Kametaro, Frank Kansas City Post,
Kansas City Star,
Keating, F. (Fred) Serrano Keeler, Pierre Keeler, Dr. W. M.
Keene, M. Lamar Keith Brothers Keith, Paul Kellar, Harry
Bullet Catch, advises against
exposes tricks of mediums
farewell performance of
and Film Development Company
on Houdini as a magician
and Houdini’s nostalgia for
and Houdini’s 25th wedding
and The Master Mystery,
socializes with Houdini
Kellock, Harold Kempf, Dr. Edward Kennedy, Dr. Charles Kensington, S. S.
Keyes, B. B.
Kilby, Bert Kilby, Quincy
amasses Houdini scrapbook
correspondence with F. L. Black
correspondence with Houdini
and Houdini’s request to spy on
preserves Sarah Bernhardt statuette
gives Houdini Christmas
queries Houdini’s progress on
Buried Alive
King, John King, Katie King, Mackenzie Kinsky, Josef Kita-Muras Kitchener, Lord Klaw & Erlanger Klein-Glienecke Castle Kleinmichel, Count Kleppini Engelberto Kohl and Middleton’s Kolar, Joseph J.
Kraus, Louis C.
Kronprinz Wilhelm,
Kronprinzessin Cecilie,
Krupp Works Kubler-Ross, Dr. Elisabeth Kukol, Franz
assists in escape from carette
exposes Houdini imitators
honored by Houdini
provided for in Houdini’s will
receives cable reporting death of
Houdini’s mother
rescues Houdini during chain
rings Kremlin bells
at Queen’s Bridge in Melbourne
timekeeper for Milk Can escape
wields ax during Water Torture cell
Langdon, Professor Hudson Lankester, Edwin Ray Laufer, Nathan Leaf, Horace Lebedoeff, Chief Leckie, Jean, see Doyle, Lady Lee, Lila Leeds, Herbert Leigh, Janet Lefebvre, Eugene LeFevre, Dr. George Leffler, Mrs.
Leon, Louis S.
Leonard, Benny LeRoy, Servais LeRoy, W. D.
LeVeyne, Armstrong Lily Dale, New York Lincoln, Abraham Lippmann, Walter Literary Society for the Young Men’s
Hebrew Association
Litt Museum Locklear, Ormer Loder-Symonds Lily,Lodge, Sir Oliver Lodge, Raymond Logue, Charles Lombroso, Cesare London Alhambra Theatre London Daily Illustrated Mirror,
London Evening Sun,
London Hippodrome London Morning Herald,
London Sunday Express,
London Telegraph,
London Weekly Dispatch,
London, Charmian
inspires film character
Houdini’s affair with
meets Houdini
London, Jack Los Angeles Call,
Los Angeles Orpheum Theatre Los Angeles Times,
Lost World, The,
Lott Louis-Philippe, King of France Lovecraft, H. P.
Lovell, John, Arms Company Lutes, A.
Lynn, Dr. (Hugh Simmons)
MacDonald, Ramsey Macfadden, Bernarr Machpelah Cemetery Mackenberg, Rose Magic Circle Magic Made Easy (Houdini) Magic
Ashes on the Arm
Bullet Catch
cardsharping techniques
Crystal Cash Box
Hindoo Needle Trick
with the needles pushed into the
Indian Rope Trick
leverage techniques
Levitated Fakir
Mene Tekel
Second Sight
Vanishing Elephant
Walking Through a Brick Wall
Magician Among the Spirits, A
Malini, Max Man From Beyond, The,
Manuka, S.S.
Marcia, Madame Grace Marco, see Dooley, Edward J.
Maria Pavlovna, Grand Duchess Margery (Mina Crandon),
alcoholism of
bell box of
Bird’s confession about
called “Psyche,”
death of
dentist’s fingerprints
ectoplasm and,
great-granddaughter of
Houdini séances with
and Houdini’s box
linking rings
megaphone use by
possible surgery on
residence at 10 Lime Street
Scientific American verdict on
solus sittings of
suicide attempt
Margery, Harvard, Veritas
Marler, Sir Herbert
Marler, Lady Martin, Alexander Martinka, Francis Martinka’s Magic Shop Marvelous Adventures of Houdini: The
Justly Celebrated Elusive
American, (Houdini)
Maskelyne & Cooke’s Egyptian Hall Mason, Ruth Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts State Association of
Master Mystery, The,
Matthews, William Maurer, Otto McAdoo, William McCormick Reaper Works McDougall, Dr. William, McGill University McKeon, H. J. J.
McKinley, President William, McLeod, Rep. Clarence McVickers, Mary Fairfield Melton, F. R.
Melville, William
diary of
early career of
fights with Meunier
meets Houdini
and MI-5
and Russia
and Wilkie
Memoirs of Robert-Houdin,
“Men Who Made Magic” (Goldston) Mendelsohn, Dr. Charles Menkis Metcalfe, Mrs.
Michigan Department of Health Milner, Richard Minerva (Margaretha Gertz Van Dorn) Miracle Mongers and Their Methods
M—MI5’s First Spymaster (Cook) Moisant, John Mokana (James Meyer Goldston) Monahan, Patrick J.
