The Forbidden Princess

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The Forbidden Princess Page 9

by Day Leclaire

  That stopped her. Are you serious?

  Dead serious.

  Youyou would do that?

  I would have done it already if Id believed she were in any real danger. He cocked an eyebrow. Do we have an agreement? Will you marry me?

  She wished she had time to think it through, to give it more than two seconds worth of consideration. But she was out of both options and time. She snatched a quick breath and took the plunge. Yes. Ill marry you.

  Excellent. His satisfaction at her response vied with some other emotion, one she hesitated to put a name to. One that held a frightening element of the personal attached to it. Then I suggest we seal our bargain.

  The words hung between them for an endless moment. The driving thunder of her pulse matched the harsh give and take of his breath. He took a step in her direction, closing the scant few inches separating them. Resolve darkened his eyes and he reached for her, mating their bodies, locking them together in a fit that could only be described as sheer perfection.

  There was nothing tentative about his taking, it came lightning fast and deliciously accurate. He knew precisely how to touch her, how to kiss her, how to steal every thought from her head except the burning need for gratification. Desire struck, a sharp, lustful craving that demanded satisfaction. He plundered her mouth, initiating the sweetest of duels.

  She surrendered without hesitation. No. Not a surrender. A battle for supremacy. Then not a battle at all, but a giving, one to the other. His tongue tangled with hers, teasing, playing, demanding. His hands followed the length of her spine, his fingers splaying across the curve of her buttocks, fitting her into his palms. He lifted her, pulling her tight against him. She could feel his arousal pressing against her belly and it ignited her own desire, intensifying it. Spurring it to unbearable heights.

  She forked her fingers deep into his hair, tilting his head to a more accessible angle. Catching his bottom lip between her teeth, she tugged urgently, before falling into his kiss again. Time and place vanished. All that remained was the harsh sound of breathing, the rustle of clothing, the slide of flesh against flesh. More than anything she wanted him to hike up her skirt and rip through the modest layer of cotton that kept her from him. To drive into her and give her the relief she craved. Shed been alone all her life. Endless, empty days and nights. A life of running from, but never to. She wanted to stop running. To fill that emptiness, fill it in the most basic, carnal way possible. If her mouth hadnt been otherwise occupied, she would have asked for it, demanded it. Begged.

  And it was that imageof her pleading to be taken on the balcony of a strangers home as mindless lust overrode common sensethat acted like a splash of cold water. She shuddered. What the hell was she doing? How could she have been so foolish? Worse, how could she have compromised herself with such ease and so little thought? Had she learned nothing from her mothers example? From Merricks betrayal? She untangled herself from their embrace, ashamed that she couldnt resist snatching a final, hungry kiss before pushing at his shoulders.

  No more. The words were as much plea as demand. This is a mistake and Ive made enough mistakes in my life without compounding them.

  She could see him debate whether or not to push, to take advantage of her momentary weakness. To her relief, he contented himself with feathering a final kiss across her mouth before releasing her. Consider our bargain sealed.

  She moistened her swollen lips with the tip of her tongue. His taste lingered, unsettling her, and she struggled to come up with a way out of the agreement shed been foolish enough to enter. About that

  He lifted an eyebrow, clearly amused. Going to break your word already?

  She was tempted. Sorely tempted. Shed gotten herself caught in a dangerous situation, one she should have walked away from the minute shed sensed the trap. But shed have done anything, agreed to anything, if it meant saving her mother. Now shed struck a deal with the devil and she didnt doubt for a minute that hed hold her to it.

  Dont worry, Ill stick. You just make sure you play by the rules from now on.

  His grin slashed through the dark. Im not here to play by them, Princess. My job is to make them up as we go along.

  Hed gotten her with that one and she turned away without another word. She stalked back into the living room, his soft laughter following her, tripping through her, rousing emotions shed thought were long dead. She wasnt here for romance, she reminded herself. She was here bargaining for her mothers safety. Falling in love wasnt part of the plan. Nor was falling in lust. Regaining control of her life was the end goal and shed be smart to remember it.

