His Obsession

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His Obsession Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  He let go. Closing his eyes, he allowed his body to accept the part of him that hadn’t risen before in his life.

  “How do you cope with these feelings?” he asked Cadeon.

  “I know Violet loves me. I was her first in everything, and it helps keep the demon at rest.”

  “I’ve never felt this way about any woman in my life. I’ve seen the way you all are with the women you’ve been with. Why haven’t I felt like this until now?” Stephen asked all the men in the room.

  “We’re not a bloody race, Stephen. There is no scientific experiment to see how we react. There are only the few select members who can relate to how we feel. You know this. Your father told you, like his father told him. This is something we’ve got to deal with.” James sat opposite him.

  Stephen remembered all the conversations he’d had with his father. He also recalled going out and sleeping with every woman he could find to try to awaken the need inside him. At the time he had thought it would be cool to be possessive about a woman. The feelings inside him were too intense.

  “You have to learn to control it,” Cadeon said.

  Stephen opened the top buttons of his shirt. He needed the fresh air.

  “Now you know about this I need to start talking about what is going on,” James said.

  He pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket and handed it to Stephen. He opened it up and saw several pictures. Some were taken inside both clubs; another was of Ursula. There was also a picture of Violet and Rebecca. Each woman he recognised as being claimed by members of his or James’s club.

  “What is this?” he asked.

  “Turn them over,” James said.

  Stephen turned each photo over. On the back a note read, “Can you protect them all?” He gave the photos to each man. Cadeon ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Violet went out shopping there. She didn’t know someone was watching her,” Cadeon said.

  “I think the point of the photos is to show us none of the women knew. I’m more concerned about the photos of Ursula and Rebecca. They are the main women under our protection. All the other women have their own protectors,” Stephen said.

  “Actually, Rebecca is my responsibility, and Ursula is yours, Stephen,” Cadeon said.

  “You don’t need to worry about Rebecca. She’s our responsibility,” Tate said.

  “I’ll always feel responsible for her until you claim her in marriage or something. I should have protected her in my club. I didn’t.” Stephen knew he’d made a mistake. Rebecca was a woman who needed protection, and Ursula was his main responsibility.

  Cadeon flicked through the photos. Tate and Kevin came to look at each one. The photo in question was taken round the back of Rebecca’s house. He knew from Cadeon she was trying to deal with her fear of going outside. She stood in the open doorway trying to take a step outside.

  There were curses round the room. “Whoever this is knows about the club and Rebecca’s connection to it,” James said.

  The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

  “All the other photos are taken in public places. This is direct. Not many people know about Rebecca,” Stephen said.

  “The only people who know about Rebecca are the people in this room and two other people,” James said. His back was to them as he stared out of the window. All Stephen saw was the other man’s reflection. “The only two men who know about Rebecca are Lloyd Black and his son, Eugene Black.”

  “There is no way that little fucker can do something like this,” Sean said. “He hasn’t got a fucking brain cell inside his head.”

  “Never underestimate him. Eugene had a knack for being silent. He was probably more involved in both clubs than we realise,” James said, turning round to them.

  Stephen sat back thinking about everything that had happened. “Any news on the son?”


  “We need to find Eugene, and until then I want more security on the women. Talk to the members of your club and warn them to keep their women safe,” Stephen said. “Also, I need some time alone with Ursula. So I want you guys to get out of my home.”

  Several minutes later they exited the study. More guests had left. Ursula stood with Violet. They were talking, but each of them faced the study. Violet went to Cadeon immediately. Ursula stayed where she sat. The uncertainty on her face upset Stephen. Stephen went to her, taking her hand to help her stand.

  “I think it’s time to make the guests leave,” he said.

  “I’ll let you tell them to leave. I’ve already done as much as I can. I’ll see the waiters out.” She moved away from him. He watched her go, her ass catching his gaze as it swayed from side to side.

  The guests left, leaving a fuming Ursula waiting for him. He accepted what he’d refused to believe up until that point. There was no way he could deny the hunger inside him to possess her and claim her as his own. The feelings were growing every day. He couldn’t believe he’d been so stupid to ignore them up to this point. He closed the door to see her a few feet away from him.

  “I worked my ass off for this little party of yours, which you demanded that I organise and attend months ago. Considering I don’t have that silver spoon we mentioned earlier, I thought I’d done a great job. Why did you have to fuck it up?” She was angry, her hands on her waist. He saw the glint of the necklace, and his temper calmed. “First, you sulked off into your study, which was plain rude. Then you attack two of your friends drawing attention to yourself. There was yelling from inside the study. Do you have any idea what that was like?”

  “I made a mistake. I’m sorry.” He moved closer to her.

  They were alone. The men were gone. Ursula was all his.

  “No, you don’t get to look at me like that. I’m angry at you. You were unfair.”

  Stephen walked slowly towards her. She looked so fucking tempting in the red dress. He knew what lay underneath, and he wanted her. He wanted her large tits in his hands and his cock inside her cunt. The need to hear her screaming his name as he pounded inside her pussy was taking over.

  “Would you stop? I’m not going to let you off that easy.”

