COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1)

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COWBOY ROMANCE: Justin (Western Contemporary Alpha Male Bride Romance) (The Steele Brothers Book 1) Page 2

by Amanda Boone

  Martinsville wasn’t a tiny town, but it was small enough that all of its students fit into one building. That had given the school board the brilliant idea that they only needed one counselor. One counselor for every single kid in the school. How lucky was I?

  It was probably the only reason my mom and dad hadn’t made a bigger stink about my chosen career. With me being the only counselor, it made the job seem more special to them, somehow. It was the one thing they hadn’t been able to completely control in my life. While I’d given up any hopes of ever completely being myself or finding a date that wasn’t atrocious, I’d fought for a career I liked.

  Counseling hadn’t been the top thing I wanted to do, of course. I wanted to open a no-kill shelter for animals. That idea was completely asinine to my parents, however. Since they’d footed the bills for college, I’d had to do something they marginally approved of. I think, in the end, my mom’s background in philanthropy was what let me get away with choosing to be a school counselor. She thought I was doing charity work at school. Just not dirty charity work like working with mutts. Judging by her yearly job offers, however, she clearly wasn’t satisfied with me staying at my job.

  I had to shake my head a few different times to rid myself of the negative thoughts, because, overall, I was excited to be at work again. I loved most of the kids, and I liked getting to talk to them.

  After a morning from hell, dealing with scheduling issues, I wasn’t as excited. I had a headache and hadn’t gotten to eat lunch. The first couple of weeks would be hell, trying to help the main office get everyone in their right classes. It wasn’t the part of my job that I liked.

  That afternoon one of the new kindergarten teachers called me to her room. By the time I reached the hallway her room was in, I could already hear the problem. Over the rest of the first-day chaos I could hear one little voice above the rest, screaming bloody murder.

  I rushed the rest of the way, and once I got into the classroom I winced at how loud it was. I immediately spotted the screamer, a small boy with his arms crossed over his chest and a bright red face. He was sitting in the middle of the classroom reading rug, all by himself.

  Mrs. Hill came up to me quickly. “He’s been like this all day. I’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked so far.”

  I nodded and made my way over to him. I knelt down, all the while wishing I’d worn anything other than a pencil skirt, and smiled at him. “Hey, there. I’m Miss Sara. What’s your name?”

  More screaming.

  “He’s Mason Steele.”

  I thanked Mrs. Hill and then turned back to Mason. “I like your name, Mason. It’s a good name.”

  His tiny blond curls fell into his eyes as he looked at me with cornflower blue eyes. His pudgy cheeks and fat tears nearly broke my heart.

  “Do you want to go on a walk with me?”

  He finally nodded. I offered him a hand and he took it. I ignored the fact that it was solidly sticky.

  “I’ll keep Mr. Mason the rest of the afternoon, Mrs. Hill, since the day is almost over.”

  The woman nodded, looking relieved to finally get some silence. Mason wasn’t screaming anymore. Instead, he was whimpering and had planted his thumb firmly into his mouth.

  The hallways were empty as I led him back toward my office. “Do you want to talk about it, Mason?”

  He looked up at me and shook his head.

  “Okay. Strong, silent type, huh? How about we just sit in my office and read a book? Do you like books?”

  He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his boots.

  I let the silence go on since he was calming down. My chest ached as I looked down at the top of his curly head. He seemed terrified. Most kids came in with some version of it, but normally they calmed down after an hour or so. It worried me that he was still that upset after nearly a full day.

  Once we were in my office, I let him sit in my desk chair and I sat in the metal folding chair beside him while I read a Dr. Seuss book. The worry I felt grew as he didn’t smile even once.

  “You know, Mason, it’s okay to be scared. Even grown-ups get scared.”

  He suddenly looked up at me with distrust in his eyes, and an invisible wall went up between us. I didn’t know what’d happened, but it felt significant.

