Unfaithful (The Complete Trilogy)

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Unfaithful (The Complete Trilogy) Page 5

by Clancy, Joanne

  I don't need to change myself, she thought angrily.

  Suddenly, Rebecca felt overwhelmed. She wanted to get out of the office, away from Shona and Mark. She couldn't believe that only last night they had made love so passionately and here she was today in the same room as his lover. She felt sickened by his betrayal.

  "Thanks for showing me those files," Rebecca managed to say, before getting to her feet. "I need to go and check out one or two things at home."

  "Darling, are you leaving so soon?" Mark asked.

  "Yes, I must dash.” Rebecca hoped that her voice wouldn't crack.

  All she wanted to do was throw herself on the ground and cry, but she knew she must wait, breaking now wasn't part of her plan. She'd accomplished what she needed to accomplish for now; meeting Mark's other woman and that was enough for today.

  Mark walked his wife to the door and kissed her goodbye. "That went well," he said, making his way back towards his desk.

  "It went well?" Shona asked incredulously, "well by comparison to what exactly?"

  "What are you getting so worked up about?" Mark asked, sitting next to her in the same chair that had just been occupied by Rebecca.

  He swivelled Shona's chair to face him and pulled it towards his. He put his hands on her knees. She shook him off. He pulled her chair even closer and put his hand up her skirt suddenly. She gasped. He touched her over her panties, teasing her. Then he slid his fingers inside and started playing with her.

  "Mark, no.” She weakly tried to push him away.

  "Don't “no” me," he said, continuing to tease her.

  "Mark, stop it, I don't want to."

  "Yes you do," he insisted, "I can feel you do."

  He pushed her legs wider apart. He stopped suddenly and walked away from her.

  "Where are you going?" she asked, annoyed that he was teasing her.

  "You'll see," he grinned over his shoulder.

  He locked the door and closed the blinds. Then he walked back to her and pulled her roughly to her feet. He pushed her over the desk and ripped her panties off. He was inside her in seconds, hard and rough. She gasped as he filled her quickly.

  "Mark, you're hurting me!" she cried.

  "You love it," he teased, continuing to ride her hard. He rode her until he came, then he fingered her until she orgasmed for him.

  Chapter 7

  Jackie brushed her long, thick black hair slowly, surveying her reflection critically in the bathroom mirror. She could see a few white hairs creeping in at her temples and a few more scattered around her parting.

  It's time for a trip to the hairdressers, she told herself in the mirror.

  Jackie hated going to the hairdresser, she always had and probably always would hate it with a passion. She hated sitting in the chair, having a stranger poke and prod her head, telling her that her hair was too dry or too this or too that, trying to sell her the latest miracle conditioning product. She just wanted to get in, get her roots done and get out. How difficult was that? She couldn't be bothered with the inane small talk, preferring instead to immerse herself in the latest celebrity magazine.

  She was one of the only women she knew who usually came back from the hairdresser with a splitting headache and in the mother of all bad moods. Colm tended to keep him and the children out of her way for the rest of the evening after she'd been to the local salon. She had contemplated dying her hair at home herself with a box of Nice 'n' Easy hair colour but she wasn't brave enough. She had nightmares about the colour turning out a mess, and as much as she hated going to the hairdresser, she did love her hair.

  Her hair, in her opinion, was her best feature. It was long and shiny and accentuated her dark eyes. She sometimes wondered if she and Shona were actually sisters. She used to expect their mother to drop the bombshell that Jackie was adopted. Shona was blonde and very fair-skinned, like their mother. Their father was a red head, whose complexion was so fair it was almost blue! When Jackie had a tan in the summer she would sometimes be mistaken for a Spanish person, but Shona only ever burned and freckled, never tanned, well sometimes tanned, if you counted fake-tan.

  My eyebrows could do with a pluck, she thought. She touched the faint lines that were beginning to form around her eyes and mouth and pulled at her skin to see if they disappeared. It’s time to invest in some anti-ageing creams, I think.

