The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians

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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 5 Paladonians Page 20

by Daniel OConnell

  Jackson confused asks, "A mission, Hero? What the hell are you talking about, who the hell are you? And how the hell did you get on my ship?"

  Tess annoyed answers, "Jacks please stop asking so many questions. I’m sorry to say that we are very limited in what we can do, or say at this point."

  Jackson confused, says, "Ok, stop. What or who are you? Start talking to me now!"

  Tess agitated answers, "Jacks, I’m sorry, but we have rules. I’ll be in touch, just don’t do anything stupid like getting yourself killed. You need to protect Carla, and make sure she doesn’t ever face the T-Challa Queen, ever!"

  At that, Tess vanishes from the lift, just as the doors open to the Bridge. Jackson swings his hands around where Tess once stood trying to find her.

  Captain Mulvey, who is standing at the entrance of the lift watches Jackson swing his arms in the air and asks, "General Jackson, are you Ok?"

  Tess returns to Cavalier smiling as she says, “That felt great.”

  Raphael laughs at her, asking, “Well, what happened?”

  Tess overjoyed says, “Well, I met Jacks, and he’s just as I imagined minus the tears and being crouched up in the fetal position. Other than that he was as much a hero as I thought.”

  Raphael excited asks, “What did you tell him?”

  Tess gets serious as she answers, “Word for word what Caleb told our great, great, great grandmother a thousand years ago. Now let’s hope he listens.”

  Cavalier immediately reports, “According to historical archives that Paladin had copied from the alternate timeline changes in the time stream have deviated. Currently the Earth fleet is remaining stationary. However, historical reports show they started to travel home. What knowledge we currently have will be unreliable from this point on.”

  Raphael smirks, saying, “Well now is our chance to make history as well, we can warn the Earthers, and then force our governments to work with them.”

  Tess sighs heavily, saying, “I truly wish I could see the world as simple as you do Raphael, but it is not that easy. If I should expose the plot to Jackson I would expose our people to retribution from the other moons, and our brother Kalen would then be able to gain complete control of our world. No Raphael, as much as I wish I could do that, I cannot. All we can hope for is that the Paladin protocols are real, and when we defy Caleb’s prime law, we will follow the path that we were supposed to.”

  Raphael looks out studying the massive Yorktown, and asks, “I wonder why Caleb never shared the technology of these massive super carriers with us?”

  Tess huffs, saying, “The super carrier technology and the dual power core technology were stolen by the First ones a long time ago, we tried to learn how to build them when the Earthers first started construction on them, but their security was very impressive. We did, however discover that these ships were built extremely quickly, and from what details we did gain, we found out that they had shortcut a lot of steps in their construction.”

  Raphael, still curious, asks, “Sister, why is it that if we knew how to bypass the earth ships lockouts we didn’t build ships like theirs?”

  Tess shrugs her shoulders, answering, “Raphael, you have a way of pointing out the obvious. Well, until Caleb and Benton left they prevented the Paladonians from building Earth style ships, and after they had both left, that knowledge had disappeared rather mysteriously.”

  Raphael grins, stating, “Sister I feel that Caleb’s prime laws will make themselves known very soon. Caleb seems to have calculated every detail for our first encounter with the Earthers, including how we would grow as a civilization over a two thousand ago.”

  Tess smiles at Raphael, saying, “Perhaps he did, and hopefully we will all find out soon enough.”



  After a few hours have passed, the Earth fleet heads towards the T-Challa base, Tess notices the Earth fleet disappears, as Cavalier quickly reports, “Mistress the earth fleet has cloaked, but our scanners can still see them. Currently, it appears that General Jackson is preparing a counter assault against the second T-Challa fleet. Mistress I’m detecting more changes in the timeline. The gateway is staying open much longer than the historical records show, and it is open to a much larger degree than it was originally recorded.”

  Raphael worried looks to Tess and says, “Sister what happens from this point on will be guess work at best.”

