To Die For

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To Die For Page 10

by Trista Ann Michaels

  She tasted sweet and smelled of the soap he’d used to wash her. She was so incredibly delectable, and the way she felt against his body nearly sent him into orbit. She sighed and ground her pussy along his growing length, which did nothing to lessen his growing desire. They either had to stop or just do it.

  “Hold still,” he commanded harshly. He pulled back to stare into her eyes—her wide, beautiful blue eyes. “I can’t sit this close to you and not be inside you.”

  Her lips parted slightly as though she wanted to say something but held herself back. He kept his gaze locked on hers as he lowered her arms down from around his neck and brought them together at the small of her back. The move made her breasts thrust outward. He glanced down at the opening of her shirt, admiring the gentle rise of her mounds. The material covered her nipples but left enough exposed to whet his appetite for more.

  Holding her wrists together with one hand, he used his other to slide one side of the shirt over, exposing her erect pink nipple.

  “Kaelen,” she whispered.

  He returned his gaze to hers and ran the tip of his finger around her nipple. Her lips were parted, her cheeks an adorable shade of pink, her eyelids half closed. She’d never looked more desirable nor more sexy.

  His cock actually hurt, he wanted inside her so bad. Even through the material of his sweats, he could feel her heat, her cream as she rocked her hips ever so slightly along his length.

  “Do you want that, angel?” he asked and palmed her breast.

  She bit down on her lower lip and nodded.

  “How bad do you want that?”

  She pressed down on his cock, and he groaned. If it wasn’t for the material between them, he would already be buried to the hilt inside her. The wood popped and crackled again, sending embers flying toward them. Amy squealed in surprise, and Kaelen quickly grabbed her bottom, holding her against him as he stood. Her arms quickly snaked around his neck as he moved away from the flames and sat in one of the wingback chairs a few feet away.

  “Did one hit you?” he asked as he used his hands to brush her hair from her face.

  “No,” she breathed, just barely above a whisper.

  Her lips twitched slightly as the most adorable look of mischief entered her eyes. Kaelen watched as she reached up to grab the back of the seat and repositioned her legs over the arm of the chair. The move spread her legs wide, and Kaelen grinned and pushed his sweats down with one hand, exposing his engorged cock.

  He gripped the length with one fist, holding it upright as she settled her pussy at the tip. Her cream coated the head, and he hissed at the heat and firm fit as she slowly slid down his cock. Her walls encased him in a sheath of slick, hot pleasure, and he had to close his eyes, drawing in a deep breath to keep from coming the second he hit her cervix.

  “Oh, God,” she sighed as she sank onto the last of his length.

  He could feel her walls convulsing, sucking at his shaft, and the sensation about drove him over the edge. Still holding on to the back of the chair, she pulled herself up slightly, then sank back down slowly. Kaelen savored every inch as she pushed her pussy down his shaft. This wouldn’t last long. He could feel his release building even now.

  With a growl, he dipped his head and wrapped his lips around her nipple. Amy squealed and arched her back, forcing her breast farther into his mouth. Kaelen opened his lips wide and dragged his sharp teeth along her flesh. One fang drew blood, and he licked his tongue over the cut, savoring the taste of her blood as well as closing the wound.

  The spicy taste of her only fueled his growing lust. He’d never been this crazy for a woman, never felt himself losing this much control. She felt so good, so incredibly right, his first thought was that it couldn’t be real. This wouldn’t last. It couldn’t. He would eventually tire of her, just like he always did.

  He grasped a handful of her hair and tugged her head back so he could see into her dark eyes. She gasped, her lips parting in enticing invitation. How could he ever tire of this? How could he ever get enough?

  Her walls quivered around his length, and he closed his eyes, sighing as her release began to tighten her pussy. His own release began to work its way through his veins, making his balls harden and pound with a pleasurable pain.

  “Kaelen,” she whimpered.

  She worked her hips against him faster, and he gritted his teeth, holding back. The desire to bite her was overwhelming; the need to spill his seed choked him to the point that he wanted to shout. What was she doing to him?

