His Obsession

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His Obsession Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She cupped his head, conscious of her naked breasts. “I need to make dinner,” she said as she let go of his lips.

  “I’ll bring some Chinese food home.” Stephen turned the dials on the stove until the sound of lighted gas could be heard no more. “I need you now.”

  Ursula didn’t protest. There was no way she could. Her body was on fire, and the only way to extinguish the flame was by Stephen.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked, not expecting an answer.

  He turned her to face him. She stared into his eyes, which looked almost black with his arousal. Ursula tore at his shirt. He pulled it off over his head. She raked her nails along his chest feeling the hard press of his muscles flex under her touch. He wrapped his arms around, reeling her in. She gasped as her naked breasts grazed his chest.

  “You feel so good.” Stephen lifted her up onto the counter, his fingers sinking into the length of her hair to control her actions. He kissed her. She moaned as he plunged his tongue through her lips. The action reminded her so much of his hard cock slamming inside her pussy.

  “More,” she said.

  They worked the button of her jeans, pulled the denim fabric down to her knees. He moved her off the counter turning her around so her belly was pressed on top of the counter she had just sat on.

  She heard the sound of his zipper going down. In the next instant his cock pressed against her pussy, thrusting up inside her to the hilt. Their groans echoed off the wall. He was so big pressing all of his cock deep into her heat. She wished she could see him. Her ass was sticking up in the air with his length in her pussy.

  He cupped her hips, running his hands up either side of her to her shoulders. She felt his fingers grip her shoulders as he pulled out then slammed back inside her. Ursula held onto the counter while her senses went into overload as he pounded her against the counter. She screamed as he released her shoulder and began to finger her clit. Pushing back against him, she tried to hold onto something.

  “That’s it. Give me your pleasure. Ride my fucking dick,” he shouted. She cried out as he slapped her ass, the action so sudden that she paused in her response. The sting shocked her still. His fingers slid along her wet clit making her shove back against him. She needed to come. He held her hip as he pressed all of his hard length inside her. “I’m watching my cock sink into your pussy. You’re wet, and your cum is all over my cock. I want to hear you scream, baby.”

  She didn’t say a word. The pleasure was too intense for her to think a coherent thought. He knew how to drive her orgasm higher, making her last.

  “Let me hear you scream,” he said.

  He pumped inside her until she screamed to the roof tops as her release slammed into her. He rode out her climax. She felt the pulse and heat of his seed when he growled his release into her. They collapsed on the counter, his hands on her hips in a bruising grip.

  He kissed her neck down to her back, along her shoulders. “You’re amazing.”

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she said.


  “I don’t know. I feel like we barely know each other.” She knew her doubts were her own problems. Not every couple out there began a relationship after years of dating.

  “You’ve been working for me for a couple of months, and you know more about me than most.”

  “I work for you.”

  “Not any more. Don’t over-complicate our situation.” He pulled away from her. She couldn’t help but blush when he grabbed a towel to press between her legs.

  “I don’t mean to over-complicate matters.”He turned her around and kissed her.

  “Do you want me?” he asked.

  She nodded her head without hesitating.

  “I want you every second of every minute of every day. I don’t need time for me to know that I want you. I know who you are. You’re a beautiful, intelligent woman. I love being in your company. I want you, Ursula. Not just the sex. The sex is great, but I want you. All of you.” He tipped her head back. She had no choice but to gaze at him.

  Ursula knew she was falling for him. Stephen made her think about so many things all at once. Licking her lips, she glanced down at his lips before returning to stare into his hypnotic eyes. As silly as it sounded, she knew she was falling in love with him.

  “I’ll be back later with food. Rest, and I’ll see you soon.” He kissed her a last time, long and lingering. She heard the door then the car as he drove off.

  Dressing quickly, she cleared away the small amount of food she’d prepared then went upstairs to begin unpacking her clothes. She opened the door to his closet, which looked like a spare bedroom that housed all of his clothes. Staring at his suits, she ran a hand over each item of clothing. He had spectacular taste in clothes. She loved seeing him in dashing suits.

  Ursula hung each item of clothing on the spare hangers. Her clothing looked cheap compared to his. She shook her head on the way out, thinking about their relationship and all the reasons it wouldn’t work.

  He’s older than I, but that makes him experienced. You love his company even though he can be grumpy.

  She fought with her inner self trying to find the reasons they couldn’t work. Instead, she always found excuses. She ran herself a bath, undressing in front of the mirror to gaze at her body.

  How could a wealthy, sexy businessman like Stephen Knox want her?

  Her breasts were too large with big nipples. She’d seen enough naked women in Paul’s porn flicks to know men liked big tits with small nipples. Her waist rounded in then curved out for her big hips and chunky thighs. She would never possess the body of a size twelve, let alone someone much smaller. Most of the time when she went shopping she tried not to see the size of her clothing. She had come to accept she was the bigger, fuller woman. Being with Stephen made her nervous. What if he tried to change her? Would he request she go on a diet?

  If he didn’t like you the way you are, he wouldn’t be moving you in or sleeping with you.

