His Obsession

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His Obsession Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Do you have a woman in your life?”


  She settled down, watching the movie. The storyline wasn’t gripping, and she found herself zoning out and being more conscious of the man at her side. He moved his hand to the back of the sofa. She felt the heat radiating off his arm through the robe she wore. At some point, she’d laid her head on his chest, and the hand across the couch went ‘round her, stroking her hair. The time passed. She rested a hand on his knee to help support her.

  When the credits rolled she was struggling to breathe. Her pussy was dripping wet from his closeness.

  Neither spoke for the longest time, their breathing the only sound that could be heard. Ursula moved first, looking up from his chest, up into his eyes. He stared down at her. His gaze went from her eyes to her lips then back again.

  She licked her lips. The action was made with the intention of seeing his reaction.

  Staring down at his lips, she knew she wanted him to kiss her. Her wants had nothing to do with what had happened with Paul. She knew the chemistry had been building between them for some time. She was tired of denying it.

  Stephen cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking her lips. “You’re incredibly beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” He leaned down. She held her breath waiting. At the last minute she expected him to stop. He didn’t. Stephen claimed her lips. A moan escaped her as he broke away only seconds later, and she felt his grip tighten on her face as he tilted her head backwards and kissed her deeply.

  Ursula moved closer to him. She gripped his shirt as she kissed him back.

  His tongue plunged inside. She cried out, opening her lips to receive him. Their moans mingled on the air between them. She went to her knees and then feeling bold, moved her legs to straddle him. He let go of her hair letting her get settled. Sinking her fingers into his hair, she slammed her lips down on his.

  She’d never felt this way before. The lust coursing through her made her want so much more from him. He let go, trailing kisses down her neck.

  “I want you,” he said. She never thought she’d hear those words from his lips. Tilting her head back, she gave him access to her neck. He took full advantage, kissing her pulse and nipping at her collar bone. The goose-bumps raised the hairs on her arms.

  He moved the hair off one shoulder, pulling the robe down her shoulders. The top part of her right breast was exposed. She thrust her hips against him feeling the hard ridge of his arousal.

  “No. We can’t do this,” he said. “You’ve just been through your stuff with Paul.”

  Cupping his face in her hands, she stared into his dark gaze. She saw the desire for her, and her body responded. “I don’t want Paul. I’ve not been with him for so long. This isn’t about him. This is about what I want.”

  She kept her gaze on him while her hands went to the tie of her robe. She untied the sash and pulled the robe apart. For a second she hesitated. Her body was a lot larger than the women he was probably used to. She liked her food and didn’t spend any time working off the calories from what she ate. Her legs were thick, her tits large, and her hips wide. Everything about her body screamed overweight. The desire pulsing inside her won out over her nerves. If Stephen didn’t desire her in any way, he would never have responded to her.

  Ursula removed the robe letting it fall to the floor. Taking his hand, she pressed his fingers to her core. “I want you, Stephen. I’ve never wanted a man the way I want you.”

  He stared at her. She left his hand on her pussy, waiting for him to decide. The time she waited seemed to go on forever. Neither moved. Their breathing was the only thing moving in the room. Then, he pressed two fingers inside her pussy.

  “You’re tight.”

  His eyes darkened. The intensity in his gaze shocked her. Her pussy tightened around as he thumbed her clit.

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, slamming her lips down on his. Even with her on top, he controlled everything. His free hand gripped her hair pulling her back. “Remove my shirt,” he said. His fingers were still inside her. At the command in his tone, she felt her pussy contract around him.

  Her hands were shaking, but she managed to release each small button, pushing the shirt from his shoulders. She gazed at his chest in awe. He was hard with no trace of any hairs on his body. She ran her hand over his chest feeling the quiver of his muscles.

  With his hands on her waist, he lifted her up onto the floor. Her legs were like jelly. She kept herself upright. He stood next to her.