  “I’m sorry,” he said. He took another step closer. “I didn’t like Lucas or Sean being that close to you.”

  “They’re your friends.”

  “Being my friends doesn’t mean I trust them.”

  “That’s stupid.” She took a step back when she clearly noticed him advancing on her. “We wouldn’t have done anything,” she said.

  “I know you wouldn’t have done anything. I don’t know about the other two.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked. Another step taken and another step back. He knew in a few more steps her back would hit the wall. She would have nowhere else to go, and she would be all his.

  “You’re a sexy woman, Ursula. You’re smart and funny.”

  “I clean houses to make a living, Stephen.”

  “Not anymore,” he said. She took another step back, and then her back hit the wall. He smiled as he made the last step closing all the distance between them.

  “That doesn’t change who I am,” she said.

  “Lucas works for me. He doesn’t have money. Everything he’s got has been earned through hard work and time.”

  She nodded her head. “I wouldn’t have let them put a finger on me.”

  “Weren’t you tempted?” He knew she wasn’t. The men had cooked up a plan to try to get him admit the man he was. The plan worked better than he thought possible.


  Stephen stroked a curl. “Everyone has gone.”

  “I know.” He caressed her cheek enjoying the smoothness of her skin against his knuckles. “I don’t like sharing you.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  “Yes, I do. I don’t want you alone with another man again.”

  “Stephen, you can’t control the people I work with or go to college with.” She held onto his hand
s where they cupped her cheeks.

  He tilted her head back to gaze into her gray eyes. “You never have to go to college again or think about work.” Stephen knew she wouldn’t take the offer. Ursula wasn’t made to be a kept woman.

  “I can’t do that. I like studying, and there will come a point where I’ll want to work.” She moaned as he stroked the back of her neck. He needed to touch naked flesh. Stephen found her zipper and eased it down. He touched her back making both of them moan. “I can’t think when you do that.”

  “Then don’t think.” He eased the dress off her shoulder and followed the dress down until it lay on the floor. Kneeling in front of her, he gazed up at her body. The heels she wore were sexy as hell, curving her calves, but he’d rather have her legs wrapped around his waist instead of encased in the shoes.

  He ran his hands up her legs to hold the sheer pair of panties she wore. Slowly, he peeled them down her legs. The musky scent of her arousal teased his nostrils. The need to taste her consumed him. He picked up one leg placing it on his knee. She was partially open to him, her pubic hair outlining her pussy lips. He saw her cream coating her lips.

  “You’re wet,” he said.

  “Whenever you’re near I’m wet.”

  Stephen smiled, liking her answer. He teased her creamy slit with his finger. A gasp echoed in the air, and he watched two fingers slide into her moist heat. She was hot and tight, her pussy gripping his fingers as if she didn’t want him to go.

  “You want me.” She didn’t respond. There was no need to say any words. Lifting up until he was on eye level, he tilted her hips back for him to get to her clearly. He spread her open for him to see her gorgeous, swollen clit. Her moans filtered through his foggy aroused brain. After what had happened today, he wanted to spend as much time as possible with her. He licked along her slit taking as much of her cum as he could into his mouth. She tasted musky and sweet all at the same time.

  Sliding two fingers inside her weeping cunt, he flicked her clit with his tongue, feeling her cum spill onto his fingers. She was so wet and getting wetter with his ministrations. Her tits were still covered by her bra. Her tummy quivered with each thrust of his fingers.

  When her breaths came out in short sharp pants, he increased to three fingers and kept tonguing her clit.

  She came apart in his arms. Her pussy tightened around his digits. He held onto her back trying to help her stay upright. Stephen brought her down slowly. He pulled out of her body and stood up. Her bra went onto the floor, followed by his shirt. She sank to her knees, pulling at his belt. He pushed the zipper down as she pushed his pants down to his knees. Stephen rarely wore underwear. His cock sprang out, thick and long and leaking pre-cum out of the tip.

  With her hand on his cock, she spun them so he was up against the wall. He braced himself for what was to come. She licked the tip taking his cum. He saw the line of his seed on her tongue before she swallowed it down.

  “Fuck,” he growled.

  She took the head of his cock between her lips sucking on him. He tried to push more inside her. She refused to take any more. Stephen knew she was controlling his actions. She cupped his balls in her palm, massaging them with her fingers. He moaned as another wave of pleasure rolled through him. There was no way he couldn’t respond to her touch. She took the mushroom head back into her mouth. Sucking the tip, she flicked her tongue along the tip taking more of his cum.

  He closed his eyes enjoying the sensation she was creating. She sucked more of him into her mouth until he hit the back of her throat. Gazing down into her eyes, he saw the desire there. She enjoyed sucking his cock. Her fingers teased his balls as she licked up the vein of his shaft. He stroked her hair, loving the feel of her silky strands running through his fingers.

  Her moans vibrated up the length of his cock. He loved the way she licked up each side then swallowed him down. All the while her fingers massaged his balls as her other hand either rested on his thigh or gripped the base of his shaft.

