Oh What a Slaughter

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Oh What a Slaughter Page 13

by Larry McMurtry

Crook and, 123, 124

  death of, 130

  as last desert Apache leader, 127, 132

  surrender of, 5, 124, 129, 131

  as Western icon, 41, 44, 129

  Ghost Dance movement, 5, 30, 131, 134, 135–37, 151

  beliefs with elements similar to, 136, 137, 144

  Sitting Bull and, 143–44, 145–47, 158

  whites’ fear of, 158

  after Wounded Knee, 157–58

  Ghost Dance Religion and the Great Sioux Outbreak of 1890, The (Mooney), 135, 154

  Glorieta Pass, Battle of, 98

  gold rushes:

  in Black Hills, 141

  in California, 48, 56

  in Colorado, 96–97

  Grant, Ulysses S., 22, 94, 98

  Camp Grant Massacre condemned by, 21, 121

  Little Bighorn and, 107

  Sand Creek Massacre and, 21, 107

  Grattan, John L., 94

  Great Sioux Reservation, 142

  Great Sioux Uprising (1862), 6, 95

  Grinell, George Bird, 104

  Grouard, Frank, 133

  Haight, Isaac, 70, 71, 72

  Hamlin, Jacob, 72, 79

  Handsome Lake, 136

  Harney, William, 95

  Haslem, James, 70–71, 72

  Hay-o-wei (Yellow Hair), 132

  Hennard, George, 12

  Hickok, James Butler “Wild Bill,” 41, 43

  High Forehead, 94–95

  Himmler, Heinrich, 161

  Hinckley, Gordon B., 65, 82

  Hiroshima, Japan, 34

  Hispanics, 5, 12

  history, Americans’ disdain for, 37–45

  Hitler, Adolf, 105

  Holocaust, 161

  Holt, Joseph, 107

  Holy Road, 94

  Hopkins, Albert, 156

  Hotchkiss gun, 151

  Hunkpapas, 129, 131

  Hussein, Saddam, 160

  Hutton, Paul Andrew, 37

  I Buried Custer (Coleman), ix

  Indiana, 16

  Iraq invasion, 59

  Ishi, 53, 54, 60

  Jackson, Helen Hunt, 48

  Johnson, Nephi, 3, 3

  Joseph, Chief, 124, 129, 131

  Julesburg, Colo., 106, 108

  Kanosh, 82, 83, 83

  Kautz, August Valentine, 127

  Kearny, Stephen Watts, 50

  Kiäsax, 118

  Killeen, Tex., mass shooting, 12

  Kiowas, 9, 58, 94, 135

  Klamaths, 48, 59–60

  Klingensmith, Philip, 79, 86

  Krakatoa eruption, 2

  Kroeber, Theodora, 54

  Kurds, 160

  Lajeunesse, Basil, 59–60

  Lassen, Peter, 50

  La Vérendrye, Pierre Gaultier de Varennes de, Sieur, 116

  Leavitt, Mike, 78

  Lee, John Doyle, 19–20, 19, 122

  confessions of, 65, 87

  execution of, 79, 86–87

  at Mountain Meadows Massacre, 79–80, 89

  prosecution of, 85–86, 88, 89

  Young and, 72, 79–80

  see also Mountain Meadows Massacre (1857)