  With a growl, he buried his face in her neck and bit into her flesh. She cried out as her orgasm rushed through her and spilled into his mouth, mingling with the taste of her blood. Grabbing her hips, he held her still as he thrust his upward, burying himself as deep as he could and spilling his seed inside her. His life spilled into her as hers spilled into him. He could taste it, smell it, feel it in the way her body tensed and undulated against him.

  “Kaelen?” she whispered as she tried to push him away.

  He realized instantly he was still sucking on her neck, still drinking her blood. With a startled growl, he turned his head, drawing in deep gulps of air to keep from draining her dry.

  My God. What the hell was he thinking? He’d been so enthralled with her taste and the feel of her orgasm, he’d almost forgotten what he was doing. He looked at her from the corner of his eye. Fear that he might not be able to control himself shot a hole through his chest. His gaze landed on her neck and the two puncture wounds that still spilled blood.

  He quickly leaned over and licked them, healing them instantly.

  “You scared me,” she said, and the quiver to her voice made his gut clench. She’d been afraid of him, and that was the last thing he wanted right now. “I wasn’t sure you were going to stop.”

  He raised his head and grasped her face with both hands. “If it happens again, do exactly as you did,” he replied, giving her face a small shake.

  She nodded, but he didn’t miss the slight trepidation in her eyes. God, it killed him that he’d frightened her. In the beginning, that was what he’d wanted to do. He’d wanted to scare her into giving him what he wanted. Now all he wanted was her. To hell with the research and the blood she had on file. He just wanted her.

  His grip softened, and he rubbed his thumbs over her cheeks. “I never want you to be afraid of me,” he said with a sigh.

  Amy nodded, and he kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing,” he whispered.

  Her brow creased into a frown. “What do you mean?” she asked.

  He sighed and shook his head, unsure he was ready to explain any of this. “Just stay with me.”

  “Stay with you?”

  “Here. Tonight or today. Just stay with me.”

  She remained quiet for a second, and he tensed, wondering if she would tell him no. “Don’t you need to sleep or…whatever it is you do?”

  Kaelen chuckled. “I’m just like you, Amy. Sometimes I sleep; sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I lie in bed and watch a movie or sports. My favorite is football, by the way.” She smiled slightly, and he continued. “I just have to stay out of the sunlight. I don’t have to sleep the sleep of the dead. Nor do I sleep in a coffin when I’m at home.”

  “Speaking of home,” she said softly. “Where is it?”


  Her lips quirked adorably. “Figures.”

  “I can have the staff bring up dinner for you,” he said as he brushed her hair from her cheek. “We can take a long, hot bubble bath,” he added as he leaned forward to place a soft kiss below her ear. She shivered in his arms, and he smiled slightly.

  “You in a bubble bath?” she teased. “I can’t picture it.”

  Kaelen chuckled. “I must admit. One with you would be my first.”

  She leaned back and stared at him in surprise. “Really?”

  “Why does that surprise you?” he asked, smiling.

  “I just pictured
you as a player…a seducer.”

  Kaelen shook his head, his lips forming a sad smile. “Amy…believe it or not…women, other than feeding, very seldom enter my mind. I’ve never been in love. I’ve never looked for a wife. Never wanted one.” He stared into her eyes and lifted his hand to brush his thumb over her swollen lips. “I think all that might be changing though.”

  “Might be?” she whispered.

  He nodded. “It might be.”

  * * * *

  Merrick stood outside Jason’s house in the shadows of the shrubbery along the edge of the garden. Edward stood behind him, and Merrick could sense his hesitancy, which angered him. He was either in or out. Period. He couldn’t waver.

  “What?” Merrick asked as his gaze shifted to the first rays of daybreak in the distance. “Just say it, Edward.”

  “I’m having second thoughts.”

  Merrick sighed.

  “Your brother is very powerful, Merrick. We both know it. With Vincent in his corner, hell, he’s practically invincible.”