  Tess annoyed states, “We know the basics Raphael, although some changes will take place the core of the battle should be the same.”

  After a couple of hours Cavalier reports, “Mistress, the Earth Battleship fleet has left the main body and appears to be positioning itself for a flanking maneuver. Currently, the Earth fleet is setting up for an engagement with the T-Challa fleet.”

  Tess sighs aloud, and says, “Ok brother keep me on the sensors. If you pick up so much as a blip of trouble pull me back.”

  Raphael unconcerned says, “Not to worry, I got your back.”

  Tess shifts directly over to the Yorktown conference room, seeing Jackson, sitting at his desk in the dark. Tess intrigued studies him for several minutes as she notices a slight grin and then Jackson says, "Tess, you going to talk to me, or just sit in my room staring at me for another ten minutes?"

  "Well Jacks, you are a patient one. How did you know I was here?" Tess very surprised, asks, as she uncloaks.

  Jackson, smiling, replies, "Answer for answer Tess?"

  Tess laughs and says, "Fine, for now, but I have rules too."

  Jackson calmly says, "I knew you were going to watch me, so I placed a weight sensor on the floor so I would know when you stepped on the deck plating in my room. I was, however, expecting you to talk, instead of just staring at me."

  Tess laughs, "I bet they’d be surprised to know you’re a lot smarter than we guessed you would be."

  Jackson asks, "My turn, you look human, so I’m going to assume you are a human, and I figure you’re from the future?"

  Tess laughingly replies, "Well, I’m human yes, but we call our people Paladonian’s, and that’s two questions Jacks."

  Jackson angrily stands up and yells, "Who the hell do you think you are! You pop in here out of nowhere, and have the audacity to laugh! To you this must be all amusing, but to us this is serious. This is our lives Tess, and I’m going to have to insist that you stay and explain yourself."

  Tess arrogantly answers, "I’m sorry Jacks, but we have rules. My people couldn’t make contact until after Caleb did what he did, or we could have caused our own destruction."

  Jackson frustrated says, "Ok, I hate all this secret squirrel stuff Tess, so I thought you should know, I planned on asking you nicely first, but I can see you have your own agenda in all this. So now I’m going to have to insist."

  Tess starts to become dizzy as she starts to lose conciseness she says, "What did you do, what’s…." Tess passes out falling to the deck.

  Back on Cavalier, Raphael notices Tess’s bio signals are slowing down when Cavalier reports, “Tess is unconscious.”

  Raphael hits the recall device and Tess immediately returns to Cavalier. Alarmed, he races to her, yelling, “Tess!”

  Cavalier does an immediate scan and reports, “Tess’s vitals are all good, but she seems to be asleep. From what I can gather from all viable data available it would appear that she has been psychically put to sleep.”

  Raphael overtly concerned asks, “How is that possible? Tess has her personal psionic shield?”

  Cavalier reports, “The psionic shield is a deterrent to Carla’s power, not a complete stop all. Carla’s ability even at this stage of her life is formidable. Should she focus on any individual even with a psionic shield, she would be able to penetrate it.”

  Raphael shakes Tess, pleading with her, “Wake up!”

  Cavalier reports, stating, “Master Raphael, unfortunately only Carla will be able to wake her.”

  Raphael becomes enraged, saying, “Then I wi
ll make Jackson force the demon child to wake her.”

  Cavalier then reports, “Currently General Jackson is in conference with several other crewmembers, including Commander Mohammed Shi Reis, as well as Carla. It would be advisable to wait until General Jackson is alone before confronting him with any ultimatums.”

  Raphael sits holding Tess in his arms waiting patiently for Cavalier to alert him when to shift. A little more than an hour passes when Cavalier reports, “General Jackson is alone in his quarters again, he is currently in a private communication with Earth. “

  Raphael builds up his courage preparing to shift to the Yorktown. He grabs Tess up in his arms holding her tightly. He activates his cloaking field, shifting to the Yorktown, where he sees Jackson shutting down his holocom. He notices Jackson pauses as he looks up towards him. Raphael confused quickly checks to make sure he is cloaked, hearing Jackson say, "Hello Tess, spying again."

