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Buttons and Pain

Page 7

by Penelope Sky

  He squeezed my hands.

  “I didn’t end it with him because I didn’t have to.”

  His eyebrows furrowed as his eyes narrowed. He pressed me further into the fridge. “What does that mean?”

  “He broke up with me.” I twisted out of his grasp and moved away. I was suffocated against the wall and needed some air. I tossed my purse on the counter.

  He didn’t rush me again but his eyes followed me closely. “Elaborate.”

  “I asked him to do certain things in the bedroom he wasn’t comfortable with. So he thought it was best if we stayed friends.”

  He clenched his jaw at the subject.

  “So I didn’t have to do anything.”

  “Did you tell him about us?”

  “Yes. I said you were in town but you would be leaving soon.” The sooner he got out of there, the better. I gripped the edge of the counter and looked out the window and to the city beyond. Our conversation replayed in my mind and I couldn’t ignore the hurt it caused.

  Crow watched me silently, reading the sadness in my eyes like a billboard. “You’re hurt.”


  He came closer to me but didn’t touch me. He stood beside me, his eyes burning into the side of my face. “Talk to me, Button.” His fingers moved to my cheek and he tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “He said he couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I’ve…you know.” He didn’t look at me with genuine eyes. All he could see was the scars other men inflicted. I wasn’t desirable because I’d been used.

  Crow wrapped his arm around my waist then steered me into his chest. He rested his lips against my forehead while his strong arms formed a steel cage around me. With his protection, he kept all the pain and suffering out. “He was never good enough for you, Button.” His lips moved against my forehead as he spoke. “A real man doesn’t think about the men before you. He erases them.”

  I already felt safe with this man. He said the right things and touched me the way I needed to be touched. I already felt myself falling deeply into him, relishing the strength and power he constantly radiated.

  “You know what I see when I look at you?” He fisted my hair and pulled my head back, forcing me to meet his gaze. “I see a strong woman who refuses to give up. I see a resilient fire that can’t be put out. I see the sexiest and most desirable woman on the planet. If he can’t handle your past, he doesn’t deserve your future.” He cupped my face and kissed me. “Don’t let him bring you down, alright?”

  All I could do was nod.

  “Because the woman I know doesn’t let anyone tear her apart—not even me.”

  Chapter Ten


  “Pack your things.” I tossed the empty bag on her bed.

  She stood in the doorway with her arms across her chest. “Why?”

  “Unless you want to be naked all the time, I suggest you bring a few things.” I opened her underwear drawer and took a peek. “But if you just want to pack some panties, I’m okay with that too.” I winked before I shut the drawer. I was finally getting what I wanted and I couldn’t contain my good mood. The last few months of my life had been hell without her. I finally admitted it to both her and myself. Now I wanted her underneath me, her legs wrapped around my waist. Her pussy tasted better than I remembered, and my cock wanted a taste too.

  “Jason and I aren’t seeing each other anymore, so there’s no bargain to fulfill.”

  I was her crutch when she lost her resolve, but the second she defied me I was her enemy. “You’re incorrect.”

  “I’m not sleeping with him. So the deal is off.”

  I walked across the room until I was face to face with her. She kept a strong expression on her face but I knew she was trying to hide her fear. I made her tense when she didn’t even realize it. Her body naturally reacted to mine, doing a quiet dance we both felt. “Work off your remaining debt and he doesn’t die. That’s the deal.”

  “But I’m not seeing him anymore.”

  “Does that mean you don’t care if I snap his neck?” I crowded her personal space and forced her back into the doorframe. “Because I will, Button. I’ll kill that piece of shit with a snap of my fingers. If that’s not what you want, then pack your shit. Now.”

  That rebellious fire burned in her eyes, highlighting the beautiful features of her perfect face. Her lips automatically tightened and her shoulders became tense. Her nipples hardened inside her blouse. I couldn’t see through her shirt but I understood her body language so well I knew exactly what was happening. “I don’t believe you.”

