Rachel Donnelly

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Rachel Donnelly Page 23

by Lady Broke

  Damn! He should have seen the signs. He should have known she was a virgin. But he just hadn’t wanted to believe it. When she hadn’t protested — had eagerly accepted his advances, there was no going back. It was too late for recriminations. The deed was done. If she’d only said stop, when he’d given her the chance.

  He’d hoped to speak to her that night at dinner, but she hadn’t come down. Then Holt had burst through the front door to inform him he’d picked up the Everett’s trail.

  Nat sighed. He should have gone up to speak to her then — before he left, but then he’d remembered the easy way she’d dismissed his regret, how she’d tossed her head and smiled just as bold as you please, as though the loss of her virginity was inevitable. She said she was glad it was him, but he couldn’t help thinking if it hadn’t been, it would have been someone else — Antonio, no doubt. She swore they were just riding companions, but at the fiesta they danced more like lovers.

  He should have felt relief.

  She’d released him of all responsibility by her own words.

  But he didn’t.

  Things just weren’t that goddamned simple.


  “Leigh?” Christie’s chin dropped as she entered the dining room the following morning.

  Leigh glanced up from his empty breakfast plate and broke a lazy smile. “That’s right, darlin’. It’s me. Good old Leigh has come to take you home.” He patted his lips with a white linen napkin and leaned back in his chair. “That was the best meal I ever ate. I tell you I was near starved to death.”

  Christie dragged her jaw slowly back into place. When Inez informed her she had a guest, he was the last person she expected to see. She’d hurried to the dining room, hoping to find Ellie or Roscoe with some news of Nat. But instead, there sat Leigh, looking immaculate in a fawn-colored frock coat and a white, silk button-down vest. “How did you get here?”

  “I took the stage most of the way, then I rented us a buggy. No need to fret. Your papa is footing the bill. Sit down.” He waved from where he sat at the head of the table. “Let me pour you a cup of tea.”

  Christie moved slowly to the table. But instead of sitting down, she stood, regarding him with her hands braced on the back of a chair. Mention of her father lifted the veil of fantasy she’d been hiding under for the past month, exposing her to the consequences of her kidnapping and the reality she must face. “What do you mean, he’s footing the bill?”

  “To get you home, of course. You didn’t really think he’d let you stay here after what’s happened?”

  “Home?” she whispered vaguely. “I can’t go home. Uncle Will still needs me.” Of course he didn’t really need her anymore. The grief of Aunt Cora’s passing was subsiding and the store was running smoothly. But it was the only excuse she could come up with at the moment.

  “We’ve been getting along just fine without you,” Leigh said, pouring her a cup of tea from the silver rimmed pot. “Now that the rough patch is over, I expect we’ll do alright on our own. With any luck, I’ll get in a card game or two in Sacramento while we’re waiting for your train.”

  Christie sank down in the chair. It was all happening so fast — too fast. She didn’t want to leave, not without giving Nat a piece of her mind. If only she hadn’t pleaded illness and come down to dinner that night. Now it was too late. He was gone. She’d never be able to say what she needed to.

  How he had done it — turned her words around to make her feel fast and cheap, as though making love to her had meant nothing at all. Any tenderness she’d felt had turned to contempt. For the past three days, all she’d thought of was setting him back on his heels.

  Now she’d never get the chance.

  But what choice did she have? Her father wished her to come home. He’d finally sent the money to end her exile. Still, it angered her that he issued orders from so far away, expecting her to meekly comply.

  Nothing had changed.

  And now it never would.

  She’d be forever under his thumb.

  Her voice rang hollow in her ears. “I’ll need some time to pack — to say goodbye.”

  “Pack what? I’ve got your trunk in the back of the buggy. Just say your goodbyes and we’ll be on our way.”

  • • •

  Christie swallowed hard in an attempt to maintain her composure. But the further the carriage rolled down the lane, the quicker her eyes filled. To avoid Leigh’s embarrassing questions, she kept her gaze trained on the ranch long after it sank out of sight — long after her heart could bear the sight.