  Lee, Robert E., 98

  Left Hand, 55

  Lewis, Meriwether, 116

  Lewis and Clark expedition, 41, 116–17

  Limerick, Patricia Nelson, 15

  Lincoln, Abraham, 96

  Little Bighorn, Battle of (1876), 5, 25, 96, 106, 123, 130

  casualties in, ix, 2, 31

  Coleman’s description of, ix

  Grant on, 107

  as Indian victory, 129, 132

  Little Big Man and, 111

  mutilations after, 33, 34, 112–13

  reconnaissance ignored by Custer at, 59

  Reno’s troops at, 125

  representations of, 37–40, 38

  Sitting Bull’s vision before, 137–38

  Little Big Man, 133

  Little Big Man (Berger), 40, 111

  Little Crow, 95, 96

  Little Thunder, 95

  Little Wolf, 141

  Logan family, 110

  Long Walk (1862), 24, 60

  Lost Bird, 154

  McGillycuddy, Valentine, 140, 143, 144, 145

  Mackenzie, Ranald Slidell, 131

  McLaughlin, James, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145

  Mahdists, 137

  Maidus, 47, 48, 53–54, 60

  Marcy, Randolph, 61

  Marias River Massacre (1870), 15, 115–18

  casualties of, 115

  Wounded Knee compared with, 152

  Martin, Thomas, 32, 51, 52

  Massacre at Fall Creek, The (West), 16


  apprehension as factor in, 6, 9, 11, 56, 97–98, 138, 143

  of Armenians, 2

  Carson’s “perfect butchery” description of, 1, 23, 25, 26, 53

  casualty figures in, 28, 29–35

  definitions of, 1

  herd reactions likened to, 160

  Hispanics as victims of, 5

  literature on, 163–65

  moral taint of, 19–22

  mutilations after, ix, 33, 34, 35, 105, 112–13

  as preemptive strikes, 6, 16

  reliability of accounts of, 7, 25–28, 163–64

  as total wipeouts, 15

  trauma and guilt of parties to, 2–3

  tribalism as factor in, 58

  of Tutsis, 2

  women and children as main victims of, 31–32, 161

  see also specific massacres Massacres of the Mountains (Dunn), 5–6, 109, 163

  Mencken, H. L., 109

  Mescalero Apaches, 24, 60, 123

  Mexicans, Apaches and, 119, 120, 124

  Miles, Nelson:

  Geronimo and, 5, 124, 131

  Sitting Bull and, 132, 140, 143, 144

  Wounded Knee aftermath and, 155

  Miller, Henry, 153

  Minneconjou, 147

  Modocs, 47, 129

  Modoc War, 56

  Monroe, James, 16

  Monterey, Calif., 50

  Monument Valley, Utah, 41

  Mooney, James, 135–37, 151, 154, 156

  Moravian Indians, 110

  Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints):

  blood atonement doctine of, 67, 73

  court system and, 85–86

  Mountain Meadows Massacre and, 3–4, 20, 26–27, 63–90

  persecution of, 67, 89–90

  as record keepers, 70

  U.S. government and, 66–67, 69, 70, 71, 85–86

  see also Mountain Meadows Massacre (1857)

  Morongos, 48

  motion pictures, 40–41, 48

  Mountain Meadows Massacre (1857), 2, 15, 63–90, 121

  account of discovery of, 81–82

  attacking force of, 75

  casualties in, 26, 64

  copy-cat attacks after, 85

  court of inquiry into, 84–85

  final slaughter in, 77–78

  forensic evidence of, 63, 65, 78, 87–88

  Forney investigation of, 82–84

  Haight and, 70, 71, 72

  initial attack and siege of, 75–77

  Lee’s prosecution and execution for, 85–87, 88

  looting of dead after, 80–81, 84

  monuments at site of, 65, 80, 84, 88–89

  Mormon denial of lead role in, 3–4, 20, 26–27, 63, 78, 81, 82, 86, 89

  Mormon participation in, 64–65, 68, 75–79, 80–81, 82–84

  Mormon peace offer in, 76–77

  motive for, 89

  Paiutes and, 27, 64, 66, 68, 71, 73, 75–79, 82–83, 86

  Sand Creek Massacre compared with, 89–90

  survivors of, 77, 83–84

  U.S. Army and, 26, 66–67, 69, 70, 71, 82, 84–85

  Wounded Knee compared with, 152

  Young and, 26–27, 63, 69–72, 79–80, 84, 86, 89

  Mountain Meadows Massacre, The (Brooks), 64, 65

  Mulvany, John, 37<
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  mutilations, ix

  at Fetterman Massacre, 34, 112

  at Little Big Horn, 33, 34, 112–13

  at Sand Creek, 35, 105, 112–13

  see also scalping

  Native Americans:

  agency system and victimization of, 6, 95

  of California, 47–48, 53–56, 59–60

  criminalization of killing of, 16–17

  final resistance of, 129–34

  leadership structures of, 94

  as main target of massacres, 5–6

  misuse of trust funds of, 159

  removals of, 2, 13, 15–16, 24, 60, 140–42, 159

  warrior ethic of, 56–57

  Navaho, 24, 60, 61

  Nazis, 161

  Nemattanew, 136

  Neva, 55

  New Encyclopedia of the American West, The, 29–30

  Newer World, A (Roberts), 47, 48, 53, 60

  New York Times, The, 5, 63

  Nez Percé, 5, 11, 124, 129, 132–33

  Noch-ay-del-klin, 136–37

  Nome Cult, 111

  Norfolk, Nebr., 11, 12

  Oakley, Annie, 131, 142

  Oglala Sioux, 129


  Five Civilized Tribes in, 98, 141, 159

  Ghost Dance revival in, 157

  On the Border with Crook (Bourke), 123

  Oregon Trail, 94

  Osages, 58

  Owl Woman, 91

  Oxford English Dictionary, 1


  Frémont and, 48, 59, 66

  Ghost Dance and, 157

  Mountain Meadows Massacre and, 27, 64, 66, 68, 71, 73, 75–79, 86

  Pamunkeys, 136

  Pansy Society of America, 156

  Papagos, Apaches and, 119, 120, 124

  Park, Hamilton Gray, 70, 71

  Parker, Cynthia Ann, 131

  Pawnees, 58, 94

  Penn, Arthur, 40, 111

  Penn, Captain, 120

  Pequots, 16, 110, 111

  Pickford, Mary, 48

  Piegan Blackfeet, 115–18, 118

  Pine Ridge Agency, 5, 147, 151, 152, 155

  Platte Bridge, Battle of, 106

  Powder River, 140

  Powell, John Wesley, 135

  Prather, W. H., 153

  Pratt, Eleanor McComb McLean, 67–68

  Pratt, Parley, 67–68, 67, 80

  Pumpelly, Raphael, 124–25

  Quahadi Comanches, 130

  Quanah Parker, 57, 58, 127, 129, 130, 131, 158

  Ramona (Jackson), 48

  Red Cloud, 47, 57, 58, 123, 127, 129, 158

  Cooper Union speech of, 41

  on Crook, 130

  death of, 130

  Hopkins ridiculed by, 156

  as negotiator, 130, 131, 153

  at Pine Ridge Agency, 147

  on White Man’s promises, 13, 126

  Wounded Knee Massacre and, 153

  Red Cloud’s War, 109, 140

  Redford, Robert, 48

  Red River War, 131

  Red Tomahawk, 146, 147

  Reno, Marcus A., 31, 125

  Roberts, David, 47, 48, 53, 60

  Rolle, Andrew, 52

  Roman Nose, 109

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 41

  Rosebud, Battle of the, 31, 106, 123, 129

  Rwanda, 2, 21, 160

  Sacagawea, 41

  Sacramento River Massacre (1846), 4, 15, 23, 26, 47–61, 89, 119

  Breckenridge’s account of, 51, 52

  Carson at, 51–52, 53, 59, 60

  casualties in, 51–52

  Martin’s account of, 51, 52

  Wounded Knee compared with, 152

  St. Vrain, Ceran, 91

  Sand Creek Massacre (1864), 5, 15, 27, 91–113, 121, 122

  aftermath of, 105–6, 125

  Black Kettle at, 103, 104, 111

  casualties in, 26, 30, 32, 35

  Chivington’s lack of repentance for, 20–21, 24

  Chivington’s leadership in, 24, 54–55

  Chivington’s report of, 26, 30

  court of inquiry into, 107–8

  Grant on, 107

  Grant’s condemnation of, 21

  Little Big Man and, 111

  looting after, 105

  main attack of, 104–5

  Mountain Meadows Massacre

  compared with, 89–90

  mutilations following, 35, 105, 112–13

  reliability of eyewitness accounts of, 27–28

  scouts’ roles at, 103–4

  Soule at, 101, 104, 106

  Soule’s testimony about, 107

  stories about, 104–5

  volunteer force raised for, 100–101

  Wounded Knee compared with, 152

  Sandoz, Mari, 141

  San Francisco earthquake, 2

  Santa Fe Trail, 91

  Satank, 9, 10

  Satanta, 9, 10

  scalping, ix, 35, 132

  see also mutilations

  Seminoles, 111

  September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, 2, 12, 34

  Seventh-day Adventists, 144

  Shangneau, John, 149

  Sheridan, Philip, 109

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 9–11, 102, 102, 109, 161

  Shoop, George, 105, 108

  Short Bull, 144, 147

  Shoshonis, 123

  Sioux, 6, 13, 129, 130, 158

  Black Hills and, 140–41, 143

  at Fetterman Massacre, 112

  Ghost Dance and, 135, 143–44, 145–47, 154, 158

  government dishonesty toward, 140–42

  Grattan conflict with, 94–95

  Little Bighorn and, 34, 124–25