  She tucked her hair behind her ears and smiled. For whatever reason, Stephen had picked her. While it lasted she wouldn’t do anything to change their situation. Her body hummed with the sexual excitement he created. She missed him already. Grabbing her watch, she checked the time then got in the lukewarm water. She looked forward to him coming home.

  Once she was done with her bath, she went downstairs, made herself a cup of tea, and waited for her man to arrive home. She settled for a romance movie while she had her textbook resting on her lap.

  Stephen returned home several hours later. He looked tired, but he held two bags of Chinese food. They ate in front of the television, her feet resting in his lap. She felt so comfortable with him, as if they’d been together for years not months. Their time together had started when she began to work for him. The tension between them had started when they first met. He stroked her leg while they ate. It was the first time since leaving home that she felt so at ease. She knew she could happily spend the rest of her life like this.


  Two days later

  Paul couldn’t believe that bitch had kicked him out. After all he’d done for her. No man would want her. He scuffed his shoes along the pavement feeling the anger bubble up inside him. His family wanted nothing to do with him. They thought he was a no-good piece of shit.

  Who wanted to work anyway? Life was so much better when a woman went out and did all the work. He liked staying at home, watching porn and wanking all day. Now he had no home, no girlfriend, and no way to get a job.

  Living in an apartment with the promise of paying rent at the end of the month would only last him a couple of weeks. If the landlord had been a girl he’d have offered to bang her for living free. His luck was truly down, and it was because of that bitch.

  He couldn’t believe she’d been cheating on him and with that wealthy son of a bitch, too.

  Cursing, he walked into the job centre in an attempt to find a job. He’d find one, then get a woman

, move in, and then get fired like he’d done with Ursula. His plan always worked. At twenty-five he could easily bag a woman.

  After an hour of looking and being treated like crap, he walked out of the job centre more angered than anything else. Ursula was going to be living the high life while his life turned to shit.

  He wanted to hurt her. When he’d popped her cherry he’d thought he’d been onto a winner. If a woman was going to wait to lose her virginity then she would be loyal.

  “Fucking bitch.”

  Turning down a street, he followed the path until he got to the park. He crossed the park, kicking up the sand in the sandbox. The kids wouldn’t have much fun the next day with sand over the floor. Paul chuckled before exiting the park. A limousine was positioned outside the gate. He scowled at it then walked a bit farther down the road. The black limousine followed him. He stopped, staring at the door waiting.

  The back door opened. A man with blond hair, and a nicely cut suit got out. Paul stared at him. The man had the boy-next-door look.

  “I hear, Paul Mellor, that you, my friend, have fallen on hard times.”

  “How do you know my name?” Paul asked. The blond smiled, and he saw the evil in that look.

  “Oh, Paul. I know a lot about you. I know you haven’t worked for most of your life. You do what you have to, to get by. Women are you meal ticket as they’re too brain dead to force you out to work. I know you like watching porn and doing your thing with that.” He waved at his cock. “I also know we have an enemy in common.”

  “I don’t know you, and you know shit about me.” Paul went to walk away, tired of other people telling him what he could and couldn’t do.

  “What if I can give you all of those things for free?”

  Paul stopped and turned. “I’m listening.”

  “First, you need to get in. I’ve got stuff to discuss with you, and I don’t want to do it out in the open.”

  Paul stared at the door, the man, and the rest of the world that lay ahead of him. Without thinking, he got into the plush limousine. He melted against the leather. The scent of wealth and extravagance surrounded him.

  “You will like what I have to offer.”


  “What if I could give you the lifestyle that meant you wouldn’t have to work again? You wouldn’t need to watch porn flicks because the girls will come to you for your own pleasure. More cunt than you could stand. More money than you could spend. How does that sound?”

  “Real good.” Paul rubbed the leather, licking his lips. He liked this guy already.

  “All I need is for you to do me a few favours and you can have the world.”

  Paul would do anything for what he was offering. Pussy all around him. Spending his days spending and fucking. He’d do anything for it.

  “You haven’t told me your name.”

  “Eugene. My name is Eugene Black.”

  Chapter Ten

  Stephen and Ursula developed a routine. He would drive her to the college campus every morning and pick her up at night. Most of his spare time was spent at the club. After his conversation with James he’d sought out Cadeon to see if he could shed any light on the way he was thinking. Every time he dropped her off Stephen struggled to drive away. He wanted to keep his eye on her at all times. When she wasn’t by his side, he grew impatient for the time to go to have her back next to him.

  Their time together was filled with consuming passion.

  He tried to find out who had sent a note to both him and James. Rebecca for the time being was safe as Tate and Kevin kept her safe. The only time he could forget all the chaos happening around him was when Ursula was with him.

  November was at a close, and December looked to be an even crazier month than the one before. Ursula was determined to get him in the festive mood. He, personally, hadn’t celebrated Christmas since his parents passed away. There were times he wondered why he’d stopped living because of the lack of his parents’ presence.

  In the event of the spirit he invited the few members of the club to his home for drinks. James couldn’t make it as Ravage was undergoing some staffing problems. Another note had arrived with the same threat. Neither of them could go to the police. If they went to the police they would have to give them access to their clubs, which defeated everything they’d been told by their fathers.

