His Obsession

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His Obsession Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  “Of course I would.” Ursula pulled away, then pushed Stephen forward. “Mom, I’d like you to meet my boyfriend, Stephen.”

  “It is a pleasure to meet you,” Stephen said. He took her mother’s hand and kissed it.

  “You look familiar. Have I seen you somewhere?” Ruby asked.

  “Not that I know of.”

  “He’s Stephen Knox, one of the wealthiest businessmen around,” her oldest brother called out.

  Ursula shot him a glare. It would be Tim who opened his big mouth.

  “That’s me, but today I want to be your daughter’s boyfriend. Ursula is special to me, and I would hate for my social standing to cause a problem,” Stephen said. She knew he was trying to smooth things over.

  Her mother was silent for a moment. Her father, Malcolm, offered a comforting hand to his wife. “Well, I think we’d better get inside. I don’t want anyone catching their death out here. We’ve got the Christmas decorations up already.” Malcolm turned Ruby around giving her a wink.

  They followed Ursula’s family inside. She took his coat hanging it up on the stand behind the door. Malcolm sat down in the sitting room, and Ursula sat with Stephen on the sofa across from her father. Her sister perched on the end while her brothers stayed in the doorway. Ruby came in with tea and biscuits, then took the seat next to Malcolm.

  “So, Stephen, how did you and Ursula meet?” Malcolm asked.

  The inquisition began. Her fingers tightened around Stephen’s. She noticed her mother kept looking at their joined hands.

  “Well, Ursula applied for the position of my house cleaner. My last one quit when I yelled at her.”

  “She worked for you?” Ruby asked.

  Stephen chuckled. “Not really. When we met at her interview we began arguing. I knew she wouldn’t take any of my crap. She was the first woman besides my mother to stand up to me.”

  “What do your parents think of your relationship?” Malcolm asked.

  “I wouldn’t know. My parents passed away several years ago.” There was tense silence in the room.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  The ice was broken, and the inquisition began in full force. Ursula admired his ability to answer every question without too much trouble. Once in a while she would squeeze his hand. She knew her father liked him.

  Ruby asked for her presence in the kitchen to finish dinner preparations. Caroline gave her a smirk as she passed. She slapped her sister on the leg then closed the door to the kitchen.

  “If you’re going to ask me to dump him then don’t. Stephen is good to me,” she said.

  “I care about you, Ursula. He’d older than you.”

  “Dad is older than you. Please, don’t make a big deal out of this.”

  “How can you be happy with a man like that?” Ruby asked.

  “You’re happy with dad even though your whole family disowned you for getting married to him. Stephen means a lot to me. I’m not letting him go because you don’t like him.” Ursula hated arguing with her mother.

  “Do you love him?”

  “Yes. I do,” she said without hesitation.

  “Then I can’t argue. We lead with our hearts. I’m still nervous about who Caroline will bring back home. We’d better get dinner on the table.”

  Ursula helped her mother set the table. By the time she walked back into the sitting room Stephen and Malcolm were talking about some kind of sport. The day was going really well. Stephen smiled at her, reaching for her hand to kiss her.


  Stephen liked her family. They cared about her and wanted to make sure he was the right guy for her. Malcolm didn’t let him off the hook. When the questions came about his what intentions towards his daughter were, Stephen informed him that his intention was to marry her as soon as possible.

  “Have you knocked my daughter up?” Malcolm asked.

  “No, sir. I want Ursula to be mine. I’m going to propose to her over Christmas. I hope you like me because I’m not leaving her, ever.”

  Several minutes passed then Malcolm smiled. “Welcome to the family, son. I couldn’t wait to claim Ruby as my own. I was obsessed to make her mine. This possessive streak can be a problem.”