  Red Cloud’s War and, 109–10

  at Standing Rock Reservation, 143–47

  Wounded Knee Massacre and, 5, 30, 135–56

  Sitting Bull (Arapaho mystic), 157

  Sitting Bull (Sioux leader), 44, 47, 58, 127, 129

  Buffalo Bill and, 131, 142, 144–45

  Canadian exile of, 130, 132, 142

  death of, 5, 130, 145–47

  Ghost Dance and, 5, 143–44, 145–47, 158

  personality of, 131

  at Standing Rock Reservation, 143–47

  victory vision of, 137–38

  as Western icon, 41, 44

  smallpox, 94, 115

  Smith, Jack, 103

  Smith, Jedediah, 60

  Son of the Morning Star (Connell), 40, 163

  Soule, Silas, 101, 101, 104, 106, 107

  Spencer family, 111

  Spotted Horse, 155

  Spotted Tail, 127, 129, 130, 131

  Staked Plains, 131

  Standing Rock Reservation, 130, 143–47

  Stand Watie, 98

  Sutter’s Fort, Calif., 50

  Sword, George, 154

  Sword, Jennie, 154

  Tecumseh, 47, 136

  Trail of Tears, 60, 98, 141

  tribalism, 58

  Turks, Armenians massacred by, 2

  Utah War, 69

  Utes, 5

  Utley, Robert, 142

  Victorio, 58, 119, 127

  Vietnam War, 34

  Vina, Calif., 4

  Voices of Wounded Knee (Coleman), 155, 163

  Walker, Joseph, 50

  Warren Wagon Train Raid, 9

  Washington, D.C., sniper attacks, 12

  Washita attack (1868), 106, 111

  Weldon, Catherine, 142


  American ignorance about history of, 37–45

  in books and movies, 40–41, 48

  West, Jessamyn, 16, 17

  West, main icons of, 41, 44, 129

  White Antelope, 55, 111

  White Mountain Reservation, 120

  Whiteside, Samuel, 149

  White Wolf, 55

  Whitman, Royal E., 119–20, 121, 122, 125

  Wichitas, 135, 157

  Willie Boy, 48, 49

  Wilson, Jack (Wovoka), 134, 136, 138–40, 157

sp; Wilson, James, 55–56, 136

  Wintus, 47, 48, 53–54, 60

  Wise, William, 65

  World War I, 5

  World War II, 34

  Wounded Knee, S. Dak., 159–60

  Wounded Knee Massacre (1890), 3, 5, 135–56

  aftermath of, 152–56

  Black Coyote and, 150, 151–52, 155, 160

  casualties in, 26, 30, 35, 151

  as final act in Indian dispossession, 158–60

  Ghost Dance movement and, 30, 131, 134, 135–37, 151

  Indian decline between Camp Grant Massacre and, 129–34

  machine gun used at, 151

  marker at site of, 157

  other massacres compared with, 152

  reliability of eyewitness accounts of, 27–28

  as revenge for Little Bighorn, 155

  survivors of, 33, 152, 154

  as total wipeout, 15

  Wovoka (Jack Wilson), 134, 136, 157

  messiah letters of, 138–40

  Yanas, 47, 48, 54, 60

  Yellow Bird, 151, 154

  Yellow Hair (Hay-o-wei), 132

  Yellow Woman, 91

  Young, Brigham, 27

  death of, 87

  deposition of, 70, 80, 86

  diary of, 69

  on disloyal church members, 85

  dispatch letter of, 70–71

  Lee and, 72, 79–80

  Mountain Meadows Massacre and, 26–27, 63, 69–72, 79–80, 84, 86, 89

  U.S. government and, 66–67, 69, 70, 71

  Young, Ewing, 60

  Young Man Afraid of His Horses, 155, 158

  Zitkala-noni, Marguarite, 154

  Zitkalazi, Herbert, 154

  Zulus, 137

  Photo Credits

  The author gratefully acknowledges permission from the following sources to reproduce pictures in their control.



  Nephi Johnson: Courtesy of the Church Archives. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


  J. P. Dunn: Indiana Historical Society, collection P0411.


  Satanta (top) and Satank (bottom): both Corbis.


  Norfolk, Nebraska: Elkhorn Valley Museum and Research Center, Norfolk, Nebraska.


  John Doyle Lee: Utah State Historical Society, all rights reserved.


  John Milton Chivington: Colorado Historical Society, Neg # F22;F24623.


  Ulysses S. Grant: Culver Pictures.


  Kit Carson: Culver Pictures.


  John C. Frémont: Culver Pictures.


  Brigham Young: Culver Pictures.


  Chief Big Foot: Corbis.


  William Fetterman: Fort Laramie National Historical Site Museum, Burt Collection.


  “Custer’s Last Fight”: Culver Pictures.


  Reward for Billy the Kid (top): Hulton/Archive/Getty Images. Billy the Kid (bottom): Culver Pictures.


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