  Some of her friends had already indulged in Botox, but Jackie didn't like the idea of injecting chemicals into her face. Makeup and fancy creams would have to do.

  She dotted some Yves St. Laurent light-reflecting concealer around her eyes and mouth, hoping the much lauded wonder product would deflect attention away from her crow’s feet. She carefully dusted her face with bronzing powder, which gave her skin a healthy, golden glow and then she swept a pinky-apricot coloured blusher over her cheeks. Next, she delicately pencilled in her eyebrows, added some bronze eye-shadow and lashings of volumising black mascara. The final touch was a long-lasting lipstick by Clinique in shade merlot.

  I wouldn't mind a glass or three of merlot round about now, she mused as she painted the lipstick on to her full lips. Later, she smiled at herself in the mirror.

  She smoothed on Christian Dior body lotion and walked naked around her bedroom while she let the luxuriously scented cream sink into her skin. She went to her wardrobe and began to choose an outfit for that evening.

  She was relieved to have the house to herself for twenty four hours. Colm was away on business and Shona had offered to look after the children for the day. It was such bliss to only have herself to look after.

  Something sexy, I think.

  She rifled through her dresses and finally settled on a pretty peach coloured dress with a plunging neckline and black patent belt that cinched in and emphasised her small waist. Then she found a sexy black lace push up bra and frilly panties. She decided to go bare-legged and chose a pair of her highest black patent heels to complete the ensemble. She stood back to admire herself in the full-length bedroom mirror.

  Gorgeous, she smiled complacently at herself. She sprayed herself with Chanel Number Five eau de parfum, a Christmas present from Colm. The scent always reminded her of sex, and she was hoping to have a lot of sex tonight. She pulled a black shawl around her shoulders and decided to check her emails one last time before heading out for the night.

  One new message flicked up on her computer screen. She opened it tentatively, hoping her date hadn't decided to cancel their meeting at the last minute.

  "Can't wait to meet you tonight," she read, "I hope you're as excited as me!"

  She smiled to herself, shut down her computer and made her way outside to where her taxi was already waiting patiently.

  "The Four Seasons Hotel, please," she announced to the taxi driver as she settled herself on the back seat, taking care not to crease her dress.

  "Certainly," the taxi driver reversed quickly and set off on their journey.

  Jackie began to feel nervous as she drew closer to the hotel. This would be her first time meeting anyone from the internet. She'd started chatting to a few people online, where you could exchange tips on how to spice up your marriage. Someone had suggested that she join an internet dating website specifically for married people.

  At first, she'd had a look at the website out of curiosity, but then a few men had emailed her and she'd emailed them back. Just a bit of harmless flirting, she'd convinced herself. Eventually, she'd started emailing one man more than the others. They'd exchanged telephone numbers and had even had a few chats. So, last week he'd asked her out to dinner. She'd taken a few days to reply, but then she'd decided to meet him.

  Sean, he called himself, but Jackie doubted that was his real name, after all, she was using an alias herself. Tonight she would be Morganna.

  I deserve this, she thought, as the taxi pulled into the long drive of the hotel.

  I deserve some excitement and romance and hot sex. If my husband can't or won't give it to me, then I owe it to myself to g
o out and find it.

  She took a deep breath, flashed the taxi driver her brightest smile, but he was too busy ogling her breasts to notice her smile, and climbed out of the car.

  Jackie walked slowly to the front door of the hotel where the doorman smiled welcomingly at her and opened the door for her. She smiled back at him and made her way inside to the warmth of the hotel. She had butterflies in her stomach and was beginning to feel overwhelmed by nerves. The foyer was dazzlingly bright and very busy. She dashed into the sanctitude of the ladies toilets and locked herself into a cubicle.

  Her mobile phone beeped in her handbag. It was her date, Sean.

  "I'm here, sitting at the bar, waiting for you. I can't wait to meet you. Xx.”

  "See you in a few minutes" she responded.

  Ok, get a grip, she told herself.