  It took her a few minutes to remember where the bedroom was located and once shed found it, she shut herself inside, praying Merrick would give her time before joining her. Closing her eyes in helpless despair, she leaned against the door and forced herself to admit the truth. She wanted to be swept away by his touch, to drown beneath his kisses. To sink into the powerful surge of his lovemaking before floating on the glorious tide of release that would surely follow. Why? Why did she react to him? Why this man over all the others shed met in recent years?

  She wandered through the darkened room, caught in the restless ebb and flow of her own emotions. Eventually she found herself standing beside the huge bed. Images flashed through her mind. Male and female, naked. Darkness and light, intertwined on a bed of silk. The first tentative strokes. Gentle. Tender. Soft, urgent cries of need. The slow give and take of the mating ritual. A sweet loving.


  She spun away from the bed. What in the world was wrong with her? No. Not loving. Sex was one thing. Love, something entirely different. She could use one, enjoy it, without being imprisoned by the other. She lowered her head, dragging in air. Damn it! A single crazed kiss and her hormones were all stirred up and desperate for release. What had happened to her self-control? What had happened to her focus and determination?

  She had one single goalto rescue her mother and return homeand shed do well to remember that.

  What the hell do you think youre doing?

  Merrick winced as he opened the door a little wider to allow his brother, Lander, access to the safe house. I dont know what youre talking about. That seemed the smartest response, at least until he had time to find out how much big brother knew.

  Im talking about the abduction of Princess Alyssa Sutherland.

  Damn. Apparently he knew a lot. Too much, in fact. Who talked?

  Miri. Lander brushed past him and paced across the living room, as large and aggressive as ever, the embodiment of his nicknamethe Lion of Mt. Roche. Shes on the Caribbean island of Mazoné, probably because she knows our mother will wring her neck when she finds out what the pair of you have been up to.

  Thank God shes Safe. Merrick bit off the word. Probably not the best thing to say to an overly protective older brother. Ill deal with Mother.

  Good luck with that. He faced Merrick, his arms folded across his chest. Now where is the princess? Shes going back to Avernos right now, even if I have to take her there myself.

  Merrick swore beneath his breath. Shes asleep and shes not going anywhere. In fact, you dont want her going anywhere. If you return Alyssa to von Folke, youll lose the election.

  Lander cut him off with a cutting sweep of his hand. Then I lose the election.

  Dont interfere, Merrick warned. Alyssa and I are getting married. End of discussion. When we do, itll put paid to von Folkes scheme and the election will be based on merit rather than regional loyalty.

  Lander appeared skeptical. I cant believe Princess Alyssa is agreeable to such a drastic solution.

  Trust me. When it comes down to a choice between me and von Folke, shes agreeable.

  You swear shes willing? Lander pressed. Youre not forcing her the way Brandt was?

  Merrick fought back a wave of indignation. Hell no, Im not forcing her. Im not von Folke. Though he couldnt in all honesty claim she was a hundred percent willing. Amenable, perhaps. If he stretched it. We reached an
agreement. She marries me in exchange for my rescuing her mother.

  Son of avon Folke again?

  Yes. Merrick took a step in the direction of the door. You need to go. I dont want anyone to find out weve been in communication.

  Lander speared his fingers through his brown and gold mane of hair and glared with hazel eyes that were more green than gold. Im not going to be able to talk you out of this craziness, am I?

  Merrick shook his head. Not a chance.

  Do you realize all youre sacrificing? Lander asked urgently. You dont have to do this. Not for me.

  Yes, I know precisely what Im sacrificing. And yes, I have to do this. By tomorrow itll be a done deal. He offered a crooked smile. Just so you know, I consider it well worth the consequences.

  Lander cleared his throat. Thanks.

  Merrick executed a slight bow. My pleasure and my duty, Your Highness.

  Oh, knock it off, his brother said in embarrassment. Here, I have something for you. He pulled out a computer CD in a plastic case and handed it over. You requested a set of blueprints to von Folkes palace. I offered to play courier.