Montreal Gazette,
Mooser, George Mooser, Hattie Mooser, Leon Mooser, Minnie Morat, Professor, see Houdini, Harry Morris, Helen Morritt, Charles Mount Royal Hotel Mourdini, Harry Moy, Superintendent Munn, O. D.
Murray, Gilbert Myers, Charles David, see Saint
Mystery of the Jewel, The,
Mysto, Carl (Samuel Sterns)
Naldi, Nita National Bureau of Identification National Detective Agency National Detective Police Review National Independent Spiritualist
National Spiritualist Alliance Neal, Harry New York, N.Y.
Coney Island
New York Police Academy New York American,
New York Daily News,
New York Dramatic Mirror,
New York Evening Graphic,
New York Evening Journal,
New York Evening Mail,
New York General Assembly of
New York Herald,
New York Herald Tribune,
New York Hippodrome New York Life Assurance Co.
New York Police Academy New York Sun,
New York Telegram,
New York Telegraph,
New York Times,
New York World,
New York, Coney Island New York, Hammerstein’s, Newman, Henry Newton, Horace Newton, Iris Nicholas, Czar Northcliffe, Lord
See also
Harmsworth, Alfred William
O’Malley, Hubert Oakland Tribune,
Okhrana, Russian secret service Olschansky Olsen and Johnson Omaha Daily News,
Osgood, Whitman Our Rival the Rascal (Watts) Oursler, Fulton
Oxford English Dictionary,
Palace Kleinmichel Palladino, Eusapia Palmer, Spencer Paul, J. R.
Pearce, George Pecoraro, Nino Peers, A. J.
Perils of Pauline, The,
first appearance of
and Houdini’s doom
and Lady Doyle’s complicity
predicts the end of the world
problems with Conan Doyle
See also Doyle, Lady Jean
Philipp, M.
Pickelman, Gerald Pickering, Edward A.
Pierce, Theron Pierce, William H.
Piltdown hoax Pittsburgh Leader,
Player, The,
Plummer, William Podmore, Frank Pollak, Carl Powell, Dr. Ellis Powell, Evan Powell, Frederick Eugene Pratt, Dr.
Preussen, Prince Friedrich Leopold von Price, Harry Price, Jacques Price, Mattie Lee Prince, Dr. Walter Franklin Projea the Wild Man of Mexico Providence Sunday Journal,
Psychic Mafia, The (Keene) Psychic News, The,
Pulitzer, Ralph Punch,
Rachkovskii, Piotr Rahner, Gebhardt Rahner, Wilhemina Beatrice, see
Houdini, Wilhemina Beatrice
Rand, Earl Rasputin, Grigori Raud, Rev. Francis, see Mackenberg
Rauscher, William Reeve, Arthur Rembrandt Theater Renner, George Republican National Committee Restaurant Yar Revelations of a Spirit Medium,
Rheinische Zeitung,
Rhine, Dr. J.B.
Rhine, Dr. Louisa Richardson, Mark Richet, Charles Richter’s Necktie Company Richthofen, Manfred von Right Way to Do Wrong, The (Houdini) Rinn, Joseph
carries a gun
and newspapermen
and rope escapes
and spiritualism
Risey Ritz-Carlton Hotel Robert-Houdin
early life of
Houdini’s attack on
Houdini’s visit to the grave of
magic of
and second sight
theories and innovations of
Robinson, Fletcher Robinson, William E.
as Chung Ling Soo
death of
on Hilbert
and model aircraft
possible murder of
Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred
and Zanzic
See also Soo, Chung Ling
Rogers, Will Rohan, Andrew
and anarchists
and Houdini
first meeting
and the IACP
Rolfe, B.A.
Rooney, Annie Roosevelt, Theodore
and anarchists
Houdini reads mind of
on Henry White
Rosebush, Fred Rosehill Racetrack Rosenblum, Sigmund Rosinoff, Barkann Ross, Betty Roterberg, August (Gus) Rudini, Harry Rush, Florence B., see Mackenberg
Russell, Major J. H.
Rye Playland
safe opening micrometer Saint, Edward San Kitchi Akimoti Sandow, Eugene Santos-Dumont, Alberto Sawyer, Julia Schrenck-Notzing, Freiherr von Schwerin, Count von Scientific American,
Scotland Yard Scott, Commander Charles Sea Wolf, The (London) Secret Service, United States, see U.S. Secret Service Seen, Suee Sergius, Grand Duke Sharp, C. R.
Shaw, Robert Gould Sigsbee, Charles Silverman, Kenneth Silverman, Sime Sinclair, Upton Sing Sing prison Slade, Dr. Henry Slater, C. Dundas Slater, John Smiley, Sam (Samuel Smilovitz) Society for Psychical Research Society of American Magicians (SAM)
in conflict with Houdini
Soo, Chung Ling,. See also Robinson, William E.