  “Kneel.” She looked at him before dropping to her knees. Ursula didn’t understand why she was obeying him. She knew she wanted to do everything he said to keep the feeling inside her for longer.

  She watched as he unbuckled his belt. The sight of him sliding the leather out of the hoops forced her to hold her breath. Whatever was happening, Ursula wasn’t afraid. She wanted to be with him no matter what he wanted.


  His cock was rock hard. Seeing her on her knees in front of him sent the dominant inside him purring with need. Stephen had never expected her to follow orders. Staring at her naked body made his cock pulse and pre-cum ooze out of the tip. He pulled the belt from his pants. He saw her eyes widen and her body pulse. She was aroused by the action of him removing his belt.

  Next, he removed his pants and boxers, stepping out of them. His cock stood out, long, thick, and begging for the woman in front of him. He thought about the other women who’d served him. Never had he been bothered to have a woman kneel before him. Ursula did something to him, and he couldn’t explain it.

  Sex with her had been the last thing on his mind. She spoke her mind and was intelligent and witty. He enjoyed talking to her. Her independence struck him first. Seeing her on her knees, he loved.

  “Do you like being on your knees before me?” he asked.

  He saw the confusion on her face. “Don’t think about it. Let me know how you feel.”

  “I like it. I’ve never liked this.”

  Stephen wondered what Paul had done to her. Fisting his cock, he watched her eyes go to his shaft. Her tongue peeked out, licking those full, luscious lips. He closed off any doubt. Watching her set off the dominant inside him. A dominant didn’t doubt his ability. He took control and gave his woman pleasure in seeking his own in the process.

  “Would you like to suck my cock?” he asked.

  She stared at him for a few seconds before nodding her head. Running his fingers in her hair, he cupped her cheek. The position was awkward, but he gripped his cock in one hand, watching as she opened her lips. He pressed the tip inside, feeling her tongue slide over his tip, licking off his cum. Stephen moaned, his fingers tightening in her hair.

  He pushed forward, feeling his cock slide along her tongue. Her moan vibrated up his length. Stephen kept touching her hair and her face. He wanted to feel every part of her body. She stroked his length with her fingers as her head took more of him inside her mouth. He thrust inside watching his length disappear and reappear. His cock glistened with her saliva. Her lips looked red and puffy. Closing his eyes, he controlled the pace of his hips. The desire to slam inside her mouth was too hard to ignore. He pulled out, loving the way she followed after him. Taking her hands, he lifted her to her feet. She swayed a little, and he caught her in his arms.

  Her tits pressed against his chest. The curves of her body fit perfectly with his. Stephen captured her chin and tilted her head back to kiss her. She responded instantly. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she tried to get closer. There was nowhere else for her to go. They were skin to skin. She was soft while he was hard. He’d kept on top of his figure as the years were starting to gain on him.

  His cock pushed against her belly. Stephen set her down on the couch. He knelt in front of her and pulled her back. Her ass lay on the edge. Stephen took her legs, opening her wide. Ursula gasped as he ran his fingers through her creamy slit. She was so wet, her pussy lips
red and puffy.

  The scent of her arousal permeated the air before him. His mouth watered for a taste of her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to lick this creamy cunt until you’re begging to be fucked.” He spoke every word clearly. He refused to hide the man he was.

  “I never thought you’d talk dirty,” she said.

  “There is a lot you don’t know about me.” To emphasise his point Stephen thrust two fingers inside her. She was tight, wet, and hot. Her cries echoed off the wall. He loved the sound she made. Turning his fingers inside her, he stroked the g-spot and watched her squirm against the assault of pleasure.

  “Oh my God.”

  Stephen couldn’t help but smile. She may have been with another man, but she wasn’t sexually experienced. He knew her responses weren’t expectant. What he was doing to her was new territory to her.

  With his other hand, he opened the lips of her sex for him to view. Her clit peeked out of its hood. He saw her eyes were closed, and he took full advantage. Stephen licked her clit in one smooth swipe of his tongue. Her cries grew louder. Stroking her g-spot, he licked her pussy feeling every sensation as her cunt squeezed his fingers. Her cream leaked onto his digits.

