Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1)

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Same Time Next Year (Tundra Wolves Book 1) Page 7

by Maggie Walsh

  They both lay there panting as Ridge cuddled up to his back, his cock still impaling Caleb. He didn’t know how long they had remained bound by the knot, but when Caleb opened his eyes, he was aware of three things; one, the cave seemed to glow orange; two, his mate was no longer locked inside him, or even behind him; and three, the cave was much warmer.

  Caleb lifted his head to look around and saw Ridge, in human form, sitting close by as he pushed a stick into the fire before him. Caleb stretched his limbs, then shifted to his human form and sat up. “How long was I out?” he asked.

  Ridge turned his head to look at him over his shoulder and gave him a beautiful smile. “Not too long. Only about an hour. How did you sleep?”

  “Surprisingly well with lying on cold rock. How do you feel?” He asked anxiously, as he moved closer.

  Ridge gave him one of those amazing smiles again and it filled Caleb with warmth. “Better than I have ever felt in my life, and it’s all because of you. Come here and warm up,” Ridge replied, and pulled a blanket from beside him, holding it up.

  Caleb hadn’t seen it before now and realized as he moved to sit beside Ridge, that his mate now sat with briefs on.

  “Lift up,” Ridge said, and Caleb immediately lifted onto his knees. Ridge slid something in behind him and placed a hand on Caleb’s hip and gently pulled him back down, where he landed on a big, soft pillow. Ridge then threw the blanket over his shoulders and wrapped it around to Caleb’s front. Caleb grabbed the two sides and held them together as he gave Ridge a shy smile.

  “Are you hungry, mate? I have smoked salmon, southern fried chicken, lamb chops, coleslaw, and some fruit. What’s your pleasure?”

  Caleb’s eyes went wide and he chuckled. “How did you get all that food here?”

  Ridge smiled mischievously as he pulled a large cooler around from his other side to his front. “I had Jag and Mason bring all the supplies ahead of us.”

  Caleb laughed. “So I’m mated to a boy scout, huh? Always prepared.”

  Ridge leaned in and kissed him. “I knew if we came here my wolf would claim you, and I wouldn’t want to leave until morning, so I had the guys bring everything we would need.”

  “Very smart of you, thank you,” Caleb replied, then leaned in and kissed Ridge. He saw the surprise in his mate’s eyes, but also the happiness his action caused, and for the first time he realized that Ridge was just as scared and nervous as he was. He knew he needed to say something to help ease his mate. Because of the actions of Ridge’s wolf, Caleb knew his mate had accepted him, but with the exhaustion, he hadn’t scratched Ridge after their claiming, which would have shown his mate that he accepted both him and his wolf too.

  “I’m so sorry I fell asleep before I finished the ritual. I wanted so much to scratch you and mark you as mine,” Caleb said sadly, hoping Ridge could hear the truth to his words.

  Ridge wrapped an arm over his shoulders and pulled him close, then kissed his head. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I know it has been a tiring, confusing, and exciting couple of days for you. Yesterday we met, and then suddenly, you’re packing up your life and leaving your family and pack behind to take a chance on me. Then, the long drive here through the night and straight to bed, and now this little trip of ours. But I do fully expect you to scratch me the next time I take you, mate. That is, if you want to,” Ridge said the last part hesitantly, as if he was afraid of Caleb’s answer.

  Caleb lifted his head and looked at his mate, then smiled. “I want nothing more and I look forward to your wolf taking mine again. It was the most amazing moment of my life.”

  Ridge smiled bright and wide and hugged Caleb quickly, then he pulled back saying, “Okay, mate, so what can I get you?” Ridge released him and pulled a tub from the cooler.

  “It all sounds wonderful. I’ll start with the chicken and the coleslaw, please.”

  “Mmm, that sounds good. I’ll take that too.” Ridge put the first tub back, then extracted a couple of plates and a few other tubs and they worked together to load their plates.

  They ate in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company and the warmth from the fire. Caleb really loved the chicken and coleslaw and wondered where Ridge had gotten it from, because he would want to order this again.