Spanish American War Sphinx, The,
Spiegel, Louis spirit photography Spirit Slate Writing and Kindred Phenomena (Robinson) Spiritualists and Spiritualism
and Doyle
and Congress
and Houdini on the Imperator,
and prostitution
Bess and
exposers of
Houdini believed to be a
Houdini disappointed by
Houdini learns tactics from
Houdini renounces
Houdini’s campaign against
Houdini’s death and
Houdini’s early interest in
Houdini’s early practice of
Houdini’s investigation of
Margery and
Stafford, Dorothy Stafford, John Stead, W. T.
Steens (Charles-Louis-Fernand Brisbarre) Steeves, Dr.
Steranko Stevenson, Donald Stinson, Walter Stoll, Oswald Stolypin, Peter Stone, “Raymeen” (Raymond V. Stone), Stone, Dr. William Strack, Rev. H. P.
Stuart, Lillian Swanson, Gloria Sydney Daily Telegraph,
Sylvester, Major Richard
Tanguay, Eva Tanka, Waka Tardo, Evatima Taylor, George Teale, Oscar Terror Island,
Tesla, Nicola Theosophy thermite Thomas, Frank Thomas, Sidney Thompson, Harry S.
Thurston, Howard Tietze, Thomas Tillyard, Dr. Robin Times Square Theatre Timmins, Sadie Tintner, Rabbi B. A.
Toch, Dr. Maximillian Tony Pastor’s Theatre Toronto World,
Train, Arthur Tripp, Charles K.
Tucker, Sophie Tussaud’s, John, Chamber
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,
U.S. Bureau of Investigation U.S. Bureau of Mines U.S. Civil War U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Naval Intelligence U.S. Secret Service
and counterfeiting
Crandon investigation of
in film
and Houdini
magicians and
techniques of
and Wilkie
U.S. Secret Service—A Chronicle, The (Bowen and Neal)
Under the Iron Heel,
Undina, Miss
Unmasking of Robert-Houdin, The (Houdini)
Vacca, Amedeo Valiantine, George Vanderlip, Frank Variety,
Verne, Jules Vickery, Jim Vidal, Gore Villa, Pancho Vital Message, The (Doyle) Vladimir, Grand Duke Vories, L. A.
W. T. Snead Memorial Center Washington Times,
Waitt, Dr. Joseph E.
challenges Houdini
Houdini’s correspondence with
Waldron, Segeant Walker, H. M.
War games, German War Industries Board Waring, A. G.
Washington Post,
Watson, Senator James Watts, Inspector William Weed Tire Company Weiss, Carrie Gladys (sister) Weiss, Cecilia (mother)
attempts to contact after death
death of
Houdini’s response to
relationship with Houdini
Weiss, Feri Felix Weiss, Herman (half brother) Weiss, Dr. Leopold (brother) Weiss, Dr. Leopold (brother)
attempted murder of
birth of
death of
and family tragedy
and medical school
and Sadie Weiss
X-ray innovation by
Weiss, Mayer Samuel (father)
death of
Weiss, Nathan (brother) Weiss, Sadie Weiss, Theodore “Dash” (Dezso)(brother), See also Hardeen Weiss, William (brother) Weiss family
arrival in U.S.
moves to Milwaukee
Weitzman, Jean Welsh, John Welsh, Mike Welsh Brothers Circus West Hill Sanitarium Weyer, Alexander White Rats White Star Line,
White, Daisy White, Henry Whitehead, Joscelyn Gordon Whitney, Mrs. Harry Payne Who’s Who,
Wholly, Dr.
Wilhelm, Kaiser I Wilhelm, Kaiser II Wilkie, Franc Wilkie, John E.
becomes chief of the secret service
and counterfeiting
and DeWyckoff
and IACP
is a magician
uses magicians
Willard, Jess Williams, Charles Williams, Minnie Williamson, George Williamson, J. Ernest Williamson Brothers Wilson, Dr. A. M.
Wilson, President Woodrow Winslow, John Wireless Institute of Australia Wisser, Col. John P.
Wood, Alice A.
Wood, Major General Leonard S.
nbsp; Wood, Montraville, M.
and aircraft
and Houdini’s Milk Can
and inventions
World War I Wright, Abby Wright, Orville Wright Brothers’ airplane
Yale Lock Factory Yar, the Primeval Man,
Yeats, William Butler Young, Dorothy Yusupov, Prince Felix
Zancigs Zander, Harry Zanzic Zeph’s Saloon Zolotow, Maurice
About the Authors
WILLIAM KALUSH has been a dedicated student of the art of magic for more than twenty-five years. Founder of the Conjuring Arts Research Center and publisher of Gibecière, an esteemed magic history journal, he has helped create several world-famous magic stunts and prime-time network television specials.
LARRY SLOMAN is an award-winning author best known for his collaborations with radio personality Howard Stern on Private Parts and Miss America. He became interested in magic history after working with David Blaine on his best-selling memoir Mysterious Stranger.
1Every fact in this book has been substantiated, but the notes are so extensive, that we have decided to publish them online instead, at www.conjuringarts.org.
The Secret Life of Houdini Page 65