  Merrick frowned in concern. You shouldnt have brought these anymore than you should be here. Im trying to keep you out of this. I want you to have plausible deniability.

  Youre kidding yourself if you think thats possible. I could shout deniability from dawn until dusk, and no one would believe it. Youre my brother. The assumption will be that Im in on the abduction and any other actions you take from here on. His face settled into grim lines. Not that I care. Were not the ones who set this game in motion. Von Folke will have a tough time crying foul play when its revealed that hes been cheating from the start. Was he really forcing her to marry him? Youre certain?

  Positive. Once Alyssa found out he was holding her mother, she didnt feel she had a choice other than to go through with the ceremony. If I hadnt taken action, theyd be married by now. Merrick gestured toward a small study off the living room. Come on. Theres a computer in there. Lets take a look at whats on the disk.

  Lander followed him, leaning against the desk to watch. Ive been going over the situation ever since I found out about von Folkes plan, he said while they waited for the computer to boot up. I cant figure why hed pull such a stunt. Its out of character for him.

  I have a feeling its connected with the amethyst supply drying up. I cant help wondering if somethings happened with the mines.

  Lander shook his head. Why would he keep a problem with the mines a secret?

  Merrick considered the various possibilities. Im not sure. For political leverage? If it became common knowledge that the mines were tapped out and he hadnt given the country adequate warning, thered be hell to pay come the election. He slipped the CD into its slot and pulled up the menu. Okay. Lets see if we can figure the best way for me to get into the palace, nab Alyssas mother and get out again with our skins intact.

  Lander traced his finger along an underground passageway that ran between the interior courtyard of the palace and the chapel. What about taking this route? You could slip in through the woods near the chapel, take the passageway to the palace and be right on top of them before they knew what hit them.

  Assuming he hasnt blocked it off.

  Hmm. If he has, youll have to approach from this side. Lander gestured toward the south entrance. Trickier.

  Merrick began jotting down notes, sketching out the bare bones of a plan. Ill send one of my men in tonight to see which is the most viable choice.

  Lander straightened. So, whens the wedding?

  What? Oh. Tomorrow.

  We could justmake her disappear for a few months. You dont have to go to the extreme of marrying her.

  Merrick tossed aside his pen and stood. Too risky. She could escape. Von Folke could find her. The variables are endless. Marriage is the only way to make certain he doesnt get his hands on her and finish what he started.

  Lander shot his brother a hard look. Does she know the marriage will have to be consummated in order for it to be legal in Verdonia?

  It hasnt come up, Merrick answered shortly.

  Youre not going to tell her, are you?

  It wont be an issue.

  Lander stared in disbelief. Are you sleeping with her already?

  Merrick bristled. Thats none of your business.

  I think it is. Damn it! You dont need me to tell you how inappropriate that is. Do you have feelings for this woman? You cant be thinking of turning this into a real marriage.

  Dont be ridiculous, Merrick snapped. My concernmy only concernis for Verdonia. Marrying Alyssa is a means to an end, nothing more.

  Landers eyes narrowed. That had to be the biggest load of crap Ive ever heard. You can stand there and tell me you dont care about this woman, but Im your brother. I know when youre lying, even when its to yourself.

  Anger swept through Merrick, possibly because Landers comment hit a little too close to home. Theres more than a relationship at stake. More than even an election. With Alyssas brother, Erik, abdicating, the principality is in desperate need of its princess. If Alyssa doesnt stay, it means the end of Celestia. I intend to keep that from happening.

  Or maybe you want a justifiable excuse for taking her to bed, Lander suggested dryly.

  Merrick didnt have an answer to that. As much as he wanted to deny it, he couldnt. Not totally. Lander was right. In order for their marriage to be considered legal, it had to be consummated. If von Folke suspected there was a loophole somewhere, he could still cause trouble. But the marriage also gave Merrick the excuse he needed to make love to Alyssa. Once they were husband and wife, he wouldnt have any other choice if he wanted the ceremony to be legally binding. Nor would she. Still, he hoped shed choose to remain in Verdonia and accept her rightful position. Celestia needed her. It wouldnt survive without her.