  She unlocked herself from the toilet cubicle and washed her hands, the cool water helping to calm her to calm down a little. She reapplied her lipstick, pushed her shoulders back, took one last look at herself in the mirror and marched towards the bar, as fast and as confidently as her three inch stilettos would allow. Shoulders back, chest out, butt tucked in, let's go. Act it 'til you feel it, she kept chanting in her head as she walked.

  It felt like forever until she reached the bar. Her high heels were clicking loudly on the oak floor. She thought that everyone's eyes were peering at her, knowing that she was about to cheat on her husband. She briefly contemplated turning around and running away, but she forced herself forward, silently praying that she wouldn't slip or fall over. She recognised Sean immediately. He was exactly like the photograph that he'd emailed to her, maybe even more handsome. He was chatting to the bar man.

  Her heart skipped a beat as she made her way towards him. He looked up as she approached him and gave her a big, bright smile. He let out a low wolf whistle as he stood up to greet her.

  "Wow, even more beautiful than your photo.” He leaned in to kiss her on her cheek.

  She blushed and smiled back at him. It had been so long since a man had complimented her. "Thank you," was all she could manage to say.

  "So, what would you like to drink?" he asked.

  "A white wine spritzer would be lovely," she replied.

  He ordered the drinks with the bar man and suggested that they take a seat in a quiet corner.

  "I'm so happy you decided to meet me," Sean said. "I was worried that you might not turn up." "Well, I'm very happy to be here.” She smiled at him flirtatiously, taking a sip of her drink.

  Her nerves were starting to abate. Sean had a very easy-going manner about him which helped to put her at ease. It felt as if they were old friends who were becoming reacquainted. She sighed deeply.

  "Everything ok?" he asked, "that was a long sigh."

  "Everything is perfect," she smiled, "I was just so nervous before I met you and my nerves are finally calming down now."

  "There's nothing to be nervous about, Morganna.” Sean said reached across the table to take her hand in his big, warm one. She felt herself melt at his touch.

  "We'll have a few drinks, a bite to eat and see how things go from there. No pressure, ok?" "Ok," she nodded.

  They spent the next half an hour chatting easily and then their waiter advised them that their table was ready in the restaurant.

  "Shall we?" Sean asked, dramatically offering Jackie his arm, as they made their way across the foyer to the restaurant.

  "We shall," Jackie giggled. She'd already had three white wine spritzers and was starting to feel slightly lightheaded. However, she was thoroughly enjoying herself.

  "This is the most fun I've had in ages," she whispered conspiratorially to Sean as they took their seats in the sumptuous restaurant.

  "Me too," he whispered back, smiling indulgently at her, "let's hope we'll have even more fun later."

  She found this very funny for some reason and burst out laughing. Sean looked a bit shocked. "Sorry," she stuttered, in between chuckles, "it must be the tension leaving my body that's making me laugh like this." Jackie's laughter subsided as the waiter rather sternly handed them the wine menus.

  "Would you like red or white?" Sean asked.

  "Red please," Jackie answered immediately.

  It wasn't long until they were enjoying a bottle of Chateau Neuf du Pape. Jackie inhaled the wine and slowly savoured each sip.

  "Excellent choice.” She raised her glass in a toast to her date.

  "Cheers," Sean toasted them, as they clinked glasses.

  Jackie surveyed Sean under her thick, carefully mascaraed black eyelashes as they ate dinner and enjoyed another bottle of wine. He was a "lasher", as her sister, Shona would say. His black hair was thick and shiny, not a bald patch in sight. Long black eyelashes framed his bright blue eyes. His hair was beginning to turn grey at the temples, but this gave him an air of mature sophistication. His face was lightly tanned which emphasised the perfect white of his teeth. She found it difficult to restrain herself from leaning across the table to kiss him.

  Sean was also very pleased with his date.

  She's gorgeous, he thought, as he drank her in from head to toe. Long, dark hair, toned, slender body, small pert breasts, tight butt, hmmm I can't wait to take her to bed later. A few more glasses of wine and I think I'll take her upstairs.

  "Dessert?" the waiter asked, as he cleared away their plates.