  Saying goodbye had been more difficult than she imagined. She’d miss Inez and Heriberto’s wedding. No more lemons picked fresh from the tree. No more flamenco dancing under the stars.

  No more Nat.

  She’d never see Dos Almas again.

  “You’re going to get a kink in your neck twisted around that way,” Leigh warned. “I hope you’re not going to cry.”

  “Why would I cry?” She blinked as she turned around on the black leather seat. “I’m going home.”

  “I guess you’re missing your little doctor friend. Though if you ask me, you’ve got your eye on the wrong fella.”

  She folded her lace-gloved hands in her lap, keeping her gaze on the landscape beyond. “Yes, I believe you’re right.”

  “I am?” Leigh flashed a look of surprise. “My God! I never thought I’d live to hear you say that. Well, do tell, whatever has changed your mind? Or should I say who?” His voice rose in excitement. “It was Randall, wasn’t it? Being coddled under his roof has brought you to your senses.”

  “Not at all,” she said, briskly. “Money was never an issue. Robby and I no longer suit, that’s all.”

  “Oh, don’t give me that!” Leigh gave a snort. “Money always matters. Even a whore like Flossie knows that.”

  “If you think she’s after your money, why don’t you just tell her the truth — you don’t have any.”

  “I might have, had she not gone and run off.” His shoulders sagged and his voice turned sullen. “She hopped the stage the morning after you went missing. I don’t know what got into her. What could be in that girl’s head? I’m the best thing that ever happened to her.”

  Christie put a comforting hand on Leigh’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Leigh. Truly I am.”

  “I suppose it’s for the best. She was never one for putting down roots. But she’ll be sorry, mark my words. I have a good feeling about this trip. I do believe it’s going to be the answer to all my prayers.”

  Christie wished she could agree, but with Leigh that wasn’t usually the case. Trouble had a way of finding him wherever he went.

  • • •

  The Belle slid through the water like a slow puffing dragon.

  Christie leaned against the rail of the paddle wheeler and gazed up at the clear night sky. The deck of the riverboat seemed peaceful compared to the gaiety below. The lap of water and the musty smell of mud soothed her, bringing her restless spirit back to earth.

  She needed to go home — to put as much distance as she could between her and Nat. She never should have given in to Leigh. She’d only agreed to cruise down the Sacramento River in hopes of boosting his spirits.

  Clearly her sympathies were misplaced. From the moment they boarded the paddle-wheeler two days ago, his lovesick mood took wings and fled. He’d done nothing but gamble and drink since they got here.

  Still, keeping him out of trouble gave her something to do, and an opportunity to see more of the countryside. Her train didn’t leave for another week. Perhaps the journey to San Francisco and back would make the time pass quicker.

  Christie wondered what Ellie was doing right now; probably tucking the children into bed. Dear, sweet Ellie. She missed her already. Hopefully Ellie would receive the letter Christie had posted after visiting the bank to draw out the money her father had sent. Some she gave to Leigh for his traveling expenses. The rest lay hidden in a compartment in the bottom
of her trunk, excepting a few coins in her black velvet handbag and a few more sewn into the thick waistband of her drawers.

  Though the Belle gave the impression of a five-tiered floating palace, with its gleaming wood and polished brass rails, all manner of humanity strolled along its decks. The saloon attracted professional gamblers, and where they went, fast women followed.

  The soft ripple of female laughter drew Christie’s attention to the opposite side of the bow. A young couple stood conversing in hushed whispers. A tall, distinguished gentleman lounged a few feet away against the rail, dressed in a plain brown frock coat.

  She’d spied him earlier in the dining room, when she glanced up from her poached salmon to give Leigh the impression she was listening to his latest scheme to turn the mercantile into a saloon. The man’s eyes were on her now as they were then.

