The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians Page 17

by Daniel OConnell

The year is nineteen hundred and forty-three and for the past six hundred years, the Paladonian people have built up a civilization close to one billion. The Black guards have successfully kept the overall tech growth to a minimum stealing or sabotaging many weaponized advancements. Benton secretly returned from null space in the year eighteen hundred and eighty and just as quickly returned after having his mind altered once more. His condition is worsening with each mental adjustment.

  Presently, the Paladonian are in a golden age, as they are less than two hundred years from the time they are free to interact with the universe. The Earth is in the midst of its second world war, and the Paladonian’s have been building up their population in record numbers, saving thousands that would have died without leaving a trace. Currently, a Valen transport hovers dangerously close to a major naval battle in the Philippine Sea as the ship is recovering both Japanese and American survivors during the battle of Taffy three and the Japanese Imperial Navy. The battle rages on for hours, as the Valen transport remains cloaked having entered the battlefield to allow for more rapid recovery, as many of the sailors are near death and immediate medical attention is needed. Unfortunately, with its cloak up it cannot have its shields up during the battle. The Valen transport inadvertently gets too close to the fight as the Battleship Yamato strikes its port side, heavily damaging the Transport.

  On board Captain Esaaly is on the Bridge, as his first officer Rodrick reports, “Captain we have major damage to the port side stabilizers, we will not be able to regain orbit until it’s fixed. Our cloak is also compromised, but with the smoke screen from the U.S. destroyers we are still able to remain unseen.”

  Esaaly studying the data sees power fluctuations all across his screens and says, “Activate the shields, and takes under the sea. We will expand the shields around the ship and make repairs.”

  The Valen recovery team receives the recall alert shifting back, as the transport plunges into the ocean activating its shields.

  The battle rages on for several hours above, as the Valen transport crew struggle to make repairs. First officer Rodrick begins to notice the power fluctuations in the power core as they quickly determine the initial reports were inaccurate, and the vessel has taken severe damage as the power core is becoming unstable. Rodrick reports to Esaaly, “Captain, we will have to shut down the power core in ten minutes, or risk a meltdown.”

  Esaaly looks at the data report, and sighs, saying, “Send out a distress signal and prepare to abandon the ship. I will set the markers for its retrieval later.”

  The crew stares up towards the Captain as Rodrick states, “Captain, we have hundreds of severely wounded sailors, and many of these men are enemies. We will have great difficulties keeping them alive. Perhaps we should wait for a rescue.”

  Esaaly unconcerned responds, “You have ten minutes Commander, and then we leave. I will not risk our people for these Earthers. They can stay here on the bottom of the ocean and rot for all I care.”

  Roderick lowers his head, disgusted in the Captains bigotry towards the Earthers, saying, “Understood Captain, I will endeavor to find a rescue within the time given.” Rodrick quickly scans the area and detects two ships, a Tof transport, and a Uari transport. He sees the Tof ship is the closest, but knows that they may not assist. The Uari ship is already heading to the gateway, which means it may already be loaded.

  With few options, he sends out a signal. “This is the Valen transport Caplaw, were reporting an emergency, and require immediate assistance. We have less than eight minutes until we have a reactor breach. We have several hundred survivors and crew on board. Assistance is needed.”

  A moment passes as the Uari ship replies, “This is the Uari ship Echo. We are loaded to the hilt and over twenty minutes away.”

  Rodrick lowers his head, but is shocked to hear the voice of Tof Commander speak, she says, “This is Octavia of the Tof transport Metro, we will take your refugees and allow you passage back to your world, but it will be at the cost of all your refugees.”

  Esaaly smiles, saying, “That is acceptable.”

  The Valens crews quickly prepare to shift over their refugees, as the crew sets the ship to shut down.

  Most of the crew looks despondent, as Rodrick expresses his concern, especially after the rest of the crew noticed the bravery of these sailors fighting up above them. Rodrick turns to the Captain, saying, “Captain, these men are brave hero’s sir, if we just simply surrender them to the Tof we will be helping them build up their world with great men of honor. I feel that we should look at all our options.”