  "Not for me," Jackie declined.

  "I think an aperitif would finish the meal off perfectly," Sean suggested.

  "Good idea," Jackie agreed.

  They decided to take their drinks with them and have a stroll in the hotel gardens. It was a cool night, with a full moon and all the stars were twinkling in the sky.

  "This is very romantic," Jackie whispered, as Sean put his jacket around her shoulders, protecting her from the cool night air.

  "It certainly is," Sean smiled as he took her hand.

  They found a bench in the garden, which overlooked the lake and they sat there for a few moments just gazing at its reflections.

  "I'm having a wonderful evening," Jackie murmured, moving closer to Sean.

  "Me too," Sean agreed, putting his arm around her, "I don't want it to end.”

  "Me neither," and with that Jackie touched his face and kissed him gently on the lips.

  He turned towards her then, and pulled her to him. He bent to kiss her full on the mouth, savouring the taste of her sweetness on his tongue. He kissed her long and soft at first, then deeper, allowing his hands to skim her body. She moaned gently and kissed him with equal longing.

  "I want you.” He looked into her dark eyes.

  "Make love to me," she said hoarsely, her voice cracking with desire.

  Chapter 8

  Jackie slowly opened her eyes and squinted against the bright autumn sun that was streaming in the big bay window. Her entire body was completely relaxed from last night's amazing lovemaking and she felt like she was wrapped in cotton wool by the luxury of the hotel bed. She pulled the goose down duvet over her head and snuggled even further under the covers for another snooze, momentarily forgetting that she was sharing her bed with a near stranger.

  She felt a stirring beside her as Sean began to wake up and remembered with a start that this man in her bed was not her husband. Sean's snoring had kept Jackie awake half the night, in spite of the copious amounts of alcohol that she had consumed. She had finally managed to pass out around four o' clock and was absolutely wrecked tired. All she wanted to do was have a peaceful doze.

  She managed to stifle a groan as Sean reached out to touch her, "baby are you awake?" "Mmm," she mumbled from under the duvet, praying he would go back to sleep.

  Sean rolled over and curled up behind her, wrapping her close in his strong, muscular arms. Jackie had never seen a man with a body like his. Well, not in real life anyway, only on television or in the romance books that she found so addictive. He was very well built but perfectly toned with amazing abs. He had an actual six pack! His legs
were long and his thighs were big and bulging. His butt was round and firm and all she wanted to do was spank him.

  She remembered last night and how she had wrapped her legs around his waist and grabbed his butt, pushing him further and deeper inside her. He nuzzled her neck and kissed her tantalisingly. Then he moved his hand slowly down her body, caressing her breasts and stomach, before moving lower. He played with her for a while, driving her wild with desire. She could feel how hard he was growing. His erection was pushing against her. He pushed himself slowly, teasingly inside her and she moaned with pleasure as she surrendered to him and her desires.

  They lay there in the big, fluffy bed, dozing comfortably in each other’s arms. Jackie couldn't believe how easily she had climaxed with Sean. She and Colm had a fairly boring sex life. It was usually missionary position once a week for about fifteen minutes. Jackie sometimes found herself making shopping lists in her head when she and Colm were together.

  His lovemaking was so predictable. She knew his every move before he even made it. Occasionally she would suggest new moves to him. He'd try it once and then revert to his old, familiar position. She knew she loved him, but she wished he would take more of an interest in spicing up their marriage.

  Oh, well, she thought to herself, as she lay in Sean's arms, I'll have my rampant sex and then at least my marriage can continue as normal. No need for breaking up. I have a problem, I fix it. No dramas. She looked at the clock and uncurled herself reluctantly from Sean's embrace. "I have to go," she whispered.

  "So soon?" he asked, pulling her to him to kiss her full on the mouth.

  "Yes, the children will be home from school in a few hours and I have to be there. My husband returns home tonight from his business trip so I have to pull myself together by then."

  She returned his kiss, closing her eyes and losing herself in him for a few more wonderful moments.


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