  “Is everything okay, Caleb?” Ridge asked.

  “Yeah, I was just sitting here wondering where you got all this delicious food from. I think I am in love with this chicken,” he replied, then took another bite and moaned.

  Ridge leaned in and licked across his bottom lip, then pulled back. “It tastes even better off of you. I’ll have to let cook know, so he can make us more.”

  “Cook? You have a cook?”

  “Yup, I come from two dads and neither of them could cook worth a crap, so they’ve always had a cook. TJ is my cook now and I couldn’t be happier. He, his brother Blu, Jag, and I grew up together. After he came of age, TJ left the pack and Alaska behind and headed south. He ended up in Texas where he went to culinary school, and boy, was it worth every penny. He moved back to the pack about fifteen years ago. He couldn’t take being down in the heat as much as he thought he would and said all the people drove him crazy, so he came home. About a year after, our longtime cook, Kirk, passed away from a polar attack and Dad hired TJ.”

  “Well he’s very talented. I haven’t had a really good piece of southern fried chicken in ages and this has got to be the best I have ever had. And this coleslaw is heavenly.”

  “I’ll let him know. He’ll be happy to know his alpha mate likes his food. So, what has been on your mind sitting there all quiet?”

  Caleb gave him a shy smile, then looked down. “How did you know I was thinking about other things?”

  “How could you not with all these changes in your life lately? Anything you care to share?” Ridge asked. Caleb could hear that this was just genuine curiosity and Ridge wasn’t trying to push him, which made opening up to him a little easier.

  “Actually, I was thinking of our mating. The one we just shared and the one yet to come.”

  “Oh yeah, and what were you thinking? Anything you want to talk about? If you’re nervous, or afraid, we should talk about it, so that I can hopefully ease your mind.”

  Caleb sighed, then grabbed his napkin and wiped his hands and mouth. “Well, first I was wondering what the hell happened to my body. I mean, didn't you notice how easily I opened for you when you entered me? Right before that I felt this strangest sensation, like someone had squirted a whole tube of lube in me. It freaked me out.”

  “I guess no one has ever told you much about true mates, have they?” Ridge asked, as he turned to face him.

  “Actually no. With so few of our kind finding them we really don’t talk about it much. I didn’t even know my dad knew much about the subject until you told me.”

  “Well, true mates are perfect for each other in all ways. The wetting that you felt, was only because, you were about to be penetrated by your true mate. If you had had sex with anyone else, it would never happen. When you first offered yourself to me, my wolf licked you, telling your body what was about to happen, and it instinctively knew to prepare itself for its true mate.”

  Caleb’s eyes widened. “Holy shit. Will that happen in human form too?”

  Ridge smiled and gave him a wink. “Yup. A true mate’s body will always get itself ready for their mate. I must say that as amazing as that sounds, and it will come in very handy, I will still play with your ass whenever I feel like it.”

  Caleb burst out laughing from the conviction he heard in Ridge’s voice. “Duly noted. And you’re right. It was kind of handy in a pinch. I was wondering how that was going to work without you stretching me. I may not be experienced in the bedroom, but I have watched enough porn to know how important that is.”

  Ridge’s eyes widened as he stared at Caleb in disbelief.

  “What?” Caleb asked nervously.

  “Are you telling me that you’re... a... virgin?” Ridge a
sked, in both shock and amazement, but Caleb could also see the excitement in his eyes.

  “Yes and no,” Caleb answered matter-of-factly. “I’ve done a few things with a few guys, but no, I have never had penetrative sex. No man has ever even touched me there.”

  “Holy shit. Why? Shit, no, that’s not what I meant. I’m just surprised. A young guy like you in the prime of his life and as gorgeous and sexy as you are, I thought for sure you would have had to beat the guys off you.”

