Anything He Wants: Castaway (#6)

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Anything He Wants: Castaway (#6) Page 5

by Sara Fawkes

  He dragged me out of the bathroom and pushed me back toward the bed. Groggy, struggling to breathe, I fell backward across it and tried to pull myself away from him. He grabbed my legs, holding me to the edge of the mattress, then backhanded me across the face when I tried to sit up. I lay there, pain radiating through my body, as I heard the jingle of a belt being loosened. No, please…

  What happened next was a blur. There was a crash and a bang, then Niall collapsed sideways, squealing like a pig. He crashed to the ground at the end of the bed, and I looked over to see Lucas advancing on him, gun drawn.

  “You shot me!”

  “Yes I did, and now you have three seconds to give me a reason not to do it again.”

  Reeling, I struggled upright to watch the entire scene. Behind Lucas, the Scotsman backed into the room with his hands up. Frank followed, holding the shotgun on the bodyguard. Captain Matthews stood beside them, his eyes focused on Lucas.

  Niall moaned, rocking on the floor. “You son of a bitch!”

  Lucas fired again, and I flinched as the Australian howled. The bed hid the damage from me, but I heard the pain in Niall’s voice.

  “You’re right about my mother,” Lucas said, his voice dangerously light, “but give me something better.”

  “What do you want to hear?” the blond man said through gritted teeth.

  “Why did you sabotage my ship?”

  Niall looked perplexed. “Sabo…why the hell would I do that? No, no,” he hastily added, waving his arms as Lucas stepped closer. “I swear, I didn’t sabotage anything! Why would I jeopardize my own cargo?”

  “Then I’m to believe your visit here was totally by chance?”

  Lucas sounded like he was talking about the weather but, like I’d often seen with his brother, I sensed something dangerous behind the words. Niall on the other hand, didn’t seem quite as tuned in. “I saw a chance, and I took it?”

  The gun rose, this time aiming straight at Niall’s head. Gone was Lucas’ happy-go-lucky persona. The change was like flipping a switch; fury suffused the scarred face. Lucas stepped forward, laying the barrel against Niall’s forehead as the Australian babbled, falling back to the floor and out of my sight completely.

  “Son.” At Matthews’ gruff call, Lucas froze. The grizzled sea captain was watching the younger man closely. “Don’t do it. Not in anger, and not here where the girl can see it.”

  For a handful of seconds it looked as though Lucas wasn’t going to listen. I stared at the scene in shock; Niall had disappeared from view, cowering on the floor at Lucas’ feet and begging for his life. The gun shook for a split instant and I saw the trigger finger compress, then the smiling mask came back over Lucas’ face. “You’re lucky that I’m a nice person,” he said, raising the gun so it pointed at the ceiling. He signaled behind him. “Let his man take him downstairs, then lock them both in the hold with a first aid kit.”

  “You’re going to pay for this,” Niall muttered as the Scotsman helped him to his feet. It looked as though Lucas had only shot him in one leg both times. “I know people on the outside that won’t take kindly when I tell them…”

  Lucas lowered his gun again, casually firing at the good leg, and Niall howled, collapsing into his bodyguard. “Okay, so I’m not that nice.” The scarred man shook his head. “Lord save me from amateurs,” he muttered as a sobbing Niall was led out of the room. Frank followed closely behind, shotgun trained at their backs. Lucas watched them leave, and then finally looked at me. “How did he get in?” When I didn’t answer, he continued in an irritated voice, “I told you to ask whenever someone knocks.”

  “He said your name.” I hunched in, hugging my knees. “I did like you said, asked who was there. I thought he was you, then…”

  There was a clunk as the gun was set down, then arms encircled me. I flinched but they didn’t let go, and as the adrenaline left me a shivering mess I clung to that anchor. “I’m sorry,” he murmured against my hair as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

  Matthews’ voice wafted toward us. “I’ll head down and keep an eye on repairs.” I didn’t bother to look, but Lucas nodded his head. “That boy took off like a bat outta hell when he heard you,” the sea captain continued, obviously for my benefit, before he closed the door with a soft click.