  A feeling of unease settled over her, spreading gooseflesh across her arms. She pushed away from the brass railing and started for the doorway of the companionway.

  But before she could descend the stairs, he was there, tipping the edge of his brown derby hat. “Good evening, Miss Wallace.”

  She stopped, venturing a startled glance. “How do you know my name?”

  “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Conway Burke. I’m with the Pinkerton Agency.”

  Christie’s heart gave a dip.


  What had he gotten into this time? Ignoring the hand Burke offered, she answered smoothly, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Burke. But I’m not from California, so I’m afraid whatever it is you wish to know, I can’t help you.”

  She didn’t give him the chance to answer, but brushed past him down the stairs. Luckily, a large party on their way up prevented him from following.

  Christie hastened down the corridor, fishing into her pocket for the key to her cabin as she went. But just as she pulled it out, it slipped from her shaking fingers. Before she could bend down to retrieve it, it was scooped up right under her nose.

  “If you lose this, I fear I shall have to guard your door myself.”

  “Captain Jackson!” she expelled breathlessly, plucking the key from his hand. “Thank you.” She smiled with relief, allowing a quick glance toward his deep dimples and warm brown eyes. Christopher Jackson had been kindness itself. She didn’t wish to offend him, but at the moment she had no time for pleasantries. She attempted to shove the key in the lock. But it wouldn’t turn.

  “Allow me,” the captain said, stepping forward. “The dampness causes them to stick sometimes.”

  No sooner had he pushed the door opened then she snatched the key from his hand. “I’m very much obliged.”

  He tilted his head and smiled. “Obliged enough to finally accept my invitation to dinner?”

  “Yes, yes, of course,” she hastily conceded, though she’d refused him twice in the last two days. “That would be lovely. Thank you again.” She gave a small wave. “Goodnight.”

  By the time she threw the brass bolt across her cabin door, her breath was coming fast. She leaned against the door and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her gaze fell on the chilled bottle of champagne cradled in the silver server on the table.

  For once she was grateful that the suite Leigh insisted on boasted such amenities — room service, bouquets of fresh flowers in the parlor and on the bedside tables. She glided across the blue and gold carpet to pour herself a glass.

  She had scarcely put the glass to her lips when a loud knock shook the cabin door. Champagne bubbled up her nose, spurting onto the white striped overskirt of her rose silk gown. No sooner had she caught her breath did the knock come again — more insistent this time.

  “Christie, are you in there? Open up!”


  Anger heated her blood, though she did her best to control it as she strode for the door.

  “Why don’t you just use your key?”

  He barged past her into the cabin. “How do you expect the maid to leave those little pastries if you keep bolting the door?”

  Christie rammed the bolt back in place. “Because there’s a Pinkerton Agent out there.” She spun round with her hands on her hips. “What do you have to say about that?”

  Leigh looked baffled. “Well, he’s not after me, if that’s what you think.”

  “Of course, that’s what I think. You salt mines, you sell watered down whiskey to the Indians, and for all I know you cheat at cards. Eventually your crooked dealings are bound to catch up with you. So what is it this time? You might as well tell me. It’ll all come out at the trial.”

  “Trial?” Leigh voice squeaked higher. “What are you talking about? I haven’t done anything. Besides, the men I have dealings with couldn’t afford a Pinkerton man.”

  “Not after you’re done with them, I’m sure. But what’s to say one of your victims didn’t come from a well-placed family — wealthy enough to champion his cause. Exactly how many of those salted mines did you sell?”

  “I don’t know, two, maybe three.”

  Christie shook her head in disgust. “And that is the reason why some people should never reproduce.”

  “You’re jumping to conclusions!” Leigh sauntered to the table to pour a glass of champagne. “How do you know he’s looking for me?”

  “He knew my name.” Christie waited for a reaction, but it was difficult to tell with Leigh’s face buried in his glass. “How would he know that, unless through some connection to you?”

  He scratched the side of his nose, while his gaze shifted around the room. “Well, what did you tell him?”