  “Nope, never had that problem. Over half of the men in my pack are already mated, then you have the ones who are too old for me, and there are those related to me, plus the ones who are available to me just aren’t my type and haven’t really done anything for me. Even when I did find someone to fool around with, it was kind of... anticlimactic if you know what I mean? Not that I didn’t orgasm a time or two, but it was just so... boring, bland. It really did nothing for me. So, I started watching porn to see if I was doing something wrong and I learned a few things, but still, I really didn’t enjoy any of the sex I did have with anyone, and I figured if handjobs and blowjobs were so disappointing, then there was no way I was going to let anyone near my ass. It was better when I took matters into my own hands.”

  Ridge grabbed him around the shoulders and quickly lifted him, depositing Caleb on his lap, then devoured his mouth. Caleb moaned deep as he allowed Ridge to take what he wanted. A hard cock pressed against his ass, and Caleb began thrusting his hips, loving the feel of that pole sliding against him.

  Ridge pulled back from the kiss, but took Caleb’s face between his big hands. The look in his mate’s eyes was feral and Caleb quivered.

  “Do you know how happy you have made me, mate? To know that no other has ever had you is making my wolf want to howl and announce it to the world. So many nights I lay awake thinking of who was touching you, or pleasuring you, and it drove me and my wolf crazy with jealousy, but to now know that you will only know my cock, and forever take pleasure only from me, fills me with the need to claim you again and again. I need to fuck you again, Caleb, in wolf form and complete that bond, so that I can take you in human form and make you mine. Shift and get into position to take me, pet,” Ridge demanded, in a deep, husky voice.

  Caleb immediately stood, dropping the blanket and stepped away from Ridge, then he shifted and lowered his chest to the ground, raising his ass high in the air, ready for his mate’s cock.

  Ridge climbed to his feet and shifted, then walked around Caleb and licked his hole again, then pressed his weight down over his mate’s back, showing his dominance over him.

  Caleb whimpered as his hole instinctively became wet again, then without hesitation, Ridge moved into position and plunged deep inside him.


  Ridge’s hip burned and he opened his eyes to find it dark in the cave. A leg slid against his and he smiled as he looked down at the man in his arms. After all these years, his mate was finally here and he had taken him in wolf form three times. The second time, Caleb had scratched him, completing their wolves’ claiming, and it had filled Ridge with happiness. Having Caleb’s wolf scratch his own after he had completely dominated him and taken what he wanted, was Caleb’s wolf’s way of showing him that he accepted Ridge’s wolf completely as his alpha and his dominant, and would forever submit to his every whim.

  Knowing that part of Caleb had given himself and his life to part of him fully, forever, sent a thrill through Ridge like no other. His father had always warned him how powerful and deep a true mating would be, but he could have never imagined the depth of what he felt now. He couldn’t wait to claim Caleb, the man, and see if he too would accept Ridge as his wolf had.

  With them only meeting yesterday, he was still a little nervous they had moved too fast and Caleb would realize it, that suddenly things would change, putting the brakes on their relationship. Until now, Caleb had been very accepting of everything Ridge had explained to him, but if Ridge was being honest, he had doubts about how quickly Caleb had agreed to come with him and start their life together.

  But, then another conversation with both of his fathers came to him, and Ridge had to trust in what they told him. His fathers were true mates after all, and if anyone knew what to expect and all the experiences of a true mating, then it was his dads. They had told him that it was the call of the true mate that stopped both parties from having any of the usual hang ups that came with other matings. Fate made them perfect for one another, and once they met, their wolves and their hearts would know without a doubt who they belonged to, and where they were meant to be for life, and everything would just fall into place easily. It didn’t mean that they would instantly fall in love. That was something that would only grow over time, but once it happened, the bond that true mates forged would become a thousand times more intense. However, right from the first meeting neither would want to be separated from the other ever again. Which was one of the reasons why certain matings were perfect for one another – like an alpha with a delta or gamma – but the best was a beta with either delta or gamma tendencies. They said fate would know the perfect combination for the more dominant partner in the mating and give them the perfect mate for them.

  Ridge wasn’t an extreme dominant alpha like the ones he knew from the other two Tundra packs, and didn’t desire an omega who would be a slave to him, but he was a very dominating man in the bedroom, and would require someone who would offer themselves freely, and accept anything he desired without question. He would never harm his mate, or any lover for that matter, and certain things he was not into -- like urination or scat play and blood play – didn’t do anything for him, but other than that he was pretty much into all things in the dominant lifestyle.

