Bull Run
aid provided at Antietam
aid provided at Gettysburg
hospital ships
localism problems
medical reform efforts
wartime medical treatments described
FLO’s resignation
record of battlefield relief, post-war activity
See also Civil War battles
Urban planning. See also Planned communities
U.S. Capitol building and landscaping
FLO’s design
L’Enfant’s 18th century plan
U.S. Congress
U.S. Forest Service
USSC. See United States Sanitary Commission
Valley of the Shadow of Death photo (Fenton)
Valley of Yosemite painting (Bierstadt)
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, George Washington
Vanderbilt, William
Vanderbilt family mausoleum
Vaux, Bowyer
Vaux, Calvert
as architect working with Downing
first meeting with FLO
Central Park collaboration with FLO
feels slighted over credit given to FLO
marriage and family life
Metropolitan Museum, Museum of Natural History
Prospect Park collaboration with FLO
Niagara collaboration with FLO
partnership with FLO dissolved
professional setbacks
Vaux, Downing
Vaux, Julia
Vaux, Mary née Mary Swan McEntee
Vauxhall Gardens
The Vicar of Wakefield (Goldsmith)
Viele, Egbert Ludovicus
Central Park plan submitted, rejected
Brookyn park design submitted, rejected
as FLO’s nemesis
Waite, Morrison
Walker, Francis
Walker, Peter
“Walks Among the New-York Poor” articles (Brace)
Walks and Talks of an American Farmer . . . (F. L. Olmsted)
Ward, John Quincy Adams
Washington, D.C.
during Civil War
public spaces reorganized by Rick
See also U.S. Capitol grounds
Washington Monument
Washington Park, Chicago
Watkins, Carleton
Webster, Noah
Weed, Thurlow
Welton, Joseph
Wetlands restoration (Back Bay Fens)
White City. See World’s Fair
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