  I wanted to get into it more with him, but the bell rang. After finding out he rode a bus home, I took him to the line he was supposed to be in and knelt down again. “You did it. One whole day finished. That’s a big deal. I’m proud of you, Mason.”

  He looked away, but I could see the ghost of a smile on his little lips. I left with instructions to the older kid in front of him to look out for Mason. His eyes followed me as I left, and I couldn’t help the burning in the back of my eyes.

  I must’ve been close to my period, because I wasn’t usually emotional. Something about Mason had hit me hard, though.

  I went back to my room to clean up and organize for the next day. Mrs. Hill stopped by my office on her way out and knocked on the door. She poked her head in and smiled.

  “Thank you for taking Mason. I just couldn’t get him to settle down.”

  “I think he only calmed down for me because all of the extra stimuli was gone for a bit. Do you know anything about him?”

  She looked up at the ceiling. “I feel like he’s going to be a challenging one. His father is Justin Steele. The bull rider? I don’t think there’s a mother in the picture. He’s a year late getting into school, though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s actually six. He should’ve started last year, but he was on the road with his dad. Not only did he not get into a traditional school last year, he also didn’t get any tutoring. I’m worried about him.”

  I nodded. That made two of us. “Just keep me updated, if you will.”

  She agreed, but, as we quickly found the next day, I didn’t have to worry about being kept in the loop. Around lunchtime the next day, she called me back to her room, and I once again found a sobbing Mason on the carpet.

  I quietly told her I was going to try to get in contact with his dad before bending over to look at Mason. “You, again. You must’ve really liked hanging out with me yesterday, huh? Come on. Let’s take another walk.”

  That time he immediately reached for my hand and let me lead him around the school. His tears quickly stopped, but his little hand tightened in mine when we got closer to his classroom again.

  I bent down and smiled. “Let’s make a deal. You try and get through the afternoon in class and I’ll come back before the bell rings and we’ll take another walk. How does that sound?”

  He shook his head. He still hadn’t spoken a word to me, or to Mrs. Hill.

  “Do you know what’s so important about school?”

  Another head shake.

  “You come here to learn things, all sorts of things. Then your brain grows, and when you get big and tall, you’ll be so smart that you can do anything you want. You’ve got to let Mrs. Hill help your brain grow.”

  He raised his hand to touch his head and made a puzzled face.

  “Yeah, your brain. It wants to learn stuff, too, like the alphabet. Once you learn that you can start learning to read. Then maybe you can read me a book.”

  Another ghost of a smile appeared on his face, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

  I took both of his hands in mine and gently squeezed them. “It’s going to be okay, Mason. I know that things are scary right now, but it’ll get easier. Soon you’ll have friends and you’ll be excited to come to school so you can play with them. And you’ll get to learn about dinosaurs and maybe even robots!”

  He straightened his back and nodded. I took it as a sign that he was ready and led him into the classroom. Mrs. Hill was just starting a song about being nice to others. Mason looked up at me, and the fear I saw in his eyes hit me like a big truck.

  I squeezed his hand and smiled. “Don’t forget about our date. You can do this.”

; He went to his seat and I left the room, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else. I went back to my office and pulled up Mason’s file on my computer. I wanted to get in touch with his dad so we could talk about what was going on with Mason.

  As I was dialing his number, I remembered Amanda telling me all about Justin Steele. I bit my lip as a sliver of nervousness made itself a home in me.


  I was so shocked to hear a woman’s voice that I actually stuttered. “H-hi. I’m calling for Justin Steele.”

  She sighed. “Isn’t everyone? I’m his publicist, and apparently assistant, Hannah Moore. Can I pass on a message?”

  All nervousness gone, I just saw red. “He left his publicist’s number at his son’s school? What a jerk.”

  She laughed. “Tell me how you really feel, honey.”

  “My name is Sara Barrows. I’m the counselor at Mason’s school. There have been a few issues with Mason that I’d like to address with Mr. Steele, if you’ll have him call me back. Soon, please.”