  Ridge would never humiliate or embarrass his mate and wouldn’t take him in public if Caleb didn’t want that, although his wolf was clawing at him to fuck Caleb in front of the whole pack to show them his new mate belonged to them. If anyone even looked at Caleb wrong, he and his wolf would rip them to shreds, but Ridge really did want to be able to take Caleb whenever and wherever he wanted, even in front of others, to show that Caleb was his, and how wonderful his mate was.

  Public sex was not against their beliefs and was actually built in and part of who they were, but if Caleb didn’t wish for it, Ridge would find a way to live without it. Although, he did get the feeling from Caleb that his mate would submit to anything he wanted. Hell, it was built into his mate as a beta-gamma to yearn for dominance, especially from his alpha mate.

  Ridge’s fathers had the same pairing and he was raised watching all aspects of their relationship. He knew that someday it was what he wanted as well. Even if he wasn’t fortunate enough to find his true mate, the mate that he would choose would be a beta-gamma. Ridge was in awe of his dads’ relationship and wanted the same thing they had. He really hoped that with Caleb he had found it.

  A soft moan came from his mate as Caleb pushed back against him, pressing his gorgeous, tight ass against Ridge’s groin. Immediately his cock took notice and began to fill. Fuck, he needed to fuck his man, and that’s what Caleb was, his, all his. Ridge wondered how far Caleb would let him go in his dominance, and suddenly, visions of Caleb tied to his St. Andrew’s Cross as he whipped Caleb with his bullwhip came to his mind and Ridge groaned. Gods, he wanted to see how beautiful Caleb’s flesh would look all pink with his marks.

  His alpha father, Hiram, had not only trained him in how to lead their people and to be an alpha, but he also trained Ridge on the proper way to be a dominant. He had spent many years from the time he was eighteen until his father passed, with his dad teaching him how to dominate his male. In the BDSM world, Ridge would be considered a Master Dom. He had also learned from his father by observing him with his beta-gamma father, Neil, in their everyday life, and Ridge knew exactly how a true submissive mate should be treated.

  Caleb’s ass pressed against his groin again, and Ridge was starting to lose control. As much as he didn’t want to take h
is mate in human form here in this cave, he couldn’t wait much longer. Ridge tightened his hold on Caleb and rubbed his hand up and down his mate’s chiseled chest and abs, loving the feel of his mate’s muscles under his fingers.

  He pressed his hard cock against Caleb’s ass and let it slip between his slightly furry cheeks, then thrust, loving the sensation of those globes sliding along his shaft. The need to take his mate now and claim him was hitting him hard, and Ridge quickly thought about what he could do to his mate here in this cave that would allow them both to be fulfilled with what they desired, and he knew Caleb desired his dominance.

  A smile came to his lips as he remembered the duffle bag that he found along with the cooler. He hadn’t looked in it at the time, wanting to get a fire started for when his mate woke up, but Ridge was pretty certain Jag would have supplied him with some of the equipment he needed.

  He slowly rolled away from his mate and smiled as a soft whimper left Caleb’s lips. He loved that his man missed him even in his sleep.

  He stood and went to the fire, then threw on a few more pieces of wood to get the cave warmed again. Once he was happy with the fire, Ridge collected the duffle bag then sat down. He opened the bag and peered inside, smiling at what he found. Thank god for a friend like Jag who understood him. Ideas of what to do to his mate began to form and Ridge became excited.

  ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

  Caleb moaned as he felt something wrap around his cock. It was a bit cold, but felt good. It moved down to the base and tightened, causing his eyes to snap open, and his gaze met gorgeous green eyes looking back at him.

  Ridge’s hands were down by his groin and Caleb raised his head to look, that’s when he realized his wrists were bound. His gaze flicked back to Ridge’s and he saw the heat in those eyes.

  “I can’t wait any longer, mate, I need to claim you. I have to feel you wrapped around my cock,” Ridge said, in a rough voice.


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