  Stephen laughed but then thought about Lucas and what he’d said. There was too much to think about in one go. He filed the information away for later. Ursula came in to take them through to the dining table. He adored her family even at the cramped dinner table. His mother enjoyed setting a big lavish table whereas the simple decorations cheered him up immensely. Ursula sat next to him. They passed round bowls of potatoes, vegetables, and meat. He knew where she got her talent in the kitchen. She clearly learnt from her mother. Watching her family interact was amazing. Being an only child had been rather lonely at times. His father wouldn’t allow his mother to have any more children because his birth had been dangerous. Her brothers teased her while Caroline fought over something with her mother. There was never a quiet moment. He loved every second and knew he’d love to come again soon.

  Caroline helped clear away while Ursula took him upstairs. He laughed when Malcolm shouted up a warning for them to leave the door open. He felt like a teenage boy rather than a full grown man.

  “How embarrassing can he be?” Ursula said.

  “I like him. He loves you.”

  “Are you ready for this? This is a younger me with lots of fairy tale dreams and wishes.”

  “I want to see your room.” She opened the door pulling him inside. Very quietly she closed the door. Her bedroom was a light shade of pink. She had a single bed with a small amount of furniture. There was a vanity table at the end of her bed with pictures around the mirror. He went over to stare at all the pictures. “Who are these people in the pictures?” he asked.

  She brushed against him. “That is Caroline. I did her hair for prom. There are a few friends who I lost touch with, and that there is my brothers. They like to fish, which is a really lame sport. I went and read for the entire day, and they didn’t catch anything. That’s me when I got my first waitress job.”

  Stephen looked at each picture looking at Ursula as she grew up. “There isn’t one with you of prom.”

  “I didn’t go.”

  “Why not?”

  “In case you didn’t see from the photos, no one wanted to go with the fat girl.” She sat on her bed, which still held a teddy bear. He sat next to her.

  “I would have gone with you,” he said.

  “That’s sweet.”

  He caught her face turning her to look at him. Stephen leaned in close to kiss her. The moment his lips touched hers, he didn’t want to stop. Her little breathy moan spurred him on. She pushed him back on the bed, kissing him deeply. Her legs straddled him as he cupped her ass thrusting against her denim-clad pussy. Their moans filtered through the room. He grabbed the back of her head holding onto her.

  “Whoa, so sorry.” They stopped and turned to see Caroline staring at them. “Dad said not to shut the door. Also, mom has your doggy bags ready to take with you for your journey home. Snow is forecast, and dad wants to make sure you both miss it.”

  Caroline went to go but spun to face them. “I like you. You’re good for my sister. I always knew she was a rebel.” The she went downstairs.

  Ursula was blushing. Stephen laughed when she buried her head against his shoulder. “You’re the first guy I’ve made out with in my room. I feel like sixteen again, only cooler.”

  “I’m your first,” he said teasingly. “Come on. If snow if forecast I want to be home before it hits.” They walked down the stairs together. Ruby handed Ursula the bag of food. He shook all of their hands and then they were in the car on the road driving home.

  “What’s your verdict of my family?” she asked.

  “I like them.”


  “Yes. I like your brothers and sister. Your dad is awesome and your mother sweet. I see where you get the talent in the kitchen from.”

nbsp; “Mom always took me into the kitchen. She wanted to pass down everything she knew. Caroline hated cooking. I was the next best candidate,” Ursula said. He listened to her enjoying how much he learned about her. Her parents cared about her. The snow began to fall as he typed in the code to his house. He parked the car, and then they both ran in chuckling. Stephen followed her through to the kitchen, kissing her lips, her neck. He wanted to pick up where they had left off in her bedroom. He kissed any exposed skin he found. She pulled off her jumper, and he tore at the buttons of her blouse. When they weren’t undoing fast enough, he ripped her shirt open, scattering buttons around the room.

  “I liked that shirt,” she said.

  “Buy another one.” He grabbed her head slamming his lips down on hers. She melted under his touch, submitting to him. Her bra followed the torn remains of her shirt. She yanked at his own shirt, pulling it out. They broke apart for her to peel the shirt over his head. She kissed his chest, sucking his nipples into her mouth.