  “I’ll get him the message.”

  I thanked her and hung up with a sour taste in my mouth. I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like Justin Steele.


  Mason didn’t make it quite to the end of the day, and the rest of the week passed in the same way. He’d have sobbing attacks in class and I’d take him for a quick walk to help calm him down. The first week was over, and so far I’d spent more time soothing Mason than actually doing work in my office.

  Mrs. Hill had tried to call another teacher to help, and he hadn’t responded to them. It seemed like I was the only person who could get him to settle down. He still hadn’t spoken, however. Mrs. Hill was worried, and I didn’t blame her.

  I’d left messages for Justin Steele twice daily since the first one. My blood boiled every time I thought of the man who was ignoring me and, consequently, his son’s needs.

  I was so glad it was Friday that I didn’t even care that I’d ended up being the last to leave the building because I was playing catch-up with the rest of my work.

  I needed a distraction from school and Amanda had wanted to go out, so I agreed to go to a bar with her. She was the only person I was even remotely comfortable being myself around. I needed that easiness. I thought about running home to change out of my casual Friday wear but decided against it. The last thing I wanted was a run-in with my mom.

  I took off the professional blazer I’d been wearing for work and looked in the rearview mirror. My long black hair was curling in every direction, but it gave me a nice, wild look. My green eyes were bright, and the makeup I’d applied that morning was still in place. The tight jeans and black camisole I wore were more revealing than I’d normally wear, but I was exhausted and didn’t care.

  Amanda met me at Hank’s Bar and Grill. She was wearing jeans with a top that left her midriff bare. Her red hair was done in large curls that sat perfectly against her back. She looked great, as usual.

  “You’ve got the ladies out tonight, Sara Jane!” She fanned herself while checking out my chest.

  I gently shoved her and laughed. “I didn’t want to go home and change. I can put the blazer back on if you think this is too much.”

  She shook her head. “You look hot! Don’t change a thing.”

  The bar was packed as we made our way in, but Amanda managed to get us a table toward the back. We immediately ordered food and drinks and then talked about our weeks. I noticed she didn’t bring up the Steele brothers anymore and pointed it out.

  Her cheeks flushed, but she didn’t look away as she told me that she’d just realized that they were normal men. I’d launched into a speech about how giant of a jerk Justin was, and when I’d finished, I realized how tipsy I’d already gotten.

  Amanda was downing her drinks faster than me, and her eyes were constantly roaming. “You know…I think those brothers must all be assholes.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “I thought you liked them?”

  She groaned. “I’ve changed my mind. Just forget I ever said anything good about them.”

  I let it go for the time being and took a big bite of my nachos. I’d ended up skipping lunch again that day and I was starving.

  “How come I only ever see you when I already have a date?” The familiar deep voice came from right beside me, and I jumped.

  I looked over and, sure enough, my cowboy stranger was standing next to me. An older blonde was by his side, her nails practically digging into his arm. When I met his amber-colored eyes, I felt like I’d been punched. He was too handsome to handle in a not completely sober state.

  “Maybe you have dates too often?”

  He grinned at me with his dimples showing. “Maybe so. You owe me. You left me with your mom the other day and I got interrogated about how we knew each other.”

  My face heated, and I looked at Amanda to have somewhere for my eyes to get relief from the cowboy. “Owe you? I understand how tough my mom can be, so I’m willing to negotiate.”

  Oh, god. Had I just flirted? What was wrong with me? No more drinking. I clearly couldn’t handle my liquor.

  He stepped closer and leaned down until he was speaking directly into my ear. “How about I make my demands privately? They’re going to be huge. Your mom asked me what my intentions were and then told me, in no uncertain terms, that I was to stay away from her baby. The look she gave me when I told her I had no intention of staying away from you was worth at least a few nights of your time.”

  I didn’t know whether to slap the beard right off his face or kiss him senseless. My body said kiss while my mind liked the slapping version. I shivered when his warm breath washed over my neck and bare shoulder.