  Merrick rolled his eyes. “Vincent may be a powerful witch and my brother a powerful vampire, but they’re not invincible. They can both die, and they both will die if need be. I want Kaelen gone. I’m tired of living in his fucking shadow.”

  “I tried to kill him once,” Edward snapped. “If you recall, it didn’t work.”

  “That’s because you screwed it up,” Merrick snapped. “Go after the girl. Get her. Then you get my brother.”

  “How do you know she means that much to him?”

  “I know my brother. He hates humans. If this one has proof that we exist and Kaelen has let her live, then she means something to him. Use that to your advantage.”

  “You want me to kidnap her?”

  “No. I want you to kill her. Preferably in front of him. Then he’ll come after you for revenge.”

  “Perfect,” Edward snarled sarcastically.

  “Don’t worry, you pansy ass. I’ll be there to intervene.” Merrick glared at Edward over his shoulder. “I want it done tonight. It’s time we set things in motion. The sooner this is over with, the better.”

  Edward nodded, but Merrick could still sense his nervous trepidation. He had a feeling his companion would back out of this. He needed to make sure all this went off without a hitch, even if he had to do it himself.

  Chapter Ten

  Amy strolled through the garden as the last rays of sunlight dipped below the horizon. How would she feel never seeing sunshine again? In truth, she’d always been a night person. Her skin was so fair, that spending too much time in the sun left her sunburned and drained. She could still go out, though. If she allowed Kaelen to turn her, she would never be able to go out in it again.

  She glanced up at the window she believed was Kaelen’s. He’d been asleep when she’d left the room, and she’d taken the opportunity to slip out, needing time to think. She wondered how she felt about him. Did she love him? Maybe. But what if it wasn’t love? What if this…whatever this attraction was wore off?

  Last night had been incredible. Kaelen could be sweet and gentle when he wanted. He could also be rough, arrogant, demanding, and stubborn. She bit her lip and started walking toward the pond again. He was definitely dominant. He liked being in control. He liked making her beg. To be honest, she enjoyed that side of him, which was something that had surprised her to learn about herself.

  The bush beside her rustled, and she came to a stop, staring at it. A tingle of fear and unease began to work its way down her spine. Should she run? She shook her head at the very idea. So many things had happened in the last few days, she was just shell-shocked. It was only the wind.

  Taking a deep breath, she continued on down the path. A man jumped from the bushes, and she stepped back, startled. “What the hell?” she snapped as her hand flew to her chest. She looked up and frowned at the stranger. Something about his movements seemed familiar. Her heart jerked in her chest as real fear took hold. “What are you doing here?” she demanded angrily. “Get away, or I’ll scream for Kaelen.”

  Amy almost cringed at how stupid that sounded. She could take care of herself.

  “No you won’t.”

  He moved toward her, and she jumped back. Turning, she tried to make a run for it down the path, but he grabbed her elbow, stopping her getaway. He jerked her around, and she squealed, but the sound died in her throat as the pain of a sharp object slid across her neck. She gasped, trying to draw in air as blood oozed down her throat. No matter what she did, how hard she tried to draw in air, she couldn’t get any into her lungs. Instead, they filled with blood and made gurgling sounds as she sank to the ground and lay on her side.

  She felt as though she were drowning in deep water. No air could get into her lungs. The pain in her throat was almost forgotten as pressure pushed down on her chest. Her mouth opened in an attempt to draw in much-needed oxygen, but her chest wouldn’t move to pull it in.

  The man stood above her, watching, waiting for her to die. This was it. Everyone was inside. No one knew to look for her. No one knew she was in trouble. She would die, and there was nothing anyone could do. Her body temperature began to drop, and her muscles shivered. She wanted to sob but couldn’t.

  Through her fading vision, she saw Vincent come up behind the man and jam a long silver sword into his back and through his chest. He gasped and arched his back, his eyes widening in surprise as he sank to his knees before her. Blood covered his shirt as Vincent twisted the blade slightly.