  He fisted her hair taking over control of her actions. She let him, and that made him harder. His pre-cum oozed out of the tip as she gave herself over to him. He moved her head up and down. She took more of him in her mouth. Slowly, he glided along her tongue. When he hit the back of her throat he waited for her to get used to the feel.

  “Open up for me,” he said. “Breathe through your nose.”

  She followed his instructions. He moved past her gag reflex, coming back up to give her time to breathe. She took more of him each time. Stephen didn’t want to come in her mouth. He wanted to be inside her.

  Ursula stood up when he gave her hair a slight pull to let her know what he wanted. Stephen pushed his pants down then grabbed her close. Her breasts smashed against his chest as he slammed his lips down on hers.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful. I’m going to fuck you.” He kissed her deeply, plundering her mouth with his tongue. She ran her hands up and down his chest. Her fingers circled his cock pumping him in her fist. Her soft belly was a cushion for his cock.

  “Stop. I don’t want to spunk on your stomach.”

  Her eyes dilated.

  “Do you like it when I talk dirty?” he asked.

  “Yes. I love the sound of your voice.” She gasped when he tweaked each of her nipples.

  He moved her down the hall so she could see herself in the mirror. Stephen turned her so her back was to his chest. He cupped her tits in his hands.

  She closed her eyes refusing to look at herself.

  “No, don’t be ashamed. Look at yourself.”

  “I’m fat,” she said.

  “No, you’re not. I love you like this. I never want you to change. I want you to see what I see. Your tits are lovely and full. Do you know what I want to do?” he asked. She shook her head, but her eyes were open watching him. He squeezed her breasts together. Her lips parted as her little gasps erupted from her.

  “I want to fuck these tits. I imagine sliding my cock between this valley while you hold them together. They are large and would fit me perfectly.” He slid his hands down her stomach cupping her fleshy belly in his hands. “I like the fact you eat your food. I hate going to a restaurant or ordering food for a woman who’ll ask for stuff to be taken back or nibble on what I bring them. It is disrespectful and angers me. You do nothing but please me.” He kissed her neck enjoying the way she was opening up to him. Stephen saw and felt the way she pressed herself against him. He moved to her waist feeling the way her body curved in then expanded out to her full hips. “Your hips are full. I like them filling my hands. I also know I can fuck you hard and rough and you’ll not break. If you were all skin and bones I would spend more time worrying about touching you. I love touching you. Your skin is smooth.” He moved down to the top of her pussy. The mirror wasn’t long enough to get the reflection of his hand between her legs. All he saw in the mirror was his much larger arm across her body disappearing down. The image was a turn-on. His skin was darker than hers.

  Stephen slipped his fingers through her wet slit, teasing the moisture onto his fingers and moved them up to finger her clit. She shuddered as she climaxed seconds later. His touch made her squirm in his arms.

  “Never doubt what I feel for you. I desire your body and want you more than you could even begin to understand.” He spun her to face him, cupping her cheeks. The scent of her arousal permeated the air between them.

  Stephen could no longer wait. He threw what was left on the dresser near the mirror and lifted her up onto the surface.

  He wanted to be inside her.

  Chapter Twelve

  Something had changed inside him. Ursula sensed the change within him. There was something darker there but also an acceptance of himself. She liked the change. He seemed happier since coming out of the study.

  She watched his cock slide up and down her wet slit. His cock grew wet with her own juice. He slipped the head of his shaft down to her entrance. Turning her attention to his eyes, she felt him push his
cock inside her. When the tip was in, he held her waist in his hands and slammed all the way to the hilt inside her.

  A scream released from her lips. The pressure of his cock combined with the slight pain made her cry out. He was large for her to take all the way in. Stephen usually spent more time in penetrating her. He filled her, the length of his dick pressing along the walls of her pussy. Her eyes closed as she tried to accept all of him. She gripped the edge of the counter he’d put her on. They were near the front door. If any guests were to come back, they could be seen through the glass.

  “That’s it. Take all of me, baby. I want you to feel me.” He pulled out then slammed back inside. She held on as he fucked her body hard. Soon the slight edge of pain turned to intense pleasure as her pussy got used to his size. Her tits bounced. His grip on her waist tightened. She saw his fingers squeezing the flesh. He would mark her with the way he was holding her.

  He pulled out of her, taking her off the counter and to the floor. “I need to be near you,” he said.

  She opened her legs as he pressed all of his cock inside her. He kissed her, taking her hands and holding them above her head. Ursula thrust up to meet every stroke of him inside her.

  “You’re cunt is so tight,” he said. “I can feel every pulse as you tighten around me.” He pulled out then pushed back in. Each movement had him rubbing against her pussy. She cried out as he rolled his hips in a movement that made him stroke each of her walls.

  “More,” she said.

  Stephen kept up a pace making her come apart as her release sprang up. His grip on her hands stopped her from clawing at his back.

  “That’s it, baby. Scream my name. I want to hear you scream for me.” She shouted his name as she collapsed underneath him.

  Stephen kissed her lips, her cheeks, then down to her breasts. He bit her nipples making her cry out from the pain. His cock pulled out. He hadn’t reached his own release. She knew he was determined to draw out their time together.


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