  He watched Ursula getting ready. The red dress she wore moulded against her curves, making his cock ache. She truly was a sensational beauty and the woman who owned his heart. His doubts were still in place about the whole possessive feeling, but he knew he loved her. She conversed and fought with him on a daily basis, and the sex was more fiery than anything he’d ever experienced.

  “Why did we have to invite my friends for drinks?” he asked.

  “This is not just your friends but your board of directors. You own several companies, Mr. Knox, and you asked me before I became your girlfriend to organise this little get-together.” She walked to the bed showing him her back. “Zip me, please.”

  Instead of zipping up her dress, he pressed his hands inside the dress, kissing her neck as she moaned.

  “You’re not playing fair.”

  “We can ignore the door, and I’ll make it worth your while.” He tried to tempt her. Her hair lay in spiral curls down her back. He loved her hair like this. She looked absolutely stunning, and he’d paid for her to have her hair done. Stephen had to force her to accept his gifts. He wanted her to have everything.

  He reached up in the front of the dress, cupping her bra-covered tits.

  “We can’t,” she said.

  “Yes, we can.” He pushed the dress off her shoulders exposing her creamy shoulders for him to kiss. Her eyes closed as she leaned back against him.

  Stephen stared at her reflection in the mirror. She looked so beautiful in his arms, her body so open for him to give her pleasure.

  She caught his hands. “I spent weeks organising this. Please, I’ll make it worth your while if you go down and host this party together.”

  He sighed and gave in. There was no way he could refuse the pleading look in her eyes. “I’ve got a gift that I want you to wear.”

  “I’ve told you not to buy me gifts, Stephen.”

  “I wanted to.” He pulled the dress back into place then zipped the back. He didn’t want to zip her up. “You’ll take the gift.”

  She didn’t argue. Stephen gave her a quick fleeting kiss before going to his jacket. He pulled out the small square box. After taking her to the college campus on Monday, he’d gone into the city and purchased several pieces of expensive jewellery. The moment he saw the ring he was about to give her, he knew it would look perfect on her. He needed to put something on her so other men would know who she belonged to.

  “Wear this for me.” He sat on the edge of the bed with the box resting on his palm.

  “Stephen?” She sounded nervous.

  “It’s not a wedding ring. This is just a token of my affection.”

  Her hand trembled as she took the box from him. She opened the lid, and he heard her gasp.

  “Stephen.” His name came out in a breathless sigh. “It’s beautiful. You don’t have to buy me any gift.”

  He waved his hand at her comment. There was so much more he wanted to say to her. Stephen took the box from her hands, took the ring out of the slit, and slid the delicate diamond ring on her finger. He made sure to linger a little. The token of his affection and the mark of his ownership was on her. He moved to her jewellery box and removed the golden necklace from its perch. She stood waiting for him. Stephen pushed her curls out of the way to fit the pendant necklace round her. This necklace had belonged to his mother. His father had told him that the oldest son in the family had to give the necklace to the woman they loved, the woman whom they felt so possessive towards. He knew his feelings for Ursula were verging on obsession. He spent every waking moment thinking about her. Her thoughts and emotions were always on his mind.

�This is such a beautiful necklace,” she said.

  Laying a kiss to the back of her neck, he let her curls slide down in place. “It was a family heirloom.”

  “It’s an heirloom. Stephen, you never told me this was that valuable.” She tried to take the necklace off, but he stopped her.

  “Stop it.” He ordered her. She stopped immediately. He knew there was a tone of voice he used which got her to do what he wanted straight away. “This is an heirloom passed down to the first-born son, who then give it to a woman ... a woman of importance to him.”

  “You should save it for the woman you’re going to marry,” she said.

  I’m staring at the woman I’m going to marry. You own me, Ursula. Heart, mind, body, and soul. I am yours.

  He thought the words that he was unable to say out loud. “I gave the necklace to you, Ursula. I want you to wear it. No one else.” He spun her to face him. “I don’t want you taking those off. Do you understand?”

  “I don’t know. These are expensive.”

  “No. I want you to keep the ring and the necklace on.” Stephen stared at her, feeling desperate to have her submit to him at this point.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, her full body pressing against his. His cock thickened as it always did at her close proximity. “I promise. You’re a strange man. Do you know that?”

  “I never said I was normal.”

  “No, you’re not. You have a grumpy attitude, and you always make me forget the difference between us.”

  “What differences?” he asked.

  She licked her lips, her tongue peeking out. He got the vision of her on her knees before him as he slid his cock into her mouth. A moan escaped him. “Now who’s not playing fair?”

  “What?” she asked, looking all innocent.

  “I will tie you to my bed if you don’t stop licking your lips.” He moved her back toward the end of the poster, pinning her against the framework.

  “Tie me to the bed? That sounds awfully kinky for a guy who has a silver spoon up his ass,” she said, teasing him.

  “So, you think men who have money can’t be kinky?” He smiled thinking about all the wealthy powerful men at his club. Not all of the men had been born into wealth, but a great deal of them had.


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