  Esaaly now annoyed at his first officer says, “You have five minutes to figure another option Commander.”

  Rodrick looks over the terrain for a few minutes and sees very little option as he shakes his head in defeat.

  Octavia sends a signal, stating, “You have less than a minute. We are prepared to receive your refugees and crew.”

  Esaaly announces over the ship’s com, “All crew prepare to shift all refugees and crew to the Tof ship Metro in thirty seconds. We will be shutting down the power core in forty seconds.”

  The crew and refugees shift as Rodrick stays as the last man. Finally, after the ship begins to shut down, and the shield collapses, the transport starts to flood rapidly. Rodrick feeling disappointed realizes there is no option left to him as he shifts away.

  Later that year on the moon of Bentonia, the birth of Gaul Benton is recorded. His birth marks the end of a family bond as the house of Gabriel and Catherine splits into two separate factions the Bentons and the Whitefeathers.

  On the moon of the First ones, Allie looks out across the system via the psychic realm and sees the unrest growing amongst the people. With her time soon ending, she realizes that much is left to do and very little time is left before the Paladonians can be known to the universe.

  The Black guard commander Antines enters the chamber. He lowers his head and says, “Mother Allie, we have discovered many of the Caleb extremists have returned and are once again hiding amongst the Tof and Rooke people. Our intelligence suggests they are trying to infiltrate into key positions within the governments, as of now neither government is aware of them.”

  Allie unconcerned says, “Then do not tell them Antines. Anything they may do to harm either of these repressive regimes is a welcomed gift to us all.”

  Antines shocked at Allie’s blunt answer asks, “Mother Allie, please forgive me, but I must ask, if these worlds are as vile for you to wish such misfortune to them, then why then did Caleb allow them to continue on as such?”

  Allie studies Antines for a moment and says, “Antines, I know you have not had much time out amongst the other Paladonians, having been assigned as my personal liaison, but Caleb is far from a perfect man. Although I consider him to be like a father to me, he is a man with many flaws. Each of my predecessors have always seen his failures and tried to guide him, but he was gifted with a glimpse of the future and knows what he can and cannot do, and although he may see the wrong in the present, he is working for a better future and Caleb knows what he can change, and what he can’t.”

  Antines surprised at Allie’s candor meekly smirks, saying, “Mother Allie, I thank you for speaking to me at such length. I’m honored that you would take such time to speak to me.”

  Allie looks at Antines, replying, “It is good to ask questions. We are always seeking answers.”

  The year is now nineteen hundred and sixty-five as the heir apparent of Whitefeather is born his name is Kalen. Four years later his sister is born her name is Tess. The time is quickly coming when Caleb will make his fateful journey to the alternate timeline, and after hundreds of years, the Paladonian leaders gather at the world of the Whitefeather. It is the first such meeting in almost seven hundred years. The representatives are all present, except for the moon of the First ones.

  The council leader for the moon of the Whitefeathers is named Caroline Whitefeather. She is the mother of Kalen and Tess and a direct d
escendant of Catherine and Benton. She is strong willed and a determined leader. It was because of her hard work that she was able to get all the Paladonian leaders together.

  Her counterpart and half-brother is Galen of Bentonia and father of Gaul. Galen is strict and rigid on his rule, but has always had a soft spot for Caroline. Galen is almost two hundred years old and is more concerned that his son Gaul who stands by his side learns from him how to lead the Bentonians.

  The leader of the Valens is a man named Valentine he is the tenth to have that name, and like many before him, he has changed his name to Valentine from Rodrick, the very same First officer of the Caplaw. Valentine is a very kind and soft-spoken man whose main concern in life is to ensure his people remain protected, he has spent a great deal of time ridding his world of supremacist and other hate groups.

  The leader of the Uari moon is a military General named Marianne, she is considered ruthless by many, as she is quick to choose a violent response rather than a rational one. She is also very public in questioning the prime laws of Caleb.

  The last two moons are the most secluded and isolated of the seven moons, save the First ones.