  I clung to Lucas, hiding my face when the sobs hit. Attempts at trying to stop the crying only made it louder, so I gave in to the anger and relief and rage, letting it wash over and through me. Lucas rocked me as I wept, the sobs threatening to tear me apart.

  Eventually the emotions subsided enough that I could get a grip on myself again, but I didn’t release my hold on the other man. When he made to pull away I clung tighter. “Don’t go,” I whispered. “Not yet.”

  He subsided, his hand stroking over my hair. Fingers skimmed down my back and I shivered, but he played the gentleman, keeping his hand from dipping lower. “I shouldn’t have brought you aboard,” he muttered, and I could hear the self-recrimination in his voice. “Hell, I shouldn’t have even brought you into this. There were other arrangements I could have made, ones that would have kept you with…”

  Lucas broke off and I raised my head off his chest to look at him. He was staring off into nothing, mouth pursed in a grim line, but met my gaze after a moment. I saw something spark in his eyes, and felt my own belly clench as I realized how intimately we were touching. My fists curled around the thin material of his shirt, holding him close. “Thank you,” I murmured, pushing into the warmth and safety of his body. His scent and proximity overwhelmed me, but anything was preferable to remembering the day – no, week – I’d dealt with thus far.

  “No problem.” Lucas’ voice was strained. I looked up into his face and instinctively understood the hunger I saw in his eyes. Memories of our kiss in the penthouse apartment intruded: the feel of his lips against mine, the scent that was his alone filling my nostrils.

  “Lucy,” he began, but I never knew what he was going to say because I tilted my head up and laid my lips against his.

  He did nothing for a moment, and desperation took hold of me. Help me forget. Twisting in his arms, I wound my arms around his body, pulling him close…then he took over, his lips parting against my mouth. A sigh escaped me as he bore me back on the bed, pressing me against the mattress. He grabbed my wrists, bringing them above my head, and I moaned. He teased me with his tongue, a smile spreading across his mouth. “You like that, don’t you?”

  Yes. My hands clenched into fists, wanting desperately to touch him but relishing in the possession. Lucas’ knee slid between my legs, pressing against my core, and I jerked, arching into him frantically. For an instant, the face of Niall loomed in my mind and I broke off the kiss with a gasp. Lucas laid his forehead against mine. “We can stop if you…” he started, but I shut him up with my mouth, and he didn’t protest.

  Securing my wrists with one hand, he pushed the other up my shirt, his lips moving to my throat as he thumbed a nipple. I moaned again, craving more, and wrapped my legs around his narrow waist.

  “God you’re hot,” he murmured, shoving my shirt up and over my head. I helped as much as I could, not wanting to break contact, but when I felt his warmth against my bare skin I suddenly needed so much more. I struggled free of his hold and pulled at his shirt, tugging at the pants and belt. His chuckle at my clumsiness annoyed me so I pushed on one shoulder, guiding him onto his back. Within seconds I had his pants free, and somehow wasn’t at all surprised he went commando. I palmed him in my hand, running my thumb over the thick head, and heard him gasp above me. Refusing to think about it, I shimmied down the bed, fingernails leaving tracks down his torso, and took him in my mouth.

  He cursed loudly, hips jackknifing off the bed as I pulled him deep. Fingers tangled in my hair as I kissed and sucked, digging my nails into his hips for purchase. I flicked the bulbous tip several times with my tongue before pulling him deep again, rolling my tongue around the thick shaft.

�� he exclaimed as I ran my nails down his inner thighs, scraping my teeth along the top of his member ever so lightly. The hand in my hair tightened, pulling me away and up. I climbed back over his body, seeking out those lips again. Lucas met me with a renewed vigor, rolling me over backwards on the bed. “My turn,” he murmured into my mouth, fumbling with my pants then shoving them down. I obliged, lifting my hips off the bed as Lucas tore the garments from my ankles, then squeaked as he flipped me over onto my knees. Hands grabbed my bottom and I pressed back, mewling with desire, but I wasn’t prepared when he spread my folds and pressed his face between my legs.