  He pulled on her hair to bring her back up, then plunged his tongue into her mouth claiming more of her. With his other hand, he grabbed her ass, squeezing the plump flesh. Their actions were rough and violent, both of them trying to get the other in a state of undress. Stephen pushed her back to the table, kissing down her neck to claim her right nipple. He bit down into the red flesh. Her scream of pain followed by the groan of pleasure made his cock pulse in his pants, the tip leaking out a stream of pre-cum. He wanted inside her. Picking her up, he placed her on the end of the table.

  She unbuckled his belt, pushed his pants down to his knees, and gripped his shaft in her fist. Pushing her back away from his cock, he pulled the jeans from her body in one smooth yank. The thong she wore ended up in two pieces as that went to the floor. His patience was running out. He pulled her to him with his hand on her neck. His other hand slipped between her slit, teasing her juice out of her cunt, and then he pressed two fingers to her swollen clit. She panted as he pressed two fingers inside her. He teased her by flicking her clit and fucking her pussy.

  “Please.” She begged him. He pressed a third finger inside her, feeling her pussy squeeze him.

  She fisted his dick, pumping the head. Her fingers ran over his slit gathering his cum, then spreading it around his shaft. He pushed her hand away. Stephen caught her hands up above her head, holding her in place.

  “I don’t want you to touch me,” he said.

  “I want to touch you.”

  “Leave your hands above your head.”

  He let her go then sat back up. She was naked, spread out on his dining room table. Stephen took her ankle and placed it on the end of the table. He did the same with her other ankles. With his hands on her thighs he spread her wide open for him to view. While she lay on the table without moving, he pushed his pants down and off his feet.

  Cum leaked out of her slit. Using two fingers he gathered her essence on his finger then licked her cream into his mouth.

  “You taste so fucking sweet,” he said.

  Sitting down in the chair at the head of the table, he pulled her closer so he could watch her arousal. Her clit was swollen, and he saw the pulse of her need as he continued to watch. He stroked her thighs, feeling them tense when he moved close to her glistening cunt. Stephen fisted his shaft watching her grow more aroused. When he couldn’t stand it anymore, he pulled her close using his hands on her thighs. Her scent permeated the air between them. He licked her pussy, tasting her musky juice on his tongue. She moaned, her pelvis thrusting up. Stephen caught her hips, smashing his tongue against her clit.

  He penetrated her tight pussy with his tongue, feeling her flow into his mouth. Her moans spurred him on. Using his fingers and tongue he worked her body until she was pushing up against his mouth.

  Within seconds she came apart under him, her cries glorious music to him. He played with her clit as he stood. She was still climaxing when he grabbed his shaft and pressed it into her pulsing channel. Ursula moaned while he growled as her pussy pulled him in, her walls milking his hard dick inside her.

  Holding onto her hips, he surged inside her to the very hilt. He bumped her cervix, and she moaned, the sound she made a mixture of pain and pleasure. Her hands were spread out gripping the edge of the table. He would never again look at the table without imagining fucking her.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He pulled out of her then slammed back inside. Her back arched off the table as he fucked her hard and fast. Perspiration dripped off his body onto her. She stared at him, and he gazed back at her, the connection between them flowing stronger than ever.

  “I’m going to spill inside you. I want to get you pregnant, Ursula. I want to make you mine.” He said the words he’d been holding back. The desperation to tell her his need for her filled every corner of his soul.

  Stephen lifted her up. Her supple body was perfect against his hardness. All he wanted to do was sink inside her and never let go.

  “Watch my cock fuck your body,” he said. They stared down where they were connected, his length glistening with her release and his pre-cum.

  Her moan vibrated through her body down to his cock.

  “I’ve never been like this with anyone,” she said.

  “That’s because you’re mine.” He growled as her pussy tightened round him the moment he said the words. Stephen pulled out of her, spun her around so her tummy was flat on the table. Her ass was in the air. He pulled the full globes loving the way she pushed back against him. Gathering her cum on his fingers, he brought his fingers to the puckered hole of her anus. She froze under him.