  The real question waswas he making the decision to marry her for the better good of Verdonia? Or was his true motivation something far less honorable?


  T he morning of Alyssas wedding dawned clear and warm, filled with the scent of springtime yielding to summer. The marriage had been planned for early evening when the church would be closed to parishioners and Alyssa couldnt help but remember preparing for a far different ceremony just two short weeks ago. On that occasion shed been terrified and alone. Shed also feared her bridegroom, been sick with worry about her mother and unsuccessful at discovering a way out of her predicament.

  This time she felt far differently, a fact that left her uncertain and confused. She should hate Merrick for twisting her arm to get her to the altar. After all, he was no better than Prince Brandt, right? But no matter how hard she tried to convince herself of that fact, it didnt quite work. Merrick wasnt Brandt and never would be. Although his motives werent pure, they were noble.

  From the moment hed announced his plan to marry her, events had screamed by at breakneck speed. Hed chosen the venue and had a gown, veil and shoes delivered by one of his men. Even a set of wedding bands had shown up. She didnt bother contesting any of his plans. How could she? It would have been like attempting to derail a runaway train with a toothpick.

  As the afternoon deepened, she dressed in the gown hed selected, a simple three-quarter length ivory silk with a wide, sweeping skirt and fitted bodice. A hip-length mantilla veil looked stunning with it, which she chose to carry, rather than wear and risk damaging on the drive.

  The chapel Merrick had chosen was glorioussmall, intimate, reverent. The floors were flagstone, worn smooth from years of faithful usage. Stained glass lit the interior with a rainbow of glowing light. The pews and altar were lovingly polished to a high sheen, and the faintest hint of beeswax and lemon complimented the scent of the flowers and candles.

  Once again Alyssa was struck with how differently she reacted to everything in comparison to last time. Nervousness gripped her, an excited fluttering deep in the pit of her stomach. Not fear. She remembered that sensation all too clearly. Could it beanticip

  She shook her head. No. That wasnt possible. She didnt want to marry Merrick. Shed agreed for one reason and one reason onlyto save her mother. Shed made a bargain, one shed honor no matter what. But it wasnt a bargain she anticipated with any degree of excitement. It couldnt be.

  This is for you. One of the staff members at the church handed Alyssa a hand-tied bridal bouquet, a medley of herbs, ivy and curling sticks and twigs. Its a traditional bouquet. The herbs are to ward off evil spirits and endow the bride with fertility. The birch twigs are for protection and wisdom, the holly branches represent holiness. And the ivy is to ensure fidelity.

  Alyssa ran a finger along the sprigs of lavender. And this?

  The national flower. It promises a marriage filled with luck and love.

  It was a sweet gesture, if a pointless one. Or so she thought until she joined Merrick in front of the altar. She didnt think shed ever seen him look more handsome and the sight of him stirred emotions she shouldnt be experiencing. The final glorious rays of sunlight warmed the chapel, filling it with a rainbow of color as soft as a prayer.

  Taking both her hands in his, Merrick bent and kissed her. Itll all work out, he whispered. I swear it.

  His words affected her more deeply than she cared to let on, filling her with a desperate yearning. What would have happened if theyd met under different circumstances? If shed grown up here and met him as part of her royal duties? Would she have fallen in love with him? Would they have been celebrating a real wedding instead of this charade? Or would they have settled for a brief, intense affair before going their separate ways? The fact that she couldnt answer any of those questions left her nerves jangling.

  Afterward, she didnt recall much of the ceremony. From the instant Merrick touched her and their eyes connected, time slowed. She didnt remember looking away, not once, but allowed herself to be held by his fierce golden stare, empowered by it. The one moment that burned itself into her memory was when he repeated his vows, his voice strong and sure, and slipped the wedding ring onto her finger.


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