  I cried out, surging forward, but his hands on my hips kept me in place. Burying my face in a nearby pillow, I thrashed atop the bed as he licked and sucked. One hand moved from my hip, then long fingers reached deep into my core. Quaking, my whole body tensed like a coil, I was as much a slave to the sensations as if he had chained me in place. Nothing could take me away from the delicious torture; he played me like a master, and my body sang.

  The crinkle of a condom wrapper was the only signal things were about to change, but I was too far gone to care. When his mouth left me, I groaned, wordlessly begging him for more. The lack of touch was unbearable, but I heard the bed creak as he repositioned himself behind me. Fingernails scraped down my back, his hands shaping my curves, and my grip on the pillow tightened.

  When I felt his blunt tip probe my entrance I gave an excited mewl, and gasped as he entered me with one sure stroke. I was wet and primed, and the sudden stretching brought my orgasm racing to the surface. My cries were coming with each breath now, muffled by the pillow but still audible within the room. Everything inside me tightened, and I knew from the erratic jackhammering behind me that Lucas was close as well.

  Then he shifted positions, the new thrusts touching just the right place inside me, and my orgasm rocketed through me. I gave a small scream into the pillow, waves radiating through me as Lucas continued thrusting inside me. Each stab suffused me in pleasure, adding to the sensual storm that had taken me over. However even he could not last forever, and with a strangled sigh he came, fingers gripping my hips tight. His head rested against the top of my back, panting breaths hot against my skin.

  We lay like that for a moment, struggling to catch our breath. Finally he pulled himself out with a groan, leaving me while he cleaned himself up. I lay panting on the bed, eyes closed, waiting for the aftershocks to cease. After a moment he returned, wrapping his arms around my torso and pulling me sideways onto the bed. There was safety inside his arms, and I snuggled back against his warm body. “It might surprise you to know,” he murmured against my ear, “that I’m a bit of an ass-man. Yours is definitely one of my new favorites.”

  A giggle escaped me at the unexpected compliment, and I burrowed against him, glorying in the way he held me tight against his body. I traced the outline of lean muscles on his torso and watched as they tightened and relaxed with my touch. For that moment at least, I allowed myself the comfort of his presence, the welcome relief of safety. The gun still lay on the small table beside the bed and I stared at it, absently running my finger around one small nipple on his chest.

  We stayed like that for several minutes, the peace a blissful respite. I could have fallen asleep like this, but all too soon for my tastes he pulled away, disentangling his arms from around my body. Bereft of his warmth and suddenly realizing the door to the bedroom probably wasn’t locked, I rolled myself in the comforter and watched Lucas get dressed. Seeing the play of muscles on his lean frame was a treat all its own; there hadn’t been many beautiful men in my life before…


  The name sobered me, ruining some of the enjoyment and afterglow of the moment. I look down at the covers around me, my skin prickling in confusion.

  “I have something for you.”

  I glanced up to see Lucas holding something long and thin out toward me. Taking it gingerly, I turned it over in my hands. The grey metal object was light and cool, and to my surprise was hinged to open up into a knife.

  “It’s a butterfly knife. Easy to open and close once you get the hang of it.” He took it back briefly, and with a couple shakes of the wrist had it swinging around, exposing the sharp edges. A few more flicks and the blade disappeared, and he handed it back to me. “Keep it on you and practice. It may not be useful in a gunfight, but it might give you enough time to escape in hand-to-hand.”

  I swallowed and nodded, my gut churning. Lucas tilted my head up to look at him, concern in his beautiful eyes. “I’ll be back soon,” he promised. “I need to go take care of things, namely getting our ship going again.” He looked reluctant to leave, then leaned down and kissed me again. For that brief moment, my fears and doubts fled, washed away by the desire and security I felt from this man. It ended as soon as he lifted his head, and without another word he turned and left the room.

  Staring at the knife, I leaned back against the pillows and contemplated my life. Three days before, I had told another man that I loved him. I’d never said that to anyone other than family, all of whom were now gone, never believing he would shove the words in my face. Now, I was kidnapped and aboard a smuggler’s ship, stolen away by the brother of the man who spurned me. The brother whose scent was still on my skin.