  “Um, Justin? Aren’t we going to get a table?” His date called for him.

  Through the fog in my brain I felt connections trying to fire. Cowboy. Justin. I snapped my eyes back to Amanda and her annoyed expression said it all.

  “Justin Steele?”

  He gestured for his date to give him a second and squatted next to my chair so that I was in between his strong legs. “You’ve heard of me?”

  I decided I didn’t like the cocky edge to his voice. I was sure being a champion bull rider got him plenty of play with other women, but it wasn’t going to work with me, my previous flirtation aside. I’d have been more impressed if he was a champion dad.

  “A few times. Beyond that, I’m the woman who’s been leaving you messages all week long.”

  His full eyebrows slammed together in confusion, and a frown erased any sign of the dimples he liked to show so much. “What?”

  Amanda snorted. “You didn’t know who he was?”

  I shook my head but focused my anger at Justin. “Sara Barrows. I’m the counselor at Mason’s school. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all week long.”

  His easygoing attitude shifted, and he rested an impatient hand on the back of my chair. “I haven’t gotten any messages.”

  “Well, maybe if you’d left your actual number instead of your publicist’s, I could’ve reached you. I get that you’re a big deal or whatever, but if there’s an emergency with Mason, I don’t want to have to contact anyone but you. I would think you’d want a direct line of communication with Mason’s teacher as well.”

  Anger sparked in his eyes and made itself a home. He was stunning normally, but angry, I couldn’t look away. His features sharpened and took on a dangerous look that made my mind spin together dark fantasies.

  “I thought I did leave my personal number. If I didn’t, it was a mistake. As for your messages, I haven’t received any. I’ll speak with Hannah about that. Now, tell me what’s going on with my son.”

  Once again, my mind was the only part of me reacting badly to him. It pissed me off that he was speaking to me like he was. I straightened in my chair and turned to face him dead on. “I’m assuming that you spend time with Mason. He’s not adjusting to being in school. All this week he’s sobbed so hard in cla
ss that his teacher, Mrs. Hill, had to ask me to take him out and calm him down. I’ve never seen a kid have quite as much trouble assimilating to school.”

  His date tugged at his arm. “Can’t you do this some other time, Justin?”

  He shrugged her arm off and cast a cold glance in her direction. “Date’s over. I think Devon’s still outside. Why don’t you see if he’ll give you a ride home?”

  Amanda sucked in air and then looked away when I glanced at her. The blond woman hissed out a sharp breath and then shot me a dirty look before storming away. Justin just turned his angry face back to me. There was so much going on with the people around me that I was having a hard time keeping up with what was actually happening.

  “I don’t like that you’re trying to imply that I don’t spend any time with my son. I’ve had Mason by my side nonstop since he was born.”

  I knew I shouldn’t, but I felt myself scowling. It seemed as if, in the face of Justin Steele, I lost everything I’d ever learned in etiquette classes. “Maybe that’s part of the problem. He should’ve been in school last year. He’s behind everyone else.”

  Justin edged closer to me, and his eyes burned like molten lava. Mixed with his dark hair, he was a force to be reckoned with. “I did what I thought was best. Why is he crying at school?”

  I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. It wasn’t like me to speak to anyone the way I was speaking to him, but I couldn’t seem to help myself. Still, I tried. “I haven’t done any real work with him yet. I’ve just been keeping him calm enough to go back to class so he can try to learn. If I had to guess? I’m sure a part of it is separation anxiety, if what you’re saying is true and he has been with you constantly. The rest I’m not sure about yet, honestly.”

  He shook his head. “Anxiety? Nice try, doc. He’s six, though. He doesn’t have anxiety.”

  I grabbed my drink and finished it. “I’m just telling you what I think. You don’t have to do anything with it. At the current rate, however, Mason isn’t going to learn anything. He can’t calm down enough to pick up anything Mrs. Hill is teaching.”


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