  He wanted to spend the rest of his life tasting Ursula on his tongue. When she began to build to her climax, he thrust his fingers inside her. Her hips pushed up to meet him stroke for stroke. Stephen felt her fingers in his hair pulling at the strands. He gazed up at her to see her staring at him.

  “I’ve never ... I’m not going to—” She was unable to finish her words. He centred his attention on her swollen nub, thrusting his fingers inside her and watched as she came apart.

  The vision of her orgasm would stay with him forever. She was vocal, thrusting up to meet him as he tongued her sweet clit.

  He brought her down, kissing her pussy and teasing her. Only when she was over her peak and settled, he pulled his fingers out of her tight heat and licked off the glorious cream he’d created.

  “Wow,” she said.

  Stephen sat next to her and was more than content in giving her an orgasm. He ran his hand up and down her smooth thigh. In seconds Ursula pushed him back. She swung a leg over his until she was straddling him once again. She pushed her hair out of the way, her breasts swinging free in front of them. He cupped her back, pulling her close. Stephen sucked on one of her large nipples, relishing the way she squirmed on his lap. She crushed her pussy against his shaft. He felt her arousal on his lap.

  “I want you,” she said.

  He saw how far gone she was. “Do you know who I am?” he asked. The last thing he wanted was to take her and her not remember it.

  “Stephen, you’re my boss, and I want you to fuck me.” She said the words, which sounded more like an order. Gazing up into her eyes, he saw the woman he’d come to care a great deal about. “Please, I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  He held onto her hips lifting her up enough to grab his cock in his fist. Stephen ran the tip of his cock down her slit turning his gaze to where they would be joined. Taking one last look into her eyes, he saw the same passion he felt reflected in her eyes.

  Returning his gaze between their legs, he pushed his cock to her entrance. She moved down on his shaft, the tip of him inside her.


  When he was sure his cock wouldn’t fall out, he held onto her hips with both hands, stared into her eyes, and slammed her down onto his shaft.

  She screamed, and he groaned as the tightness of her consumed him. Her pussy squeezed him, already trying to milk his cum from the tip.

  His grip tightened on her hips. He stared down to where she sat on his shaft, then all the way up her body to stare into her eyes. Her eyes were wide open as her lips were slightly parted.

  “You’re big,” she said.

  Stephen chuckled. It was the news every man wanted to hear.

  “You’re tight.”

  Moving his grip from her hips, he ran his hands around her back, up and down. He slapped her ass making her yelp when she tried to move.


  He slapped her again.

  “I’m in charge. Stay still.” She kept her eyes on him and then moved once again.

  He slapped her ass harder this time, causing her to yelp harder. “I wasn’t lying, or do you like having this ass smacked?”

  She moved once again, and he slapped her. Soon her yelps turned to moans as he tapped her ass until she sat still. He loved the way she tested him. Her ass must be a nice blushing pink. Knowing she loved her ass being slapped made him harder than hell. Her pussy was flooded with her cream. He felt it around his cock.

  He touched her body. He wanted to learn every inch of her body. The smoothness of her skin was like the most expensive silk he owned. He knew she’d look amazing in the centre of his bed, the black silk surrounding her pale flesh like a glorious outline. He cupped her tits, thumbing her pointed nipples. Her body was made for long loving. He knew she would be a perfect fit for him no matter where they were. Stephen pushed the thoughts away. This wasn’t about forever. Their time together was about now.

  She stayed still, her eyes on him at all times. He liked exploring her body and knowing what turned her on. The noises she made went straight to his cock.

  Cupping her cheek with one hand while with the other he sank his fingers into her hair, he pulled her down to kiss him. Her hands lay on his chest, branding him. He felt their moment was more. The connection between them burned brighter than ever before. Ursula was his woman. He felt it within his heart and deep into his soul. He would protect her with his life. She was his woman to possess. No matter what happened, Ursula Mills would be his.