  My hand immediately wrapped around her throat and I gave her a threatening squeeze. “If you think I won’t kill the man who fucked you, you don’t know me very well.” I dropped my hold before I actually hurt her. The violent side of me emerged the moment I didn’t get my way. I wanted her back in my bed and underneath me—where she belonged. “Don’t make me ask you again.”

  She remained by the door for nearly a minute, her fingers touching her slender neck. There wasn’t a bruise but she still felt the pain. She confessed she asked Jason to do the same things I did to her in bed. There was no denying she still wanted me. And her wet pussy told me the same thing last night. Finally, she cooperated and packed her things.

  I watched her, victory in my eyes.


  The second we entered my hotel room, I lifted her onto the counter in the kitchen and stood between her legs. Nothing held me back tonight, so I gripped her waist and kissed her harshly on the mouth. My kiss was so violent I nearly bruised her lips.

  But she kissed me back—with the same desire.

  The world disappeared and Button was the only thing that remained. I forgot about my lonely existence back at the estate. I forgot about all the scotch I drank and the regret that festered in my chest cavity. It was the first time I felt at peace in months.

  I fisted her hair and recognized the familiar softness. It was longer than it used to be but contained the same smell of vanilla and orange. That scent stayed in my bedroom for weeks after she left. But one day it disappeared—and I felt lost.

  My blood pounded in my ears and my heart swayed as it beat in time to hers. And that’s when I finally felt whole for the first time in months. All the pain, the regret, and the anger disappeared.

  I severed our kiss and looked into her face. “I won’t kill him.”

  With puckered and red lips, she stared at me.

  “But I’m not going to leave until you work for every single button.” I would never take her freedom away. There were countless times in the past when I wanted to chain her to a wall and own her completely, but that fire in her eyes stopped me. She commanded my loyalty with only her silence. She had more power than she realized—and I hoped she never realized it.

  “When I pay the debt you’ll leave?”

  I died a little inside when I heard the hope in her voice. “Yes.”

  “Why do you want me to repay these buttons at all? I don’t understand.”

  Because every single day was torture without her. My life flashed in a meaningless blur. I lived in the most beautiful place on the planet, I had the kind of luxury people only dreamed about, and I could have any woman I wanted.

  But none of that mattered after she left. “Because I want you.”

  “And that’s all?” she whispered.

  Maybe if I had her again I would get her out of my system so I could move on. Maybe things didn’t end the way they should have. “We never had a chance to say goodbye. I wasn’t prepared for you to leave when you got on that plane. I wasn’t finished with you.”

  The desire in her eyes slowly started to fade. If there was something else she wanted me to say, I wish she would tell me. “I’ll get the last of those buttons. And then I never want to see you again.”

  I ignored the sting as it stretched across my skin. The burn was hotter than ash and it scorched me through the inside. My expression remained the same and I swallowed th
e hurt all the down to my stomach. I knew where her pain came from. She said three little words to me that I never said back. And she would never forgive me for that.

  But perhaps I could change her mind.

  Perhaps I could make her fall for me all over again—and she would give some of those buttons back in exchange for my affection. And she would be mine until the end of time. “Okay.”


  “What do you want?” She stepped into the bedroom and slowly undressed. Her fingertips played with the top of her jeans before she finally undid the button and the zipper. Slowly, she pulled them down her long legs and stepped out of them. Her hips sauntered from left to right as she moved, and without even trying she looked like the sexiest woman I’d ever seen.

  My cock was hard in my jeans and it pressed painfully hard against the zipper. It was desperate to be free, to rub against her slick pussy until it slipped inside. I wanted to stretch her and erase the memory of the man who didn’t deserve her. If the guy saw her as a lost cause, then he never truly looked at her. He didn’t see what I saw. If he bothered to pay attention, he would have noticed that fire in her eyes that never dimmed. He would have treasured the unmistakable sexuality that exuded from every inch of her skin. He would have begged her to stay the moment she wanted to be with me.