  “Who sent you?” Vincent snarled. “Who?”

  “Merrick,” he whispered.

  Amy fell back onto the ground as grief and regret consumed her. Kaelen’s brother was behind it. She wouldn’t be there to comfort him.

  * * * *

  “Get up!”

  Kaelen jerked awake at the sound of Vincent’s angry voice ringing in his head. “What the hell?” he mumbled as he put his palm to his forehead.

  “Get the fuck up!”

  Kaelen blinked as the voice penetrated his mind yet again, this time louder, more desperate. He tensed and glanced around the room, realizing instantly Amy wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Something was wrong. He could feel it.

  Grabbing the sweats from the foot of the bed, he quickly pulled them on and headed out the door. He met Jason coming up the stairs. “What the hell is going on?” Kaelen demanded.

  “It’s Amy. You better come quick.”

  Jason grasped his elbow, and the two of them were instantly transported to the garden. His eyes landed on Amy lying on the grass, her eyes staring lifelessly toward the sky. Her skin was paler than usual, the blood on her neck standing out in stark contrast against the white of her skin. At the sight of her wound, Kaelen doubled over as pain unlike anything he’d ever felt punched him in the gut. Was he too late?

  Stacy knelt next to her, tears streaming down her cheeks. She looked up at him with a pleading expression. “If you’re going to do anything, you have to do it now.”

  He turned to his right and noticed instantly the man Vincent held still with a sword through his chest. He was on his knees, a silver sword still sticking out of his chest, his expression pale and resigned. Anger rushed through him, and he ran forward without thinking of anything other than killing the man on his knees.

  “No!” Vincent snarled from behind the wounded vampire. He had one hand on the handle of the sword, the other raised, his finger pointing at Amy. “You take care of her first! I’ve got this.”

  Kaelen curled his lip at the vampire, wanting nothing more than to rip his head off. But Amy needed to be saved. He turned back to the young woman and straddled her hips. He cupped her face, feeling how cold her flesh was. She was so far gone, he wasn’t sure it would work. She would have to really want it. He needed her to really want it.

  He used his fang to cut open his wrist, then placed it at her mouth so the blood would flow into her body. She didn’t move, and Kaelen wanted to shout at her to swallow, to look at him.

  “Damn it,” he snarled. Grasping her face, he bent his body and placed his forehead against hers. Closing his eyes, he concentrated hard on getting into her head. She had to hear him.

  Amy felt so cold, so scared. Cool fog drifted around her, but in the distance, she could see a light—a warm, comforting light. As she moved toward it, the light became brighter, warmer. She began to feel at peace, safe. She’d had a short life, but she’d lived well. She’d found the love of her life. She knew that now, and although it had been short, she’d at least experienced it.


  She heard the sound of Kaelen’s voice from far away, and she stopped, turning to look over her shoulder. She didn’t see anyone and continued on toward the light.

  “Amy, stop!”

  This time it was louder, and when she turned, she could see him standing just a few feet away. She smiled. “Kaelen, look.” She turned back toward the light. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “Amy, don’t,” he said, his voice softer as though trying not to frighten her.

  She turned back to him and gave him a soft, understanding smile. “I’ll miss you.”

  “No,” he said. “You won’t, because you’ll be with me.”

  “How can I be with you?” she asked, smiling. “He killed me.”

  “I can save you, but you have to want it.”

  Her smile faded. “What do you mean?”

  “I can save you,” he said as he slowly walked toward her. His body began to fade. She could see the fog through his form. “You can stay with me forever.”

  “I don’t know.” She turned back to the light, fighting the desire to go toward it. Part of her wanted to go. Another part wanted to stay with Kaelen. She bit at her lower lip. Which did she choose?

  She took another step toward the warmth of the light.

  “Amy, please,” Kaelen said softly. “I love you.”

  She spun around in surprise, the light temporarily forgotten with Kaelen’s proclamation. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted to hear those words until she heard them. But what did she do now? She was dead.


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