  You wanted no love, Jeremiah, I thought, turning the knife over in my hands. I gave it a casual flick and was gratified to see it open up for me, the two grips coming together in my palm. The sharp blade reflected the low light from above me, and then with another flick of the wrist it disappeared back between the two pieces of perforated metal.

  I had never fallen in love until I’d met Jeremiah. His seduction overwhelmed me, taking me to places my heart had never been before. Amidst the danger and decadence of my new life, I had fallen for the billionaire, foolishly believing he had similar feelings. When, at a moment of weakness, I’d spoken the words in my heart, he had rejected the whole notion. Now here I was, not even a handful of days later, in another man’s bed.

  If sex for me equated to love, then what exactly had just happened?


  Waiting around had never been my specialty, but it seemed that’s what the Hamilton men expected. That didn’t mean I had to like it.

  I got dressed, played with the knife a bit, browsed books, stared at the ceiling, and twiddled my thumbs. As minutes turned to hours, the rumbling in my belly grew impossible to ignore. I hadn’t eaten all day, and as the time went by I began to wonder if Lucas was going to come back before I starved. Even when the engines far beneath me finally roared to life, nobody arrived at my door.

  Increasingly, it looked like I was on my own.

  I stood at the door, staring at the handle. Everyone who wants to hurt you is locked up. Hopefully. The prospect of danger was becoming less important the hungrier I grew. Finally, when my stomach twisted painfully at an imagined smell, I gained the courage to open the door and poke my head outside.

  A burly man lumbered past the doorway, but I was ignored as he moved quickly up the stairs toward the deck. The lower levels seemed to be bustling with activity, rousing my curiosity, but I figured I would learn about it later after I’d grabbed a bite to eat. Tiptoeing was silly on the exposed metal gangway, but I moved as quickly and surreptitiously as I could, slipping inside the galley two doors down.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was empty, and made a beeline for the big refrigerator. I cringed when I saw what was inside. Raw meat sat open and exposed on plates. Containers with no labels held food I didn’t want to check. Disappointed, I closed the big door and rummaged through the pantry nearby. Everything was in boxes except the sandwich bread, which I pulled out and checked. No mold that I could see marred the white surface, and as hungry as I was that was enough.

  While not the most nutritious meal in the world, I scarfed down three plain slices before I searched around for sandwich material. I quickly ruled out anything in the refrigerator and began scanning sh
elves looking for something to put on a sandwich. I found no peanut butter, which I’d been hoping for, but did find a squeeze tube of something called Marmite. One whiff of the unknown topping had me quickly changing my mind, but as I turned to put it back, I noticed someone across the counter watching me.

  Startled, I gave a little squeak, dropping the plastic container in my hands. “Um, hi,” I said uncertainly, bending quickly to retrieve the weird spread.

  The boy looked nervous to see me, which calmed me down a bit. He was much younger than most of the others I’d seen on the boat, closer to my age, so I attempted a smile. “I was looking for something to eat.” At his blank stare, I realized there was a possibility he couldn’t understand me. “Um…”

  There was an unintelligible shout outside the door to the cafeteria, drawing my attention. The boy’s head snapped around toward the rising voices, then back toward me. I recognized the desperation in his eyes.

  Uh oh.

  I bolted toward the door but wasn’t fast enough. The boy grabbed my arm, spinning me around and sending me hard against a nearby table. People began filing into the room and he hauled me back against him. The glint of something reflective caught my eye, then I froze as a butcher knife was held against my neck.

  Lucas pushed his way to the front, then stopped when he saw me. I glared at him, and the man had the gall to smile. “You must have the worst karma.”

  “I know right?” I answered, exasperated, then the knife was pulled harder into my flesh. Every emotion evaporated except fear; when I swallowed, I felt the knife bit into the tender skin of my throat.

  “Alexei,” Lucas said in a low voice, smile fading quickly, “put the girl down.”

  The boy spat at Lucas, then let go a string of words in a language I didn’t know. From the way he spoke, I knew they were curses, and all directed at Lucas.


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