  Fucking idiot.

  It was the first time my jealousy waned. When I saw the hurt in her eyes after Jason rejected her, I wanted to fix everything. I wanted to convince her he was the problem, not her. All her life men had disappointed her, and frankly, I was no different. I was the first man she allowed to take care of her, provide for her, and to protect her.

  And then I hurt her.

  I couldn’t blame her if she never trusted me again.

  Button turned around and faced me, standing in her t-shirt and black panties. The shirt hugged her waist and rib cage, showing off her naturally sexy curves. Her wide hips slimed down to an hour glass figure. When I stared at her from behind her curves looked even more prominent. To my cock, it was the mecca.

  She locked her gaze on mine with proud confidence that made her innately sexy. No other woman could pull that off without looking conceited. A woman who understood she was a perfect ten immediately became a zero. But a woman who never scored herself to begin with was a perfect ten.

  She pulled the shirt over her head and stood in a black bra. It was a push-up, and it pressed her perky tits tightly together. It was a landing strip for my dick so she could be tit-fucked until her chest was sore. “You never answered my question.” She walked closer to me, her authoritative gaze never leaving mine

  My eyes moved to her slender neck and the hollow of her throat. My lips ached to press endless kisses there, to scorch her body with my marks. How did I let this beautiful woman walk away was a mystery to me. I spent my evenings beating off like a teenager because I couldn’t have the real thing. “And what question was that?”

  Her slender arms wrapped around her torso and her fingers undid the clasp that held her bra together. It immediately came loose and the straps fell to the front of her body. Slowly, gravity took its toll until it fell to the floor with a quiet tap.

  I missed those tits. Fucking gorgeous.

  My tongue suddenly felt too big for my mouth. It wanted to lather her nipples in painful kisses before it sucked them raw. I’d already seen her beautiful body more times than I could count, but now that she was submitting to me my cock was in a rage. Having her bow to me, give me the control, was the biggest turn on all.

  She was finally mine.

  She grabbed the straps of her thong before she pulled them down her long and exquisite legs. The heaven between her legs were perfectly maintained, and the nub was calling my name. “What do you want?”

  Her tits were hard and her lips were parted. I couldn’t decide what I wanted. I wanted everything all at once. I wanted that pretty mouth around my dick, but I also wanted to be ten inches deep inside her.

  She closed the distance between us with her panties still in her hand. Her fingertips moved to my jeans and she slowly unbuttoned them. When the zipper came down my cock was finally free of its restraint. It pressed against the front of my boxers, reaching out to her like it had a mind of its own.

  My arms stayed by my sides despite how much I wanted to touch her. Her act was sexy as hell and I wanted to see what else she would do. She had the lead tonight, and I actually liked handing over the reins.

  She pulled my jeans and boxers down to my ankles then rose to her full height again. She was significantly shorter than I was, my cock at level with her stomach. But her height didn’t make her weak. She was the tallest person in any room she entered.

  She placed her black panties against my length then massaged my shaft, using the soft lace to stimulate the hard skin of my cock. Some of her wetness was in the fabric, and I could feel it spread from my balls to my tips.


  She moved up and down with slow movements, focusing on the feel of every second rather than the stimulation of going as fast as possible.

  Damn, did she understand how sexy she was?

  “What do you want?” She pressed her lips to the corner of my mouth but didn’t give me a kiss. She teased me, hovering her kissable lips just inches from my mouth.

  My cock ached because the fantasy was better than I ever could imagine. It was the same as it was in Italy—but somehow better. I had complete dominion and I didn’t truly understand the awesome responsibility until now. “On your knees.” The power grew in my spine, starting from my groin and spreading to the back of my skull. I finally had this woman and she was mine to enjoy—exclusively.

  She moved to her knees on the hardwood floor and never complained about the pain on her knees. She kept her small hand around my shaft, the panties bunched near balls. Her fingertips slowly played with my sack, massaging them tenderly.