  Raphael amazed that he’s been detected replies, "No General, Tess is still unconscious. You must tell the child to release her now, or I will personally make you."

  Jackson smiles and says, "Really, about time we got down to some real negotiating."

  Raphael uncertain of himself attempts to add authority to his voice, saying, "General Jackson, tell the child to release her now."

  Jackson pauses as he smiles. He looks out towards Raphael’s general location. He sits in his seat for almost a full minute before finally speaking, "Show yourself son, and I’ll talk to you, but if stay hidden, you will get nothing from me."

  Raphael uncertain finally appears. He holds Tess unconscious in his arms, saying, "I am Raphael, Tess is my sister, and you will have that abomination release her now."

  Jackson sees that Raphael is very young, perhaps in his late teens. He sits back down and says, "Well Ralphy, you’re trapped on my ship, I raised my shields. So, until we clear the air, no one is going anywhere, is that understood."

  Mohammed barges into the room with a group of security guards fully armed.

  Jackson confidently orders, "Tell me everything, and I’ll wake your sister."

  Raphael keeps trying to hit a device on his belt, but nothing works. Finally, he lowers his head and says, "We cannot tell you everything General. To do so may seriously affect the timeline that must occur. Paladin has set out exact calculations that must be followed precisely, or we may risk losing everything."

  Jackson very confused asks, "Paladin? They’re alive?"

  Raphael reluctantly replies, "We don’t know if they’re still alive, they have not been seen for over a thousand years."

  Jackson even more confused asks, "Ok son, this is very confusing. I need you to explain everything slowly."

  Raphael pleading says, "Please wake my sister first. She is the leader. She must be the one to decide what to do."

  Jackson looks to Mohammed, who signals his guards to allow Carla to enter. Raphael is terrified, as he sees Carla enter the room. He quickly jumps back.

  Jackson, noticing this says, "Carla, wake her up please."

  Carla thinks for a brief moment, and Tess slowly begins to awaken.

  Tess opens her eyes, and immediately sees Carla standing next to her with Mohammed right beside her.

  She quickly scampers away in fear. Carla starts to cry and says, "She is scared of me Papa Jacks, she thinks I’m a bad girl."

  Tess tries to activate her phase shifter and then notices her brother, she says aloud, "No my brother, what have you done."

  Tess turns to Jackson terrified and says, "Jacks, you need to do something you have never done before. You need to trust someone you don’t know. Release us, or you jeopardize everything that Caleb and Paladin put into motion, almost two thousand years ago."

  Jackson says, "Mohammed, clear the room."

  Mohammed takes Carla and his men out the door, as they close it behind them. Jackson looks to Tess and says, "Ok Tess, I need something from you if you want my trust you need to give me something."

  Tess shakes her head in frustration and says, "Paladin survived, yes, they were thrown through time. They originally were thrown into the future. He tried to return to prevent the future he found, but he failed. He was sent back some two thousand years in the past, and Jacks, you must understand that no one should know too much about their future. So please, don’t ask too much of me."

  Jackson curious, asks, "Ok Tess, but I need to know a few things about this upcoming battle, if as you say, Caleb and Paladin survived? What exactly did they tell you I had to do to win this battle?"

  Tess looks to her brother in frustration and says, "Jacks, we are very limited in what we can say, but they have a second gateway, and they’re going to do it again. Jacks, you may need to order someone else to their death, but no matter the cost you have to survive."

  Jackson curious, asks, "I guess in the alternate timeline, I did the deed myself?"

  Tess replies, "After this battle, all our knowledge of the future is gone."

  Jackson irritated asks, "So why not tell me what to expect? Give me and my people a chance to save some lives?"