  “I told him,” she said in dangerously quiet tones, “that I was not from California and therefore could not help him.”

  “Did he ask for me by name?”

  “No, but … ”

  Leigh threw his hands in the air and rolled eyes. “Then what are you getting so worked up for?”

  A knock sounded against the door.

  Leigh bolted like a fox from a henhouse for her bedchamber door. “If anyone asks, I’m not here!”

  “Coward!” she muttered as she turned to answer it. Well, there was no time like the present. She might just as well get this over with. She fixed a serene smile on her face, throwing back the bolt.

  Mr. Burke, the Pinkerton agent, stood in the doorway. “Miss Wallace,” he began cordially. “I realize you are not from these climes, but I believe you know the gentleman I’m looking for.”

  Christie dreaded to ask, but knew there was no longer any sense in resisting. She couldn’t hide in her cabin forever. If he was looking for Leigh perhaps she could steer him in the opposite direction — smuggle Leigh off in a trunk when they reached San Francisco, or better still, send him over the deck of the boat in a trunk and watch him float down river.

  She drew herself up, assuming an air of haughty disinterest. “What is the gentleman’s name?”

  “Nathan Randall.”

  “Nat?” Her mind stumbled, caught completely unaware. “Why are you looking for him?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say — client confidentiality.” He smiled thinly. No humor reached his eyes. “I understand he recently rescued you from a terrible ordeal.”

  She stiffened. Now how on earth would he know that? “Yes, an incident in my life I would prefer to forget. But as I said before, I can’t help you. I haven’t seen Mr. Randall since then.”

  “I understand you were living at his ranch.”

  Anger built in her breast. Burke’s cold questioning was too much. Losing her reputation was one thing, but having a perfect stranger speak of her recent trails in such bland terms — with no regard for her feelings, set her teeth on edge. “If you know so much, why is it that you were able to find me and not him?”

  “An accident, I assure you,” Burke said with stiff reserve. “When I saw your name on the passenger list, I hoped you might be able to shed some light on his whereabouts. I understand Mr. Randall is on his way to San Francisco and since you are trave
ling there as well, I thought perhaps you were meeting him.”

  “Well, you thought wrong.” Her cheeks grew hotter with every word. “Though I’m much obliged to Mr. Randall for saving my life, our relationship doesn’t extend beyond that. Now,” she inclined her head, “if you’ll excuse me, it’s very late. I wish to retire.”

  Christie closed the door with a firm click.

  Her body trembled in anger.

  Odious man!

  How dare he imply she, a respectable young lady, would chase after any man, let alone a ruffian like Nat Randall! The mere thought of it brought to mind memories she’d tried hard to forget. Her reputation had been sullied, but that didn’t make her a floozy.

  Outrage burned in her breast long after Leigh bounced out the door, sporting a smug smile. She emptied her glass of champagne and poured another. She tried to force Nat’s memory away, but it would not leave.

  How could he make love to her and then just disappear, even if she had shrugged it off and released him from all responsibility. He should have protested. He should done more.

  But he hadn’t.

  And for that, she despised him.

  But she despised herself more, for allowing herself to care. She should have known better. She should have never gotten mixed up with a man like him — a brute and a savage.

  Yet she could not give him up to the Pinkerton man; at least, not without first knowing the agent’s intent.

  “That’s the difference between you and I, Nat!” she said aloud, allowing her inner tirade to spill out as she stalked to her bedchamber to prepare for bed. “I protect the people I love.” Though she knew it not to be true. Nat spent most of his time protecting other people.

  If only she’d been able to protect herself from him.

  Had she said love?


  That wasn’t right.

  Love was too strong a word.

  She might be attracted to Nat, but she most certainly did not love him. He was an unhealthy obsession at best — one she hoped to relinquish. In fact, she was well on her way to doing so, until that Pinkerton man showed up. Now the neat little box where she’d placed those memories had burst open. She’d have to begin again.


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