  “I’m gonna fuck your mouth.” I gathered her hair in my palm then held it tightly against the back of her head. The panties were still bunched in place but I wouldn’t remove them. I loved feeling the slickness of her pussy from the delicate fabric.

  I grabbed the base of my cock then rubbed my tip across her soft lips. Immediately, she started to kiss it, her tongue emerging and rubbing over the sensitive skin. Her eyes were bright like fire, and I knew the wetness was beginning to soak between her legs. She still loved my big cock in her mouth.

  Some things never change.

  I inserted myself inside her, moving far down her throat until every inch was deep within. Like the pro she was, she took it without gagging. She held her breath because her throat was blocked. Once I pulled out to the front of her mouth she took a deep breath. Then I shoved myself back inside.

  The feeling of the blow job wasn’t only the best part. Nothing could beat the view. This woman was my obsession, and to see her on her knees like I was her king did amazing things to my ego. It just made my cock thicker.

  I fucked her deep in the throat for a few minutes, preserving the moment to the back of my mind so I could treasure it later. This was something I would beat off to when she wasn’t around. I just hope I didn’t have to use it.

  I pulled my cock out of her warm throat then commanded her to lay on the bed. “On your back. Head on the pillow.” I pumped my dick as I watched her obey me. My cock throbbed in my hand because I was so eager to be inside her.

  She lay on the bed with her head on the pillow. Like a slave, she waited for my next command.

  I crawled on top of her then placed another pillow under her head. Her neck curved and her face was nearly upright. She stared at me with slight confusion but she didn’t ask a single question.

  I groped her tits and lathered the valley of her breasts with wet kisses. My cock hung forward, dangling just an inch over her stomach. Once her chest was lathered with my spit I positioned myself on top of her. “Press your tits together.”

  She did as I asked, making a distinct crack.

  “Open you
r mouth.”

  She did as I commanded.

  My spine shivered at her obedience. Her mouth fell open with a snap of a finger, and her eyes didn’t show her hatred. She was just as aroused as I was, wanting that dick between her tits.

  I pressed my cock between her gorgeous tits and until my head emerged on the other side. It entered her mouth and rested on her tongue. “Button, keep your tits tight together.” I thrust my hips forward and backward, sliding through her wet boobs. She kept them tight like I asked and her tongue kissed my tip every time it reached her. I stared at her the entire time, watching her tits shake over and over. I’d never tit-fucked her before and I immensely enjoyed it.

  She kept her tongue out as a landing strip, prepared for my dick every time I gave it to her. Somehow, she was a better submissive than ever before. There was no fight in her because she wanted me to conquer her.

  The ecstasy began distantly in the bottom of my shaft. I could feel the euphoria creep to the tip, the explosion slowly approaching over the horizon. I wanted to let go and give into the carnal desire to come all over her face but I stopped myself.

  I pulled my cock from between her beautiful tits and grabbed her by the hips. I pulled her underneath me and widened her legs. My cock rested against my stomach, gleaming with a mixture of her saliva and mine. It twitched with anticipation, ready to bury itself deep in this woman who stole my entire focus.

  Her hands gripped my forearms and her long nails dug deep into my skin. She almost drew blood with the steel-like grip. The harder she clung to me, the harder I wanted to fuck her. She kept up an act of indifference when we spoke, but now that we were naked together and ready to fuck, she was anything but indifferent.

  I positioned myself on top of her until my face hovered just inches from hers. Her lips gleamed from the saliva that she stroked onto my long cock, and her small teeth could be seen through the slight parting of her mouth. I’d seen that look a hundred times and knew what it meant.

  She wanted me to kiss her.

  I held my weight on my arms and slowly sunk into her until our mouths touched. Like I’d never kissed her in my life a fiery explosion erupted deep inside my chest. It was a growl that vibrated across my skin and emerged deep in my throat. All the muscles in my body tightened in reaction, and I fisted the sheets underneath me.


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