The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune

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The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune Page 26

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  Some persons are said to have premonitions of coming ill, but thiscould not be said in the present instance of Bradley and his youngcompanion. Bradley had the shrewdness to read the real cowardice ofMosely, who was the leader, and did not dream that he would have thecourage to take the horses. But then, he did not know the danger inwhich their two visitors had placed themselves by their recenttheft. Danger will strengthen the courage of the timid, and, in thiscase, it decided Mosely to commit a new theft.

  The robbers were quite five miles away when Ben opened his eyes.

  He looked about him with sleepy eyes, and it was only by an effortthat he remembered the events of the previous evening.

  It was with no misgiving that he looked for the horses. When herealized that they were gone, his heart gave a great bound, and herose on his elbow. Next he looked for Mosely and Hadley, but, ofcourse, in vain.

  "They've stolen the mustangs!" he said to himself, in genuinedismay, and instantly seizing Bradley by the shoulder, shook himenergetically.

  "What's the matter, Ben?" demanded Bradley, in amazement. "Youneedn't be quite so rough."

  "It's time you were awake!" said Ben hurriedly. "Those fellows havestolen our mustangs!"

  "What's that you say?" ejaculated Bradley, now thoroughly awake.

  "The mustangs are gone, and they are gone!" said Ben.

  "When did you find it out?"

  "Only just now. I was sleepy, and overslept myself."

  "Half-past seven o'clock," said Bradley, referring to a cheap silverwatch which he had bought for a trifle from a miner at Murphy's whowas hard up. "I'm afraid they must have been gone some time. It's abad lookout for us, Ben."

  "So it is, Jake. You thought they wouldn't dare to take anything."

  "No more I thought they would. That Bill Mosely bragged so much Ididn't think he had enough pluck."

  "Does it take much pluck to be a thief, Jake?"

  "Well, in Californy it does," answered Bradley. "When a man steals aboss here, he takes his life in his hand, and don't you forget it.If it was only a year in the penitentiary, or something like that,it wouldn't scare 'em so bad. That Mosely's a bad lot, and willlikely die in his boots."

  "What's that?"

  "Be shot standing, or swing from the branch of a tree. I thought I'dsaid enough last night to put him off the notion of playin' us sucha trick."

  "Probably he thought there wouldn't be any chance of our catchinghim when we were reduced to walk."

  "It's likely you're right, Ben, and I ought to have thought of that.I jest wish I could set eyes on the critter at this particularminute. To treat us that way after our kindness, that's what rilesme."

  "What shall we do, Jake?"

  "That's to be considered. Blamed if I know, unless we foot it, andthat will be no joke, over these hills and through these forests."

  "We may come upon their track, and overtake them when they are notexpecting it."

  "I wish we might," said Bradley, the lines about his mouthtightening. "I'd give 'em a lesson."

  "They are two men," said Ben thoughtfully, "and we are only a manand a boy."

  "That is so, Ben; but I'll match you against Hadley. He don't amountto a row of pins; and if I can't tackle Bill Mosely, then I'll nevershow myself in 'Frisco again."

  "I don't mind so much the loss of the mustangs," said Ben, "but I'msorry that we shall be delayed in our search for Richard Dewey."

  "That's bad, too. I expect that nice young lady in 'Frisco isa-waitin' anxiously to hear from him. Plague take that rascalMosely!" he broke out, in fresh exasperation.

  "Well, Jake, suppose we get some breakfast, and then consider whatwe will do."

  "That's a good thought, Ben. We can't do much on an empty stomach,that's a fact."

  For reasons which need not be specified, it was decided that thebreakfast should consist of trout. Despite their loss, both had agood appetite, and when that was satisfied they became more hopeful.


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