  The first of these two moons is Rooke, which is led by Olaf Barooke. He is perchance one of the youngest leaders of the entire Paladonian moon’s history to hold such a high office. He is a direct descendant Edgar and like many of the leaders before him, he has recently been given the gift of long life. Olaf is shrewd and bitter towards the rest of the Paladonian’s, but he is also extremely intelligent, and knows he needs the help of the rest of the Paladonians to complete his idea.

  The last but far from least is the moon called Tof, which is led by Natasha Gagarin and much like her counterpart Olaf she too is very young and equally aggressive. Her main drive is to push her people above the rest.

  Caroline begins the meeting, saying, “I’d personally like to welcome you all to the Whitefeather moon, and thank you for agreeing to this gathering. I’d like to start our meeting by discussing how we should prepare to fulfill Caleb’s plan to help the Earth, as I am certain we are all aware that the time is soon coming when Caleb falls into the T-Challa trap.”

  Natasha scoffs loudly, stating, “Why should we help them? I say once Caleb falls into their trap we should look to what’s best for us.”

  Olaf then adds, “I say we allow the Earth and the T-Challa to battle each other until they are both weakened and then attack them both.”

  Galen laughs mockingly, saying, “Kid you’re an idiot. We can’t fight Earth ships any more than we can fight each other, unless you forgot about the Paladin lockouts, which prevent that.”

  Natasha scowls at Galen as she speaks, “The lockouts on Earth ships are different then the lockouts on Paladonian ships Galen, perhaps you forgot that.”

  Marianne concerned at the direction of the conversation asks, “All X’ena-human ships are blocked from fighting each other, we all know this, so what exactly are you saying?”

  Olaf then tosses out a holopad, as a visual projection appears showing codes and computer algorithms displaying for all to see. Olaf with an evil grin states, “The Earth ship lock out codes can be overridden. Our ancestors from the alternate timeline removed those codes thousands of years ago. Caleb in his smug belief that he was smarter than us rewrote the codes on all the Paladonian ships making it impossible for us release our own ships lock outs, but he didn’t consider that we would remove them from the Earth ships.”

  Valentine overtly concerned asks, “How do you still possess this knowledge? I believed the First ones had stolen all this knowledge?”

  Natasha smirks, saying, “I’m sure that they believed they had as well, but we kept this knowledge hidden from them, and are willing to openly share this with you all.”

  Caroline, upset angrily protests, “This is not what Caleb wanted of us. We are supposed to help Earth against the T-Challa. Not challenge them!”

  Galen annoyed, asks, “And just what advantage does it give us, freeing only the Earth ships from the lock outs?”

  Olaf enjoying Galen’s ignorance, says, “I’d expect a great military mind such as you to see this plan clearly, but obviously as old and feeble as you have become your mind is apparently failing you.”

  Gaul stands up ready to pounce on Olaf when Caroline stops him. She turns to Olaf and Natasha angered, saying, “You’re planning on stealing the Earth ships. If you are stupid enough to do this, you will enact the Paladin protocols, and doom us all.”

  Marianne intrigued by Olaf and Natasha plan states, “Council Caroline, as much as I wish to believe in Caleb and his great plan for us all, I have long since grown past the belief that these Prime laws are actually a threat to us. Without Caleb to enforce them, I seriously doubt they exist.”

  Galen angered by the direction of the meeting yells, “Enough! We are humans who can trace our ancestor’s back to Earth. We were given a civilization to guide, build, and lead for one purpose, and that purpose was to save the Earth.”

  Natasha stares intently at Galen and asks, “You are obviously aware of the corruption of the Earth governments, and seriously believe that they will accept us as equals?”

  Olaf, not allowing Galen a chance to speak says, “Truly Galen your inability to see a threat as powerful as the Earth possess for us, clearly shows just how inept you have become as a military leader.”

  Galen stands, saying, “You are treading on a dangerous path Olaf. Caleb imposed several safeguards to ensure that we never became a threat to Earth, lest you forget that General Jackson has the ability to shut down our ships, and even more dangerous is Carla. We have no idea what could happen to her if we fail to follow Caleb’s prime laws.”