  Tess answers, "Because sometimes you can’t save everyone. Sometimes friends have to die, and sometimes you need to accept the cards you’re dealt with. Paladin knew the alternative, and didn’t share with us all the details of the upcoming events. We only know what we were told."

  Jackson frowns and asks, "What can you tell me other than this cryptic crap."

  Tess replies, "We don’t know too much about the upcoming battle, other than you died trying to save the fleet. If you survive, there is a ninety percent chance that Carla will not be forced into an early confrontation with the T-Challa Queen."

  Jackson frustrated asks, "Where are Caleb and Paladin now?"

  Tess upset replies, "We don’t know Jacks. They disappeared over a thousand years ago."

  Jackson asks, "Who are the Paladonian’s? I can’t see that knowledge affecting the future."

  Tess sighs replies, "They’re seven habitable Earth like moons, which circle a gas giant. Caleb called the gas giant Paladonia. Caleb then seeded these moons, with humans over two thousand years ago. We have remained hidden for all this time, and per his orders, we waited. Watching, as your people developed. Unfortunately, the Paladonian's are a splintered people Jacks, and usually don’t always agree with each other, but we have a responsibility to ensure our own survival. Caleb had to do what he did, before we could act. If he didn’t, a paradox would have occurred, and our people would have vanished from existence."

  Jackson, slightly overwhelmed asks, "Will your people help us now?"

  Tess answers, "As I said before Jacks the Paladonian’s are splintered people. Not everyone agrees with what we should, or shouldn’t do, and although we are slightly more advanced than you are. We only number in the millions. Were you and the people of Earth are in the billions."

  Jackson aggravated, asks again, "Will your people help us, yes, or no!"

  Tess reluctantly says, "I’m sorry Jacks, this is all the help you’ll be able to get from us for now. I lead the Whitefeather moon, my people, and our fleet is very small in comparison to the other Paladonian people. We are the youngest sect of the Paladonian’s, but we were the most trusted, and so Caleb gave us tools, tools to ensure that our mission was completed as he wished."

  Jackson sits back in his chair, and says, "Look, right now I’ll take whatever help I can get, why not bring your fleet to help us?"

  Tess says, "Jacks please understand. We are helping the only way we can for now."

  Jackson puts his hand over the com, saying, "Tess, only my friends call me Jacks, and I don’t remember ever calling you my friend.” Jackson takes a breath continuing, “You know what I see here Tess? I see your people sitting this out, to see if I survive before sticking their necks out." Jackson pauses again very annoyed, as both look at each other, and then Jackson, who says in anger, "Just get the hell off my ship." He turns to the com and says, "Deactivate the shields."

p; Tess looks to her brother and both vanish. They return to their ship as Tess screams, “Raphael do you know what you just did. You could have endangered the timeline.”

  Raphael relieved that Tess is awake hugs her, saying, “Tess I did what I had to do to save you.”

  Tess confused by everything, hears Cavalier, “Mistress you were unconscious for over an hour, and Master Raphael did what he had to. Nevertheless, the Earth fleet is increasing speed to intercept the approaching T-Challa fleet. Oddly, another change from the historical records is the light cruisers are not present. Our historical data shows that two of these ships are carrying the second gateway.”

  Tess, concerned, asks, “How long until we will be at the point of the battle?”

  Cavalier replies, “Mistress the Earth fleet is moving rapidly towards the T-Challa fleet I’m expecting they will meet up within the next seven hours.”

  Tess sighs, as she says, “Well, we will go help them as best we can, and pray that Caleb’s prime laws are real.”



  The battle against the T-Challa is over. Caleb’s prime laws have proven to be real, and the outcome, although unexpected by all has demonstrated to be successful for most.

  The actions taken by Jackson have given all the moons of Paladonia access to restricted technology, allowing them to build super carriers and exploit dual core technology.

  The T-Challa suffered a major defeat, almost crippling their empire, but neither the Paladonian nor the Earth forces are willing to risk an offensive against the T-Challa Empire. Especially, with the power of the T-Challa Queen and the unknown power of the Meli.


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