  “Trust me, Ursula. I wouldn’t do anything to harm you.” He caressed her back as she slowly relaxed, accepting his touch. “There is nothing I would do to you to cause you harm.”

  “I’ve never done that,” she said.

  “I’ll be gentle. You’ll love it.” Stephen wouldn’t fuck her ass immediately. She would need to grow accustomed to having something in her ass. He pressed one finger against her ass watching her fight him. “Relax,” he said. With his free hand, he teased her clit, which did the trick. Her ass relaxed enough, and one finger sank inside the tightness of her ass. She cried out. He slid his cock along her slit, bumping her clit before he pressed inside her cream-coated pussy.

  Ursula thrust back onto his finger and cock, taking more of him inside her body. She begged him to fuck her hard. He took her with him, adding another digit to her generous ass as he rammed inside her cunt over and over.

  Stephen held the words of love back. He didn’t know when the right time would be to say them. She slammed back. The noises she made, made him aware of the pleasure rising inside her.

  His balls ached, and his cock was thick as he slammed into her a final time. Stephen growled as his cum spurted out of the tip inside her. Her release gripped her at the same time. He felt her pussy milking the seed from his cock as her ass did the same with his fingers. She collapsed on the table. Holding her was difficult with only one arm. He pulled his fingers from her ass then settled her on the table.

  He grabbed a cloth from the kitchen, washed his hands, then went to wash her. She lay with her legs dangling off the table. Her body was totally relaxed.

  When he was standing before her, he saw his cum leaking out of her pussy. For a few moments he watched his seed spill out of her. The possessive feeling swamped him. His woman lay on the table with his cum in her body. He wanted to keep her in that position for the rest of his life.

  She stared at him, waiting. He washed her gently. The way he’d taken her had not been gentle. When she was clean, he lifted her in his arms and held her while she cried. Her legs wrapped around him with her head buried in his neck. She sobbed silently.

  “It’s okay,” he said, soothing her. He stroked her hair, holding her. At some point she began to ease from her crying. He went up to his room, holding her in his arms. Something had changed between them in these moments of making love. He felt part of her more than ever. She
was his lifeline. The reason for breathing. He would cherish her for the rest of his life.

  Sleep claimed her. Stephen watched her in his arms. He never wanted to let her go.

  “I’ll do anything to keep you.” Even if it meant keeping the club from her. Ursula accepted so much of him. A part of him was afraid if she knew about Possession she would leave him. But Stephen knew, no matter how many excuses he made, he’d have to tell her about the club. He stared down at the sleeping woman he’d fallen so deeply for and knew tomorrow he wouldn’t put it off any more. He’d tell her about the club tomorrow. There would be no secrets between them.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The following day

  Ursula couldn’t wait to get home. She’d left before Stephen had woken because her tutor needed her to talk to her about the work she was doing in class. They talked to every student around this time in order to make sure they were on the right track for the end of the semester just before a break and the start of a new one. Her tutor felt she’d be able to graduate within the next year or two. She wanted to share her news with Stephen. Ursula walked out of reception area of the college building where she’d signed all necessary tutorial forms for the following year, to see Paul waiting for her. She went in the opposite direction in the hope of avoiding him. No such luck, as he followed her. She’d told Stephen not to bother picking her up after college. There was too much left to do with her courses, and she needed the extra time. Whenever she was with Stephen none of her work got done. She knew something was going on in his life. He wouldn’t share. After they made love and she fell asleep, he would go downstairs. Most nights she woke to find him talking on the phone in his office. Whatever was happening he didn’t want her to know about it.

  Putting her bag higher on her shoulder she tried to ignore Paul. He kept catching up with her. She wished she’d told Stephen to pick her up. The time she had to walk home she’d hoped to have to think about her situation. Instead, she’d have to deal with Paul, the last person she wanted to talk to.


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