  Olaf smirks, stating, “Jackson has no idea how to shut down our ships, and as for the demon child, well, accidents happen in space travel.”

  Valentine shocked also stands up, saying, “You speak about killing a child, and not just any child, but the child of the founder of our civilization.”

  Natasha stands up, screaming, “A child with power enough to become the greatest threat in the universe! A child that potentially can become the Demon Queen!”

  Caroline stares at the council leaders and says, “I see this was a mistake. I’m sorry for wasting your time, but this meeting is over.”

  Natasha smiles as she states for all to hear, saying, “You can stand on your foolish belief that Caleb’s great plan is real, or you can see the reality that the Earth is a threat to us and our people. Nevertheless, with you or without you, my people will find a way to defend ourselves from them.”

  The council leaders leave except for Caroline, Galen, and his son Gaul. Gaul worried, asks, “Do you think that they would really risk challenging Caleb’s prime laws.”

  Caroline sighs, stating, “It has been a very long time since anyone has seen Caleb, and for all we know he is long since passed, but regardless if he lives or not, we have an obligation to keep.”

  Galen feeling stressed from the meeting takes a heavy breath and says, “Caroline, we are quickly coming to a crossroad and the direction we take will decide for us as a species, let alone a civilization. However, I feel that I will not be here when that time comes. Even amongst my own people there is talk of the uselessness of saving the Earth.”

  Caroline lowers her head and says, “As it is on my world, and I’m sure there are others, but it our responsibility to lead our people on the right path.”

  Gaul looks at Caroline, saying, “Unfortunately, my father is right, the crossroads is quickly coming to a head and we are not the only ones guiding our people. I fear without the voice of Caleb or that of the great leader Gabriel Benton, we may fail in following Caleb’s dream.”

  Caroline sighs heavily, saying, “Caleb’s dream is one of hope for us all.”



  The year is two thousand and sixty-nine, as Tess and her brother Kalen have taken Cavalier on an unauthorized trip to Earth.

nbsp; Tess yells at her brother, saying, “Kalen you idiot! You never got mom’s approval for this, did you?”

  Kalen smirks, saying, “Mom has enough to worry about, besides you know you want to see them both.”

  Tess annoyed crosses her arms and huffs, saying, “Well, he is a cutie, but this is so freaking dangerous.”

  Kalen leers over, saying, “Well, we have Cavalier to make sure we don’t screw up the timeline, but if seeing your boyfriend isn’t important enough to see we can go home.”

  Tess ever more annoyed angrily states, “Kalen, you’re an idiot, plain, and simple. Yes, I had a crush on him, but that was a hundred years ago, but I guess since we’re already here, it can’t hurt to watch history.”

  Cavalier then interrupts, stating, “I have intercepted both Caleb and Jackson’s fighters on my scanners. Currently I have access to both communication and internal sensor systems.”

  Kalen grins, saying, “Ok Cavalier let’s get the show playing.”

  Cavalier stealthfully accesses both fighter’s internal systems and plays it aloud, creating a holoimage of the event as it happens,

  “Paladin, this is sky command, what are you doing?” A voice comes over the com.

  Caleb grins, replying, “Sky command this is Paladin, I’m just checking out a contact I picked up heading towards Myanmar.”

  The Sky Commander responds, “Negative Paladin, get your kester back to the deck now.”

  Caleb unconcerned replies, “Sorry Sky Command, I must be having communication issues. I’ll check out this bogey and then head home.”

  Sky Command yells, “Cale! Don’t you dare pull that radio crap with me!”

  Back on Cavalier, Kalen laughs, stating, “It would appear that Caleb was a bit disobedient to his leaders.”

  Tess, unconcerned, scowls, saying, “Ya, as if we needed evidence on that, now come on and put on the cutie pie now.”

  Cavalier responds, “Pulling up Colonel Jackson now.”

  A pilot comes over the com, reporting, “Jacks I’m seeing you on radar. It looks like you took damage from that flak we just went through, I suggest you pull out.”


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