  He claimed her with his kiss knowing he would never let her go again. The thoughts concerned him as no woman had ever left him feeling this way. He felt the need to possess her, to hear his name fall from her lips at every moment. Moving his hands away, he cupped her hips and lifted her up before slamming her back down.

  She cried out. Ursula didn’t speak. The sounds coming out of her lips were moans of pleasure. He pushed up to meet her, and she began moving against him. Her tits bounced above him with the way she rode him. He lifted up, capturing one of her nipples between his teeth. She cupped his hand pushing closer. The heat burst, taking them both on a wave of pleasure. He took her to the floor before him. Locking her hands above her head, he fucked her hard. She wrapped her legs around his waist pushing up to meet him.

  “Harder,” she said.

  His grip on her hands tightened as he pushed inside her using all of his strength. She jerked up in one line. Letting go of her hands, he held her shoulders, keeping her in place as he rode her hard.

  He let go, staring down at where they were joined to watch his cock sink inside her body. The tight heat surrounded him with every thrust inside her. Their pants were the only sounds in the room. She held onto him where she could. He took one of her hands and pressed her fingers against her clit.

  “Play with yourself. I want to feel you orgasm around my cock.”

  She ran her fingers over her nub. The feel of her hand moving sent him to the edge. He controlled his release, sinking inside her to the hilt. Stephen sat back on his heels, holding her waist in his hands. He kept her in place with his cock still embedded inside her but made it able for him to watch her small hands play with herself.

  “You’re glistening. I can feel how turned on you are. Your cunt is like a fist, Ursula. Squeezing me. You want my cum, don’t you?” He’d never been vocal during sex before. With this woman, saying the words felt right to him.

  “Yes,” she said.

  Holding her with one arm, he used his other hand to slide along hers over her pussy. He heard the catch in her voice as he moved with her. Her juice coated his fingers, making it easier for him to work her clit. His cock was hard inside her.

  “You’re close. Let me feel you come around me.”

  “I want you
, Stephen.” She cried out as her climax held her in its grips. Her pussy grew tighter. Her finger kept moving, and he pounded her pussy holding her hips in his hands. He loved watching her tits move every time he fucked her hard. He felt the pulse of his arousal grip him. His balls got tight, and his cum shot out of him inside her body. He growled as his release surged through him making him tingle from head to toe. They held each other riding out their climax.

  When they came down, Stephen collapsed over her, holding his weight off her. She was panting for breath, and so was he. The moment he caught his breath he lifted up checking her body. He saw the red finger prints on her hips and knew they would be bruised by morning.

  She touched her side. “They don’t hurt.”

  His cock was still inside her. He didn’t want to lose the connection with her. Holding her in his arms, he moved into a sitting position with her help. She lay in his arms with her head on his shoulder. He brushed her hair aside, stroking the length.

  Ursula looked at him.

  “You’re mine now,” he said. He felt the words like a state of ownership. Ursula was his woman, and he would be keeping her.

  He knew he needed to talk to the other men at the club. This feeling inside him was something he’d never experienced before. She kissed him before laying her head back on his shoulder.

  Stephen knew he would do anything to protect her. All he needed to do now was convince her of his own feelings.

  Chapter Six

  Ursula lay in his arms not knowing what to do. Being with him had been one of the best experiences of her life. She liked the thought of being his woman, but did he mean the words, or were they just the after moments of really good sex? His arms surrounded her. He played with her hair while she stroked his chest. She touched his nipples feeling the way his body changed.

  “You’re sleeping in my bed,” he said.

  She smiled. He no longer asked but told her. She didn’t mind. Why didn’t she mind? No man had ever gotten away with ordering her around. Stephen was different. She’d known he was different from the first moment they met. His brooding reeled her from the start. She had wanted to bring him out to see him smile.


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